I'm looking for answers, as I have been asking this question for a while. We all know that in America, they put flouride in our water, but I'm looking for answers on what effect it has on our bodies. (((They)) say that its to keep our water clean, but seeing all the stuff the ruling class does, I wonder if it has other effects.
Does it contain esorgenic chemicals?
Tap water thread
Other urls found in this thread:
look up Calcification of the Pineal Gland
It's a neurotoxin. Watch this documentary. They're going to add lithium to the water supply very soon. Lithium causes LETHARGY and keeps people from questioning authority.
What are some ways I can counter this as an individual
The effects are negligible and is a scapegoat for the much more dangerous high levels of chlorine, copper and most of all lead. this right here being the prime example.
Either only drink bottled water, use private well/spring water, or get a reverse osmosis filter installed.
The problem with reverse osmosis is that it doesn't have many minerals.
Thanks man
I appreciate your help
Fuck off jonestien
Fuck off back to reddit, nigger.
Can't answer you OP, however, fluoride does have a social dynamic. It is pushed to "help our teeth" under the assumption that teeth are kept solid from the outside application of medications, which is wrong. It's assumed that persons with cavities simply aren't brushing enough leaving victoms feeling dirty and seen unclean, despite the fact that they have been brushing regularly. This false idea of fluoride protecting us empowers jew pharmaceutical and medical inudstries across the Western world, with all the surgeries and medicines "needed". Another way for White people to be drained while they feel personally responsible given their information. In many government public schools in certain countries, young children are given 'flouride cups' to swish around and spit. Fluoride is usually post industrial use. Probably, like many suspect vaccines of, it dumbs down a childs brain to be able to sit and memorize what the state sells as important and as history, without question.
Any cheap traditional alternative like building a well is becoming more out of reach than ever. The system is anti human and wants cities to become the inevitable habitat for man. A man could live relatively naturally and healthy if all the normal business of proper meats, dairy, water, sunlight were available daily. These are far from legal in many cases. The system makes you dependant, and unironically and retarded as I know this is, I believe weather manipulation is decreasing total sun hours making its people sickly. You need to live in their slave boxes to work their jobs so that you can drive a slave car(can't independantly repair) to buy a diet of slave grade food so you don't starve cold on the street. Carbon taxes, forced medications, chemicals, and food and safety laws that prohibit certain 'bad bacteria' levels. They use 'for the greater good' to remove your freedom and health.
t. fresh tap savants
bottled water is soaked in plastic, making it a prime entrance way for BPA and other estrogen-like chemicals into your body
I think BPA has been long b& but im sure there other shit in it. Even ZOGbots and hipsters alike caught on to BPA with their back-packing bottles and canteens.
Reverse osmosis or buy distilled water in glass containers. Never drink or eat out of plastic. Never heat things up in plastic.
Pretty spot in except for the weather theory. I brush my teeth without toothpaste, healthy fuckin teeth. I get water that is either reverse osmosis filtered or natural spring water
BPA is definitely not banned, just frowned upon. doesn't stop coke/pepsi/goy soda from putting it in their cans and bottles.
Good OP, how about water chlorination?
>Disinfection by chlorination can be problematic, in some circumstances. Chlorine can react with naturally occurring organic compounds found in the water supply to produce compounds known as disinfection by-products (DBPs). The most common DBPs are trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). Trihalomethanes are the main disinfectant by-products created from chlorination with two different types, bromoform and dibromochloromethane, which are mainly responsible for health hazards. Their effects depend strictly on the duration of their exposure to the chemicals and the amount ingested into the body. (((In high doses, bromoform mainly slows down regular brain activity, which is manifested by symptoms such as sleepiness or sedation.))) Chronic exposure of both bromoform and dibromochloromethane can cause liver and kidney cancer, as well as heart disease, unconsciousness, or death in high doses.[16] Due to the potential carcinogenicity of these compounds, drinking water regulations across the developed world require regular monitoring of the concentration of these compounds in the distribution systems of municipal water systems. The World Health Organization has stated that "the risks to health from these by-products are extremely small in comparison with the risks associated with inadequate disinfection".[17]
Notice how bromoform and dibromochloromethane combined creating Trihalomethanes causes severe health effects, lethargy, onset docileness/mild retardation. I bet already from speculation that most of the nations chlorinating the water supply use both of these substances to create fluoride-like retardants for the general population. Would be nice to get more research into this.
wat. That's what the chlorine and copper chloride is for (those aren't healthy to drink, either).
