Encouraging old gender roles

I got thinking after reading an old greentext story screencap from 2014 half/pol/. The kikes, with help from coddling Baby Boomer parenting, Feminism, TV, and general propaganda, have effectively ruined gender dynamics for both Man and Woman alike. Sex-fiend trends like "Hookup Culture" trivializes and removes meaning from what should be an intimate thing done for the sake of creating children, and this shit not only has its consequences limited by the rise of (((birth control))) and easy abortions, but is outright encouraged Men, meanwhile, have forgotten what it even means to be a Man due to a lack of positive role models, complete inability to assert themselves, and the looming fear of Kike reprisal and social ostrazation if they demonstrate any Bad Goy view or behavior. To say nothing of trannies, who went from marginalized jokes to having an obnoxious leg to stand on with the rise of the (((big three))) social medias: Tumblr, Reddit, and Twitter.

How do we encourage men to stop being so passive and weak, willing to actually use discipline where necessary and not fear violence/reprisal so much? Make women to close their legs until they find the ONE person they love? Make both willing to have children instead of selfishly live in the moment? And most importantly, how do we make aberrants like Gays and Trannies frowned upon? Making White Babies won't mean much of anything if they get the same (((progressive points))) drilled into their heads as the generations before them.

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First things first: Gays and trannies are illogical creatures, and do not wish to exist. They would rather be straight men, or for trannies, simply straight women. Or just men, if they choose body over mind.

Of course, this is the simple "people of the village have quirks" dynamic. If LGBT stuff was naturally occurring in small amounts, I doubt it would cause problems, as most men would still be men, and ladies would still be ladies. A few outliers just spice things up. I'm not a puritan Christian, so these concepts don't bother me.

But that's not how it works in this society. It's encouraged. Propaganda.
People are told that being straight is bad. Homer fucking Simpson. A fool. Bart. A jerk.

Now, that's an old TV show, but the concept that men are portrayed as either fools or as brutes is absolutely revolting to me. If there's one reason a man would want to become a lady, it's because he would think, "Every man is this stupid? I am an intellectual, elegant, shy, and a bit submissive, rather than brutish. I ought to be a lovely lady, not a monster."

Every female role model is essentially portraying women in some positive light, even if it's purely how slutty or sexy they can be. It's never played for laughs. It's meant to tempt the viewer. Again, I'm not a Christian, but there is wisdom in acknowledging the pleasures of the flesh. It is often better to wait until you find love.

But that media can be funny. It can be sexy. It is not wrong to have humor, nor is it wrong to be aroused when seeing something attractive and beautiful. But it goes further. There is LGBT acceptance. In a puritan society, I can understand: I don't actually want deathsquads killing Europeansm even if they are LGBT. We are united by blood, and I will not condone the slaying of my kin. But that's just a foot in the door.

They force it in. There's propaganda, herd mentality that not even you can escape, not if you consider the people in the herd your friends. The propaganda is insane. It's incredibly sexy femboys that are actually hot. You mustn't deny it. They dress cute and advertise themselves. They want to fuck and they want you to fuck them. Even writing this makes me blush.

But for the sake of your honor, resist those temptations, unless you seriously plan on marriage. Fuck's sake, of course you can get cute femboys who dress like girls to do incredibly lewd things with you, things that can satisfy your every urge. Grip your honor tightly. Your honor, I said. This propaganda is summed up by one question: Why are 18-25 year old men dressing so damn cute? What is making them reject manhood? Manhood is scary, of course. Hardwork, duty, responsibility, and of course, honor that shines like gold. It mustn't be tarnished.

But once tarnished, once a cute femboy in a skirt lets you sit on his face and you feel his tongue enter you, what do you do? Of course you can't stop. You've already committed so you let it happen. Deeper and deeper. Yes, the tongue. Do you feel anything down there? That's the propaganda. Pure carnal pleasure.

Of course pleasure is nice. But we are evolved animals. There is nothing wrong with that, but of course, it means that we have the ability to feel pleasure from illusions of utility. Food is delicious, but so is candy. But there is no nutrition. Of course having your butt licked out and your cock sucked by a cute, girly boy is pleasurable. But there is no production. There is no family. There is no child being born. No mother and no father. Of course degeneracy feels good. Perhaps a person can simply learn from it, and then go back to pursuing women for a family.

