
A short documentry on why Western Europeans developed the way they did, from 10,000BC when it was covered in ice, to the viking age. It dispells a lot of the mudhuts bullshit (you can't live in mudhuts in a whet climate, shills).

Skip to 12:25

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I wish more people cited their sources in the description.

Yeah, it's sad young Millenials have been trained like monkeys in school to say that exact phrase. It's the fallacy of authority. There are no sources that are authoritive anymore because of world zionism taking control. But a few ancient authors are cited in the video, as well as artifact locations.

You're essentially looking for daddy to lead you by the hand but all of this stuff is general knowledge once you get passed the cult of EL ('Abrahamic' religions/Communism) controlling history in college or on 4chan.

no such time. Earth not that old.

Propose here into your mind that Vikings are a myth. They did not exist. Vikings are a myth for the scandinavian states to act as invented history to tell their scandinavians that they had worth, at least in the past.

scandinavians no longer care about vikings because they all want to become afghanistan.

So, these viking gypsies what exactly did they acomplish? Danes? Fucking Vikings? Why is it that there is not one Viking language? Why is that people do not speak Norman in england? For example, the english colonized america, and now the americans speak english. If the vikings colonized all these supposed places, like england, and germany and france and kiev ukraine and russia, why is that none of these places speak these viking languages?

So vikings had runes, but did they even write anything down? Because apparently they did not leave any writings around about themselves beacuse its all fucking made up.
Dont waste your times with this vikings shit.

There's no need for this type of aggression here, especially since I haven't even watched or listened to the video.
Look, I only asked for a few sources so I could read through them myself, silly me for expecting that, right? I mean the least he could do is add a bunch of sources underneath the images as captions. Pff. Whatevs.

Another interesting fact was the Althing. A senate of viking Godi (Druid like leaders who worshiped Odin/God/Godin/Godan), also known as the Gothi. Like Druids, the ruled over a merchant brand which farmers/craftsman could join. If they didn't like the particular brand they could join a different one. This was an early form of guilds and commercialism.

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filtered for Middle Eastern demonic book worship.

I'm teaching you not to be an NPC, kid.
I just watched the video. There was like 7 fucking books in it you lazy modern college brat.

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Ye, let us bow down to mr. science fag, as he postulates imaginary time frames.
Though he may not shew us how he tabulated the years, and that there is not scientific experiment to display the manner in which he reckoned 10,000 years, let us bow our heads in reverence to Mr. Science fag.
We all are in agreement with his arbitrary year allotment beceause we believe.

It is through faith that we believe 10,000 years ago.

It is only through faith and belief that 10,000 years ago existed. Just because you believe 10k years ago happened doesnt mean it's real.

it is real in your mind.

Their concept of colonization is to drop a mercenary gang somewhere and become a ruling class. they don't disperse any culture. They absorbed it from Celts and Germans.

How can I be lazy when I'm doing all my college work including after-studies? Which includes all but not least, all the books I'm supposed to read and resume, look, it's all standard stuff and that's the point of college, grandpa. Things might've changed since your times.

I'm already being taught how to think by actually paid professionals so I'd take their word over yours. ( With you being an anonymous person on an image board, no offence.)
Plus, you don't even know me, and I think you're just overreacting and misinterpreting this entire thing.

Side note.
Studies show that you are more likely to remember stuff by reading them out loud than listening to them.
If you want to be helpful though, you can always give me the time-stamps of those seven "sources". I'd be more than grateful for that.

okay. The english genocided all their neighbors. The english destroyed scotland ireland and wales. What is the evidence? They do not speak their own languages. The Irish cant even speak their own language. The english went their as a ruling class elite. No one is going to deny that the English had their own ruling class in Ireland. See Old English in Irish History.

So you just say that The Vikings, just didnt accomplish shit, which is on of my points. If they left no legacy in all the places they were supposed to be colonizing, then why is anyone supposed to believe that vikings even existed?

So you say vikings went to rule over people but but they had no culture of their own, so they just adopted the cultures of places they colonized?

plus, can we get a reference historical document written up by the Vikings about their strategem for colonized/conquered territory, OH WAIT, NEVERMIND,


>I'm in (((college)))!
Is it suprising to anyone that I guessed this?
I'm beating your little polite youngfag ass up in my mind right now. This is Zig Forums. We don't have time for your innocence. This is gladiator school.

