The advent of Modern American Christian beliefs is nothing short of a disaster on par with a sweeping forest fire. Everywhere American "Christians" go they bring religious consumerism, Zionism, and anti-white policies such as sending whites on "missions" to mudholes like Kenya and importing literal subhumans from Somalia, it is just ridiculous what these people get away with. American Christians are a post-modern disaster.
How did this come about? It's odd to me since as late as the 1910s White American Christians were rightfully suspicious of the tribe and adhered to the traditions taught in church. It seems that only in the last half of the 20th century ZOG shit like Evangelical death cults and Lutheran missions sponsoring Somali refugees to colonize Minnesota began to happen. It's my personal belief that "Eastern Europeans" (ie crypto-jews) began infiltrating all Christian denominations around the 50s but finding any actual history on what happened to American Christianity is very hard. Let's discuss what led to the pozzing of American Christians in this thread.
Yeah, but that's only one side of the coin, many Christians also claim that "we" wuz the real Isrealites and other well poisoning things.
It's all part of the program.
If jews were afraid or defeated by Christianity then they wouldn't habitually go to white Christian nations, and if it were such a bulwark against jewry, their greatest enemy, then it wouldn't be this easy to subvert for them.
There's a reason that the NSDAP engaged in a vigorous and intensive de-Christianization effort; Christianity has always been a philosemetic garbage fire that had the good luck to become a wart on the ass of Aryan civilization.
credit for the following text goes to the other poster(s) that wrote it:
Some are obviously JIDF. Some. The rest are mentally deranged semitic worshipers. Each of them have their own headcanon that revolves around denying objective incriminating flaws with christianity. There's no consistency with any of them. They get proven wrong and called out, then they show up in a new thread to recycle the same old points.
Here's some off the top of my head: Bonus: look up testimony on how it used to be customary to kiss the pope's feet if you visited, but never for the rothchilds ^This is not an exaggeration. A semite worshiper has said this on Zig Forums, with no irony or sarcasm. For that matter, everything I'm listing has been said multiple times across tons of pointless threads > [placeholder for pathetic attempt to excuse the (((holy roman empire))) in pagan genocides and burning of libraries] ^ The reference to babylon is explicitly a callback to when jews were kvetching about babylon in the old testament - jews saw rome as the new babylon > [placeholder for pathetic attempt to disprove that (((jesus))) literally and only hated the pharisees and thus christianity is originally just jew infighting and saul of tarsus saw it as an attempt to make a cult to control whites aka gentiles] Note: All placeholders represent major flaws that no semite worshiper has ever answered, because they can't. Note 2: I am very sure I missed many pointless semitic worship recycled delusions, but if you think this list is long, an exhaustive list would be way longer.
For good measure, because of a definitive lack of actual historical evidence, it's far more likely that saul of tarsus invented the jesus story. Every non-biblical historian mentioning jesus only mentions him because they were noting their observations of christians, who were observed as odd characters. There are two exceptions. One was a gentile historian that worked with the early christians. Archeologists have learned over time that all of his work is fraudulent. Most damning is that his source was a jewish historian. I reiterate: there is an actual and verifiable case that (((jesus))) is not just a fictional invention, but his story was invented precisely when saul of tarsus was sending letters, and this easily explains why some of saul's references to (later) new testament details do not match up.
Why would they? Christcucks never argue in good faith. If you read his post, you read every christian thread on Zig Forums.
Sebastian Young
The bible gives some pretty black and white moral cues… that the Founding Fathers were more than happy to ignore because Benjamin Franklin liked to get his dick wet. What do you expect from (((Free Masons))) though?
Joshua Gomez
Hi, paid shill.
Ryan Richardson
I want peace and prosperity. I’m tired of fighting. I’ve got maybe ten years left and I don’t intend to spend them arguing political ideologies like some hiveminded automaton.
Robert Collins
Religious orthodoxy kills spirituality.
Eli Bailey
Isaac Scott
Ever stop to contemplate all those ruins of the ancient world? All those smashed temples and toppled pillars? It wasn't the "barbarians" that did that. The "barbarians" loved that shit and wanted to live in those sumptuous palaces and worship in those pagan temples.
It was Christian monks that tore down the temples of the ancient world; they regarded them as the abode of demons. Early Christianity was some fucked up shit. Actually it's some fucked up shit right now.
Josiah Collins
Christianity is Zoroastrianism for Hebrews.
Eli Lee
Happy Yule
Liam Nguyen
"God is dead" one day you brainlets will understand what he actually meant by that statement.
Nathan Flores
What the dead guy meant?
Asher Kelly
This constant jewing of Zig Forums with these slid threads is getting tiresome.
Zachary Lewis
I disagree. The alternative to a God or gods seems to be Humanism. And the latter is no more grounded in a shared reality than a set of religious axioms or commandments. Truth and meaning are intractable problems.
Luis Richardson
Hmmm…. I mean… come on… a lot of you here actually believe this.
