SCAT FOR TOTS "Flush N Frenzy" and "Poopsie Unicorn Surprise" are new toys released this year. I can't remember ever seeing anything this degenerate. Closest would be when they used to have commercials for baby dolls who peed water. I initially shrugged it off when I saw the unicorn commercial (figured exploiting MLP popularity) because the toy shit children were encouraged to handle looked like glittery ice cream, but FNF is more realistic than Hanky the Christmas Poo and that was so disgusting even South Park ditched it a decade ago.
Mattel made the FNF boardgame and (Israeli Jew) took over the company in April 2018. "Mattel Films" was started September 2018 and will make movies based on their games… this should be worrying. I can't seem to figure out the company (and probably Jew) behind "Poopsie Unicorn" though, despite skimming some unboxing videos to see if it was mentioned. It appears it isn't just a single unicorn, there's at least 4 different ones with unique names and they're basically wrapped in toilet paper with a picture of 2 unicorns so you don't know which one you're buying until you unwrap it, leading to duplicate unicorn possession and fostering a trading community. The toilet paper contains the "food" the unicorns are fed, so it is subconsciously encouraging xylophagia as well.
If you haven't noticed yet, toys and other crap based off the poop emoji are literally everywhere. Just go to the nearest Walmart, you'll see it.
Leo Perry
I'd be willing to bet that little girls would buy poopsie and treat it like any other baby doll. It's a toy you essentially 'take care of', and only adults will really pay attention to fetish implications. Look at how they're designed. They look like babies in diapers. And that's how little girls will associate them as being.
Also, OP is being a faggot in claiming the 'food' is in toilet paper. There are normal packets labeled as the food, glitter, and the sparkles themselves. The only thing the unicorns subconsciously push is the starbucks hipster shit with baby-T's included.
It's really the other toy that should be of concern since it's literally playing with plastic shit. But I don't really see anyone making a mad rush to the toy store to buy it. Kinda like how no one buys Gooey Louie, or any other games like that. It's too simple, and kids lose interest very quickly with how repetitious it is.
It depends on the recommended age for the toys and the gender that they're recommended for.
It's not unusual for kids that are 2 - 3 years old, in the potty-training zone, to be obsessed with their own crap. If you're a parent who doesn't want to have a shit-flinging monkey for a child, you buy a variety of training tools including books, games, and even toys to encourage your children to use the fucking toilet and not finger-paint the walls with their own shit.
Girls will have pooping baby toys up to a much older age, 7 or 8, because it encourages them to nurture and to learn how to change diapers. All of these toys require a special "food" that comes an accessory that turns into the "poop" after it's fed to the doll. Usually there's only a few of them that come with the doll and the parents don't buy the refills. once the "food" formula runs out, the doll is useless and the child loses interest. On a fairly regular basis, the children will attempt to feed the doll real food, like applesauce or pudding, which destroys the doll. I never bought these types of dolls for my daughters because I knew what would happen. Anyway, "pooping" dolls have been on the market since at least the 1980s, and "peeing" dolls since much earlier. None of this stuff is new.
Luke Lee
Been noticing this in car commercials for Christmas. They take a scene that’s supposed to be White aesthetic and just plop niggers instead. It’s designed so that we view them as like us. Lipstick on a baboon.
Thomas Carter
That's the point. It's subliminal. And if the parents realise what it is and attempt to take it away from the kid, they're evil child abusers trying to deprive them of their favorite toy.
Jackson Cooper
Maybe if we doxx the designers we can all mail them our opinions (and real doody so they can know what it looks like, and why kids shouldn't play with it)
Nicholas Hill
Jason Watson
I kinda realized it after I initially posted about the first toy in OP's pic truthfully. My husband and I discussed it more and it made me realize that the most the toy would be associated with would be when the toilet gets clogged, and what to do about it. But as for the age thing, that's mainly what has me a little iffy on the idea of the toy. If it's being aimed at the age group implied in the video, then it's doubtful it would hold much interest to them anyway due to how simple it is overall. They'd get bored very quickly and move on.
