Nordic or Celtic?

Are Germanic people really Nordic? Or are they Celtic?

The closest relatives of the Nordic people seem to be the South Slave with their I2 Y-DNA.

Our closest relatives seem to be the North-Eastern Europeans

Attached: y-dna_haplogroups_europe_genetic_map.png (1600x1313, 1014.46K)

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I love D&C threads like this. They're so funny.
The Germans are Germanic. End of story.

Genetically Germanics are from the same paternal lineage as the Western Europeans, including the British and Irish, and if you stretch our ancestry a bit, we're from the same paternal lineage as the East and West Slavs.

Meanwhile the Nordic family lineage is closest to that of the South Slavs.

Attached: Yhaplotree.jpg (801x437, 34.08K)

Report or global report if mods don't respond.

Oh, my sides.
Well they sure aren't Celtic. They all look like swarthy meds to me. The French are even worse.

The real question is, are Nords really Geramnic, and if not then what are they?

There is very little difference between Germans and other Western Europeans, and there is a bit of difference between us and the East and West Slavs. Germanic seems to be a cultural identity.

Culturally and linguistically, yes. As far as family lineage is concerned, no. They are a relative of the south Slavs.

Which is interesting because the tallest people , in general, are the south slavs and the nordics

Attached: download.png (264x191, 13.46K)

Germans are Germanic people (Scandinavians) that migrated south and mixed with the Celtic natives. in southern Germany, including Austria, they also mixed with Romans, hence brown hair being common

Germans/Dutch are Germanic-Celt mix, also Roman (Italian) in southern Germany

English are Celtic-German-French mix

French are Celtic-Roman mix, also German in northeast, Spanish/Portuguese are Celtic-Roman mix

Lowland Scottish are Celtic-English mix, Highland Scottish/Irish are relatively pure Celtic, both have minor Germanic admixture

Scandinavians are pure Germanic

Finns are Germanic-Asiatic mix

Balts are pure Balts

north Italians are Roman-German mix, central Italians pure Roman, south Italians are Roman-Greek mix, Sicilians are Roman-Greek-Arab mix

(most) Greeks are Greek-Turk mix

Czechs/Poles are Slav-German mix

Slovenes are German-Slav-Roman mix, Croats are Slav-Roman mix

Serbs, Slovaks, Belarusians are pure Slavs

Russians, Ukrainians are (mostly) Slav-Tatar mix

Romanians/Moldovans are Dacian-Roman mix

Hungarians/Bulgarians are Slav-(minor) Asiatic mix

"Macedonians" are Bulgarian-Serb mix

_____Line of Whiteness ______

Turks are Greek-Asiatic-Arab mix

Bosnians are Serb-Turk mix

Gypsies are Indians

North Africans are Berber-Arab or Egyptian-Arab mix

idk wtf Albanians are, but they're shit

Anglo is the definition of white, "whiteness" means racial proximity to the Anglo master race

map of the remaining pure white subraces, the rest are mixed with eachother

also former GDR Germans have Slavic admixture

Attached: map.png (1280x1024, 73.14K)


Attached: Pure races of Europe Serbia Strong.png (427x2025, 743.07K)

Really? R1b is concentrated more in the Celtic countries of Britanny, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall and Ireland. And there is a particular variant of R1b in these regions too. The other main variant in Germany is mostly found in the Dutch and the English.

Germans are fathered by the same people as the Celts, while their mothers were more similar to the Nords, hence the blue and blond colors.

There is no pure subrace left anymore. DNA analyses reveal that even the Basques, Swedes and Welsh are mixed up.

French??? The French are mixtures of Gauls (Celts) and the Franks (Germans), both of whom have been fathered by the same people (R1b).
Nope. The Poles are mixtures of non-Southern Slavs and the Prussians, who were a Baltic people.
They have a completely different paternal ancestry.
The most prevalent Y-DNA among the Turks is J2 whose closest relative is J1 (Arab). Turks also have some chink in them (not sure which variant)
Mostly, yes
Berbers and the Ancient Egyptians were the same Hamitic race. North Africans have not just Arab, but Greco-Roman and Negroid admixture. That's why Algerians are light brown with curly hair and long noses lol.

Attached: Haplogroup_R1b-borders.png (800x553 84.48 KB, 57.72K)

Overall, maternal DNA doesn't mean much. The Poles have a high rate of blond hair and blue eyes, compared to say the French, Welsh or Scots, but they are still far inferior to them, to say the least.

Even the Southern Italians are far superior to the Poles. Slavs are literally subhuman

Attached: blond-haired-in-europe-map.jpg (1600x847 246.82 KB, 709.63K)


They could be fuck assic.
What matters is that they're not jewish.

or Muslims?

Shut up Slav.


OP is a faggot. Sage.

This, but Slovaks are mixed with Hungarians, and haplogroup I in Serbs doesn't mean much, as they don't actually cluster genetically with Nords. Also, northern Scandinavia is mostly Nordic with pockets of Sami.

only Slavs are Aryan

Attached: Centum_Satem_map.png (500x267, 145.76K)

Germanics are germanic you retard.