It's currently happening, live in Paris.
Let's us discuss the events and have a /comfy/ watch.
So, do you think the movement can achieve something ?
Sorry for low effort OP
It's currently happening, live in Paris.
Let's us discuss the events and have a /comfy/ watch.
So, do you think the movement can achieve something ?
Sorry for low effort OP
Cops are deploying a fuckton of gas. Doesn't look like enough people to do much relative to police presence, but I can hear what sounds like a lot of people in the background, somewhere off screen.
Thanks OP it's been a while since I've seen a comfy riot stream
CRS are being cornered right now at least those currently onscreen
looks like they've been practicing with that plywood. I wouldn't be surprised to see a testudo formation
plywood reinforcements have arrived
Given all the plywood lying around in the street, I assume there was already some action.
those vests look green to me, are my eyes going or is it just a name thing?
the look like the standard fluorescent yellow safety vests to me
Bit of both.
In any case, they're being pushed back fairly easily with tear gas by the looks of it.
Plywood aint worth much if you don't stand and defend with it, silly frogs. Just leaning it up against some poles isn't any use.
You have a chat on this one
Now there's that European cleverness.
Those metal things can be very useful.
Do something with them.
where's the cryptkeeper's husband in all this?
Funny how there isn't any shitskin to be found, for something taking place in Paris it's kind of refreshing
Need gas to start a fire in the rain, silly frogs.
And some organization.
And better music than that fucking pipe dragging on the ground.
Bretagne indeed
fucks sake
Funny you should say that, I found a fucking unicorn: A black father with his daughter at a protest.
At least I assume that's his daughter, but then, it might be his child-bride I suppose.
what's the cause of this?
higher gas taxes apparently
Fuel price increase and general discontent with government policy.
Frog here. Electricity price inscreased by 35% in 10 years. I pay 60% of all my earnings in taxes. Can't even afford a flat in the city without going into debt for 20+ years.
were tehy trying to burn rolled up sections of insulation?
They protest pretty much everything, Gas taxes was the spark
Yeah, I'm told strikes and protests are the national pastime over there
Because they're not really trying, it seems.
Is this one of those 'permit-required' protests?
Seriously, I know the gas prices rising is the whole problem here, but if you're gonna try to get a fire going, don't skimp on the accelerants considering your opposition has a god damn water-cannon-tank. Gotta do a better job with those metal things - set them up in barricades across the road so the truck can't get through without taking the time to move them.
It's usually pretty leftwing and on a much small scale, this time it's basically everyone who's fed up with the bullshit. NS brothers are in too,
Oh well nevermind, apparently they've moved on to bushes.
If they really want to keep the fires going, they'll need something that has its own oxidizer
fucking hell, and I thought I was getting butt raped.
do you have sales tax and other shit taxes on top of that?
That is what the media is reporting it as, however the gas stuff was in an EU climate bill. In that climate bill it made it illegal to criticize the migrant invasion. Chances are that is what they are protesting and not higher gas prices, which even still would only be due to climate control bullshit while the prices are dropping for everyone else
Actually I'll take your word for that. 60%, no wonder people are rioting in the street. They need people to lead them though, that much is clear
This disorganized rabble is just BEGGING to be led.
If you got some decent live music and a few mobile barrel-fires going, it could be a real nice day out.
Instead they're shuffling about, piling wood in the street to no end, making bush-walls and huffing tear-gas in the cold rain.
Tsk tsk, get it together European Nationalists of France.
You should be out there with someone on a fucking guitar or whatever traditional instrument you faggot frogs play, with someone on a camera to record it all, and with someone with a hand dolly carting a barrel-fire around so people can warm up at least. Then you can get someone directing people and actually have some fun, which is what will increase your numbers.
I don't know how it works in other countries but here is how it goes in France :
I probably forgot many bullshit fees like the 60€ annual fee for garbage collecting. Needless to say it is impossible to live decently while raising a family if you are not part of the 10% top earnings.
All you need is one far right person with some drive and a megaphone. Are megaphones illegal in France yet?
My bad, it's 3 600€ left and not 2 400, not that it makes a difference anyways you still get robbed the same.
I don't think you even need the megaphone, maybe just 2-3 guys to spread the word and help get things started.
They gotta take out that bloody truck somehow.
I'm not saying any user should, but it would be entertaining if any French anons read this information and made everyone proud
gtfo here you degenerate
just trying to give the information in a way that isn't illegal
This is what occupy wall street (((blm))) looks like in other countries that are less important than the USA. Just more niggers doing nigger shit while saying nigger things.