As for the unicorns, that's exactly it. Since it encourages the nurture-aspect that little girls are naturally imbued with, it will only encourage them to play 'mommy'. Kinda like how the realistic baby simulator backfired on Australia and made teen girls actually want to have babies, rather than deterring them from it. As soon as I saw the baby unicorns, it just reminded me of that. Plus, the unicorn poop is sort of a way to desensitize little girls to the idea of changing diapers, as well as it shows the basics in how to potty train since you have to sit the unicorn on the toilet to make it poop.
But that's even if that's what the toy is actually trying to do. About the most that would be concerning would be the tattoos on the one baby unicorn, and the subliminal advertising for starcucks. Other than that, it's not really pushing anything. And you'd have to be predisposed to the fetishizing to even really think it could be used for such. Something that most normie parents aren't. All they see is another baby doll. Also… a kike may own the company, but that's not to say that every toy designer working for the company is a kike, or has that intention behind their toy designs. I mean, if you really wanna go the distance user, then one could even try to claim that it's pushing infantilism/ageplay in teenage girls.
Look op its probably just a toy target towards pajeet kids.
Cooper Bennett
I have noticed this in some odd shops within the UK. Namely clothes and girls accessory shops. Two in question is a shop named Claires, it basically sells cheap child/tween jewelry, bags, junk. Things such as feaces on a chain in rainbow colours and the like. The other shop is called Primark, a budget clothes chain. Items such as board games, chocolates and in one case a mousse of some sort. All involving rainbow feaces in one form or another.
I'd put money on finding something similar on Amazon listings if one were to just browse the toy section.
I theorise this may have something to do with those odd Youtube videos, the Elsagate ones. As you may recall between the Elsa abortions and the Joker impregnating her anus there were a number of scat related ones. Infact not just Elsagate, a slew of childrens youtubers also got in on the action. I can't remember which channel it was but it had a video where two daughters ate "chocolate" out of a toilet bowl. This new trend seems to be a refinement of this particular niche.
Quit the childish D&C both of you, in case you both forgot it's what the semetic tribes want. You both know who is responsible so get out of the habit of shitting on eachother just because "lol fat americucks" and "lol shitty teeth britfags". We're European, act like it.
John Watson
This is a conspiracy too far. Stop being a retard. What you should be concerned about is kids being glued to phones and tablets at very early ages. Not this shit (pun not intended).
Robert Parker
Mr. Hanky was on an episode of south park a few weeks ago.
Matthew Ramirez
This isn't something new. When I watched Cartoon Network as a kid, I would occasionally see a commercial for a toy called "Doggie Doo." The main point of it is literally to get the toy dog to defecate. The commercial is still on YouTube, and the description is very telling: "It is for sales in high quality toy stores and mass market stores around the country."
In Boogerman the atomic Butt blast killed things and was dangerous. New toys want you to play with the poop and grab it.
Matthew Mitchell
It really is every time with these fuckers.
Xavier Evans
Julian Rodriguez
It reminds me of elsagate, and all those fucking weird shitty YouTube videos with millions of views but like 5 comments.
Camden Nguyen
Pretty sick, but notice this isn't Hasbro.
Any fecal-feliac jew can get a toy out there, but most the major companies have some moral standards.
That being said we have some gross out toys back in the 90's I remember. Make your bugs, then eat them, then make like a brain stew or some shit. It's not the same as playing with shit, but its gross in the same theory.
Henry Howard
Dr. Pierce talked about the Jews' bizarre fixation on scatology in his broadcast "Shocking Differences." I would include the video, but apparently the main channel that uploads American Dissident Voices broadcasts has been terminated. I will leave you with a screenshot of the transcript with pertinent details. Apologies for the irregular format.
That's just an example I found on YouTube, I've seen this commercial in Canada and I expect it's in the U.S. as well.
I remember the pee dolls in the 90s which was simply clear water in, clear water out. Actual faces is a step apart. How far back do you think the first "solid excrement from the anus" doll goes?