I know, its sad right…it does get tiring watching the materialist mind at work.
Jace Sanchez
The get off a political website, turn off the television, and breathe the fresh air. The descent isn't fast enough for you to worry about the next ten years unless you live in one of the epicenters of poz. If I don't seek out the news I wouldn't know anything was wrong in the world because it hasn't reached my town yet.
Joseph Sanders
Its inbred as fuck.
Jackson Jones
I’m here looking for a girlfriend, so unless you have some ass to spread go peddle your advice to someone who’ll take your little tantrum seriously.
Noah Russell
Tons of women on Zig Forums dude…lots of ass to go around
Brody Fisher
Lots of pussies anyway.
Jason Jenkins
Belief is a strong word. Most Christians haven't even read the bible let alone have the text as part of their logical faculties' working. Just fervent children getting upset when you tell them their favorite harry potter book is shit when they only ever watched the movie when they were a child. Don't get me wrong, I don't pretend into this cucks fallacy that picking and choosing from his cuck book isn't just asking for corruption from forming a true to god honest opinion on how to lead a life. Take Leviticus 20:13, clear as day - lifetime b& for faggots. No symbology yet we have modern Christians stretching their sphincter for ((())). Average christian is an NPC.
Zig Forums is reddit for the very poorly socialized. nothing special about it at all. waste of time while better men make history without these rejects.
Samuel Baker
WTF else are you supposed to do with a religious text mein nigger, other than interpret how you want to live your own life by it?
Jayden Ortiz
I wouldn't class that as the paragon of socialization.
Jackson Watson
If I had a dollar for every niggerbrained moron who thought they knew what sites I’ve been to by their own powers of character assessment I wouldn’t need to leave my home for work anymore.
Ayden Gray
And what makes this a slide thread? Is there some Happening that we’re missing, other than our very lives? Why a slide and not a disappointingly uncompelling group of people lacking a minimum of personal qualities necessary for an informative discussion? Do you ever tire of parroting the most constipating facets of board culture like a child first discovering negative attention?
Angel Sanchez
Would you take a shekel? I am fresh out of petro dollars currently. I think we should suggest that they change the name of the petro dollar to the Pedro Dollar…they will no longer be 'bucks' but 'backs' for the 'wet backs' for the new source of energy they were generated from… I know, I know…all that talk about plumbing assholes ;) I am pretty sure where you been.
real question is how to have a christian nation and not have this happen again???
I guess you just have to let the poor starve and not force people to feed and house them
Blake Fisher
because Christianity makes you think you will go to heaven by just helping niggers and jews. So what really matters for Christians is after-life, not future of your current generations.
And yet you people accuse pagans of believing in fairy tales or accuse their gods of being degenerate
Matthew Morris
Eli Morales
We should help the Christians colonize Hell with their kike masters tbh.
Christopher Fisher
If Christianity is purely symbolic, then the god isn't real, the Jesus isn't real, there's no afterlife, and it's all just fiction on purpose, meant to be seen as pure symbolism to inspire and well, you know, get people to obey the rules.
But if there is no god, then the rules are made up by humans, and the symbolism is all just artistic fantasy, then it's actually quite wicked and manipulative.
If it's symbolism, then it leads to fools who obey and get manipulated and enslaved, and if it's real, it's fucking retarded.
Christianity is lose/lose.
I'm not really the spiritual type, but even so, I can most certainly appreciate nature, meditation, good food, good friends, and the glorious task of building a family and community.
But the Bible/Torah seems to be two parts: Jewish symbolism, and then you get the rogue Jew who forms a cult for the goyim to obey. Tithe much?
Leo White
Levi Morgan
A book and a letter, respectively.
Nothing. Evangelical Christianity antedates them both by the better part of two centuries and Christianity has always been philosemetic.
You fucking moron chritcuckery was controlled from the very beginning. Take your foreign desert religion and go
Isaiah Wood
Daniel Wilson
This was always where christianity would end up. But mostly its because the USA were always a weird bunch religionwise. The original religious doctrine of the USA was puritanism which is suffice to say extremely fucking shady. Then you had the mormons crop up out of the fertile soil of American insanity. Now you have the evangelicals who are the main problem due to their habit of spreading and desire to induce the apocalypse by ensuring the rise of Israel.
The only way to resolve this problem is to venerate the immortal Emperor.
This is correct. The christian, just like the muslim, consider this life to be the merely the larvae stage for his next, actual real life. To achieve the maximum number of Godly Bonus Points both christians and muslim engage in various pious acts of nutty nature, be it blowing yourself up or fellating negroes. In many ways islam is christianity 2.0, which is not by random chance but because islam also is based off judaism. See "hagarism". The muslim cry of "allahu akhbar" means "god is the greatest" and there is no christian alive who would say he is not.
