Jordon Peterson = Luciferian

So apparently, like most of the (((Deep State))), like the Russian (((Alt-Right))) operator Alexander Dugin, Peterson was a (((gnostic 'christian' Luciferian))) the entire time.

As the video shows, Peterson also had Timothy Leary's old job at (((neo-Harvard))), the guy who said he was carrying on Alestor Crowley's work. Just like L. Ron Hubbard was carrying on Crowley. Just like the "Hollywood Illuminati" use Crowley memes.



Other urls found in this thread:

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lucifer is a comic book character who does not exist in the real world
please stop shitting up the board with jewish science fiction, thank you

It's not a religous thread you fucking kike. It's a Deep State thread. Read OP.

These Jews offend God and Devil both. Wrath comes from all sides.

and schindlers list is a documentary.

or your impression of what is what is gleaned from the very jewish science fiction of television, whilst claiming to know different.

Good points OP but like others have said it's not "lucifer" but it is actually top Jews in power who are trying to control us

Global report.

God doesn't exist and we don't worship dead jews

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This is the highest level of debate kikeonastickites are capable of.

He's pro Jewish rabbis including Christ, he's anti-white.

Satanic cults are made-up jew fiction. Now let me get back to this science book published by (((Simon & Schuster))) explaining how whites are actually mutant apes and negroids.

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opinion discarded Khazar.

how about jordan peterson is a subversive faggot instead? I will gladly accept the role as the jewish people's devil.

Says the king of spades

I remember a time when an OP without so much as a link to additional information, would be wiped from the catalog in minutes.

Oh, do pardon me. My browser blocks yt embeds. Yet still.

Meh, you still don't see the full picture. Keep learning user. Maybe this will get through to you.

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Video’s a little hyperbolic for my taste. I’m not persuaded.

My DACApede brother-in-law told me about this cuck.

that's a huge redpill

Wait, what do these images imply? The jews became a crypto-class ruling England since the Victorian era? What about Tories?

What's your ethnic background and what state do you live in?

Or is this more sinister, that the British are “the lost tribes” and have always been oriented toward enslavemen/genocide/etc of European man? I actually need spoonfed.

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Tis wrong to answer one question with another. Nevermind, I’ll look into it myself eventually.

It's wrong to make false claims. I did not answer your question. I asked my own question to you.

Op Quit sucking Lefty Cock the (((Anti Christ))) is to be loved by all or somethin Like that JB Peterson is hated by Commies and most brain washed folk he is a guy who makes a living Talking about common sense and historical books and how they apply this day in age he is cool i hope Bill the Butcherer plays him in a movie Daniel day Louis. Looks like JBP … Also Clean your room OP start by bleaching your Dragon dildo collection. Queer

Check the punctuation before you strawman others. We, on the other hand, are finished.

He murders children.

Attached: The Anatomy of Jordan Petersons Cult Logo.jpg (1492x472 1.15 MB, 720.22K)

welcome to the obvious of a few years ago newfag

sage for e-celeb crap low effort slide thread

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We never started because you're not capable in the first place. Something I recognized immediately.

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Peterson is the ultimate strawman as his entire spiel is based on a false narrative. One that is pushed by the same jews who publish his books and book his appearances.

The lunatic asylums that are modern universities aren't real life. So he's either a massive liar, or completely clueless to how people and life operate. I find the later hard to believe because he did have a private psychiatric practise. Were ALL his 'patients' filthy jews with mommy issues? Perhaps. You do have to be pretty troubled to seek such a guy out and you know he wasn't sitting there for anything less than several hundred an hour.

The other possibility, is that he doesn't believe a word he's saying and is essentially reading from an approved script. If so, I think he's very wrong and he'll need to increase his e-whoring shekels a good, ten times if he hopes to avoid the 'chaos' he claims to be trying to prevent. Having a few million bucks doesn't mean anything when society collapses. If a loaf of bread is a million bucks then all that means, is you don't go hungry for a few extra days. That's what happened in Venezuela, the money lost 99% of it's value. Their economy was very similar to Canada's. Justine Castreau has been running record deficits the likes of which Canada has never seen before. The poz he's been pushing is unheard of until now. The guys he works for want to increase Canada's population 300%, entirely with shitskins. If Canada becomes Brazil with shitty weather, his children and grandchildren are fucked the same as anyone else. Maybe he doesn't care. He seems to despise his daugther for her health problems and when she had a baby, the fucker really let his mask slip and seemed resentful of the child for receiving more attention than him. Pretty messed up but then, this guy is on a, 'cocktail' of, 'anti-psychotic medications' according to him. He also now claims to have stopped them. I don't believe that for a second. You don't just stop those, especially if you've been on them for as long as he has. Regardless, they shorten your life by a third according to a study maybe, six months ago. He would be well aware of that. So maybe it's just balls to the wall crazy to make as much as he can before he drops dead. I doubt that however as he's very vain. Almost like a women with his appearance. He's admitted to having some mental problems when it comes to his skin and teeth. We know he's had hair transplants. I think the beef and water bullshit is because he suffers from anorexic like a bitch. It's not that uncommon in older, White males. At least in the past twenty years or so. His, 'unknown immune system illness' is nothing more than an extension of his obnoxious story where he told his daddy, that he had a dream and thought he had, had thoughts that no other person had ever had before.

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Fuck off reddit.

We get it.
He's a subversive gatekeeper like 99% of all the e-celebs.
They made the left so extremly disgusting so they could herd people to a right wing narrative the kikes created.
It just so happens that the neocons are supported in this scenario and antisemitism is wrong unless it's against the leftists (who are part of the game).
Peterson is a sheep herder for the right-wing which is running away from the artificially but strategically induced, degenerate leftism.
By comparison to the new left, he looks like Hitler to the untrained eye but he's really closer to Trotsky.
The modern left vs right dichotomy leads to a middle path on the way to globalism.