But what if you need more than what a woman can provide? That's when you become the femboy trap. If you're lost in isolation, if your schools have provided you with nothing but obedience training, submissiveness, authoritarians without true wisdom or knowledge, fools who punish children in such a way that the victims of bullying are punished, but the bullies themselves always win, then of course you hate the system. They condemn you for everything you exist for.

You just want to feel good for once.

But it gets worse. Of course it does in clown world. It's always worse.

Feminist propaganda appears. Every girl is suddenly a slut, and worse, she's fucking cruel and vindictive. She's mean, hostile, and acts as if men are pure evil. Why date these cruel girls when femboys are so willing? And why just date the femboy, when women need an example?

So I became the femboy. I became a gorgeous transgender girl, and did the most lewd things. Nothing is hotter than a gothic French girl with a special surprise down there. Her coy smile hides sharp teeth though.

It's a trap.


If this trap talks to a supporter about it: "Yes, yes, it's ok to be you! Anyone who says otherwise is just a bigot who hates freedom, love, kindness, and is intolerant of anything outside his bubble."

If a trap talks to a non-supporter, such as here at Zig Forums, "Kill yourself faggot! Day of the rope is coming for you! Bible verses!"

It's just lunacy in both directions. What a person who is gender confused needs is not recommendations of death, nor do they need insane encouragement.

They need a true man to understand the situation, and say, "Of course you are pretty, and of course you are gentle inside. But are you courageous? Are your strong? Are you honorable and noble? Do you seek a family to continue your genetic line which has never once been broken? Will you break the chain of your family, just for this? Manhood is a responsibility. It is not pleasurable or fun many times. But the pride is true. The pride of raising a family where the boys grow into men, and the girls grow into ladies, is the truest pride. Nothing can compare. All animals of nature know this. The mother cat, the father deer, the grandmother hog, and the aunt squirrel, they all know that their family is important. The trees have their saplings, the birds have eggs, and the flowers; aren't they simply beautiful? It's all because they have a family. They have something you will never have if you continue this path. You will have pleasure, but it will be pleasure that results in nothing. You cannot take two paint brushes and paint yourself a masterpiece. You need a canvas."

Or something like that. No one told me that. I just made it up. I don't want to be a transgender girl whose life goes no where. But it's too late. The teachers, the therapists, the governments, everyone encouraged the slide into degeneracy. And when it was time to fight back, who was there for me? No one.

It was only national socialism that gave me a clear answer. European blood. Family and community. Honor and true righteousness. It's not a political philosophy: It's the way it's always been. The way it was before the Christians invaded, before the Jewish propaganda, before the feminists, before all of that, when we were kin, and we were Europe.

The edgy deathsquads result in cowards running away, or the arrogant doubling down. Deathsquads become hated by the majority population very fast. It won't work. The only cure to this sort of propaganda-induced degeneracy is knowledge and understanding, and clear, intelligent rebuttals.

It is easier to be gay than straight. Men are thirsty, and women are scarce and cruel often. It is easier to be a woman than a man. A man must remain composed and honorable. He must not forget that he has duties, and that he must be intelligent, wise, strong, and gentle, no matter how difficult it is.

But who here is truly a man? Even as I type this, dressed in the most lovely dress, who here is more manly than I am? Who can point to the truth here, and say clearly what is good and right, and what is abhorrent and wrong? Who will do their duty to recover our youth, and who will just say something stupid and useless, like "kill urself"? The deathsquadders will only leave Europe in ruin, destroying families, scaring away potential allies, and generally making a mockery of "community." We don't need an inquisition. But the LGBT-agenda will literally do the exact same thing. It has already.

The only path that I see is absolute unification of Europe, based on blood. The disgraced must seek redemption, as I am doing. The SJW-types that spread propaganda, but are still European? We cannot spread fear among them. We are not to be feared. We are the noble leaders of this continent, and we will not harm our own kin. We will shift the culture back to how it should be, as the OP has stated. The right culture will produce the right people. The feminism and madness will go away on its own if we make things right again. We cannot go back to the past. We cannot see the future. But we must do what we can do make things right, for the sake of Europe.

Blood and soil.

When I was a little kid, my home was very violent. I thought my parents were going to literally kill each other more days than not. It did a number on my brain and made me very nervous.

I reasoned if I was a good student, that would give me a better, independent future as an adult. I was a very good student, and did learn discipline from being so.

