Rome: Christian Law vs Jews and Pagans
Codex Theodasianus:Christian-Created Laws of the Roman Empire'
The Codex Theodosianus was a compilation of the laws of the Roman Empire under Christian emperors, since 312. This document is an invaluble historical resource and vital for documenting Christian attitudes towards jews and pagans.
Christian Identity types will often tell you that "denying christ is the most jewish thing you can do", or that "christianity has always been anti-semitic!"
Are these statements true?
Let's find out!
- Codex, list of laws:
- Codex, general info:
- Pastebin, Old Testament:
- Pastebin, this document:
Laws on judaism:
321 16.8.3 Jews are allowed to serve on municipal councils.
326 16.5.1 Religious privileges are reserved for Christians.
330 16.8.2 Jewish priests shall be exempt from public service.
331 16.8.4 Priests (Jewish priests) and synagogue rulers are exempt from public service.
361 16.2.16 Persons who live especially pious lives shall be exempted from public service.
393 16.8.9 The Jewish sect is protected by law. No regulation may be passed to ban Judaism, even in the name of Christianity
396 16.8.10 Jewish merchants may set their own prices.
396 16.8.11 Persons who make disparaging remarks about the patriarch (Jewish leader) are subject to punishment.
397 16.8.12 Jews are not to be insulted; governors are to be informed when such incidents occur.
397 16.8.13 Jewish clergy are allowed to retain their own laws and rituals and are exempt from service as decurions.
400 16.8.15 Privileges previously granted patriarchs (Jewish leaders) are to be upheld.
412 16.8.20 Jewish synagogues may not be taken by non-Jews, and Jewish observation of the Sabbath is to be protected.
412 16.8.21 Jews may not be persecuted for their religion or have their property taken without cause.
Laws on paganism:
346 16.10.3 Although pagan religious practices are banned, pagan temples are to be preserved because they host plays and circuses.
346 16.10.4 Pagan temples are to be closed, access to them is denied, and violators may face the death penalty.
356 16.10.6 Those guilty of idolatry or pagan sacrifices may be subject to the death penalty.
365 16.1.1 No Christian shall have to serve in a pagan temple; the judge who makes such an appointment risks fines or execution.
381 16.10.7 Persons who engage in pagan or superstitious behavior may be penalized.
81 16.7.1 Christians who have converted to paganism shall not be allowed to “make testament.”
383 16.7.2 Confirmed Christians who have turned to paganism may not issue a testament (will) to anyone.
391 16.10.10 Idol worship is forbidden and pagan sacrifice.
391 16.10.11 No person shall enter the pagan temples or perform sacrifices.
396 10.10.14 Any privileges granted in ancient law to pagan priests and leaders are abolished.
399 10.10.16 Pagan temples in rural areas are to be destroyed.
399 10.10.17 Public festivals are allowed, but may not contain pagan superstition or sacrifices.
399 16.10.15 Ornaments of pagan temples are not to be destroyed.
408 16.10.19 Images in pagan temples must be removed if there is any veneration of them.
408 Title 12 Income from taxes in kind shall be redirected from pagan temples to support the army.
415 16.5.56 Pagans who publicly assemble may have their property taken or even be executed.
417 10.10.21 Pagans shall not become administrators of judges. In fact, they may not enter the imperial service at all.
423 10.10.22 Previous laws against pagans are upheld.
423 10.10.23 Pagans are to be exiled and have their possessions confiscated.
425 16.5.63 Heresies, false doctrines, and pagan beliefs are prosecuted, and punishment may befall those who do not repent.
435 10.10.25 Immolation of victims and pagan sacrifices are forbidden.
435 10.10.25 Pagan temples and shrines are to be torn down and replaced with the symbol of Christianity: the cross.
435 10.10.25 Anyone who mocks this law faces the death penalty.
A protected class, despite being the killers of Jesus and the “synagogue of Satan”.Jews are allowed their own laws, to participate in government, are exempt from public service (military), “insulting” jews is forbidden by law, etc.
A pariah class, pagan temples, shrines and idols are to be totally destroyed, practicing paganism is punishable by death, pagans are to be exiled or executed, have their possession confiscated, etc.
Why would Christian emperors protect the killers of Jesusbut genocide followers of European spirituality?
It's almost as if the christian laws with regards to paganism exactly match the commands and industructions in the Torah for the jews to completely eradicate any native religions in lands that they conquest and occupy.