Also stop posting to the (((Christian))).
ID 5761dc

He's going to attempt to destroy the thread.

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Saged and reported for pedophilia

Here to talk about Vikings.

propose Vikings did not exist.

If the concept of Vikings DID exist, then Vikings were a bunch of roving pirate bands, which did not accomplish anything, had not legacy, did not have a language apparently, did not have a written language, and did not record any records about themselves.

So anyone wanna talk about whats going on here with these alledged vikings?


I think the mythos of vikings is a psyop to vilify Europeans as 'warlike' when that is the exact opposite of who they are as people. Europeans are cooperative, peaceful, inventive and artistic. This idea that your DNA was altered rapidly from some 'warlike' genetic stock is as stupid (perhaps more) that claiming that niggers are going to 'turn into Europeans' overnight as well. 10,000 years of evidence on niggers says the only genetic future for them is mud huts, violence, rape etc. They aren't 'going to turn into something different' and NEITHER DID YOU. It is time for Europeans to accept that they are not 'warlords' in the slightest and PLAN FOR THEIR FUTURE if they intend on surviving what is coming upon them.

Merkel, is that you?

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What the fuck are you talking about?

war in modern world is bad
modern world itself is bad
war in ancient world was not so bad thing
State law + Christianity + farming in northern climate was what pacified Europeans

man can be domesticated no differently from any other animal, with the difference being that it is the only animal that actively domesticates itself
niggers, not unlike australian aboriginals or most native americans, have essentially been exposed to a ""civilized"" way of living for a ridiculously short amount of time compared to Eurasians, the mistake was made by "enlightened" Europeans who thought they could just give them a few material tools and pretend the savage would turn civilized in a heartbeat

ancient Europeans were extremely violent all around, from Finland to southern Portugal, it took thousands of years of time and effort to turn an iron age Germanic, with their furor teutonicus, into the modern German male

No Merkel would never tell you the truth.
The reason I mention this is because you are going to lose if you don't come to a REAL understanding of who you are…
Do you guys have any idea how long I have been trying to get you guys to fight back? All the time I have been making an effort the globalists keep tightening your bonds. None of you do anything and the time is coming while you are all fat and cozy in your warm houses that you will not be able to fight back because tech will outstrip your ability to master your enemies. When I started to try and wake you up there was still a possibility that you could have won. Far from having this 'warlike' response you all delusionally think you have according to 'legend' and 'history' you continued playing video games and doing your day jobs.
You need to KNOW YOURSELF before you can address what has to be done to counter and enemy
Honestly, none of you have anything but feel good fairy tales that are not truthful about 'we wuz vikangz and sheit'.

That is not the history I am viewing. What I am seeing is that you are PREY to everyone who desires it and always have been. 1,400 years of Islam buggering your sons, raping and pillaging your nation and destroying you. Never once did you become and united whole march down there and FUCKING EXTERMINATE THOSE FUCKS…FOREVER for their harassment and crimes against you and your people.
I call for ETHNO-GLOBE and your balls start shrinking at the idea of not being bothered and harrased and preyed upon by every other fucking race on the planet.
All I want now is an ACCURATE self assessment of who you are so that you will know your strengths and weaknesses…but none of you are going to even grant me that…you are going to hide in 'kike fairy tales' that tell you that you wuz kangz rather than give me an accurate (and therefore winning assessment of your capability).

history doesn't begin with the birth of mohammad, and mohammadians certainly didn't bother all of Europeans, you simply have to look at ancient Europe, i.e Romans and Greeks and the rest, who almost lived to fight and worshipped gods of war and violence
Macedonians first and then Romans pretty much did in fact rape anyone to the south and east of them into submission from NW Africa to India
war and struggle was certainly not seen in such a bad light anyway

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Ok, so let's go with the theory that you have been dysgenically destroyed from your natural proclivity by kikes…you clinging to the idea that you are warlike is inane. You are a destroyed people whose brightest, bravest and best have been slaughtered over and over again by kikes in kike wars until you are little more than slaves (since they weeded out all the genetic material that would have helped you fight them off).

Posting online doesn't 'transform' you into a warrior.

Really? I had no idea!

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Are you just going to distract from the dialog because you have absolutely nothing to say or are you going to actually get to a point at some time in the undisclosed future?

The fight must go on until all strength is exerted and we fall in the bloodbath and carnage around the corpse circle of our last engagement.

Cowardice has Consequences.

