This is a Foundation in Germany to enforce Rapefugee acceptance and ruin our children.
Here the link to the pdf
(Only available in German )
This shit even got sponsored by the Government
This is a Foundation in Germany to enforce Rapefugee acceptance and ruin our children.
Here the link to the pdf
(Only available in German )
This shit even got sponsored by the Government
k, what are we supposed to do about it?
thermobaric bombardment
Bad news for German fags. 1st step, uncuck your country.
Anyway, what happens in childcare should be immaterial if you have a decent family dynamic. Mother's should care primarily for their children. Sending them away to a bunch of probably leftist nannies on a daily basis is a huge threat to your children anyway. If you want to beat the system opt out of it. Raise your own kids your own way.
Read, share, engage. Try to think independently once in a while.
I think I found your portrait, OP.
MOABs in thirty
Excellent idea
So if they dress nicely and have discipline they're nazis?
Now this is shitposting done right.
You'd be surprised.
I would like to know how to spot the children of Nazis–and also children who are Nazis.
if only you knew how bad things really are.
I'm sure there's plenty of kikes that can give ideas how to track kids
They want to kill you.
This sounds amazing. Is there another video critical of their signing up procedure and acceptance process?
That is a very informative video. Based on those warning signs think there are some Nazis who live near me. They call themselves Amish.
Anna looks like your typical broken-minded female that's probably a dyke who will be used and discarded, and those farmers she's harassing are reminiscent of the south Africans farmers being slaughtered today.
That's what the Nazis ay.
What I've realized about Germany is that it has been a puppet regime since the end of WW2. Only the most traitorous, cowardly, and degenerate individuals are allowed to get into government, media etc.
Think of the modern German government as a total sham, a puppet regime that has been slowly guiding the German people towards genocide, and the whole thing starts to make a lot of sense. Only the dumbest minions at the bottom of their power-structure lack an understanding of what is really going on.
For a long time I fell for the narrative that it was simply mass-self-delusion. That the population, so fearful of returning to ebil notsie status, auto-brainwashed themselves into far-left group think. No, this has been carefully orchestrated since 1945.
The Jewish-run Stasi never really went away.
Well, when your modus operandi is to destroy all love, health, wealth and joy in the world, obviously cheerful families would be alarming to you.
Easy counter.
-Dont use daycares. Tell that wifey to stay the fuck home
-Home school
-Multiple families within the same house to keep down costs
Its crunch time faggots.
If nothing else, they'd be a sign of failure.
Note the contrast between beautiful and happy blonde kids and grey NPCs in the background. This is deliberate.
Isn't homeschooling illegal in Germany?
I want off this ride
vid related
Well said, nice image too
checked and kekked
that there exist Germans today who would prefer to hide over fight, ha
just burn down the indoctrination centers you idiot dolts, hahaha
they're full of books! its like they want you to burn them down!
homeschooling is illegal in Germany, No?
just kill them lol
I spend a lot of time thinking about Mexican face amputation lately.
Suppose that doesn't happen to girls, does it?
Bump for awareness THAT ALL JEWS NEED TO DIE.
Easy. They're the kids that are about 70-years old.
It does, even decapitations.
Well, not the "thicc latina" kind, I mean.
Fucking spics. Next level cruelty. I dont envy you ameribros for sharing a continent with these animals.
Homeschooling is illegal in Germany? Fuck. That’s outrageous. Deeply sorry for being dismissive, you guys are in deep.
That video is such a fucking joke, they are literally making threats out of people who just want to be left alone and have their own lifestyle away from (((outside influence))).
That looks like absolute FUCKING paradise to me…not 'threatening' at all…man I wish I spoke German I would join them in a heartbeat.
>That video is such a fucking joke, they are literally making threats out of people who just want to be left alone and have their own lifestyle away from (((outside influence))).
They want to kill you. They want to exterminate you and the entirety of your race. It is most certainly not a joke.
They won't stop at merely harassing and doxxing people whose only crime is wanting nothing to do with kikeworld. They want to wipe out your very existence.
Literally Germans are just gonna Germ. This is exactly the same as those "how to spot a Jew" manuals from the 1930's except now the great evil is of course some people who want to be left alone in the country.
Germans make me sick, what an inhumane and dictatorial people. Fuck it, being cheerful at all seems to be illegal there.
(I'm going to get shit on for being the eternal anglo, but I'm honestly starting to see a pattern here)
Fucking BASED, my kekerino!
Funny how this propaganda paints a negative picture on wanting to live off the land, away from big cities and being independent from the banking cartels and other niceties of civilization.
I only now begin to realize the horrific reality we live in… I want off this ride too.
You're not allowed to live away from Semitic oversight anymore, goy. You see my dear gentile friend, we left the Germans alone for 12 years in the mid-20th century, and OY VEY WHATTA CASTROPHE THAT WAS. Not one of those welching goyim was paying their "cattle people" tax to us chosen people! Naturally, that state of affair is unacceptable. Now go and have a nice big glass of tap water. Unless you're an antisemite of course.
Spoken like jew.
t. kikestein
muh nahzees rounded up all the jews ! a bloo bloo !
Fuck off back to the_halfchan retard
This is one of them
Anetta Kahane: Break down European national identities by "moving populations"
You are a retarded ass burger who does not have children and will never have any. You stumbled across old news from a country you have no connection to and thought it might get you some (You)s on Zig Forums. You do not give a fuck about the state of Germany or kids. Go shoot choke on a taco.
Youtube channel of the latest Islamic murderer