White Is Right

It's clear to me that meth played a primary role in the holocaust. Because…meth. German military and civilians were both encouraged to use meth (Pervitin) to increase alertness and improve wartime morale. Germans were and are an orderly, civil people, superior in many ways, but frankly they were overtaken by drug-assisted mania before and during the Holocaust.

I additionally think the overprescription of amphetamines to young white children with "ADHD" has aided the rise of online nazi sympathy – they can literally sympathize with the psychophysiological state of the people of the Third Reich. I know many of you think this is good thing (muh happening) but it's based on a fundamental misapprehension of who white people are. It's fun to think of one's self and one's people as naturally WWII Nazis, because it seems better than many alternatives, but in light of what we know about crystal meth, it's clearly not the case.

I think whites must undertake rehabilitating their reputation on this count. I can't stress enough how important this is. I don't think you can do something like change the minds of the radical left. However, this is a misapprehension on a massive scale, and has distorted whites' self-perception and played a hand in turning the world against them.

Once meth's role in the holocaust is brought to the consciousness of the people, you may see a strong reduction in the self-defeatist mentality that is destroying civilization as we know it.

You will see your people become more willing to engage in bold counter-immigration measures as they become more self-confident.

In truth, you can get through this, anons. I'll see you on the other side.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wouldn't burgers and Anglos be the best then? Also shit thread.

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Die jew

Agreed. White people in general are a kind hearted benevolent people, except for slavs(tainted by Mongol and other non white blood) and spainiards(tainted by moor blood).Even the much maligned colonialism was a good thing for the third world peoples because we literally made their lives better.

Hitler and the reich was an aberration brought on by severe economic stress inflicted on germany.

Most third world peoples look up to us and want to be like us. In the absence of left wing propaganda most third world nations will naturally accept white people as their leaders and betters. The edgelords that you see on Zig Forums are not whites but non whites larping as white

The holocaust never happened, but it should have.

you don't belong here

This time for real

the nazis were defeated by white supremacists that had a segregated army and concentration camps for gooks
white people are inherently, things that you might deny

The real holocaust (extensive loss of life especially through fire) was the firebombing of german civilians

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This. Sage.

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I'm gonna just pretend that by "Holocaust" you mean the allied bombing of civilians and the mass rape and murder committed by USSR subhumans.

and what this user said:

Aside from that I guess it was a half-decent OP? I can't tell.

All is fair in love and war.

Remember the Opium wars, the destruction of the Ming dynasty and how China is today. They didn't forget.
It's a harbinger for what the future holds for Whites and that degenerate culture within

Agree, you should have an amphetamine prescription and be stockpiling it for the race war.

The allies were using amphetamines and the Nazis were using methamphetamine. There's a huge difference. German civilians were also using meth, but I don't think there was much of a parallel for amphetamine in allied countries, but I could be wrong.

Of course Germany's scientists figured out how bad meth was, but it was still available after the war by prescription, according to Wikipedia.

Meth made Adolf Hitler seriously sick, and it certainly affected his decision-making process. Sorry, I just can't believe more people aren't talking about meth and the nazis.

And yes, I say "nazis". I don't use it pejoratively, exactly. I think they were people who trusted a drug that betrayed them. This stuff will take your soul.

My sources are mainly Wikipedia and first page google results stuff. Forgive me, I'm not extremely literary, and I don't know if that's for better or worse. It certainly seems like people can miss the forest for the trees on this issue by getting lost in the war between official and revisionist literature about such a staggering event.

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I know it. It kills me. It's imperative to redeem white reputation in the case of the holocaust, and to talk specifically about the role drugs played when doing so. This is the lynchpin of white hatred and self-hatred around the world. I'm working on spreading the word. If more would also do so, it might not be too late.

Go back to reddit, jew. The holocaust never happened, but it should have, and will soon.