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not by kikes, not alone certainly, simply by long exposure to a sedentary and civilized lifestyle that slowly turned us from wolves into labradors(or pugs in the worst cases)
this pretty much happened to any people long exposed to civilization, with Germanics/Nordics being some of the last to go through this process with the exception that the industrial revolution accelerated this process to such a degree that I think Europeans became the most degenerated version of themselves among all of the various civilized folks in Eurasia, almost completely losing the character that distinguished our ancestors

I don't think this process is irreversible, it's not something some good eugenics wouldn't fix, but it's an uphill battle against entropy.

Your apparent adversion to the idea of struggle and war in fact only confirms this to a degree, our ancestors thought for a fact that dying in battle was glorious and that killing as many as possible was a great offering to the gods, at least before they eventually gave up to an anti heroic kike religion.

earth yes so old. big earth big rock in space. many many long time pass since earth was born.

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I have no aversion to killing our enemies, of the two of us I am not part of the martyr cult (be careful for these two ideology have twined in your mind and you think that losing is winning (a extremely kike influence thought; so if your enemies kill you and your kin, you have won)…I am realistic about what I have to work with though and if you were wise you would want to realistically assess your militia as well.

What do I have to work with? People with intellect who could win a technology, chemical and biological war IF THEY COULD BE CONVINCED TO FIGHT ONE…but realistically, they could not win a physical war at this point. Most corporations have standing mercenary armies that are larger than most national armies on this planet. National armies are close to irrelevant. What matters is who controls the means of production (that was taken over long ago by corporations, rather than nations). Part of the current European inability to assess themselves is also their inability to assess who they would potentially be fighting.

So, what I am hearing in this thread is that 'noble suicide' and the death of your kin is your primary goal, rather than fighting a winning war, you prefer poetry and slaughter?

It happens often. The Mongols, goths etc A tribe built only for war only can take ownership pretty easily but culture and civilization are superior ideas that reconquer barbarians. They did for sure exist, but the catholic/ortho churches converted them so they dissolved back into Europe.

This is some really weird derailing.

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Since you have nothing of substance to impart you are filtered.

I didn't mention any martyr cult, in fact, I myself think it is a perversion of the concept of heroism our ancestors held to, an active heroism as opposed to the passive """heroism""" of weak men praising their death by the sword or cross of their enemies.

I have no idea how you came to this ridiculous interpretation of my posts. I was simply stating what I think is the state of things regarding the transformation of ancient Europeans into modern Europeans, as a whole of course, transformation that affected largely our character and transformed us from proud, fierce warlike peoples to be feared by all into pacified excuses for men, a merchant-slave people, with the two world wars of the previous century being the last echoes of this character, which not surprisingly have been internal wars in large between those already far gone and turned merchants and those who still had some warrior character left.

It's not a downvote, I don't care if you filter me or not.

War without accurate evaluation of your own people and without accurate assessment of the enemy leads to slaughters, not 'glorious battles'…it is my thinking that any action in battle should facilitate not DEATH but the LIFE of our kin. I am wholly focused on keeping them living, breathing and conquered in this war, not dead.

It is a subtext in your reasoning. Covertly spoken rather than overtly. I only mentioned it so that you are cogent of it as a subtext, not that your desires are faulty but this creeping idea of martyrdom is something that has to be carefully evaluated. The kikes would have had their hands in 'European myths' as well…this is a war of survival and BLOODLINES rather than a war of mythos.
I care very little for 'justification' and 'reasoning'…I care about the product at the end of the day. I am pragmatic. How have you 'served the gods' if you children and wives are slaughtered in the wake of your 'glorious death'?

I think you have the right idea, but sloppy execution will lead you to a slaughter that will shame you before your ancestors rather than exalt you.

and conquering

Reported for leftard-made strawman.

This generational D&C is to tiresome.
There are shitty and redeemable people and everything in between in every "generation," and "generations" aren't even really a thing. It's not like there are waves of officially sanctioned birth spurts when people are only allowed to have kids. What do people ten years senior/junior have in common?
t. not even a millenial

Check out Milton's History of Britain. He cites several instances of Danes invading Briton, at times holding territory, and eventually being repelled (although there must have been some integration).

I'd love to learn more if you have some books I can read.