Angel Gray
This is the most deluded thing I've ever heard a christcuck say. The type of person who is attracted to christianity is very suscepitble to purity spiraling. If one christian washes a negro's feet, another one will feed and clothe the negro and yet another one christian will fellate said negro to show that he is even more of a humble servant of Gawd than the other christians. None of these christians does it for the negro's benefit or because they are generous, they only do it to show off. That makes the acts ungenuine and not charity. The end result is a negro who will tell you of the time when he met some real crazy ass white peepul.
Juan Roberts
One and done bait and you cunts are still replying.
not only are your memes shit, you take a rabbis word at face value rabbi bin yosef's that is
Liam Martinez
Literal slides from a recent sermon at my my church. Our current pastor has been trying to insert left-wing political propaganda in his sermons and through the guest he invites since he became pastor a year ago. Our old pastor was a Black dude who was pretty based actually but this guy is a stereotypical "White Liberal" boomer. Thankfully though from talking with people I have determined that 90% of them (even non-Whites such as Asians) are sick of the PC crap and see nothing wrong with nationalism or taking pride in your race.
It's really simple. People love their sin more than they love God. There's nothing intellectual or rational about the decision to abandon faith. It's base animal self-indulgence.
Must have not read the statements that Hitler, a devout Catholic actually made (NOT the Anti-Christian forgeries added to "Table Talks"): "Our movement is a Christian movement." "We will tolerate no attacks on Christianity." "I see my Lord Jesus Christ as a fighter." "I am doing the will of the creator." The NSDAP even BANNED all the Free-Mason/Free-Thinkers groups! DAILY REMINDER THAT ATHEISM WAS NOT TOLERATED IN THE 3RD REICH DAILY REMINDER THAT EVERY SINGLE NATION THAT EXPELLED JEWS WAS A CHRISTIAN ONE
Gabriel Young
it's gone for good
Christopher Price
He's not wrong tho
Zachary Smith
By that logic the wall has already been built and Hillary has already been arrested.
Nathan White
Name one thing christianity has done for whites.
Gabriel Diaz
years 300-1900
muh pagan 'venerate and worship your ancestors!' Not THOSE ancestors, they were all cucks.
Oh look, another completely off topic Zig Forums thread that has nothing to do with Zig Forums but will be left alone because it isn't a Zig Forums thread being posted.
Asher Watson
No idea what is your definition of whites but denying over thousand years of history and any positive effects christianity had on europe is just straight up fucking retarded. Read a book
Christianity is a missionary faith. The first step was to make the heathens from back then believe that, if anything, their true gods were actually just aspects of the god of the bible. And that the jewish people were just like the heathen people, who suffered wars and evertyhing, too.
That was the foot in the door. It would never have happened directly. Christianity was the snake in the grass, smiling, and then it bit.
Christianity was a trojan horse.
Hudson Young
Nothing. The original puritan settlers literally LARPed as yids, and observed shabbat, and cleansed it of all non-jewish aspects. They were never anti-jewish, they in-fact left for being too jewish actually. Sage.
Half of these were during the Balfour immigration era, prior to WW2 and the assertion/militancy of the Palestine Jews preceding WW2 to their British granted independence.
Christianity has a MUCH, MUCH better track record of Pogroms and expulsions of Jews than Islam has ever had, and North Africa and the Levant had been INFESTED with Jews since before the formation of Islam.
Christianity is the only Abrahamic religion that is succinctly anti-semitic
Brandon Bell
Zig Forums is not Zig Forums Moderation do your job.
Evan Diaz
Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
These people will not sustain their legacy, let them die off this is natural selection at work. Find others you can build the new world with, create a better future for your children.
Lucas Robinson
Yeah, like they didn't go to Germany in WW2 or white nations in general, or how they didn't flock to Russia prior to 1917 despite numerous bans and pogroms…
Cameron Hill
Christians tend to oppose open borders. They do like helping others and such, but they aren't pushing for open borders like, say, atheists, wiccans…
Real Christians defend the borders of their homeland. Boomer Christcucks think woman-initiated divorce, and male genital mutilation, and transracial adoption, are legitimate practices.
Jackson Gomez
Your vocabulary gives you away every time… That and the fact that you just can't help but to post in threads about your pet subjects.
And the fact that you have all this pasta ready cooked.
How much do they pay you to troll here ALL THE TIME? Seriously, I do not envy your life. Spending this much time here and continuing to push the same unoriginal bullshit agenda… It's just pathetic.
I told you I had your number. You are so transparent. How many tabs do you have open this time? And why don't you just use your name tag? We all know who you are by now anyway. Now I'm going to find the proxy you're using in this thread to support your argument and call you out on it just like I did the last time I smelled you…
Yeah. Here you are again with another ID, proxy fagging your agenda. It literally took me less than 2 minutes to find it. Transparent… and pathetic. I really do hope you are paid… For your sake.
Take notes faggots. This guy literally lives on this board and the sheer volume of posts that he puts up leaves no doubt that he is here as a career.