Keep lying to yourself. You've not got much time left, anyway

What they are are Allies.
When the conflict steps up, it won't be whites vs the world. It will be whites and their allies against the degenerate, thieving, lazy and commies.

People of all races can recognise truth, and the true order of things. Being subservient to a wealthy and generous master is far better than free amongst mindless savages.

The holocaust is largely a myth, never happened as told, and the number of deaths (mostly casualties) were vastly exaggerated. The number is most likely somewhere between 200k and 400k.
And i'm not white, but admire them and want to be like them. Also i don't care if they have or not power in my country, as the real enemy here is the eternal pharisee and their degenerate lifestyle.

tl;dr get back into an oven



Thanks, spics. Thanks so much.

Lmao go the fuck back to hell Atomwaffen creep.

You guys are disgusting.


Typical fucking JEW right here boys.

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You know, Breaking Bad is a really terrible show. I couldn't understand how it could be so critically acclaimed and popular. However, as I've been thinking through stuff like the meth link to German genocide during WWII, I'm realizing that the fucking show probably resonated with people because it was about an upstanding bald white man, who suddenly faces economic hardship, gets involved with meth, and loses his conscience. It's like a retelling of what really happened in nazi Germany. For white viewers, who never made the connection between meth and the holocaust, but who knew on an unconscious level that the German genocide isn't precisely in their nature, I'm sure this was quite resonant.

All the other races have brought us to this level, to say that through all these races somehow Whites will overcome is despicable because it'd probably be believed by a lot of us in this state and would only lead to a different form of suicide.

Yeah all those countries that expelled jews prior to this alleged holocaust.

I'm talking about the ovens and chambers, not the war or the philosophy of national socialism, or even the philosophy of Aryan superiority.

Actually, meth plays a primary role in beleebing in the holohoax or flat Earth faggotry. Sage because you're a cuck faggot nigger who needs to lurk the fuck moar.

Holocaust denialism makes total sense, considering how the role of meth was downplayed, and how, without meth, the Holocaust makes no sense and is terrifying.
I'd rather not. Too much lurking, too much chan acculturation, and the obvious gets lost in the weeds. Good luck.

only people high on meth wouldn't want to live with a FUCKING RAT

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Global report.

not all slavs are created equal.


This is an interesting line of reasoning op, thanks for going through the trouble of posting it. That said, muh siksmillion did not happen. There were no death camps, no final solution, no secret code delivered via ibm punch cards that were later destroyed. The things muh gnat sees admitted to doing, under tour cher, are physically impossible. The things described in new renberg and subsequent works of apologia are miracles on par with the parting of the sea of reeds.
Hit lore is the atheist devil of an atheist state religion. It is all but impossible to convince a loyal citizen that the above is so. Your conjecture offers an intermediate position. A wicked spirit to blame for the 'actions' of otherwise normal men. Baby steps gentlemen. First we crawl, then we walk, then the world.

Yeah okay.

No, it's a deterrent. When you're drugged, your normal passions are suppressed. Desiring truth is a healthy persuit.

Worrying about reputation when the enemy controls the media is about the worst strategy you can go on. Nice shill post OP.

You're a shallow, low IQ, dumb cunt. Stop spewing your retarded theories and sit the fuck down and read the words of your betters.
The gas chambers are a lie, a propaganda lie to downplay "allied" atrocities, and to make germany out to be the big bad goy.

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Like I said, I don't read a lot, but I think that's an advantage in some cases, because some things are clearest in low resolution.

We've got to get this right. It's a really easy point of clarification.

It's not about getting the media on your side. It's about educating and emboldening your people. The nazis were on crystal fucking meth. Such a simple and strong fact.

In other words, make this a meme you fucking retard, since you're so fucking smart.


No autopsies of bodies were ever conducted by any Allied investigators to prove gassings of camp inmates.

No photographic evidence was taken by Allied aerial reconnaissance of the camps between 1942-1945 showing mass exterminations or removal of human remains, even though such activity would have been easily spotted.