You're conflating a few things here with "english" [sic].
The Romans probably killed some Celts, and the Angles warred with neighboring peoples, but were either of them "English"? The Picts, Orkeners, Cumbrians, Scots, Mercians, et al were conquering and pillaging long before even the Romans arrived. Who among them are "English"?
It seems you're overlooking everything before 1099 and calling everyone you dislike "English". As I mentioned above, Milton is a great resource on early Britain.

Filtered as soon I saw "Merkel" of all things.

While not confined to PIEs, Uncle Ted's "The Truth About Primitive Life: A Critique of Anarch-Primitivism" at least has well-sourced information on the lives of primitive peoples.

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Confirmed for never having seen real combat.

It's almost like you want to downvote me or something.

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The fuck are you crying about? Old men are suppose to yell at young men for being pussies. And we're all suppose to yell at boomers for being eternally spoiled rotten babies.

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Against (((their))) wishes, we actually have some authentic histories from the earliest days in Europe, The Oera Linda Book, and The Chronicles Of Eri. Both are worth reading, and both have been vindicated since their publications with archeology. Oera Linda talked about the sinking of Doggerland long before it was thought to exist.

Another redpill I've swallowed is that the Indo-Europeans came from far NW Europe and settled in waves even to Iran and China, not the other way around, and they spoke a proto-proto-Germanic language.

Christians demand that we prove to them that the earth is older than 6000 years and when we do, they just say "THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!"
Then they turn around and preach their jewish cult and when we demand proof, they scream "YOU JUST NEED TO BELIEVE!"

They're mental basket cases.

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Remember to filter shills.

This is why we need a solution to the Abrahamic question

The big wig in the background is freaking me out.

It does annoy me, especially with lefties, considering they're so prone to group-think and lack of independent thought (which is why they're leftists to begin with). You can't even have a discussion/argument with these kinds of people because everything you say needs to be proved with sources. Learned knowledge is worthless to these people. An authority (and "authority" is subjective, so not everyone even accepts the same people as a fucking authority) must confirm your learned knowledge. They know so god damn little about anything these days that they you can't even spout fundamental, basic truths without needing a god damn list of citations. I don't save sources for everything I've learned in my entire fucking life. It's the most annoying god damn thing. I'm so sick of living on a planet with such stupid fucking monkeys. 90% of white people need to go, and 100% of everyone else needs to. Their genes don't deserve to exist anymore.

Vikings is a jewish thing. It is basically promoted to erase European history by Jews. It's probably one of the deepest "tricks" the jews have accomplished. The effect of which has lasting geopolitical benefits for jews to this day. The Vikings were mercenaries. We have the records from jewish merchants employing these Viking mercenaries for various attacks all across Europe.

The problem is so many people have been brainwashed into believing a 'Viking' is the source of their own personal identity. It becomes a cult like mentality virtually impenetrable to real history.

Attached: Dannish Swedish Snow Jews - Shekel Vikings.gif (880x586 137.06 KB, 214.28K)

Scandinavians are an offshoot of Celtic Peoples. They were an outcast cult that split away and lived like hermits way up north. The nation of Germany is a Celtic nation. All of Central Europe is Celtic. The Vikings were Jewish paid mercenaries that went around raiding Europe. Hence the name Raider (Viking). The Norman Invasion wasn't an invasion it was a raid orchestrated by Jewish merchants. To this very day, the descendants of "Vikings" are still employed by Jewish merchants to protect & defend Jewish power brokers across the world.

Sweden, Denmark, England = Jewish Vikings

Nordics are greatly misinterpreted. A great deal of the accomplishments that are mistakenly labeled as Germanic/Nordic are really Keltic in origin. If you believe the Germanic/Nordics get a bad rap inside a Jewish culture, take a look at how anything Kelt related is immediately attacked. The Normans were mercenaries hired by the Jews to go robbing and stealing across Europe. Particularly against the Kelts.

Norman Invasion into Britain - Funded by the Jewish merchant Josce of Gloucester: "Josce, Jew of Gloucester"
Norman Invasion into Ireland - Funded by the Jewish merchant Josce of Gloucester: "Josce, Jew of Gloucester"

Sweden and England still have these old ties with Jewish merchants. The target is always Europe, because this is what the Jews are paying for. Sweden and England are glorified mercenary states.

The truth is Keltic European civilization had a far more impact. A lot of people who think they're Nords are actually Kelt. When was the last time you ever watched a blockbuster entertainment flick about the Kelts of Europe? Never… Jewish Viking Mercenaries are acceptable though, even after WW2 sentiments. The Jews know the Vikings are /theirguys/ going back a long ways.

