What do you guys think of the democratic candidates so far?
Thoughts on the 2020 democratic candidates
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Why'd you post this thread twice? I only care about Bernie and Tulsi. Fuck every other Democrat.
All are the left wing of capital.
Tulsi Gabbard won't fight for socialism and Sanders is a coward who won't fight election fraud. Everyone else is a disgusting piece of shit. Nothing to get excited about, it's time to smash through the two-party system if we're serious at all about electoral politics.
You don't have to be. I can understand feeling like it's better to abstain from electoral politics entirely (armchairs are comfy after all). I'm just saying if you were interested in electoral politics as a strategy, the first order of business is to dismantle Duverger's Law with a voting system that can get third parties elected.
Electoral politics are useful for accelerationism. They can't fix the system, but people have to learn that the hard way. So get the "best" people elected and draw attention to how they fail to fix things.
This worked really well the last 100 years
If we look at countries without a two party system, we see similar results where political power coalesces around groups of "conservative" and "progressive" liberals. This isn't worth fighting for and our efforts would be better spent organizing in our neighborhoods and workplaces than trying to reform the system.
Got any better ideas?
This. The government is designed to serve capital, no matter who seems to run it. Revolution comes one workplace at a time.
Why not both? Why not a political party organized out of workplaces?
'Kamala' is Finnish for 'terrible' or 'horrible' by the way. This is not a joke, it's 100% true.
She's moved to the idpol side and will go full Hillary in 2020. Her platform will be all about women and disagreeing with her will be considered misogyny.
lol who? No name recognition and nothing important on his resume. He won't make it to Iowa.
kek, first time I heard of her was when she was rallying behind Columbia Mattress Girl. She called the guy a "rapist" and thinks he should be expelled even after he was proven innocent. And all she ever does is talk about being a woman and how we need more women in politics. She'll probably win the nomination and get BTFO in the general election because her misandry is popular among the DNC but not the general population.
Gabbard will, however, limit US foreign intervention and decease support for Israel. She is triggering the Zionists and NeoCons so much that even David Duke is supporting her. Out of all of the choices, she would be the best in the White House even if she won't change American domestic politics substantially.
That was tried, we got spineless socdems and the fringe marxist-snowflakist parties like PSL or SEP. The political party as it exists is not a useful tool for the working class, because it moves class struggle from where the working class can exert power (withholding labor or rent) and into an arena where the working class can not exert power to compete with the bourgeoisie. We need to engage in class struggle at the points of class struggle rather than shipping it off to politics where based socdem destroys neoliberal with facts and logic before voting to fund the DHS.
What a coincidence, it also means that in Californian english!
Even if Sanders ran he's like 80.
No sympathy for saber-rattling neo-McCarthyites that have been happy to turn the Doomsday Clock back as near to midnight as it was in the early '50s while they gleefully provide justification for suppression of radical speech. There's about 3 Democrats worth a shit in the entire Congress and none of them are socialists.
Literally anything else.
Being arrested and thrown on the streets certainly is a good alternative for the class conscious prole…
Serious question: Will he try again?
Similar, but hardly identical. You can't tell me with a straight face the MIC imperial center that is burgerstan shifting even the several inchescentimeters to the political, legal, and cultural position those (internationally marginal) countries have attained wouldn't be a substantial victory.
This. There is nothing about voting that magically detracts from other political activities, and reforms won by it have made such activism easier, not harder.
Trump is only 5 years younger
It's called class struggle for a reason fam. A socialist movement that can't strike can't do shit, you've got to be prepared for legal and economic consequences that come with the real movement.
It wouldn't be a substantial victory. If burgerland would adopt a yuropoor multiparty democracy socialists would still be marginalized and under attack from state forces while liberalism remains the ruling order of society, as it is in yuropia.
It doesn't matter what we think.
It matters what the DNC thinks.
So which one is the most Clintonite candidate?
They're probably going to anoint Kamala Harris.
Of course it's gonna be a woman, because current year.
If she's non-white and lesbian that would be a bonus.
I'm still holding out hope that Clinton will actually run again herself. There's no way the Democratic Party will survive it this time.
Is she even healthy enough to campaign anymore? She was falling all over the place last time.