No German communications, which were being monitored by the British government throughout the war due to the early cracking of German codes, alluded to any mass extermination or extraordinary loss of life in the camps.

No captured diaries or journals of high-ranking German officials alluded to any program of extermination, nor is there any documentation whatsoever alluding to a program of extermination. As holocaust believers claim that the National Socialists killed eleven million people - roughly 5 million Europeans and 6 million jews - the idea that every single document alluding to this massive operation was destroyed is ludicrous.

Neither mass graves of eleven million bodies nor the remains of the equivalent number of bodies in layers of ash and crushed bone, have ever been located in or around the internment camps.

The claims of 'human soap', 'skin lampshades', and 'shrunken heads' were debunked and admitted as lies in mainstream American newspapers in the 1980's.

The 'steam chambers' and 'electrified floors', the first alleged methods of mass extermination, were quickly proven to be lies before the 'gas chamber' story emerged and took hold in the public consciousness. If the gas chambers had been real, there would have been no need to lie about 'steam chambers' and 'electrified floors' initially.

The Katyn Massacre, the shootings of over 20,000 Poles for which Germans were hanged, was admitted by the Russian government in 1990 to have been actually committed by the Bolshevik NKVD.

The Babi Yar massacre was a lie conjured up by the Soviet jewish propaganda minister Ilya Ehrenburg. The story, which involved the Germans allegedly killing 30,000 jews outside of sniper-infested Kiev in 1941 (with no eyewitnesses) and then returning to the site three years later to dig up all the remains and destroy them using "bone-crunching machines" (while being pursued by the Red Army, no less) was laughable to begin with. However, there is evidence which supports mass executions of Ukrainians at the site in the early 1930's by the NKVD (see: Holodomor). It's probable that, like Katyn, the Babi Yar massacre was an example of the Soviets projecting their own atrocities onto their enemies as propaganda.

Official Soviet policy was to prioritize the evacuation of jews via trains ahead of the German advance. Eastern Soviet territories such as Kasakhstan, Uzbekhistan, and Tajikistan recorded huge numbers of jews flooding into their lands during WWII

All the "information" on gas chambers came from the Soviet Union, as the Western Allies did not capture any camps that are currently claimed to have had any, though initially, they did falsely claim that they had liberated "death camps" with gas chambers in them such as Dachau.

All German camps had supplies of Zyklon B, not just the camps which were said to have had gas chambers. Large quantities of Zyklon B are neither mysterious nor sinister, as it takes a relatively high amount of the spray to kill lice.

A study conducted in 1999 by an Australian team of researchers using ground-penetrating radar proved that the ground around Treblinka had been undisturbed down to 30 meters, meaning that no human remains of one million people were deposited there. This supports official German documentation which shows Treblinka to be a transit camp.

I think YOU'RE on meth, faggot.
What the fuck is even your point? To meme that ww2 germans were just strung up on meth and therefore can't be held responsible for the 6 billion dead jews?
You're an idiot. Increase your fucking resolution, you childlike numbskull.

op is a gay boomer who thinks not all germans were "nazis", kikes were gassed, and the democrats are the real raysists

Records show that German guards were severely reprimanded for so much as striking camp inmates, let alone killing them. Karl Koch, the commandant of the Buchenwald camp, was executed by the SS for killing several inmates and stealing personal possessions.

Germany has no history of genocidal behavior, not even at its most aggressive. Jews on the other hand, have a long and bloody history of genocidal behavior towards their perceived enemies, recent examples including Russian Orthodox Christians, Ukrainian kulaks, Polish Catholics, Germans, and Palestinians. Furthermore, jews are notorious for projecting their pathologies, hatreds, and hears onto their enemies.

German "admissions of guilt" were obtained through brutal torture and coerced "confessions" by Allied agents which included genital mutilation, mock executions, beatings, and threats directed at family members; Rudolph Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz, was tortured so terribly, he admitted to the location of a concentration camp that didn't even exist.

