COEXIST Volume III Did you know members of over 110 ethnic groups fought in the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS? That's not even counting those who were allied with the Germans, only those who fought within the German armies! And did you know well over 1 500 000 eastern European soviet citizens served in the German armies - against the Soviet Jewnion?
Learn more problematic hatefacts the kikes don't want you to know, and more on in the latest edition of COEXIST. Enjoy!
< COEXIST is produced in the form of several images and not a pdf, mainly in order to ease spread on the imageboards. < A secondary reason for why it is not created in the form of a small pdf, is to bridge the huge gap between spicy memes and dusty books. If great books was all it took, the battle would have been won a long time ago. < A tertiary reason is because the heebs mention in the Protocols that they really, really hate pamphlets.
Liam Baker
No, the kikes want us to know all about the "Great Replacement" because it's the kosher alternative to the reality of their White Genocide against us. It's like blaming the "Illuminati" or saying the Mossad's 9/11 attacks were an "inside job".
The kikes are scared, we can't let them get away with this rebrand.
And yet you post an image implying "White Genocide" is a Jewish controlled term?
Joseph Johnson
These are nice graphics but I am instantly suspicious towards anyone who uses the term "grand Replacement" It's called White Genocide
Alexander Cox
You make a fair points, but only from the POV of Americans. "White Genocide" is an ok term to use when only talking about America, but the term does not carry much umph in Europe. Most Europeans do not identify as "White", but as European or their respective nationalities, or ethnic groups.
Furthermore, The term "The Great Replacement" is very much in use in central Europe already, especially France, and it is strongly associated with the Soviet strategy of population replacement that was in effect from 1920-1980. Whole populations were rounded up and moved across half the continent to break down resistance to the Soviet Jewnion. The same thing is happening today in the European Jewnion, people are moving freely between the nations within the union - breaking down cultures, identities and bloodlines in the process. With this in mind, surely you understand why the Great Replacement is a great term for Europe. Perhaps not so much for America.
The core of Volume III is more about the European theater, not so much the American. Later on there will probably be a volume more focused on American, or Global issues on the same topic. A different brand-name than "The Great Replacement" can be used then.
Lucas Flores
Read the highlighted text, it's an example of how the jews are trying to de-judaize White Genocide.
It's being used in Europe by kosher nationalists like Generation Identity. No matter how you try to rationalize it, every time you use that term, you're empowering the kikes who want to wipe us out.
user this shit needs its own board. Claim /coexist/ or repost in /polk/ or something. We can get it translated and regionalised in other languages that way. The final fight will involve everyone and the time is quickly approaching!
Noah Ramirez
Fuck off (((newfag)))
Josiah Price
Oh my there's a few fleas that are prescient and wise enough to advocate not drinking all the host dog's blood and killing him, but instead to drink just enough to keep him alive so they can continue to enjoy his hospitality.
I personally am not for violence against anybody except zionists and corrupt. Unify the races and establish several ethnostates in the name of peace, give each one a mixed economy. Can be done if it becomes socially acceptable to publically suppoirt such a candidate democratically, if impossible have to rile a big enough group to eithier force democracy or overthrow.
Jack Roberts
That is of course fair point, but the article of Mr. Roof was reprinted unchanged. It's an important historical document. His views on the kikes were a bit undeveloped, but you can't expect every young man to achieve a complete ideological understanding on his own.
>Notice that it's all of the (((identitarian))) spies who use this term. Absolute nigger tier logic. Claiming that some irrelevant kosher cucks have adopted the term, so it shouldn't be used, is like claiming that israel adopted National Socialist racial policies, so those policies are now tainted and shouldn't be used anymore. But since GI is an irrelevant org. equivalent of niggers perhaps this comparison would be better:
Ah, so that's the reason for your logical short circuit. American ethnicity is White. European ethnicity is not White. European ethnicity is European, French, Ukrainian, Germanic, Danish, Nordic, Afrikaner, Italian, British, Spanish, et cetra. It makes no sense to use White Genocide as a term for a volume centered on the European theater, but that does not imply condemnation of the use of the term White Genocide for the American theater. That said, your way of thinking has traces of marxism within it. You try to force the shape of an idea on different people than your own in order to reach a goal that is unnatural for them, instead of utilizing ideas and concepts based on the unique conditions of those people.