Of course we would be marginalized, but that's better than being completely excluded. Imagine simple little differences being reformed, like military spending going from 3% (really more like 6% including off-DoD) GDP to 1% GDP, or incarceration from 6650‱ to 1000‱ of the population, or healthcare spending from $9K to $4K per capita with superior outcomes, or Gini coefficient from .378 to .250, or labor unionization from 13% to 60%, or mandatory employee representation on corporate boards going from 0% to 33%.
I don't want to sound too whiny, we're not a 3rd-world country or anything, but everyday stuff you take for granted would be tremendous I don't want to sound too whiny, we're not a 3rd-world country or anything, but everyday stuff you take for granted would be tremendous burdens removed from the shoulders of the average burger and further class struggle outside the voting booth if implemented here, and great boons internationally for those subject to the side-effects of our backwardness.
Unless by "we" you're referring to socdems, we will still be completely excluded. What would happen in such a situation is a broad coalition of Lolberts, Nationalist, and Christfag parties replacing the Republican party and a coalition of Cosmopolitan Liberal and Social Democratic parties replacing the Democratic party. The actual governing would remain unchanged, socialists would have to organize outside of or in defiance of existing parties and unions.
All of that implies a social democratic party instituting it, while our current situation shows the socdems enacting austerity measures themselves and the anomaly being Corbyn or Melenchon. And if we were in such a position to reorganize the burger government to such an extreme I don't see why you'd want to copy yuropoor parliaments instead of dissolving the burger government and constructing a federation of communes or a ML state.
All of those are mainstream positions that opinion polls show the majority of burgers for decades already support. Under a PR/RV system parties implementing those policies would emerge and seize power.
I was thinking more of PR systems (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, etc.) rather than FPtP parliamentary elections like the UK or France's mildly improved 2-round presidential election. A strictly proportional system for multi-member bodies, and range voting for single-winner positions, are IMHO realistically attainable, using voter referenda to force it through in most important states/localities. I'll admit the issue is sufficiently arcane that reformers do get suckered in by suboptimal systems, such as Maine's choice of IRV.
Implementing the LibSyn program I actually want, or whatever you might be thinking of, wouldn't just be a sweeping reform, but a set of ideas the average citizen isn't even aware of, let alone already in agreement with.
just a few of the recent tweets from this elections MUH VAGINA candidate. She's even worse than Hillary.
Unironically hoping she wins the nomination. The Dems are not a leftist party and won't become a leftist party until feminists are driven out. Getting BTFO by Trump twice in a row because of feminism will wake the Dems up to this.
RV system? Hoping you're not referring to that shit tier ranked-choice voting system that has maintained a two-party duopoly for decades in Australia, Ireland, and Malta.
It's not just suboptimal, instant runoff voting is tactical enough that it literally cannot propel third parties to political power and overcome Duverger's Law. And in fact it manifests a set of paradoxes like the favorite-betrayal scenario and the stay-home scenario that happen often enough in competitive 3-way elections that it pisses off voters enough to repeal it and return to even worse plurality voting. IRV is basically a big fat Trojan horse for turning people off of voting reform. It's that bad.
Which again requires a socdem party to actually enact the preferences of the population instead of enact liberal economic policy, which isn't supported by present conditions. Furthermore this is the Anarchist criticism of electoral politics, and more broadly hierarchy, so it's very strange someone waving the red and black would be in support of such.
Come on fam, if you're going to fly that flag at least get acquainted with the ideas it represents.
Converting the burger political system to a parliamentary one would require a set of ideas the average citizen isn't aware of and attaining political hegemony to enact such change. Why would we put so much effort into reforming the liberal republic of burgerland into an insignificantly more representative liberal democracy when we could organize to force concessions and hopefully topple capitalism?
>equal pay for equal work
How has this naked lie continued to be utterable in public discourse for so many years now?
No, range voting.
Imposing PR/RV would require only minor adjustment to the electoral process through referenda, creating 3rd parties with powerful nationwide influence that would help break up the 2-party FPtP logjam, implementing policies people are already somewhat knowledgable and supportive of to change the fabric of American society.
Whereas in order to implement syndicalism, for instance, we would already have to have powerful democratic labor unions and coops covering at least a significant minority of the economy, preferably most of it, peopled by disciplined rank-and-file with a strong understanding of class war and socialism. That's plausible in some other countries, but borderline fantastical in the USA right now.