Blacks should be illegal
So should all sandniggers
McCrone isn't even at home to see this. He's in Argentina where he threatened "Tropical Trump" and will have a talk with MbS. Tough guy.
The only guy saying nigger things is Macron.
Fuel (((companies))) should pay those taxes and it should be illegal for them to pass them on to consumers. Same with any tax that is supposedly designed to discourage the use of any kind of product or resource.
The whole diesel taxing nonsense should impact the companies that trade in it, not consumers.
Well akchully… it does give off contrasting optics.
A few good molotovs into the archway would have changed the whole complexion of that. But fuel prices are too high for that.
C'est la vie.
Today I discovered Breton nationalism.
I knew both the American revolution and World War II were Celtic uprisings. Now I have even more evidence of this as 100% historic fact. I can't believe no other scholar has thoroughly connected the dots. No wonder our people are so confused and directionless.
100% support for these heroes.
known shill. report and filter.
That you Macron? Oversees running errands for Rothschild I see. Hurry back
This stuff is so fucking gay. No objective, no will to actually fight, this is just a group tantrum.
At least they are out protesting while you Amis meekly take it up the ass.
Despite all your guns.
Rise up Celts!
The Role of The Celtic League in Our National Struggles
They fear the Celt. Unified Celtic Front NOW!
Don't even bother with those ingrate fools. They wouldn't know which way the sun is up in the middle of summer. Part of the identityless crowd of doped up detached zombies. They come for "entertainment" not a belief. Worthless spectators is all.
Keep moving forward
It begins
Leclercs in 30 minutes
Imagine if they had the second amendment.
meh, not interested
Yeah, keep threatening to do something. That will surely change things.
That's why they have you lurking.
nice vocabulary, pffft
Flashback Saturday
Classic van
See this video with english subs.
She loves niggers.
Yes, we know. Everyone is a jew, including Hitler.
she is litterally sucking jew dick brainlet
I said I know. Everyone is a jew. Including yourself.
And Macron is not? The guy who is so open borders he said they need a metaphorical bridge between them and Africa in the debate?
Explique moi la police anti goy mené par les youpins au sein de rn le magapede.
Only simpletons like you fall for the jewish hegelian false dialectic. Marie Le Pen is a civnatcuck who thinks negroes are just like french, provided that they get marinated in french culture. Macron is a rotschild henchman who thinks negroes are just like french, if someone just gives them a french passport. The difference is marginal - both of them plays for team Rotschild. Both belongs in the gas chamber together with the jews that own them and the negroes they worship.
They're protesting against taxes and gas prices.
Frogs don't give a fuck about being replaced. If anything they're keeping the few whites who do do, a way to vent… harmlessly.
More than 100 arrested by the police
I believe it is only for paris
22 people injured
6 are police
Andrew Anglin is a jew. Why are you linking democratieparticipative?
You are a jew.
You're not fooling anyone silly magakike.
Maintenant vas pendre fils pute.
I see the "everyone is a jew" autist discovered the thread. All whites are jews.
Filtered for derailment
Filtered for absolutely attention-seeking cock sucking faggotry. Here's your (you) Carrying on with the thread topic, now.
Faggot frogs standing around the arc de triumph is not rioting. That’s called posing for the camera. Shits been blacked out from France for more than 5 days now.
Why now do you think you can see a live stream?
Fake ass riot and sensationalized for whatever narrative is coming down the shot pipe.
Is that the Arch of Titus?
The gas price stuff was in a climate change bill that made it illegal to criticize at all the foreign invaders. Just because the MSM is claiming it is the gas prices doesn't mean that is the point
That is the whole point of communication, idiot.
Get a brain, then come back. You cost valuable time reading your garbage. See
Stop thinking what you only see on TV is all that's happening, I'm in there and the goal right now is to be visible and get more and more people on our side.
So yes it's important, the movement has gone X3 since one week, we must outnumber the CRS, and mobilize to block ALL ports, make a blockage on Rungis, block Matignon and the Elysée Palace, and not forget to also block Bercy. That's the main plot to take Paris.
But all across france there are millions of Yellow Jackets operating, blocking cameras and roadtax gates. With a quick math, we made France save a few billions so far. And most cops are on our side, the CRS are just paid more lately, that's the only motive.
Also on the terrain the ANTIFA showed how they are siding with the power, they break things, they break cars and set shit on fire, they run away. The cops then charge the protesters.
Some people were filming but they have water cannons, so rare are the videos surviving, and the idea of filming with a camera in a plastic bag or a smartphone in a condom gives nothing visible.
It's not a riot, it's a protest.