However, when I got to adulthood I just knew something was wrong. I’m 35 now and this was before the red pill. I couldn’t articulate everything. I saw how bullshit college was. I saw how bullshit liberalism was, but I saw the only alternative as what we now call cuckservatism. I saw a problem with women, but I still believed feminist ideas without realizing it. I thought you weren’t supposed to be racist to anyone, yet I though whites should feel guilty.

I learned a lot of this in school and some from the media, although less so because I went through periods of not watching TV. As mentioned, I paid a lot of attention to school. I trusted it.

Everyone has been fooled into believing lies that 99% of people in history would not believe. These are people who call dumb for believing in things like faeries to explain things they couldn’t understand,, yet we have all this science and technology and thinking cutting off your dick deserves a parade.

What my experience has taught me is how easily people will believe anything. But, that means you can get them to believe the truth as well if schools and media were different. How though?

I lean toward thinking the only way to dramatically improve things is for society to hit very hard times, then people will throw out anything they think will get cause their death or the fall of their family or community (ie women being sluts).

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This text got more disgustingly graphic than I was expecting.

Having said that, I agree that transgender people need help. Although I acknowledge there will always be a few outliers in society who get away with living unconventional lives, I think it should be socially put down.

I’ve read numerous doctors accounts of kids who wanted to be the opposite sex. One case reminds me of yours. A boy was shy, sensitive, and artistic. He was bullied by masculine boys, and he thought, why would I want to be like these other boys who are cruel jerks? He become more feminine, and the bullying increased, and he became more feminine, until he wanted to be a girl.

His doctor didn’t try to make him not sensitive or artistic, or turn him into the star quarterback at school, but found him one masculine activity. I can’t remember what it was. It might have been something outdoors related, which I think artistic types would like. He stopped wanting to be a girl.

There was also a case of a boy whose mother worked at night. The boy started wearing her clothes. She took him to a doctor, and the doctor had the mom call the boy from work before he went to bed, and had them spend more time together on weekends. He stopped dressing in her clothes.

I understand the disgust people on the right feel toward transgenders. Again, I think it should be seen as a negative thing in society. But I want to understand them and help them get the tools to improve.

I remember watching a video of a man living as a woman. He had gone to the doctor for the first time, and learned all the side effects from medications if he took them. He scolded the online LGBT who never mentioned the downsides to transitioning to him. Those people just wanted him to do it so they could think they’ve improved society and feel good about themselves. They didn’t care about him as a person.

Sex is like food.

But it's long-term food. You need food every day, or you get hungry. Of course, hunger for a day isn't bad. But if it goes further, first you go into nature to find plants to eat. If that fails, you go deeper into nature to find beasts to kill and eat. And if that fails, you find people who have food, and convince them to share.

And of course, if that fails, and you will die if you do not eat, you must steal, and if caught, you murder them and take their food. That is the way of nature, and to do that is justified in full. Ask first, of course. But when it comes down to it, either you eat, or you die. Preservation takes precedence over morals, ethics, laws, rules, customs, or any other concept. Only a fool would die without doing all they can to survive, unless you die for a noble cause like saving your family's life or something. This is simple philosophy, so don't think I'm some sort of monster for saying the simple truth of nature.

Then there's sex.

You can go many years without sex. But who is "you?"

You is not YOU reading this. You is the genetic code inside you. It is a billion years old or so, and has never once failed to successfully reproduce. But what happens when you cannot find willing women? Step one is to improve yourself as a person. Who would want to date a slob? But what happens when you have improved all the way? Well, then you look to society: Feminism. Perhaps you can improve horizontally, and try to match their views, just to avoid ideological conflicts. But that doesn't work either. So let's change society. No more feminism. Oh no, that failed for whatever reason? Well, you know how this goes.

At some point you become involuntarily celibate, and that means your genetic line will die. Well, that is death worse than hunger death, because instead of a few weeks of hunger, it is years upon years of severe loneliness and isolation. Jealousy builds. The hatred increases… MGTOW doesn't work. You know, this is about to become too dark for Zig Forums.

Let's just assume that women are going to understand how depraved humans are, as we are animals and require eating and sex in order to have a purpose and meaning to our lives. Delicious food and good sex result in a happy family. Women must return to being proper housewives and mothers on their own. That is the better way. It's not as if this is unreasonable: Just as the poor Donner party in America had to do depraved things to survive, and just as the Russians had to do depraved things to survive after their collapse, if it's a war of wombs, then yes, it will become dark unless women become allies, instead of enemies. This is the way of nature, so do not blame me for saying it. It must be inherently accepted, just as it is accepted that women would do depraved things for the same reason, if in the same position. Nature is harsh and scary, so it's most certainly best to ensure that we have a stable society where men can find women, and be kind and gentle to them, and where women can be helpful partners of men of their own accord, or at worst, a bit of guidance from a village elder or whatever else.