All of the dems are useless, even good ones, do your research, unless you are a commi. I lived under these assholes and believe me you do not want this. Never worked, will never work, no different then nazis, same thing.
They will toture, kill you and enslave you. They will break you. Could write a book about my live with them. You have only one chance and that is not allowing them at all. If you do, too late.
it's only been very recently that people have felt comfortable criticizing the cult of feminism, and even then very few people dare to do so.
FFS, pic-related, Trump said that women should do equal work to get equal pay and Hillary unironically attacked him over it.
Range/Score voting would. Actual proportional representation is a bigger can of worms in the US because of how the constitution describes Congress functioning. It would require an Article V convention of states to draft a new amendment (because Congress won't do it themselves) or possibly even a new constitution entirely.
A common belief, but quite false.
The federal constitution and its amendments don't actually say anything about how federal legislators are selected beyond a vague statement federal house members are to be "chosen […] by the people of the several states" and federal senators (at least since the 1913 passage of Amendment XVII, before which federal senators weren't even elected, but appointed directly by state legislatures!) an equally vague statement that they come from "each State, elected by the people thereof". Likewise, they say nothing about how the federal president is selected beyond a vote of electors, the behavior of whom are entirely left up to the laws of their states, with no mention of any need for popular elections at all.
As for state constitutions, including their participation in federal elections, their commission of state/local elections, and the structure of their own state/federal governments (including whether or not they even have separate senates and assemblies), none of which the federal constitution describes in any detail whatsoever? State constitutions can be completely rewritten in nearly all states by a 2/3rds vote in their legislature(s), or in the many states with a referendum process, by an initiative requiring just a simple 50% majority of voters.
Internal party primaries have zero regulation beyond contract law, as they are strictly private entities, and have no obligation to even hold elections at all.
In short, a strict party-list PR system could be imposed on federal house/senate elections, and RV on the president, as well as the entire structure of state/local government turned into practically anything, one state at a time, without touching the federal constitution. There would certainly be supreme court cases though, I can only imagine.
>and the structure of their own state/federallocal governments
No it won't. They don't have good intentions and bad brains, it's vice versa.
Good brains will recognize that they can't win unless they at least pretend to care about men.
Good brains recognize that Democrats and Republicans are not in any meaningful competition with one another.
There's the problem. This precludes wiping out state-based senatorial districts and converting it to a giant national district for proportional representation.
So who is the "Trump" of the democrats?
Like an absolute SJW shitter who takes idpol seriously with a high chance to split the country even further?
t. not a Russian and Chinese triple agent.
Hillary Clinton
Was Hillary last election, this time it'll be Kamala Harris. Interestingly Trump donated to both of them before he decided to run for office.
Well they're all the in the same club.
Seconding HRC. Same narcissism (just a little more articulate), same tone-deafness, same absolute corruption, same fanatical retarded supporters.
Kamala doesn't have the fans. She's going to get fucking washed because of her awful history as a cop. If Hillary doesn't run I don't think there will be a Trump equivalent.
Which would require getting massive popular support, turning said popular support into political power, and then competing against the entrenched political power of the bourgeoisie in an arena built by them and for them. The organizational effort to have such a chance at a hypothetically slightly more representative liberal democracy in the hopes of passing yuropoor socdem legislation is similar to fighting a revolution only to slap on a coat of red paint while retaining capitalism, in that both require a massive amount of effort for superficial changes. In our present circumstances, which have shown reformism to be ineffective in sustaining itself and socialism incapable of being imposed from a higher body, we should be organizing as working class to win concessions in the short term and in the long term to force a revolution by the workers and for the workers instead of striving for some reforms that still retains capitalism but in a slightly more comfortable form.
Some people still don't seem to realize the role of "left" politicians isn't to stand up to business and the state, it's to stand up to us.
Harris has the same communications director as Hillary, and locked up as many people to boot.
Also the "radical left" politicians are supposed to placate us with bullshit, like AOC's Green New Deal.
COPE. Democrat minorities will vote happily for whoever their masters tell them to vote for - the blackies might shuck and jive for a bit but they'll get in line when Kamala promises the next round of gibs an' mo' money fo' dem programs
You should pay more attention to black circles then, because they're pretty fucking mad at Harris right now.
lmao no, it's going to be SUPERPREDATORS all over again.