European national, cultural and racial ethnic cohesion is a fact, and working within that mental framework when addressing European issues does not mean approval of the largely cucked identitarian movements, nor does it mean that the American side of things has to be addressed simultaneously.
To pre-empt your next tirade of saved up White Identitarian images; The above is not a claim that Europeans never see themselves as White, just that largely, they don't. At least not as White first - ethnos is first. Using different words than White works better when reaching out to Europeans, capish?
do you have anything to back that 1.5m soviet citizens served in the wehrmach statement? I know of the cossacks and the ex red army prisoner volunteers but this amount was not more than few 10's of thousands. There were some ukrainians but not that many and even if you included baltic slavs it wasn't that many. The only way i can see this number being possible is if you count all southern slavs in it too, so all the romanians, hungarians, czhecs, croats serbs and what not.
Luke Mitchell
It might not have been more than a few 10's of thousands recruited from the prisoner camps, but there were hundreds of thousands that switched side without being put in a prisoner camp first. The Cossack forces were also massive, not just a few 10's of thousands. Suggest looking up "Russian Liberation Army", "Tatar volunteers", "Hiwi", "Ostlegionen" and take it from there. It is a difficult number to estimate, but 1 500 000 appears to be a recurring estimation when it comes adding up the ex-Soviet eastern European men fighting with the German Forces. Adding up all the Hiwis and other auxiliary units is much harder, but would give a far higher number.
The Soviets had not left a good impression on their subjects after the Holodomors, and they refreshed the memory as they burned the ground behind them as they evacuated 1 750 000 jews east ahead of the invading Germans. Recruitment was not all that hard when green-lighted. But not many lived to tell the tale after.
Hitler referred to British people as white while lamenting their losses in Asia, your argument is invalid. Europeans combined are whites, all Europeans are Aryan and white genocide is what were stopping.. Youre a white kike trying to disarm our propaganda, replacing it with softer euphemisms and youre not from here. Im not even American for one and also the different areas of America and Canada for example are easily distinguished by ethnicity. Germans settled in one area, Irish in another, Ukranians in another, Italians in another. Most of them are still pure. In Europe, after WW2, people sloshed around every which way as the governments collapsed at the end. If I wanted to I could feign stupidity like you and suggest that means Europeans are all one mixed white race, but they arent. He says as he defends bolsheviks. Whatever youre doing, you dont matter and youre not from here. Spreading D&C bullshit, you would have been banned under the natsoc mods.
All European ethnicities including Poland due to its neighbors being degenerate are facing genocide, admitted intentional extermination at the hands of the kikes. Anyone who tells you that white genocide isnt a thing and tries to use kike pilpul to get people to stop saying genocide should be ignored and punished mercilessly if possible.
Youre still denying a genocide that effects all European peoples combined and going against the grain anti-fascistically on a consensus agreed propaganda term, in favor of a kiked group of admitted anti-racist anti-fascists.
no no, limited American grain no, limited American consensus no these last 6 words are true. That does not mean your guilt by association fallacy is. Niggers drink water too, that doesen't mean water is bad.
While I love your work, consider replacing the statue in the third pic with an actual German statue. That statue is computer-generated. >
Samuel White
There are no natsoc mods. Only endchan does that, and it's so dead tumbleweeds blow through that board.
Julian Baker
Which genocide are you talking about?
Robert Miller
LikeI give a shit.
Hey sweetheart he's gay.
Owen Cooper
You e had you justice already
Benjamin Murphy
archives of xoexist 1 and 2?
Colton Lewis
Juden, Juden über alles, Über alles in der Welt, Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze Brüderlich zusammenhält. Von der Israel bis an die Europe, Von der Vistula bis an den Nile, Juden, Juden über alles, Über alles in der Welt!
Juden Frauen, Juden Treue, Juden Wein und Juden Sang Sollen in der Welt behalten Ihren alten schönen Klang, Uns zu edler Tat begeistern Unser ganzes Leben lang. Juden Frauen, Juden Treue, Juden Wein und Juden Sang!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Für das Juden Vaterland! Danach lasst uns alle streben Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Sind des Glückes Unterpfand; Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes, Blühe, Juden Vaterland!