That's just how it is. If women do not understand their place in nature, then men will do what they must in order to prevent humanity from going extinct.

Well, I wrote it just now, so yes, I did want to ensure that anyone reading it understood exactly what happened here. But honestly, it is fictional, or at least messed around. It all happened, but you know, I just write it to be more fun. But the fun is what must be known.

If a person here cannot understand that the Kinsey scale is real, and everyone has the potential to have intense orgasms just from a cute trap's tongue in your ass, wiggling around all naughty, then they will never fully understand the propaganda.

If you think it's disgust, try again: It's arousal. It's the truth. People who are "homophobic" have an emotional reaction due to the fact that it actually does turn them on. It's an intellectual reaction to name it disgust. But it's not really like that. If it happened to them, and didn't stop, if a femboy caressed you long enough while whispering dirty things into your ear, you'd get a boner and end up mad with lust for him. Little naughty secrets, you know? Yes, even a RW-deathsquad person would end up falling for it, even if they make an intellectual choice to refuse. You can't just pretend like humans aren't beautiful, and that if they do sexually suggestive things right in front of you, and you can't punch/run, that you won't become aroused.

Push them away if you can, but if you can't stop them, you'll end up cumming your brains out if they want you to. So if you end up doing it to yourself, and you suddenly look at a picture on Zig Forums even, of a cute femboy or trap, and it begins to arouse you… well, you know.

Men are handsome, femboys are cute, and girls are just plain sexy. That's how it is. It is honor, strength of will, and other good shit like that which prevents you from acting on these urges.

At least I assume most people would have these urges if placed in the right situation. Those who don't would probably end up the ones who are indifferent to LGBT stuff in the first place, and will not be for or against it.

All it takes is to have a cute femboy look at you with naughty eyes, stick out a cute lil' tongue and suddenly your heart is thumping. It's happened to me, and I've done it to men as well, and seen their confused, but aroused expression immediately form. They can't help themselves. But I never went further than that.

I think true SJWs actually do. They will deliberately temp straight men, and then once the man falls for it, even just a partial boner, they'll say, "Now you're one of us!" Trapped.

Well, are you one of them? According to Kinsey, it's up to you. If everyone has the capacity for some level of degeneracy, then you must make the choice as a man to resist your primal urges.

And it's even the same with girls: Do not settle for cheap sex. You cannot paint a masterpiece, even if you have a canvas, if you have no ink. The grandest masterpiece a human can ever create is a family. All other things fade with time. Even stone will fade before a billion-year genetic lineage.

Blood does not tarnish if families are strong.

What you call gender roles are simply the natural behaviors of men and women. Eliminate the outside influences telling them from a young age to be something different and fucked up and they will naturally fall back into place.


How do we do this most effectively?

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I found most of what you wrote confusing. I agree that trannys and gays can be made, if that’s partly what you’re saying.

If you raised kids in an isolated commune where everyone was gay and lesbian, and had kids through artificial insemination, and told him every day this was good and normal, many of them would believe it. I think some would figure out the ruse, though, by thinking “why not just put the penis in the vagina to have kids?” But I think some kids would be fooled.

This is an extreme example, but I think people who live the homosexual lifestyle are could stop being gay with the right incentive and messaging.


First post: [04c6ee] OP >(1)
Second post: TORnigger >(1/4)
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I apologize. I wanted to use a term that referred to Man and Woman both, but felt using Sex would have been confusing among my talk of "Sex - the act". Given how Jew conditioning has generally perverted the order over the years, I felt it was worth it to discuss this.

We make them angry.
Then we show them the solution.
Psychology 101.

Yeah, I'm a bit confused by what I wrote too, to be honest but oh well. I hope you get some of the points, at least. Anyways, as for what you said, yeah, if you teach kids illogical things, like that circumcision is normal, that transgender stuff is normal, that religion is normal, or that certain cultures or customs is normal, they'll just believe it, especially if no one ever says otherwise. And even if they don't believe it, they'll still conform if there's a thread of social penalty or isolation, or even a religious hell.