Who the fuck else are they going to vote for? Trump?
That's part of it, but I think another aspect of such politicians and policies is to provide a "realistic" alternative to anarchists and communists. Of course such policies never materialize without a radical labor movement, which historically has been anarchist and communist, but socdems and other left politicos ignore this to claim legislation is what really brought reforms as opposed to concessions won by labor. One of many reasons to be opposed to electoralism, but some people will never learn.
This is all true. The only reason I'm not totally opposed to electoralism is because I want to accelerate the process of people learning the hard way.
In 2016 a lot of black people just didn't vote. A significant number did vote for Trump (more than expected at least). Despook yourself of this view of black people that you've bought in whole from the Democrats.
vote gabbard
end ZOG Occupied Government
Except when have Democrats ever cared about social programs?
On the contrary I see the opposite. For instance I hoped that with Trump getting elected a lot of people would realize what a sham the burger political system was, but instead many have doubled down to support the dems because of his shenanigans. I think people learn much better if we were able to offer an immediate alternative, which is why I stan labor movements (not to be confused with unions, because most existing unions are all shit and in opposition to labor), tenants unions, mutual aid projects, and other shit as what we should be doing.
When they're trying to get elected.
Because Hillary was whiter than mayonnaise, and probably gave most of them flashbacks to being nagged by middle-aged schoolmarms in highschool.
You're talking about the political demographic that voted for a wealthy half-African Hawaiian because "he's one of us!"
Tbh if I was an amerikkkan I'd vote Trump just so more amerikkkans die from environmental deregulation, so that more financial collapses occur from financial deregulation, and so that the US empire is weakened further with his autism and totally weird dislike towards major US allies like Canada and South Korea. I understand the appeal of voting Gabbard or Bernie if you're working a shit job and desperately need a social safety net but let's be honest: they're never going to take over the party like Corbyn did with Labour in the UK, so nothing they propose is ever going to come to fruition.
To be fair, a lot of white people voted for Trump for that same reason.
Yes, but they didn't get dozens of sympathetic articles justifying the decision as based purely on ethnic self-interest (the GOOD ethnic self-interest kind that just wants to smooth the jagged edges of systemic racism, not BAD ethnic self-interest like wypeepaw)
A lot of people were fooled by Obama. A lot of people have learned their lesson.
You're right, since the senate was designed as a gerrymandering measure to placate the states. At least the two FPtP seats each could be redone into some sort of RV system.
Haven't all the abusive policing/judicial/incarceration issues once sorta' kinda' championed by BLM/CopWatch/etc. been completely subsumed into 100% IdPol virtue signaling garbage by now?
In 18 states (including the national bellwethers of California and Florida), it would only require getting signatures for a ballot measure and winning 2/3 of the vote on a yes/no question, completely bypassing establishment politics. Moreover, this wouldn't be an explicitly leftist issue, but a trojan horse appealling to every 3rd-party/independent grievance interest (greens, lolberts, christards, etc.).
Part of that must be breaking the ludicrously undemocratic system in the US. Unlike many European countries, where progress toward socialism is impeded primarily by the ignorance and lethargy of their citizens, the US's 2-party FPtP system itself is the primary impediment to the passage of policies most Americans already want, that would make everything we do infinitely easier.
Yeah, it's called r/ChapoTrapHouse
Go anywhere but twitter and you'll see people talking about the concrete problems.
Fixed friend
Hilldawg had the awful history of being Republican and anti-gay.
If they forgave and forgot that, they are going to forgive and forget Kamalalala's
America's political system is busted and rigged. We'd have to literally tear it down and redo it.
Bernie is the best we can get for now but he does not have enough congress people to work with him.
We're better off waiting for a nuke to detonate in DC.
That's fine, the reason congress is still in place is that people aren't angry enough at them. We need a president who will actually say "you know those things you want? it's entirely these motherfuckers fault you can't get them" and hammer the point home every day.
This. Hell, the usual suspects probably have their articles handwaving her "tough on crime" policies written up already.
and Zig Forums still thinks racial nepotism will go away when class is destroyed
Harris = not going to win but will be the winner's VP
Warren = Sanders with a cunt, probably the best pick
Booker = nuclear industry shill, but probably the only candidate capable of getting America off fossil fuels
Clinton = undisputed winner, her presence will singlehandedly destroy any hope Democrats have against Trump
We're getting two terms of Trump and two terms of Pence at the rate things are currently going at. Maybe even two terms of Cruz/Rubio too.