Anyways, I'll add some info in spite of the nonsense; fluoride is an extremely dangerous chemical the CDC warns causes permanent injury or death upon contact in it's undiluted form. There have been spillages at water treatment plants that required an emergency HAZMAT clean up, and we're drinking that crap. It's also highly reactive with pretty much everything, and destroys the pipes at treatment plants, but as it relates to the human body, it displaces iodine, calcifies the pineal gland, which in turn wreaks havoc with one's hormones, lowers ones' I.Q., and damages the 'fight or flight' area of the brain. So, for example, when someone is confronted with an injury causing situation, they're inclined to shutdown, or attack or run away from whatever is warning them instead of the actual danger.
One of the end results are, among other things, when warning people who have been drinking fluoridated water of the dangers of fluoride, they're likely to attack the messenger rather than the people poisoning them.
We need to be asking honest, non-politically correct chemists how to mitigate this situation, or you know, shoot the people dumping poison in the water in the first place.
Water never contains enough minerals. You'd have to drink hundreds of glasses a day to meet the already too low RDA. Vitamins and minerals, and proteins + omega 3s, are best derived from food (steak, chicken, turkey, and poached eggs are muy bueno, fruits and vegs for fiber, etc.).
Reverse osmosis is incredibly wasteful of water, so it's probably not a good idea if you're on a well system.
forgot fish and nuts. eat stuff like wild caught salmon and don't eat stuff like soy proteins.
Why even bother researching this? Just distill/filter and be done with it. Personally I have a distiller and that's all I use.
Long term use of Fluoride does cause deposits on the pineal gland.
The Fluoride Deception is an old 30 minute documentary that convinced me and others.
Distillation can lose its effectiveness once scale accumulates on the heating element or in the flask.
Water vapor can carry small amounts of solutes, especially highly hydrophillic ones, especially if the water evaporates slowly towards the end due to scale.
The only thing that really works is RO or reverse osmosis membranes, once they get fouled the system gets clogged and you know you need to replace the membrane.
Really best to have a fresh water spring, but failing that, RO membranes FTW.
If there's no scale, how much fluoride is in the head and tail of the distillate? Is any of it left out of the vapor?
It's a nightmare. Why is it so difficult to remove fluoride from the water? Most of the world does NOT fluoridate their water, and it's without deleterious effects. What is the problem with the USA?
Lennart P Krook,
Cathy Justus
Ithaca, NY and Pagosa Springs, CO, USA
SUMMARY: On a farm in Pagosa Springs
, Colorado, Quarter horses consuming
artificially fluoridated water (up to 1.3 pp
m F) for extended periods of time developed
classical symptoms of chronic fluoride
intoxication including dental fluorosis,
crooked legs, hyperostosis and enostosis, hoof deformities, and microscopic
evidence of reduced bone resorption. Th
ese symptoms began to appear about two
years after fluoridation started in
1985 and gradually became more severe.
Representative postmortem F concentrations
in dry matter bone were: 587 ppm in a 20-year-old gelding drinking F water for the last 10 years; 936 ppm in a 17-year-old gelding on F water for the last 11 years; and 757 ppm in a 21-year-old mare on F water all her life. Blood serum thyroxin in a 19-year old mare (T4) was “very low”, and interference with reproduction was noted after five years. Radiographs of the third metacarpal bone revealed osteomegaly with
thick lamellae from both ends extending
throughout the medullary space. The levels of F ingestion and the bone F concentrations of these horses are far below those claimed to cause F intoxication in cattle. After fluoridation was terminated on March 29, 2005, colic gradually ceased and other significant improvements have occurred.
interference with reproduction was noted after five years
pardon the terrible formatting.
So for starters, you can't get rid of NaF (Sodium Fluoride) through distillation, it's not like Sodium Chloride, NaCl.
Some NaF is healthy, SOME. Very small amounts, amounts you would get without it being added to municipal water. A proper ratio of Calcium and Fluorine is responsible for a healthy calcium lattice in your bones. However to much Fluorine causes fluorosis, which is the destruction of these calcium lattices.
If you retards die because you ingested non-potable water, that's basically a fucking Darwin award if you live in the first world.
So, then, amounts we get with it added to municipal water is unhealthy. Got it. What is wrong with you?
Bullshit, let's see a sauce on that. As far as I'm aware distillation removes fluoride.