Did you know Adolf Hitler was a Keltic man from Austria? Try running your own social experiments between Jews and Kelts. Quickly learn how the Jews hate Kelts more than any other people.

Google: "Jewish Vikings" for a ton of weird jewish blogs speaking of their love for vikings.

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>Norse-Gaelic Army VS (((Anglo-Norman)))
Ok, now this is based

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Vikings were basically the Blackwater contractor group of their time. Fighting for Israel because the pay is good.

This can be applied to many 'mercenary groups' that they jews hired. They used gold to destroy Sparta as well. Vertigo Politix has a great video on Sparta and their desire to use hardened iron as currency rather than jewish gold. This was why they were destroyed…I am sure it is the same for many others. The records probably won't show us who 'didn't follow' jewish law and was punished with invasion/death for it…meh but look at America, we have done everything, been sucked dry by the FED for over 100 years and they are still hiring mercenary invaders to destroy us.

It's a European thing you fucking mongoloid.
Only if you're of Northern European descent. What are you, a Mediterranean?

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I'll check that video out tonight.

Ever notice it's always these retards? Some spergy 'emo with his HBO sitcom identity going berserk. They call it sperg, now. Look fool… mercenaries from 900 years ago isn't a real identity.

The Norse-Gaelic Army kill your jewish mercenaries many times. Do you even know what a Norseman is?

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I haven't seen a thread this full of shills and disinfo in a long time. Something must be going on.

Are you some angry welsh or irish cunt pissed that your ancestors got conquered by vikings? You're pathetic attempt at diminishing the greatness of my ancestors is laughable and extremely jewish. I get it though, nothing scares the jew more than the most warlike of all whites the world has ever seen. I'd feel intimidated too, I guess.

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What do you mean? it is entirely predictable. Basically the jews are trying to stop the Celts from rising up across Europe. They're using the old "Anglo-Saxon" meme again. Can't say I blame them, it worked in WW1 and WW2. This time around Europe has caught on to the scam.

Yeah, jew shills are all over the chans screaming about "muh anglo-saxon". It's telling to watch the hysteria go down.

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Oh look the anti-English poster spamming the same images and text over and over.

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Yeah, you're the typical jew found in these type of threads spreading disinformation. It always boils down to England with you jews. I can't blame you… I mean you had your guy Benjamin Disraeli running the place as prime minister. If I were jewish, I'd be very defensive of Cromwellian England. A jew defending his 18th century jewish queen and 18th century jewish pm.

This is Zig Forums, not the infowars comment section.

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Anglo's do not exist. They are a made up people by jews. Similar to the fake Latino people. Used as a proxy political weapon.

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This has always amazed me. It is relatively common knowledge that a 'viking' is in fact a practitioner of a vocation that revolved around travel, trade, piracy, small-scale raids and looting in the aftermath. The large scale invasion forces of the Scandinavians, understood by the English to have been 'Vikings' from where their history has become mythologised; and was in reality no more successful than any other European power at the time, and suffered great defeats at the hands of the English, Irish, Picts, French and more. Real Vikings, as in those who went on voyages for the purposes of trade and pillaging; were often very incompetent militarily (as should be expected considering they were not necessarily soldiers) and would frequently lose should battle actually be fought; however that often did not happen as they were raiders who primarily attacked isolated coastal villages, or else sacked churches and monasteries and would have long since disappeared before any actual fighting force could arrive to intercept them. If we are speaking generally about the 'viking era' as it has come to be known, then it can be noted that Cnut the Great was a very successful leader of a Danish (or 'Viking' if we're being crude) military that conquered England and Norway; but equally famous victories were won by others against the so-called 'Viking armies'; notably the English defeating the Great Heathen army, as well as the English defeating Harald Hardrada (who is considered the 'last viking king') at Stamford Bridge.

I mention the English so much because our modern perception of the Vikings pretty much comes from their historical yet erroneous association of all things Scandinavian as Viking. And so back to my original point; I am ever amazed at the fact that so many consider themselves to be 'Vikings' when so few are even Scandinavian by lineage, and even among them relatively few ever went viking. It would make for more sense to imagine one's ancestors as the Varangian guard, considering that was a vocation taken up not only by Scandinavians, but also Germanics and Slavs. They were also a few more effective and in my view interesting military order than the 'vikings' ever were.