Hillary was a republican in a different fucking century, and few actually care that much about gay rights. Kamala was DA of San Francisco from '04-'11 and AG of California from '11-'17. She was prosecuting parents for truancy like a decade ago. She was separating children from their families, which the democrats are REEEing at Trump for with deportation, except these people were citizens. The apologist bots on twitter don't count. They're the same as the hillary bots. People aren't going to hold their nose and vote for someone like Harris when they can see her acting like a psycho. Hillary only cackled like that when overthrowing a foreign government.
Your conlcusion is right but I think Warren is a psyop to make Sanderistas look like retards. Rising to Trump's DNA challenge is the kind of thing you have to be willfully stupid to do.
They will if she gets the nomination, and considering the recent flood of articles gushing over her I think she's a serious contender.
Because they're REEEing at *Trump* more than the actual policy itself. Same as how the liberals rediscovered the Saudis are bad when they dismembered Kashoggi. From a quick Google search black political sites are already copeposting that she was "boxed-in" by the tough-on-crime era and that, as a half-black prosecutor, she was implicitly more lenient than a white person would've been.
I mean I'm seeing little indication that it won't be a repeat of Hillary's "superpredators" moment. Throw in that she seems to be the most corporate-friendly I can easily see the Democrat center rallying around her as the "reasonable alternative" to Trump.
The press are just as out of touch as the politicians.
It's more like they are working toward the same goal.
It's amazing how short peoples' attention spans are. Even in this thread, several posters described Warren as the duhvirsity token candidate on the best terms with the Sanders camp, regardless of the fact that her refusal to endorse Sanders in the primaries for months, and then when she finally did offer an endorsement giving it to Clinton, was a universally regarded as cowardly and traitorous to her earlier rhetoric.
Reminder Black Agenda Report has been suppressed by Google's search algorithm for over a year and a half now.
As disgusting as that backstab was, it was not even in the same league as Rand Paul's backstab of his own father four years prior.
Also, the one drop of Cherokee blood shit is genuinely racist all wokescolding aside. White people pretending not to be for clout are fucked in the head and have fucked attitudes about race.
I think succdems succ and electoral reformism is fucking useless and retarded. Go fuck yourself.
Jesus Lee Christ, is correct spelling acting too white now?
Also, nice Trump-tier random capitalization of Men.
We're getting astroturfed by Zig Forums to shift the overton window in their favour and set up a weak candidate to face Trump.
Let them waste their time here, no one here on these dead boards are going to fall for their gaslighting.
Trump staying in office is the best outcome. More people lose faith in electoralism, Trump continues being very bad at hiding the evils of capitalism/empire.
Tbh I see a lot of people scared by Trump's blatant porkyness and they'll go back to the ballot. We need to do better at showing electoralism to be a scam and providing alternatives to better present conditions.
It's a shame Sanders has repeatedly turned out to be so gutless. If he ran again, crashing the primaries with zero survivors, I seriously think it would be the final push needed to destroy the Democratic Party.
Sanders isn't spineless, it's that he's not there to stand up the the Dems, he's there to stand up to you.
A Sanders win would have revived the Democratic Party if anything. In a way I'm glad he didn't challenge election fraud.
The bit like 10 seconds later where Neo relents and admits Smith was right and it's inevitable is way more appropriate tbh.
They're all shit controlled by big money, jews or a combination just like trump is. Trumps probably more controlled and just passes over most of his decision making and actual duties to people like kushner. I'm not even going to write a long response or look into it anymore since it's always the case it's too tiresome.
Even if the two party system becomes smashed it doesn't really ensure you have fair elections since the oligarchs from above in a democracy will just subvert every party of note anyway.
If feminists were the only problem it would be a great party. Sadly the international elite, a bunch of saudis, jews and other undesirables from above control that party completely. Also western elites its just a mix of oligarchs. Both parties are like that and your choice does not matter at all, there is no choice in almost every western country their election.
Seems like this Chinese porky is trying to astroturf his way into progressive circles.