Shillary's Trump-Trashing Speaking Tour Kicks Off With A Coughing Fit
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She has to lose a third time before she joins us in Hell.
This woman just doesn't give up, say what you want it's the Aryan blood of never giving up that is strong in this woman.
It ain't the blood. It's all the adrenochrome she has taken.
The way she comes into her fist and touching things is fucking repulsive. Cough into your sleeve at least, you disgusting whore.
Don't know how I did that, but it's funny.
Back in the day we would calculate her weight from the deformation of the couch.
what is within a margin of error, faggot?
Empty seats, tickets unsold for $10-11.
You mean Huma.
Maybe this is why they have a hard time selling tickets in Toronto.
Jewish Canadian Billionaire Couple Honey and Barry Sherman Were Murdered, Report Says
I vaguely remember this, but at 83% vacancy, I'm betting she's more unpopular than Torontonians are politically savvy.
Raw links for anyone with time to follow up.
Apotex monetized stolen technology. It was stolen from TEVA an Israeli run pill pusher cartel.
Jews aren’t supposed to steal from Jews so he was killed. He wasn’t intimidated because he was autism mixed with greedy Jew so they killed him.
They are risking having her speak for a prolonged amount of time in front of an audience/witnesses or only taped and edited.
What is longest she is speaking?
How many people in room?
Surprised one of /ourdudes/ didn't get a 100$ front row seat to fuck with her
Cough cough , hey you want some water hilldawg? Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and such would be funny for the next flop she hosts
Anybody who seriously calls her an Aryan should have to stick his nose into her loaded colostomy bag for an hour.
It's funny to watch this all go down. Here's Hillary, a thrice-failed candidate and one of the worst Secretaries of State we ever ever had, sleazing her way across the nation with her poor husband in tow so she can rail against Drumpf and all of the people who don't hate him.
Bill's clearly not as into it, he'd rather be ogling 56%er ass at a funeral than doing this, but SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO WIN and the billions she took, and still takes with Teneo Global Holdings formerly The Clinton Foundation, will have to be paid back. (((They))) own her and she'll will be doing this until she, or one of her appointed successors, wins the Presidency or pays back all the money with interest.
She's an old lady and in poor health. She should be sitting on a porch somewhere sipping Mint Juleps while Bill chases girls around the shed out back, but she is being made to schlep her diapered ass from sea to shining sea, for what?
She will run again, this is clear to me for two reasons. First, who else do they have with the deep connections across both the left and among globalist stooges? They have nobody, the Clintons are the nexus. Second, if any of you oldfags remember, she did this every time she was preparing to announce a Presidential run. The media would then publish articles, as they have been lately, with such headlines as "Will She run?" and "Hillary thinking about running!"
This is a fucking rerun. I don't think she'll get the nomination but she will seek it. The media's already softening up the public, the stooges are still (somewhat) in place at the key agencies, it's all lined up for her.
Explain Wall Street.
Trump loves Israel which means more
immigrants for the USA,
the USA is going to get Two Lane Black Topped
sooner than later,
twenty dollars to keep a lie,
Something else is going on here. What the hell's with her posture? Has her neck always been that short, or is she having trouble keeping her head up?
Jews CONSTANTLY fuck each other over. Don't get me wrong, no Jew is a good Jew just because they screw over other Jews. ALL Jews get the gas. However, Jews have the same problem in their own circle that any circle will have. They all think there's people who don't belong. Sort of a "no true Scotsman" sort of thing. Some Jews hate the non-practicing Jews, other Jews hate those who practice whatever Jew tradition out in the open. Some Jews hate Jews who change their names or faces to look less Jewy. Jews outside of Isreal hate Jews who "cower" or "hide" inside of Isreal, while Jews inside of Isreal hate Jews who won't join and fight for Isreal.
They're all completely against us. Some for Greater Isreal, some for the New World Order, others for Communism, every one of them for White Genocide.
But that doesn't mean they don't have rifts between them.
This 100%. It's why focusing on jews as though they're some omnipotent super-cabal only feeds their retarded victim complex and/or egos. The obsession with jews in any respect is fucking retarded. Call them out for being tribalistic cunts, and move on while strengthening yourself.
I hope she runs. Maybe she'll die on stage this time around.
Kill yourself.
Reminder the yids are kikebush play both sides.
It's a good indiction people need a break when no one is willing to have a good giggle when a scheme falls to tatters; especially when global speculators expected this molded old hag to win.
She has some sort of back brace or something holding her up. Looks like they've either found a better set of clothes to hide it, or they acquired a more inconspicuous looking model.
She may want to run again because delusions but why would they (whoever) run her again? She has no chance of winning. She's probably there to keep up the rhetoric against Trump until their candidate is ready and emerges untainted with this stuff at the last minute before campaigns start.
Coughing fit, falling over, held up by a brace Hillary will not be running in the next election. Forget it.
Let's figure out who they might run and dig into their background.
The extent of the IV's and piss bags and other MASH unit stuff she keeps under those pant suit is truly staggering.
Don't forget her black doctor with her Epi Pen device.
Because "whoever" is Hillary and she wants to run again.
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There's literally 0 reasons to give half a fuck.
It wouldn't even matter if she were in office. Repubs and dems don't have to stick to their beliefs after the election. The POTUS does not even have that much power. And at this point, with so much lobbying and corruption, America is practically a (budding) corporatocracy. The president doesn't represent the people and congress doesn't represent the people.
Not relevant to the thread but Ok
Slowly realizing you’re being swindled by huge sleaze bags honey? Hmm perhaps you shouldn’t be voting.
who cares? fuck this r/the_Donald-tier thread anyways
If you're voting then you're getting swindled anyways.
I reckon most of the extreme tier autists have moved to other imageboards because of imkikey.
lol lighten the fuck up you miserable kike
Maybe one did. Maybe 10 minutes in he went into the bathroom and committed suicide with a brick to the back of the head.