If the Germans had wanted to kill jewish inmates, all they would had to have done was simply not feed them. This is how Eisenhower exterminated 1.5 million German POW's in the Rhineland death camps after the war. No need for gas chambers, "bone-crushing machines", electrified floors, or any other outlandishly preposterous claims conjured up.

Rudolf Vrba, the Slovak Jew who popularized the gas chamber story, was forced to admit under oath during the Ernst Zundel trial in 1985 that he had never witnessed an actual gassing, and that his stories were "artistic representations" (that's jew for lies).

Numerous Holocaust memoirs, such as Herman Rosenblat's "Angel of France" and Jerzy Kosinski's "The Painted Bird", have been proven to be fiction. Elie Wiesel's "Night", supposedly based on his experiences at Auschwitz, fails to mention any gas chambers and instead talks about huge pits in the earth where jews were allegedly burned alive.

Deception is central to Jewish interaction with non-Jews, as well as Jewishness in general. Extreme dishonesty in regard to their holocaust stories is entirely in keeping with their racial character.

The "Holocaust" is used as a political weapon to extort billions of dollars from Germany and other nations, to inculcate sympathy for jewry in the face of its global criminality, and to stifle European nationalism at a time when their homelands are being invaded by millions of hostile racial aliens.

If the holocaust had actually happened, it would not require laws drafted by powerful jewish organization to defend its veracity. No other historical narrative is protected by the threat of heavy fines and imprisonment. Truth doesn't fear investigation.

This thread is high level Jewry, low level effort.

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All German documents and statements made by German officials show that the "Final Solution" meant the repatriation of jews to their own territory in the East, not their extermination. Holocaust believers claim the Germans spoke and wrote in coded language (e.g. "ausroten" = extermination as opposed to its actual meaning "uprooting", i.e. physically removing and transporting people) but there is no evidence to support this idea.

During the First World War, the British government ran stories in the newspapers about Germans allegedly gassing people to death and 'bayoneting' babies. After the war, the British government issued an official apology for their lies and wartime propaganda. They didn't do so after WWII due to the need to justify the foundation of Israel.

Jews have a history of exaggerating their suffering, such as during the Khmelnytsky Uprising in Ukraine in the 17th Century. For centuries, jews claimed that half a million to a million of them died during the rebellion, when today it is generally accepted that actual jewish casualties did not exceed ten thousand.

There is no reason to believe that the emaciated corpses found in the camps by the Allied forces were anything other than victims of starvation and typhus, which afflicted all of Germany in the final weeks of the war due to Allied saturation bombing. Gassing people does not cause them to lose weight, and if Jews were being immediately gassed upon arrival at the camps, as propaganda states, where are the otherwise healthy bodies that died from these alleged gassings?

The mobile gas vans allegedly used to gas jews were actually a method of execution devised in the Soviet Union by NKVD official Isay Berg.

German commanders refused to follow Hitlers' Commissar Order of 1941 (mandatory executions of Bolshevik Commisars and Soviet intelligentsia), as they considered cold-blooded killing dishonorable and a violation of international law. Yet people are told to believe that these same commanders were overseeing the widespread extermination of millions of civilians of the Eastern Front.

Sporadic killings of the few Jews that remained to be caught by the Germans in the Soviet Union were typically carried out by vengeful Slavs who had scores to settle after two decades of jewish tyranny and violence directed at their countries and families. It was German soldiers who routinely stepped in to stop the violence.

The Einsatzgruppen, who lately have been the focus of TV shows, movies, and books on account of the death of the gas chamber narrative, were German troops whose job it was to secure the rear lines, which were frequent targets of terrorist activity by Soviet partisans. There is no reason to believe they were shooting thousands of millions of people as is routinely claimed.

How can something that exists play a role in something that never happened, rabbi?

What ethnicity are you? Are you a spic?