OP get yourself one of these bad boys
This is what I have.
People who put poison in your water deserve prison. Prove me wrong.
Yeah they deserve prison and to be fried alive at sing sing.
Notice how our con men politicians/bureaucrat party bosses never even attempt to justify their destructive policies, they leave the jew media to work for them. Because they know they can never justify it. They know that what they are doing is deliberately destructive.
These people are already traitors, they take campaign bribes from AIPAC/WJC already and refuse to be held accountable for anything they do.
Look into ingesting borax. The box says it may be harmful if swallowed but weight for weight table salt is more dangerous. I used to just put a little pinch into a big bottle of water.
This guy has some good opinions on the subject.
Water never contains enough minerals. You'd have to drink hundreds of glasses a day to meet the already too low RDA
It's not that you're supposed to get minerals from water. The body is 2/3 water. If you drink 0ppm water constantly it leaches the water soluble minerals from your body. But if you are trying to detox from heavy metals poisoning or something you got to do what you got to do.
It's so strange to me that drinking distilled water would dilute the minerals in your body. Like, there are minerals in my food, doesn't the human body store anything?
The reason for the transfer (dilution) is osmosis.
It doesn't, that's kike propaganda.
Israeli tapwater is fluoridated. Make of this what you will.
I think the water soluble minerals can move around easier than the fat soluble ones. You're probably better off listening to this dude than me, I dropped out in 12th grade.
Don't forget canned food lining.
Dude, that's me.
Very true but I'd rather drink plastic water than fluoride water.
I know but not being able "open your third eye" or whatever you heard on /fringe/ is hardly comparable to what the other contaminates do to you
heh, my bad
I guess we can only absorb so much of what we eat. A scientist could probably determine the mineral content of a turd but it would be a shitty job. Plus stuff we lose from sweat and vapors we exhale and stuff.
it's because flourine reacts with your tooth enamel to form a protective layer of less acid soluble compounds. As to the toxicity well almost everything is toxic in large enough doses. I'm quite certain the dose you get from tap water is not nearly enough for ill effects as it is diluted to the parts per million.
First off, flouride != flourine. Second, flouride is a highly toxic substance which requires protective equipment to be handled safely - it's disingenious if not outright lying to suggest that harmful effects would be a case of mere Paracelsian dose dependency. As for the "quite certain" part: classic Dunning-Kruger. Fluoride's neurotoxic effects are well investigated. PubMed is your friend.
Fluoride is literally COMPRISED ONLY OF FLUORINE. It's chemical formula is F-, Fluoride is just a free ion of Fluorine. A chemistry class wouldn't hurt you, user. It's almost like you don't know what you're talking about.
Next, perhaps you don't realize this but even the smallest water treatment centers measure their output in the millions of gallons per day. For substances to have an effect they must reach what is known in medicine as therapeutic dosage which I guarantee you is not being reached by tap water.
Lastly Fluoride is naturally occurring in surface and well water to as much as 8 mg/L for well water according to Liteplo, Dr R.; Gomes, R.; Howe, P.; Malcolm, Heath (2002). "FLUORIDES - Environmental Health Criteria 227 : 1st draft". Geneva: World Health Organization. ISBN 9241572272.
So, yes there is fluoride in your water. Yes fluorine is toxic in high doses, just like chlorine, iodine and bromine and basically every other reactive element. But really I wouldn't worry that much about it.
You can get the book from amazon if you think I'm wrong.
I've been drinking tap water for about 2 years and i don't see any changes to my everyday life or my health. Also no fringe side effects such as lusting for those fat juicy cocks either, i wish Alex Jones and his muscular sexy bear body would just shut up instead of spreading lies.
But really, if people are so paranoid why not be paranoid about bottled water too? Surely something as industrially manufactured as bottled water has whatever stuff they put in tap water too, no? It'd be way easier and more cost effective. Truth is if you really think they're killing you with water you might as well stop drinking, and guess what, you can't. You'd have to collect rainwater, but then who's stopping the chemtrails chemicals that gets mixed in? There's no escaping this paranoia.
Ancient fag here when I was a lad it was purported to fight tooth decay. Hence look at all the floride in tooth paste it became CONVENTIONAL WISDOM within my life time.
t. grew up drinking well water my city cousins thought it tasted bad
China knows all about fluoride in the groundwater.
