Twitter already told the cops they're not pressing charges.
Other urls found in this thread:
How is this news? Who cares about this soapbox shit?
Spoiler Alert: Laura started this thread. Do not feed her histrionic need for attention
That'll show 'em.
Stupid Kikess.
Is that Marilyn Manson?
Laura is so heroic, I love her bravery. I'm excited to see her not slowing down in the face of tyranny.
goddamn i wish you people would make your shit easier to read and understand. the first thing you see is lauras beanie connected to some guys forehead. wtf does that mean
I'm tire-ed of Laura. Sage.
You had an extra y in there.
this link just leads to a news feed that has nothing to do with OP
Is she actually wearing a yellow star?
Yeah, jews are the real antisemites and racists. The cunt can go fuck herself.
Where have I seen that gesture before?
I think she's sexy and I liked her "old" nose better.
at one point in germany it was law to wear one
now they do it for free
Same ol' story
The Jew cries out in pain as it strikes you
just with a tirethot twist
Oh absolutely.
I would do so much fun stuff with her
Laura Ballooner is definitely going to survive a while on hunger strike with all of that extra bodyfat
she is not fat! her tits are actually a lot smaller than I thought they would be
< How could this benefit us
because it's fucking funny
Fakest person I've seen in months.
kikesses are ugly.
Is that a tranny?
But-but-but I lost my victim card
And I don't have an Ashkenazi IQ
Reminder the kike wants censorship. That's why Alex Jones, the rest of the kiked fuckers, do nothing at all to bring about systems that prevent censorship. THEY want to be the censor, all while (((kvetching))) about censorship.
They were invented first in Baghdad, not Berlin, but I'm sure everyone here already knows that
(((they))) just want to pull the victim card as much as (((they))) can
You mean 97? shieeeet how nigger-tier are you?
Nigger its actually pretty easy to read if your comprehension really isnt that of a mutt.
Also people on here thinking Loomers bloomers are hawt, chances are you're dead wrong, going into an oven with that wet bread
Word on the street is that her pussy smells like wet bread.
Yellow belts, my bad. Same principle.
I'd still gladly eat her out.
Ehhhh low energy lulz. I lost it big time on the thot audit threads now that shit was hilarious.
I'm with
it's a kike ploy
Actually, user, this user is correct in how it's confusing. You don't even show how it is that Loomer is working for Goodman. So how the fuck is anyone supposed to connect the cunt to Goodman or Milchan if you aren't showing that link? Fuck me, it's not that hard to understand what other user is saying.
Laura is a rare good jew
Go back to reddit, yid.
wat dafug did I just read?
There are no good jews. There are jews who aren't an immediate threat, yes. But there are no good jews… Actually, I take it back. The only good jew is pic-related.
Hear him out guys, she willingly locked herself up and put a star on. If all jews locked themselves up and marked themselves, things would be a lot easier.
join him in the >>>/bog/
She didn't gas herself,nigger.
Fun Fact: Alwaleed Bin Talal owns more of Twitter than Dorsey. You just won't see his name on any "Top 10" lists any time soon. It's sort of like how Soros received a bomb, but every news broadcast following the initial ones neglected to name him. Can't have the normals naming who really run things after all.
Nice (1) and done OP. What, did you post this thread through a proxy and come back in under your clear IP so you could samefag in your own thread
At any rate, this thread is a fine example of how NatSoc faggots are a cancer within the ranks of all those to fight the left. She's got more brass in her balls than anyone on this entire board combined. I don't know if any of you know this or not, but social media has us all squeezed. People like Laura Loomer are fighting tooth and nail for your right to participate in the free marketplace of ideas, but you do nothing but mock and laugh at her for no other reason than she's Jewish. Oh, and muh tiregate hurrrrr.
What mainstream outlet will you all go to when everyone fighting the left is removed from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and every other social media platform? You going to continue to come here to Zig Forums, one of the foremost shitholes of the internet that no one in the mainstream cares about or pays any attention to? Who will hear your cries when there's no one listening?