That's just how it is, and why christcucks, despite their anti-LGBT morals, are still not the solution. They teach anti-LGBT under threat of death or hell, instead of going to the LGBT person and explaining it in terms of natural-order, honor, beauty of family, or using other true concepts.

Stop using that word, just use biological sex.

I’m not Jewish.

Some things to consider:
1. There's a lot less work, especially physical work, meaning the classical role of men as workers is slowly fading away.
2. There are less children, which means the traditional role of women as mothers and educators is fading away

These two currents have a big impact on families. Think about the dramatic effects the invention of the dishwasher, electric stove and washing machine had on lives of women and the impact the invention of farming tools, automobiles and robots had on men. Technology is changing the way we live and the ripple effects are everywhere. There is no going back.

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I don't think you really thought this through. The Tedpill needs to be swallowed, but your points don't really stand. Firstly, houses still need to be kept and children still need to be raised. Women are in the workplace for a number of reasons, but that they aren't needed in the house anymore isn't one of them. And overwhelmingly men work, although the nature of work changes. If a leader actually fought back against the tide of corporations like Monsanto that want to feed us all Soylent Green, there would be a partial return to a lot of that old work. Say that you banned factory farming, that would jack up costs of production of meat production and one would require more farm workers to produce the same output (which is too high anyways). This sort of reorganization of entire national, regional and global economies would necessitate a form of Caesarism though, that is for sure.

I wanted to be a trap for several years in my mid 20’s. I think you hit the nail on the head with your admittedly graphic essay.

Basically, men instinctively want to become traps when all avenues in which they can exert their manliess are closed. When there is no role for you anymore as a man, you instinctively desire to change gender so that you can find a role. This is extremely animalistic behavior that an intelligent man will recognize and attempt to avoid, but not all men are intelligent.

I also agree that it is foolish to hate gays and lgbts (the white ones I mean). In most cases, they are just acting on animalistic urges due to the complete destruction of their roles in society. If we lived in a homogeneous and prosperous white society whose government did not prey upon its citizens, don’t you think the LBGT people would disappear overnight? Don’t hate fags, hate the people that turned then in to fags.

Fighting against the soylent jew is laudible, but primitivism is at best a temporary tool. Our knowledge about technology will still be there once we've overthrown those who use it against us We will never go back to the stone age or even 19th century living conditions The absence of those conditions will bring an end to many of character traits those primitive conditions created.

When something that used to consume 80% of your day is replaced by technology, it will not only have an impact on your work life, but also your personality. Women are the way they are because they used to change diapers, wash clothes pick berries and turn them into pies and jam. They may still do it, but not to the extent they used to and as a result the personality of women will change dramatically over the next generations. It's inevitable.

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Yes. I had an edgy atheist-fedora stage. I don't regret it at all. I did my research, and before I even reviled Jews in any sense, I completely understood that the root of Christianity was Judaism, and both were linked absolutely.

Even before being an adult, when I was a young Christian child, I had a Jewish friend. I simply thought: "They are basically Christian, except they just don't have Jesus. I am basically Jewish, except I have Jesus."

As a child, and as an edgelord, I could clearly see that Christianity was severely Jewish, an Abrahamic religion, and as a Zig Forumslack today, I clearly see that Christianity's hatred towards LGBT people is actually a hatred towards Europeans who are LGBT, which of course will lead to the society splintering.

It is 2041, and we have won. A father has two sons. One is successful, and has a wife with three healthy children. The other is successful enough, but gay.

A Christian National Socialist appears: He sees the gay, and because his culture is dominant, the National Socialists won, but with Christian influence, he says, "Leviticus verses!"

And then he murders the gay person.

The father, who is a fine citizen of the European Empire is outraged. How dare this happen? The brother? He was a family man and productive worker. He is outraged. Both turn their backs on the empire, they say, "The filthy nazis murdered my family. I supported National-Socialism and the empire my entire life, had my wife, had my children, worked hard, and now this?"

The National Socialist who is Christian is now responsible for destroying a family, sullying the name of National Socialism, and for the neighbor to this entire thing watching from the window, they see clearly that it was a Jewish verse that has destroyed our community.

Christianity is Judaism, but meant to enslave Europeans into a cult. It is a blight.

It is the same with LGBT propaganda though: It is better for a man to have a family than it is for a man to be gay or transgender. That is the simple truth as well. But we are men, not slaves, not dogs, not sheep, not goyim. Our life is up to us.