I don't get why these water nuts don't talk about the reals drugs in our water
This is so obviously a slide thread you fucking faggots. We just had a thread on this last month or so.
We have seen this same format of sliding so many times before:
Can confirm. We killed astrocytes in uni lab using sodium fluoride solution. Professors kept emphasizing that the levels in tap water is totally safe though
My home has a drilled well, does my water have Flouride?
It can have naturally occurring amounts in there. You can send your water to a lab to get tested
More likely arsenic (an element naturally occuring). The flouride they use is a byproduct from producing aluminum I believe
As the other user said get your well tested.
Fun fact, Bottle water IS tap water. Companies often pay a tiny fraction of its municipal price and resell it right back to the stupid consumers who don't want to drink it out of their own tap.
Oh, and by the way, places with really good water also tend to have satellite bottling stations for soda and beer. These are usually in small towns and way out of view of everyone. City water is, by and large, the worst tasting due to having to deal with shit sources, Town water is a bit better and spring/well water from a forest is best. Metropolis water…. well, I dunno what to tell you user's, but the levels of chlorine in those bitches are so high you can smell them.
My own perception of fluoride is based on how I use it in a laboratory setting. We use sodium fluoride and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride as protease inhibitors. Whenever you get these chemicals in purified form they are ludicrously toxic. sigmaaldrich.com
proof bottled water is tap? Don't most bottle companies advertise the spring or wherever they get their water?
Only true of some brands. Shit like Dasani is owned by Coca Cola, and yes is "purified tap water". Others such as Poland Spring from the glorious Free Republic of Maine have fluoride levels more in line with what is found in natural levels.
sage for double post
Old college roommate became a dentist went on major tirade about how floridated water DOES NOTHING TO HELP YOUR TEEEFS
This part is what I alluded to in my first post
>They use hexafluorosicilic acid, a waste product of the aluminum industry and in the production of phosphate fertilizers: en.wikipedia.org
6⁴ well water master race reporting in
Water is good for you drinking tap water is better than.. Fizzy
High fructose corn syrup in Plastic bottles. And coffee .
They want you to pay for bottled water it's a not a conspiracy don't chug 3 gallons of it a day and you will be fine fucking hell ungrateful bitches how far we have came historically speaking to have access to hot and cold water on tap :^)
Tap water goblins
Oh shit user,>>12504633, definitely get on testing your water. I had a shitshow of an experience trying to move into a beautiful 1800s farmhouse that didn't fall through because the kike landlord took fucking months to install a city water line over from the well water originally installed, which was contaminated with arsenic. The faggot tried really hard to convince me and my friends to move in before the water line was done and offered to pay for bottled water, cuz you know, showering or cooking is unheard of. It's apparently an issue in north Jersey because of arsenic based pesticides used extensively in early 1900s
Poland spring for instance is municipal tap.
I personally only drink mineral water. Not the cheapest but I can forgive it for $1/liter(whole foods believe it or not has a bunch of niche shit that's cheaper than generic supermarkets, mineral water especially, although only drawback is the cheap mineral water is in plastic bottles, the glass bottles are 2 bucks a liter). I sometimes buy seltzer at half the price but I imagine it's just fizzy municipal water.
Identify the group of people who, far beyond all others in known history, have a specific penchant for poisoning wells of their enemies. Even having a plan in action in mid C20th to poison millions of civilian europeans via contaminating the city water supply, which was only averted due to a mishap.
Now notice when flouridation of water came into popular usage – mostly only in countries with primarily european people.
It's a real headscratcher.
BPA is a plastic mold releasing agent. When moms got all bent about it being in baby bottles and such, they protested. Plastic companies said "Ok, we'll remove the BPA" and replaced it with another bisphenol. There's 20 or 30 of them. So your BPA-free plastic simply has BPC or BPR or whichever bisphenol they're using as a mold release.
The BPA is well known to be within the formulation of the plastic itself and it leeches out over time with exposure. If it were only a mold release agent then it would be feasible to dissolve or wash off the BPA from the surface of the container.
The subsititution problem of using a slightly different chemical that may be as bad or worse than BPA is very real tho.
Check out you tube channel “fluoride action network”
Based videos explaining how the dental groups the world over pushed to get this shit in the water. There is little to no evidence proving ingesting fluoride does anything for your teeth … in fact barely any evidence supports topical application as useful for teeth. But based on studies conducted by dental companies have allowed mass poisoning of the water supplies.
