UN's Global Compact for Migration Expands on Hate Speech to Criminalise Criticism of Migration
ENF Press conference with Marcel de Graaff, Nicolas Bay, ENF Group Leaders, and Gerolf Annemans.
Everything is fucked.
UN's Global Compact for Migration Expands on Hate Speech to Criminalise Criticism of Migration
ENF Press conference with Marcel de Graaff, Nicolas Bay, ENF Group Leaders, and Gerolf Annemans.
Everything is fucked.
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The early Muslim conquests, also referred to as the Arab conquests and early Islamic conquests, began with the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the 7th century. He established a new unified polity in the Arabian Peninsula which, under the subsequent Rashidun and Umayyad Caliphates, saw a century of rapid expansion.
Narratives are getting a bit old.
Stupid jews.
And people say UN doesan't matter. BASED UN. Nazis BTFO worldwide.
The UN definition, which is used in international law, is narrower than Lemkin's, and states that genocide is:
the UN is one of the key apparatus of the NWO you retarded reddit cunt
image unrelated
No shit, cunt. But they have no power except what you give them and we don't give a fuck. Any country with half a lick of sense will pull out of the UN officially and raise rent.
Now go fuck yourself and your god damn ego.
UN majority rule is literaly gatekeeper of state creation. Sink about it when you are tinkering with idea of creation right wing state.
The UN has literally no power when it comes to anything. They are a propaganda tool for jews to criticize their betters. They are metacritic for bad goy policy.
They aren't even hiding that their communist, jewish corporations are running the world.
Despite how you and I and others despise Trump for his well established kikery. He has told the UN to fuck off multiple times with topics in regards to this. Specifically he didn't sign something because it included hate speech bullshit.
UN majority vote literally decide what state is legitimate and what is not. They are ultimate pol gatekeepers.
< He actually thinks that nation-state governments have any power
lmao, the joys of being a naive newfag
It has been voted that you are a faggot and are to kill yourself immediately.
This is all part of the plan, the US and other countries opted out as a way to pacify resistance. Once Hillary's sworn in we'll sign onto a well established policy. Resist resist resist right now. Get names call for resignations… This new pact is insane, it's almost like it was a bad practical joke.
Is this what Trump wants us to pay for? :^0
>(((UN))) wants to criminalize any criticism of genocide
The irony is that they were suppose to prevent genocides? What a joke.
You Nazis r fucked. UN is going to buttrape you and Jewtin.
Your mother's cunt, you shitskin faggot.
wow who cares? sage
If this pact is signed, it basically becomes nigh impossible to stop migration for all countries that sign it i.e. all of western Europe.
The whole idea is a reversal of the current idea that sovereign countries make their own migration policy into the idea that migration is a human right and that migrants deserve extra protection.
What baffles me most is how this has stayed under the radar for so long.
Tbh, a real bottoms-up low-hierarchy low-bureaucracy United States of Europe could be great.
Too bad it´s never going to happen.
Sounds like a play by play account of what ziomarxcommiecapital ah fuck it international jewry has done to every race on the planet.
Gas the kikes.
Kill yourself kike, go back to your board >>>/gaschamber/
Except a lot of countries are taking this as the excuse to put into law (which does matter as the Zogbots use it to arrest you or kill you for "resisting") open door migration policies and race replacement strategies whilst making it hate speech for you to protest against it.
The UK's (((International Development))) Minister Alistair Burt for example has tonight said "Britain will sign" the pact. This makes migration a human right - not an ambition, or a goal, meaning if you stop it, or seek to stop it. Whilst many States might at this moment in time reject the plan (for short term political worries over "far right" groups), its adoption creates a legal norm that will be used against you in the future. So this matters. Stopping this matters, and we should be motivating people to campaign against this.
In fact, I have a feeling a big part of the sliding that's been going on here the last few days has been to get this item out of the agenda to stop us moblizing on the issue.
Nah. We're just going to talk shit behind your backs, smothered pussies. These multiracial castes of Semites will be gone once all the fake republics get removed.
(((They))) wanted this shit to stay under the radar to avoid waking the goyim up.
Congratulations, you belong with all the other retards that STILL don't know this pact will be used by judges to codify it in into law. Like they've always done, over and over again. Just how fucking retarded can one even get!?
Anyone who thinks the US won't sign after Trump leaves office or is impeached.
Look how it's being sold.
I can look at the media coverage and see they're serious about getting the US on board.
It's weird, if the EU or UN did anything like this towards Jewish interests the US would pull out completely and sanction anyone who stays.
When's the last time we used sanctions in our interest? Everything we do is for global Jewish hegemony.
>The UK's (((International Development))) Minister Alistair Burt for example has tonight said "Britain will sign" the pact.
Oh wow, great news. So, the British Government will help me leave? I mean, it’s a human right, right? Can I pick any country I like? Is there a list? I’d like somewhere where a small family home won’t cost me half a million pounds. This is great.
Fucking hell. Demonic parasitic bolshevik kikes. A revolution is the only option, you all better know that.
Is this why kikes care so much about muh rule of law? they want to be able to enact new laws and then force everyone to abide by them and if you don't like it you don't support "rule of law". I seriously hate these kikes so fucking much.
rule of (((law)))
The UN doesn't have any power to enforce laws. It's not a fucking government. Who gives a fuck what the UN does? They're a bunch of monkeys.
Your mistake is treating their words at face value. Newspeak is what they practice.
The (((UN))) needs to be disbanded asap
Too late. The fire rises.
With the signing of the UN Global Compact for Migration on Dec 10th and 11th in Marrakesh, Morroco almost the entire EU is going to essentially ban all forms of criticism of mass migration. Nearly all countries in the UN will sign with the exception of Hungary, the US and Australia.
Upon signing, this sets up a legal framework in member states where these laws can then be implemented. So it's one foot in the door. Then it takes a few corrupt politicians to approve the laws in said member states.
Dutch representative Marcel De Graff explains the implications of this "compact": youtube.com
No, the UN often writes laws and the EU adopts them as written, they'd like to do the same here.