No, it isnt, especially in Canada. For funding, the government and other investors favour women. They literally are against men unless they are native or immigrant.
This leads to more female entrepreneurs from women, but not more successes. They still are fewer in number than men, who fund themselves.
Women employ roughly 80-90% female staffs in their shitty hairdressers, nail salons, crafts stores, etc. They actively avoid hiring men based on all stats. They make up about 25% of entrepreneurs/start ups. They produce very little of value. Just service industries or trinket garbage. They dont value profits when they make their jobs. They want the experiences. They rarely grow beyond a handful of employees, usually just the one woman for 75% of their startups and rarely above 10 employees in the other 25%. They typically have no experience in the industry or job they want to create.
Male entrepreneurs create construction companies, forestry, restaurants, technological and other such types of businesses. They usually have experience in the industry and strike out on their own. They spend more time and are willing to seek out investors and delegate work. They put more time into their business than female entrepreneurs.
Successwise, both are similar in numbers. For economics, the men provide real jobs with growth and fill specific needs. Women typically create a job for themselves in a service or retail industry and rarely grow beyond that. Is it successful? Often enough. But is it in the same league as plumbers, electricians, drywallers, loggers, welders, radiographers, inspection services, and everything else that runs the economy, offers jobs for others, and aids communities? No, pedicures and haircuts and selling sentsy beans are not market movers.
Women suck as entrepreneurs because they dont want to work. They want it to be easy. They want to be a free spirit. They dont enter the enterprise with skills or experience in that industry. They have no real plan beyond 'im a woman, here me roar'. Men have worked apprenticeships or in firms and toiled and saved money and entered partnerships to create their businesses to branch out on their own and be their own boss. They want the business. They know their job and market.
Success is relative in teh end. The number of businesses women can create are limited because they are physically weak and do not want to do any kind of manual labour. They cant do tech because coding is too much trouble. It leaves them with such a narrow window of opportunities.
In Canada, we have the largest group of female entrepreneurs as percentage of population in the world. Like 13%. Most are Chinese nationals and 33% of these entrepreneurs deal exclusively with customers outside the country - birthing industry, real estate for chinks, etc. Our government overfunds the women and they get better loans and other breaks. Men are more successful, a higher percentage are entrepreneurs and they create real jobs for groups of pepole. Women make jobs for themselves and handful of others or the odd daycare or pharmacy type business. Its a shit metric and they do everything to make sure no one knows what the difference in jobs, employee numbers and types of work is involved in each gender. Minor gains (3% more women became entrepreneurs in a 5 year period, go women!) are exaggerated. Its a joke.
Attached: womenPowerdrill.webm (640x640, 988.84K)