Ren and Stimpy was rated PG (Parental Guidance), a show like that wasn't intended for the toddlers like the ones they're having play with fake shit in these 2 commercials. Give specific examples if you want to talk about other "gross out" shows, and prove they are both as degenerate as this (handling brown turds, watching creamy poo come out of a doll anus) and also targeted at toddlers.
Your reference to MGA Entertainment was pretty confusing until pointed out MGA was on the Poopsie website.
Flush n Frenzy is not based on the poop emoji. You may have a point about the unicorn, but an emoji doesn't require an actual pooping doll. What you describe is more analagous to Soft'n Slo Squishies: I've embedded a vid showing the poop toy.
No, other baby dolls do not come with instructions to jam food down their gullet and squeeze poop out of the anus and then play with it. The closest thing in the past was baby dolls where you could pour water in the mouth and then squeeze water out of some kind of anal-vaginal cloaca type orifice at the bottom.
Show me a "baby in a diaper" with fake poop that comes out of the perineal area prior to this. I believe the whole point of making them humanoid unicorns is because if you had human dolls doing this it would cause much more of an outrage. Making it a fictional being like a unicorn is probably to guard against potential "child pornography" lawsuits for making a depiction of a child which draws focus to their privates, as a defecating doll naturally does.
Healthy mommies do not forcefeed their children powder for the sole intention of watching them poop so they can play with the poop in their hands. Pooping is an unfortunate side-effect of feeding infants nourishment to keep their metabolism going.
Making fake poop less smelly and ugly-looking is one thing, encouraging them to squish/stretch it in their bare hands it another.
If you must have a doll that poops, you should be encouraging girls to wear gloves while grabbing/wiping the poop with toilet paper and disposing of it. Ideally make it out of something you could safely flush, but otherwise have them garbage it with a note that you could flush normal poop.
Well gee, I guess dildos are also "physical toys" so we should just give those out to toddlers too.
Angel Morris
I concede: I downgraded from cable TV to free TV so I don't get Much Music anymore and haven't watched the recent season of South Park. I had followed it the last couple years though and hadn't seem him.
This is clearly a decade-old precursor of the Jews long-term plans for kids, but the commercial is much less of a problem. There is no physical handling of humanoid poo. You see at the end of it when they pump the playdoughish mass out of his rectum it lands on a scoop situated below him.
show me a TV commercial targetting fake dog shit for toddlers to handle for the pure pleasure of handling shit (and not just something pranksters tweens use to freak out others for lulz) and you might have a point.
I would bet money that some brony has tried it, the question is if they recorded it on video.
good find, in my OP had only bothered to look at the current owner of Mattel, didn't know it was founded by Jews to begin with. Was it ever owned by a non-Jew at some point in interim? If so would be interested in seeing if their products ever became temporarily wholesome.
pleas elaborate about why you brought up Hasbro? Eating bugs is fine, they do that in survivalist shows. The problem isn't with the overall concept of "grossness". I have no problem with toy spiders even though some people are grossed out by spiders.
Handling human (or humanoid unicorn) excrement for fun and open-mouthed laughter is a more serious form of degeneracy associated with sexual fetishism more than simple "gross" things.
I don't, for example, give a shit about Bumpy in "Bump in the Night" eating humans' socks. There's probably some obscure fetish for that too, but showing some claymation 6inch green monster eating fake socks is not as obviously wrong as showing actual human toddlers handling fake humanoid shit.
Dylan Wood
Looking at these ads I can't imagine a single kid (doubly so for one that's healthy) that would be interested in these things. These are the type of throwaway toys you find filling the bargain bin in a dollar store that are only made to see what sticks.
Highlighting these posts for the OP/anyone that reads this thread.
Mr. Hankey is also an "ancient" character from some of the earliest episodes of South Park, so has no excuse for not knowing about him or doing a quick internet search of the character. I'll even do some of the leg work for you here's a link to the South park wiki on the character