Kill yourself Schlomo

Yes, I know, but they were using meth so they changed their plans.
Now this is interesting. They've certainly portrayed themselves as doing so in popular media.

What the fuck makes you think I'm a spic?
Go watch some sportsball, boomer-satan.


What a fucking cope post for your room temperature IQ

It's possible I have some jewish genes, making it easier to see the obvious.

Reading's bad goyim.



aaaannndd there it is

You aren't even trying, kike.

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You guys are absolutely mental.

OP is a colossal faggot

You have to go back.
Go and stay go.

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gtfo kike. remember to report this thread anons

Hey, mister don't-read-alot.
If you just asked simple questions people really wouldn't be hostile towards you. But to most people here it's really obvious that you're just here to dilute the truth.
Set your ego aside, and put that bigboy brain of yours to something useful.

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I feel (and this is probably wrong, because I don't read) like obsessive jew-blaming is something like the cultural analogue to whatever biological factors cause inbreeding. It's possible I have jewish genes, because I haven't looked into it, as is the case for many descendants of Europeans.

I bet you do you brainlet.

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Diluting the truth how? I'm saying 1.) the nazis were on meth, 2.) most people don't know this, 3.) people might think differently about the nature of whites if they did know it. I've extrapolated a lot from that, but that's my main point. Yes, it's a simple argument, but that doesn't mean it's a dilution of truth.

Your OP is literally:
Literally spreading misinfo.

I hope you were going for very ironic and failed.

I think we're done here.

Here's what I'll say about that. If there's even a chance the holocaust happened, I wouldn't want to be saying it didn't. Why? Because that would be rude, old boy, and people in civil society aren't rude, they're civil – when they're not on meth, that is, or apologizing for a regime that was fucked up on meth.
I simply think a lot of things would be different if more people knew the NatSoc Germans in WWII – or whatever you want to call them – were using meth.

Honestly, I love this place so much. It's too bad staying gives you cancer.

boomers like you will be shot

my sides, my fucking sides

This is called Voodoo Pharmacology.

Faggots love Methamphetamine because stimulants are actually profoundly disinhibiting in high doses, thus it makes their favorite activity (Sex) exceptionally pleasurable.

I have personal experience with mAPM, when used correctly it's a fantastic stimulant but very very similar to Adderall. Everybody loves methamphetamine, anybody who says otherwise hasn't done it. Same thing with Cocaine and MDMA.

These are chemicals that quite literally "make you feel good," if they are working correctly as drugs, you will find the effects enjoyable. It's very easy to take a kinematic deterministic view to this and say that molecule A has effects B in every subject and that because of B, cognitive process C occurs, everytime. This isn't how pharmacology works, it's not how your nervous system works.

People don't use methamphetamine and start goose stepping.

Now all that being said, that doesn't mean that certain drugs do not do certain things. Especially in excess. However drugs in excess typically cause some form of psychosis or delirium. To much a of stimulant causes stimulant psychosis which is pretty luzy to watch but it's radically different than the psychotic episode caused by a classical serotonergic hallucinogen… which is radically different than a state of delirium brought on by a dissociative like Ketamine or PCP.

Alcohol causes psychosis in approximate 1/20 users, that's 5% for all you non-math people.

While I agree that under influence of certain compounds some things may make more sense, like for instance the desire for efficiency while under the influence of a stimulant; or how anybody who has been under the effects of a psychedelic has a certain quirk to their humor. It's like this, saying that methamphetamine is responsible for the cruelty of the holocaust (I shall refrain from debugging OPs holocaust.exe) is just like saying LSD is responsible for the Hippy movement. While anybody that has studied either will tell you that they may be intimately related, no expert will tell you that either were /caused/ by a pharmacological agent however, this is not to deny that the culture that surrounds a specific substance does not contribute to group and individual behavior. See Stoner Culture (Cannabis Culture), Psychedelia and the culture surrounding Opiates, Anxiolytics (Xanax (Alprazolam), Klonopin (Clonazepam), Valium (Diazepam), etc …) and even Research Chemicals. Virtually EVERY known recreational drug has it's own little cultural enclave, especially since the introduction of the Internet.