Damn gawker going down really hurt you didn't it? There is a site called fagsbook where you can spam celebrity gossip all day. Nobody here needs redpill 101 to know that anyone with a mAgIc nAme is an evil faggot jesuit

The toilet pipes on the helmet tells me he's into scat but it's up for interpretation.

A bold play by the kikes. They sent one neurotic leaf to try and simultaneously co-opt the Christian reactionary movements against NewAtheism, and the nationalist movements. Luckily, our best minds are wise to his existential relativism and bankrupt epistemology.

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No one said anything about lizards, however many people from all walks of life have come to the same conclusions based on his involvement with the UN and other globalist organizations.
Not only is it about the company he keeps but what he says doesn't match up with how he acts.

"Maps of Meaning" indeed.

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Your comment is idiocy. Short answer: no.

Hearty lel. The photos of him in a helmet and makeup should be plastered everywhere he is mentioned.

So? He's a Jew who plays the opposition, like they tend to do. No reason to go full /fringe/ and bring up Luciferians or other bullshit. Such retardation only serves to discredit Zig Forums.

He'll be living in Shanghai or wherever the designated kike hive will be. A few million US is worth more than communist bugman bucks.

Jordan Peterson is a subversive element. He operates under the illusion that he is somehow opposed to the current order, yet nothing he says is really that controversial or revolutionary. Nothing of what he preaches undermines the basic values and principles of multiculturalism, multi-racialism and mass immigration. Do you know who and what he undermines?

While it may not be clear to many, his goal is to undermine white people. The goal is to intentionally mislead and to tell white people to not organize into a political force and to not protect their interests. White people, of course, are the only ones that are capable of interrupting and defeating the current order. Therefore, it is necessary for the current order to organize and implement a great replacement; the replacement of white people for third world hordes. One way Jordan Peterson contributes to this great replacement is through demoralization.

He knows the majority of his audience is white and male and he knows full well that advocating this sort of individualism in a multicultural and multiracial society will result in the complete dissolution of the white race and white people being condemned to become an eternal minority (not only because of birthrates, but because mass immigration would still continue to outweigh white births, even at replacement level).

On the contrary, Jordan Peterson fully supports Jewish ethnocentrism and even goes as far as to praise their high average IQ, their abilities and achievements and holds meetings with intellectual Jews, some of them admitting to be Zionists (like Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris). I think this sort of hypocrisy regarding individualism and ethnocentrism is very telling whose side Jordan Peterson is on.

However, I think what is really revealing is Jordan Peterson's past. He has attended the Trilateral Commission in Slovenia, but this isn't the first questionable part of his past or indication he is part of the globalist order. Peterson worked for the UN for three years, serving as an adviser to Jim Balsillie, former CEO of RIM. Balsillie is one of George Soro's proteges and he co-founded the INET globalist think tank with Soros. Eric Weinstein, the creator of the Intellectual Dark Web that Peterson and many of his associates are featured by, is an official expert at INET. While working at the UN, Peterson helped write a Marxist blueprint for one world government communism. It details how wealth must be transferred from the West to the third world and how illegal immigrants that invade Western countries must be given free money and resources to establish themselves in our countries.

Nationalism is the greatest obstacle to the implementation of this globalist communist hegemony, and Jordan Peterson is vehemently anti-nationalist and anti-White. Peterson is a globalist conman working for the people who are in the process of destroying our nations, our people and robbing our people of everything our ancestors have worked and shed blood for.

Jordan Peterson is an enemy of the white race and of humanity as a whole.

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Yeah, at turning your brain into mush.
Never take anti-depressants, change your diet, start working out, stop masturbating.

How glow in the dark can you faggots be?

They're the literal synagogue of satan

Wait, is that actually Peterson's daughter? If so SAUCE

4chan fags really are braindead.

I've been here since 2014, asking for source is perfectly normal.

Go suck on an AIDS infected cock you disgusting niggerfaggot reddit cuckold bitch.

Jordan Peterson Is An Anti-White Globalist
Ties to George Soros, United Nations, Trilateral Commission
Embed here:

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and who do you think that keeps bringing up shit like luciferians, reptilians, aliens, flat earther and so on ?
thats exactly what they want to do, throw crazy shit at a board discussing stuff they dont want to be discussed, so they can discredit the whole thing as lunacy and crazy conspiracy bullshit

While I had a great laugh out of this (take that "post-modern neo-marxism"), I firmly object to the idea that Peterson is in any way connected to our International Marxist Conspiracy.

We have standards, you know.

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Try again.

you glow

Dugin is a kabbalist you retarded fag
Sage for shitty disinfo

thanks for the only good post :) as u can see no one else replies because this board is a containment for 10% of the users. 90% are shills and retard ai so they wont reply to an informative post.

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i agree that u are a faggot

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commies really are retarded if they can't see through the juden peterstein scam and only think of him as "muh ebil transphobe" bogeyman

Why haven't you killed yourself yet, blackpilled faggot? We know it's (((you))) by your asses and elbows.

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I don't get why modern commies support homofaggotry and trannyism anyway.
The USSR would have gulag'd each and every single one of them.

Kid, I explicitly put the reason of why I'm feeling mildly annoyed with Peterson: it is his retarded attempts to link SJWs to Marxism (his theory of so-called "neo-marxist post-modernism").

This and the other bullshit spawns degenerates like this:

C'mon lad, you can try a little bit harder than that.

I remember really liking him. I still think his classroom lectures are useful, but man. What a letdown.

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I chuckled.

FTFY. E-celebrity is very jewish.