It is an act of evil to slay a European, no matter the course his life has taken. Christianity's influence has bled into National-Socialism too far, and we think of terror and deathsquads, an inquisition, instead of Society and Nation, where we are united, we are strong, we are smart, but we are also free.

Yes it is, it is literally *the* reason. The washing machine is what put women in the workplace, not feminism. Laundry used to be a 3 day job every week. Washing machines turned it into a 3 hour job. Women were bored and demanded to be "liberated" from sitting around the house doing nothing, and the capitalists were more than happy to bring them into the workforce, doubling the labor supply and driving down wages.

Read a book nigger. Families eat garbage these days and children are raised by daycare workers because women were told to abandon their duties, not because they aren't needed. I know a family friend who's wife stays at home and she's up and about all day long until her husband comes home and they eat. In Norse, the word for Saturday is washday, because the wash was done then. Where I live, the Amish do their wash on Monday.

If you want to organize some tyrannical Bolshevik-style death squads to go around and threaten to kill your neighbors if they don't surrender their washing machines to you, don't count me as an ally. There's an intelligent way and an unintelligent way of pondering the consequences of late technology on our society.

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Sweet mother of mercy, why didn't you post this in separate images? How the hell are we supposed to read this ?

Take your own advice.
That does not prove your point. That happened 30 years after women entered the workforce. It happened because wages have been so heavily depressed by women entering the workforce, that now both the man and the woman must work fulltime to be able to make 70% of what only the man would earn 70 years ago.
Doing what? Watching talmudvision. Wow, how very helpful.
No, it is because you washed yourself then. Seriously, take that book reading advice.
You're deranged even for a kike, wtf.

This is the only correct thing you said, assuming you adjust for the change in the value of a dollar.

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This is homo propaganda. You can just as well say heroin feels good so the one's opposed to it secretly desire and would enjoy being a heroin addict. Kinsey's perverted theories are garbage. Degeneracy can be learned, but it's natural to have opposition to it if raised healthy and not living that lifestyle.

You get off your phone, dumbass.

Reminder that we will slaughter every single faggot on Earth. Homophobia is an evolved reaction, the same as avoidance of feces and corpses.

Yes, even with technology creating the best home possible is still a full time job. There are always aspects to improve. Woman get bored because all the improvements they know of are designed to save them time and hook them on corporate products. The improvements should be focused instead on healthy and wholesome. Growing and preparing food from scratch. Useful crafts. A great one to bring back for women would be homemade clothes. They used to take great pride in this, now spend endless time shopping for clothes. If they have the confidence and tools to make outfits that will make other women jealous, they will do it. Nothing like a little healthy competition to bring out the best in our women. They are instead competing to be Sheryl Sandburg. Yet men don't actually respect her, it's a false media admiration. We need to communicate how much we respect the full time housewife, maybe even break it to them that anything less is selfish and not deserving of respect

Yes, that is the point.

Heroin feels so good, and that is why it's dangerous, and it's those who have the slightest temptation for it that know it best.

Do you trust a person who shrugs and feels nothing when they think of heroin to be the one to vehemently oppose it? No, it's the person who COULD be tempted. The person who WAS once addicted, the one whose seen it ruin a life, and must live with the fear that it could ruin other lives, that will oppose it the most.

Otherwise you get Bible thumpers who when truly asked, "Why is it so bad to be gay?" They just quote the Bible, and have no comprehension of why it's bad, other than "durrr god said so."

And then they gain power, and begin oppressing and killing, and anyone who would just shrug sees an oppressive serpent killing their friends, families, and neighbors.

People like this don't get it. They are the sort who think of feces and corpses randomly, when the topic has nothing to do with that. They're the sort who go full Muslim with the whole "There might be poop on your foot, so do not show it to me, and shoes are bad."

If not Muslim, then Christian, and they make fools of themselves for thinking that faggotry is as bad as their own crime: Treachery. Killing Europeans is being a traitor to blood.

Blood traitors are worse than homosexuals. That is why Christians and these fag-killers can't be allowed to join with us. They do not understand the subtle fact that the right society produces the right people. They are fools. Fags will disappear on their own once decent wives are available, and those that remain will not cause problems if we leave them alone.