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While under the influence of mAMP cold calculations become much easier, I can say from personal experience. If you got into a physical altercation with me while I was on methamphetamine, I was out to utterly destroy you and since I was high on Ice, I thought faster and moved faster than anybody who wasn't also high on methamphetamine. This also meant I felt less pain since adrenaline was already coursing through my body; in short, somebody who is high on methamphetamine is extremely combat effective. So long as the dose is kept in check.

Yet, again… I wasn't goose stepping about attacking Jews or advocating for their genocide. If, however, I was surrounded by a culture that was in the throws of intense anti-semitism, I can almost guarantee that I would have exuberantly participated. Everything feels like divine providence with adequate levels of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine coursing through the body.

You don't need to eat, you don't need to sleep… you can carry more weight, like I said in the previous post it is an EXCELLENT stimulant but so is Adderall. Why is that? Adderall is just straight plain old nothin' special Amphetamine, AKA Speed. The only thing that's different is mAPM is methylated at the amine terminus. This probably increases lipophilicity and thus how quickly it crosses into BBB (Blood-Brain-Barrier) but that's just an educated guess. Overall, they are very similar. I doubt most people could tell the difference between 100mg of mAPM and 100mg of APM.

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Further, as somebody above pointed out somewhere, the Allies did not shy away from giving their troops stimulants… especially pilots. They weren't lining up noncombatants and wasting them… although the Russian front is another story.

It’s like they’re not even trying anymore

This is all so fascinating. Thank you for your post.

No problem.

Every chemist has the capability to really show people what Magic actually is, not this Satanic Crowlian bullshit that I see running all over this board. I have a good laugh at it, actually I find it intensely entertaining. Somebody who thinks that words can cast spells or that actions or rituals have effects on the real world has never been dosed with a sufficiently psychoactive chemical.

I'll go against the most well versed occult magician and after 10mg of LSD, they'd be fucking baggage 5 minutes after administration, they'd be incapable of speech and would likely be vomiting profusely.

Similarly if I were to administer midazolam and ketamine, I could do whatever I felt like to them with utter impunity and they would be incapable of resisting or remembering what happened; by this I mean their brain is physiologically incapable of connecting the neurons required to form new memories.

If I want to induce a state of utter uncontrollable terror, administration of a paralytic like decamethonium without the use of something like midaz would be on the menu. You'd be incapable of moving basically anything, even your eyes potentially, yet you would still be able to feel pain as paralytics are not analgesics. Your airway would also need to be managed, mind you you're aware of all of this but can do absolutely nothing about it.

..but no, faggots on here insist the occult has power. The entirety of the occult has been created to hide Alchemy. Modern Chemistry is the most pure form of Alchemy there is.

You can trace so many occult practices back to pharmacological agents and preparations. From Druidic Witchcraft to the Eleusinian Mysteries, from the Vedic texts to Ancient Babylon there have been entheogenic (psychedelic) cults that have had a profound effect on culture, the arts and science.

Socrates was killed for distributing the Kykeon (a psychedelic sacrament) to his students, thus him being charged corruption of the youth. He was forced to drink Hemlock, which killed him.

No amount of reading from ancient texts will give you the power that an understanding of Chemistry and Pharmacology will.

When the shit hits the fan people are still going to need medicines and those aren't going to be miricaled into existence by "muh deities" but you know who will be able to make them? A Chemist.

Tell me… what would you pay for a shot of Penicillin when it's going to save a life. I'll tell you, you'll pay whatever is demanded.

I honestly can't think of a more valuable skill than a thorough understanding of chemical synthesis for both everyday life and SHTF scenarios. Once it is achieved… you've got all the mathematics and science behind you to do just about whatever you want.

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lol, none of you are even white though…

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