Continue to mock true fighters for all of our freedoms. Once the left completely rides roughshod over us, I hope you enjoy your:
Lastly, inb4
Fuck off. Yes, you did spread pro-Trump memes all over the internet and you did vote for Trump in 2016 and then you jerked yourself off furiously in all the leftist salt threads here on 8/pol/ the very next day. But once you found out that Trump wasn't the second coming of Hitler and that he wasn't going to gas the jews, you decided to adopt a misanthropic view of the world and now you want to watch it all crash and burn. Fucking babies, the lot of you. Get fucked.
damn son
Wet bread.
Am I supposed to know who that is? You're living in a bubble. You people act like these figures are so big and subversive, meanwhile you're the only fucking people that know they exist.
How big is her nose actually? Do we have a profile shot?
Great post, thank you.
Kill yourself nigger
jew vs jew
how will the world survive the jewing that never ends?
Jew butchers er…..plastic surgery got her looking almost human
Jews like to be the loudest voice on both the left and the right…..thereby controlling the discourse.
They allow for vigorous debate on meaningless minutiae and silenced any criticism of Jew controlled finance,media, governance
None! You double nigger MAINSTREAM=JUDEN
Obligatory Loomer post
Jesus Christ.
Nice ID trips tho.
Is it real? I'm seriously having a hard time making the difference these days, everything is so fucked up.
She has more balls than any of you white betas
It's bullshit but I believe it.
I get what you're saying but when youre as untouchable as a jew it's hard to be afraid about anything
lol what the fuck is she a goth now or something? she looked better with her huge snout and fake blonde hair
lol underrated. How has no one checked your digi's yet?
ok grandma time for bed
I can believe Larry Joomer has balls.
Typical kike. So desperate to be popular.
If it was anyone but a jew there would be charges pressed.
They most likely didn't press charges because they didn't want to draw further attention to it. Just let it fade silently into obscurity or your squeaky wheels might get greased.
Gay Jack finally did something right. Be gone jew pig! No more shekels for this cunt.
forehead is too slopey.
i mean, how do you look at this and not think of that kissinger twat?
right because they wouldn't just memory hole it
Why the long face?
In this thread we have a female kike thirsting for white dick, and we have a female nigger doing the same in another thread.
But she isn't dead yet.
Hey, stop trying to censor Conservatives! Jerk!
Not passable.
Indeed. I had to look on Day 3-ish and see why the fuck it's still up.
Mods are not permitted to delete threads or ban users when there is no violation of the updated rules. Everyone's opinion is allowed here now, not just natsoc fagpinions.
Based. Too bad this place still blows. Zig Forums culture is dead.
It will mature with time. Once the natsocs realize 8/pol/ is no longer a safe space echo chamber for their fascist ideology, they will be forced to either 1) deal with that fact or 2) migrate to a new board that will tolerate their shit. Either is fine with me, but one those outcomes will be reached in due time.
the rapid b&s conditioned anons into a hugbox mentality rather then being the sociopathic manipulative trolls that can drive tumblrites to suicide. Everyone needs to man the fuck up and learn how to counter-troll, seeing anons get mad at trolls is pure cringe.
agreed, hating kikes shouldn't be limited to natsoc. the sooner anons learn this the better.
I will never ever look down upon someone simply because they're Jewish. However, I do feel it is valid to question the disproportionate ratio of Jewish population in America to their representation in positions in media.
but they're fucking hideous and pretend to be white. the females have that weird long face, flat ears, sometimes they have those odd fishlips too. It's a genetic thing I guess, from all those years of fucking their first cousins in the gene pool. I will say most of the time they have great tits but pure butterface none-the-less
I am not particularly attracted to several of the Jewish phenotypes, either, such as the lips, sloped forehead, and big nose, but that's not a reason to hate someone. There are plenty of Jewish women are are quite attractive and you would never know they're Jewish by looking at them.