Get to them early. It’s the only way, unless you plan on homeschooling. They will need strong mental blocks in place ASAP. Schools will try to program them. Teach chivalry and shit like that. Instill values early on.
I deal with this shit with my fiancée. She’s not protressive or a feminist, at least not radically. But certain things cannot be broken, too much pride to be a housewife. For some it’s too late

Oh, you MUST plan on homeschooling.

Anything else (in this world) is wicked. There is literally no institution that will not deliberately brainwash and harm your child.

So you don't even need many mental blocks or whatever. Just teach them true things, and they will be fine. No need to brainwash your own child, as long as you rely on decent scientific fact and properly researched (by you) philosophy.

Government and religious schooling deliberately breaks children to make them obey. Without that, they will be fine, even if you don't go out of your way to teach them what YOU think is important based on what helps you cope now. I mean, that sounds odd, but you've been through bad shit. Bad schooling and bad society. They haven't. Teach them right, and they'll be fine. Good luck.

And as for your wife? Well, make sure she fully understands what's at stake. Have a serious discussion with her. You are a man, and she is not. You will command her respect when you speak with authority.

Thanks for the advice. Actually had this talk the other day. We arrived at having our first kid in 3 years, need to get some things in line first. Came up with a plan. Will try to work homeschooling into the equation.
My bit about blocks comes from experience. I used to be a Marxist, although I was raised in a pretty conservative working class family. I’m trying to figure where I went astray but I can’t figure out anything overt. Like I can’t to any one figure or event that pushed me in that direction which is concerning and leads me to believe it was incremental. My biggest concern is figuring out how to prevent my future children of being subverted in the same way. I had all the facts in front of me yet bought into some bullshit. Why?

It is literally pure kindness and empathy for others.

We hear something like "The gays are being bullied in school by asshole brutes, women are being raped and manhandled by alpha-chad asshole brutes, immigrants try their best, but are openly mocked and discriminated against by cis-white-male asshole brutes, and don't you think you might be one of them? Well, are you an asshole brute, or are you a socialist who will actually try to help the unfortunate?"

And the dark truth is that it's true. There really are people who bully gay kids, not to reform them, but just out of pure meanness, there really are people who manipulate women, not to get them to be submissive housewives in the traditional patriarchal sense, but to just have cheap sex with them, and there really are people who are racist, and not in the Zig Forums style, where we say, "Europe for Europeans and Africa for Africans and so on," but instead, there are just mean people who bully others for being different.

We want to be white knights. We want to do what is right. And we are young and have no idea that the people saying these things are old, and very wise. Perhaps wise in the maliciously clever sense though. We think we are smart at age 20 or so, we think we understand stuff, but we don't. Now yes, we are smart and we do understand some things, but we have no idea what organizations, plots, conspiracies, and political factions have built up over the years, and we have no idea where money really comes from, where jobs come from, where our society came from, and who plans it, and who wants to change it, and who has been working on changing it for their entire life.

Another unfortunate truth is one related to evolution and nature: It is the simple fact that Jews are not evil. It is the same as National-Socialists being seen as evil.

There is no evil in the bee stinging an intruder to protect itself. There is no evil in the bear killing the bee to collect honey. There is no evil in the fleas that parasite the bear's blood while it sleeps, and there is no evil to the forest that utilizes the corpses of all of these things to continue its growth. It is simply nature.

And just as it is natural there, it is natural that Jews ought to work for Jewish causes. Jews SHOULD try to destroy all other races but their own. But the issue is that they lie to us, and infiltrate. If they fought openly, and didn't hide among us as if they were white, it would be different. Instead, they can pose as Europeans and make us look bad, while actually fooling us if we are not JQ aware, by saying things like, "Diversity is strength." Well, is it? Of course it is in some ways. Ever trade stocks before? Well, diversify or you lose. Index funds are nearly akin to race mixing. Do you feel white guilt, when it's only Jews who actually speak of it first? Jews are the color white, but they are not European.

But the issue is that Jewish people don't seem to realize that this is their plot, not ours. We did not ever want to race mix or be treated as if we were stocks. We want to be European because we are meant to value our culture. Things like Christianity is already going too far. We were meant to be primitive heathens for a bit longer, and develop advanced technology later, but Christianity was a persuasive cult that leads to strict organization, rather than a more leisurely life, and from Christianity stems acceptance of Jews, of feminism, and finally, of LGBT and race-mixing acceptance.

Some might disagree, but they cannot: That is exactly what has happened, and I am not making predictions. I am laying out exactly what has happened, and we are actually into the next stage of that, although I can't yet find words to describe post-race-mixing, where the people are impoverished, but we still live within a high-technology society.