Listen lad. Whether you choose to spoon feed simpletons or not is your choice, but the European people are at the 11th hour. Seconds from midnight really.
Instead of being condescending to others; perhaps you should actually share the pdf or something of these 7 books.

Part of the reason I stay on this site is to learn something new, but this idea of "I refuse to spoon feed newfags because they can do the research themselves" is a bit counter productive in the grand scheme of things. Especially since so many are enamored by bread and circus i.e. social media.

tl;dr Put up or shut up, and curb your enthusiasm of being a vapid cunt

All these assmad anti-white posts are hilarious.

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How was my post anti-white you illiterate pleb?

It must annoy you to chafe with the history of better men than yourself.

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It's not, he's just the typical half-heeb larper getting exposed. They're going insane because the truth is coming out. Notice his focus on 'Rome' instead of the Jews in 2018. Classic cognitive jewry at work. When Rome fell, the Austrians / Germans actually saved it's tradition. Only jews are obsessed with Rome in 2018 as the enemy.

What the fuck are you talking about Patrick?

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Notice they always talk like this. Like niggers.

Yeah… they're always the dumbest members inside our circle. Like I said… Hollywood entertainment identities. It's pure cringe….

I am aware of the sacking of Paris and of the Kievan Rus, but my post actually highlighted the fact that neither of them were perpetrated by 'vikings'; but rather by Scandinavians. A viking is a voyager, a pirate, a trader, a bandit. Various Scandinavian military forces have erroneously been labelled as 'Vikings' because of the English associating the raiders with Scandinavians in general.

Regarding the Scandinavian efforts of the time; sure, they were pretty effective. Yet so were many other European powers of the time. A more effective military force, the Varangian guard, welcomed Germanics and Slavs as well as Scandinavians; thus surely it would make more sense to see them as a more 'universal' template of white history of that era as opposed to the vikings who were only a relatively small segment of Scandinavians? Their longships were incredible; but at the same time the Varangian guard had their greek-fire flamethrower ships.

I have nothing particularly against the vikings, and certainly nothing against Scandinavians in general; I am just a bit surprised at why they are so popular and why so many people like to think they were their ancestors.


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I'm sure it's pure coincidence.

Why do you mutts cry so hard about D&C? Is it because you are raceless? "White" isn't a race I will remind you.

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Yes, I agree with that.

The whole viking larp found in the united states and uk is completely jewish, for jewish ends. The reason jews play up the viking narrative is to build up their jewish proxy nations Sweden, Denmark and the City of London. Jews build up their aristocracy in these places to us a proxy outpost against continental Europe at large. This viking larp takes form in many ways throughout jewish controlled media & entertainment networks.

All anyone needs to do is critically challenge some of these viking narratives and the clowns who distribute them is begin seeing the jewish political game at play. Jews are larping as vikings. We see this going back in time a ways. Notably by jewish propagandist author H.P. Lovecraft who was notorious for role-playing as a viking in his early-1900 writings. Predictably this jewish-viking larper (H.P. Lovecraft) openly hated Germans and Celts. Another example of the way jewish minds operate.

The other level of it comes from kids caught up with the entertainment aspects of vikings. Decades of football games, video games, movies…. a kid is going to associate his identity with what is portrayed as strong and tough. Some of that is in this thread and expected. When an identity is challenged, the natural response is to rage. Yes, very true about England being heavily propaganda with this viking narrative larping non-sense. The jews learned how to twist history into glorify a misfit band of punks.

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You have no clue what you're talking about or you do and are purposefully being stupid.

All of these anti-white revisionist history posts.

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Other than Bede, there is basically no history at all of the supposed viking raid era in Britain. Bede himself doesn't name the perps either. It's clear that the Scots and Irish shared a history, but we know very little about the Picts and the other people who inhabited the area around the time of Roman conquest, where the actual recorded history of Britain commences.

It should be clear to any onlooker that the Vikings evolved into the Hanseatic League over a long period, and that their progress in any area evolved from coastal raids and recon gathering, to establishing trade and eventually fortresses in areas under their sway. This is what happened in Britain and Scotland.

Read The Oera Linda Book and The Chronicles of Eri.

What is: 'Lies jews Tell'.