But just as it is good and right for the Jew to work towards Jewish causes, it is good and right for Europeans to work towards European causes. It is good and right to colonize other lands. It is good and right to conquer and have control of a territory, as much as we can manage. If it were easily possible, we would likely want to utterly take control of the entire world.

However, we have empathy. Although we can mock Chinese people as a hive mind, the truth is that I actually do respect them and their ways, even if they are not my ways. It's the same of other lands. The truth is that I am of Europe, and I do not need to conquer China. It is an intellectual's gambit here. I do not need to take over Africa. We don't need to conquer every last thing and have full dominion over all things. I think Europe is enough for us. I think Europe can be for Europeans, and America really should be a mix.


My personal opinion is to simply have a contract with Jews: Stop subverting our European culture, give Europe back to the blood-and-soil nationalists, and let America be the playground of all races. But that won't happen. I don't think Jews will actually abide by that contract. I think they will cheat, and begin trying to usurp us again, which means that America should be European owned as well.

I would like to talk to a supreme council of Jews and international elites, to work out a peaceful deal, a way that can ensure that Europe will be lead by Europeans who do not allow any more immigration, while also giving America over to capitalism and immigrants, which although will upset Americans, the truth is that America is not Europe. It is a new land, a new continent, and in this truly global world of internet and high-technology, I doubt we can truly stop race-mixing. But to have it focus in America, in exchange for the sparing of Europe means that the European races will not die.

But again, this deal will not take place because the Jews are deceptive. They do not talk about their plans openly, they do not wage war openly. They do things secretly and with absolute maliciousness. They are fleas on a bear. The bee can sting the bear, and the bear can attack the hive, but neither the bee nor the bear can detect the fleas. It is a cheap, cowardly tactic, and that is why things will become much darker than I would wish.

No, I'm not kidding.
Folk dancing is absolutely European and encourages men to lead and women to follow.
Furthermore, it encourages athletic men and women. It encourages men and women to invest time and energy into getting back in touch with our ancestors. And it livens up city centers or wherever the event is being held.
Rekindling our natural traditions is vital and the place to start is folk dancing. We must spiritually reawaken our people to their natural cultural roots.
All you folks who are pinning after attractive young women interested in traditional European culture are told to "go find a church-girl"
Those people are wrong. Church-girls are either sluts or are sexually attracted to Yeshuahstein. or their priest
No, the best choice is festivals that celebrate European culture and dance. This is where you will find a fetching lass. Then dance with her and swing her around. She will fall for you. Women love men who can dance.

Watch this video

Attached: Thuringian Folk Dance.mp4 (640x360, 15.08M)

Yeah, and then we go there and see hordes of Muslims slinking along the walls, waiting for their chance to strike at a cute virgin girl, capable of saying to net her, due to a lack of honor, shame, or social cohesion.

*of saying anything to net her

Unfortunately, everything in this thread is a long term process. All I can offer is an ideal to work towards. Ideally we will kill these arrogant invaders and reclaim our ancestral lands.
After the dust has settled, we must make folk-dancing an integral part of our social policy.

If Hitler 2.0 reads this and takes over America, please put me in charge of domestic reconstruction. I will cause a renaissance of European culture and make America a beautiful, fulfilling place for White peoples to live.

Attached: Cheese.jpg (637x960 106.29 KB, 117K)

Literally a meme, this word salad is complete trash and you should feel bad for posting this utter nonsense.

Most of us don't actually hate gays, we hate that their shit is becoming mainstream and pushed onto children and the general population. I don't give a single fuck if two faggots wanna stick 16 inch dildo's up their rectums until they die from internal bleeding. I don't give two shits about that. I only care when they take this shit out into the streets, promote it as normal on tv and in sex ed classes for kids. If faggots kept to themselves and didn't have to announce to the whole world how special they are because they take dick up the ass, no one would give a single fuck. You think some gay guy gets beaten in russia for just being gay? No, only faggots do because it's only faggots that mark themselves as degenerate freaks, the gays who behave normally don't get targeted.
Horseshit, greeks had faggotry and european civilizations throughout history have had faggotry exist. The difference is that it was not encouraged/promoted everywhere, it was something kept private as it fucking should be. KYS FAGGOTS.

Get a load of this faggot spamming the thread with his jew porn perversions.