The "Viking" was a specific name for a confedertion of Nordic (Northern Germanic-speaking) tribes, much like the name "Frank" (which means "free") described a confederation of Germanic-speaking tribes that lived north of the Rhine. Other groups were Vandals, Goths, and so on.

You poor thing you.

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Yes, I agree with that.

The whole viking larp found in the united states and uk is completely jewish, for jewish ends. The reason jews play up the viking narrative is to build up their jewish proxy nations Sweden, Denmark and the City of London. Jews build up the jewish aristocracy inside these locations as proxy outpost against continental Europe at large. This viking larp takes its form in many ways throughout jewish controlled media & entertainment networks. Like a 900-year-old controlled opposition.

Replace Norse w/ (((Viking))) is the method.

All anyone need to do is critically challenge some of these viking narratives and the clowns who distribute them to begin seeing the jewish political game at play. Jews are larping as vikings. We see this going back in time a ways. Notably by jewish propagandist author H.P. Lovecraft who was notorious for role-playing as a viking in his early-1900 writings. Predictably this jewish-viking larper (H.P. Lovecraft) openly hated Germans and Celts. Another example of the way the jewish mind operates. They will shape-shift into the form of other entities in order to kill their opponent.

The other level of it comes from kids caught up with the entertainment aspects of vikings. Decades of football games, video games, movies… a kid is going to associate his identity with what is portrayed as strong and tough. Some of that is in this thread and expected. When an identity is challenged, the natural response is to rage. Yes, very true about England being heavily propagandized with this viking narrative larping non-sense. The jews learned how to twist history into glorify a misfit band of punks on their jewish payroll.

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Well, you are just an emotional dumbass who can't follow along. Even your attempts at trolling were basically smashed immediately without a second glance. You're dealing with the heavy hitters against jewry right now, you dumb fag. You'll have to train at least 10 more years before you take us on, idiot.

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The jew fears the Viking. I wonder if you even bothered to watch OP's video.

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Did you watch OP's video?

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Look… please continue. All that you accomplish here to those lurking is the contrast between real history, and a video game playing hollywood spergy faggot crying about his mercenary identity. You are not a viking.

I thank you for providing this contrast.

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D&C this blatant should be banned tbh.

Piss off you daft faggot and stop trying to associate my post with your moronic ideas.

So exactly what a viking is or was is hotly debated, apparently. Some say it is a pirate or raider, others a voyager, and other a Scandinavian. I think its pretty silly to call all Scandinavians 'vikings' because there are specific attributes we associate with them which were certainly not shared by an awful lot of Scandinavians, for instance the myriad farmers and peasantry.

In my posts I was referring to them as pirates/raiders/voyagers/traders, in contrast to a common 'Scandinavian'. Most sources that speak about 'vikings' are referring to relatively small bands of men who pillaged isolated coastal towns or sacked churches and monasteries and then buggered off before ever having to do any real fighting. They were in many ways more feared than actual armies because they would come without warning, murder the inhabitants of your village and steal your stuff. When the large armies of the Danes or Norwegians came; people were generally aware that they were coming, and the fear was of actual conquest as opposed to the more criminal escapades of 'vikings'. As such I would make a distinction between the two.

It is true however that the English did not make a distinction between the two and considered all Scandinavians to be vikings, although the Icelandics did make a distinction and instead referred to pirates as vikings.

Regarding 'appropriating vikings'; that is sort what bewilders me. So many whites today seem to want to be them or have them as ancestors. If we take the Scandinavian definition then many whites cannot be related to them as far more, especially from the US; are from England, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Russia, etc.; and if we take the pirate definition, then they are relatively unimpressive militarily and quite criminal, and are an even more exclusive group than they would be as the Scandinavian definition; and thus I find it odd how obsessed so many people are with them.

Pointing out the long history of jews that larp as vikings should be disallowed. I expect nothing less from your crackpot bullshit narratives. Run you little bitch….

I reported it but the report was dismissed, which means it's a mod who is probably irish/jewish and angry about being btfo historically.

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Norseman - Opposes Jewry
Viking - Paid by Jewry

Oh… they're mad now.

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You're buying into the D&C to m8. There are bigger problems int he world than fighting over who's whiter. Something cuckchan was never able to realize.

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Murdoch Murdoch was right, shit flinging over this is just a victory for (((them))). Get you shit together guys.

You can stop spamming the same muh vikings weren't that great garbage. It's obvious you have a bone to pick.

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You are going insane like a psychotic jew.

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