Reminds me of a line I've heard from multiple dentists, which they spout out almost perfectly word for word, on the subject of fluoride: "we're the only profession that tries to have fewer customers by encouraging practices so that we're not needed"
Apart from being flat out false, it's curious that this line seems to be a crafted propaganda device to perpetuate the 'it's in your best interest' angle.
What I said is correct, and this comes from a few years as a formulation chemist. My message is simply that BPA-containing plastic is bad because of (among other reasons) BPA. BPA-free plastic is equally as bad because of some other BPx. BPx can be used as a coating, but is not generally used that way. You put the mold release agent into the plastic formulation because it's more capable of running production lines at high speeds and high reliability. It's an integral part of the plastic, so you always have the release agent. Making a 2L bottle or a Nalgene bottle is a multi-step process of (minimally) making a blank in a mold and then blowing the blank out into a final mold.
Next, bisphenols work as releasing agents because of the bisphenol part of the molecule. The "A" part may or may not have any bearing on whether it is additionally estrogenic or has additional health issues, but the bisphenol part of the molecule certainly is estrogenic, due to the benzene rings. They mimic the ring structures of estrogen and bind to the lipophilic surfaces of the estrogen receptor. Any bisphenol substituted for BPA is similarly bad. I avoid all plastics as much as possible. I drink out of glass and stainless steel. I wish the same for any other Zig Forumsack.
All of my drinking and cooking water is filtered through 2 stages. A carbon stage removes most things. I then run it across an ion-exchange column that I built and recharge myself, chemistry autist that I am. This will remove most ions that we're interested in, and it does remove fluoride. When I'm away from home, I use a ZeroWater filter, which has the same stages (carbon/ion exchange). I give this info not to push the brand like some filter salesman we all know, but it's the only relatively inexpensive filter system that includes an exchange resin. I use it in a pinch and as part of a larger multi-stage filtration plan.
yeah, and different resins have different ion affinities. Water softeners target the positive ions of calcium and magnesium and substitute sodium or potassium, depending on which softener salt you get. Your softener is not going to remove a negatively charged fluoride ion.
Nice to have someone who's actually intelligent and knows something about the topic post here. Thanks. What kind of carbon filter do you use, and how long does it absorb contaminants before it needs to be replaced? Also, could you provide more info on the ion exchange colomn? Is it designed specifically for flouride ions, and only removes that?
Interesting, I'll check that out.
That's the part that never made sense to me, even the studies that suggest flouride is good for your teeth say they only benefit from direct, prolonged contact, not from consuming it. Water is only in contact with your teeth for a millisecond if at all, so how is that supposed to help your teeth?
Lel, dental assistant here.
The reason you hear the same line from everyone is that everyonr experiences thr same thing. Just mention "that patient" in any given context and everyone will know.
The joke is that no matter how fucking often you tell people to properly brush there fucking teeth it just won't happen. It's like talking to a wall, the the diffrence being you get money for the former.
Fo you have any idea how often we tell a patient that X needs to be done and a year later we gat to pull a tooth becuase they knew better, never made an appointment and suddenly shit hurt. Hell, before dentists were a thing people went to their blacksmiths. That's another saying btw. "They always come in the end".
Everyone makes the same experinces.
Water flouridation is fucking garbage btw, doesn't do shit because you want the flouride on your teeth so it can actually get into the emanel.
I approach whole-home water filtration in multiple stages, with the ability to tap between some stages. I have a well source that seasonally has more particles in it. It is also hard water. All water gets 3 stages of particle filtration with fiber filters. The first is a macro particle filter that removes "pebbles" and course dirt particles. These are cheap filters and I change them at least quarterly, sometimes monthly. These cheap filters sacrifice themselves to keep the more expensive filters lasting longer. The micro particle filters are 2 stage. The first is a gradient depth filter that progressively filters out >25 microns to 1 micron particles. The second stage is a 0.2 micron filter that takes care of bacteria and other biologics. I don't use a spin-down filter upstream of the macro filter, but you can if you have a lot of bigger sediment.
Because I'm running separate sediment filters, I took a standard 2-stage cartridge water filter that is intended to be run with a particle cartridge and a carbon cartridge and I run 2 carbon cartridges in it. The upstream cartridge is discarded and the downstream cartridge becomes the upstream cartridge and a new downstream cartridge is installed. I found by testing for organics monthly that a single cartridge would last in my area for 8 months before bleeding through, so that's when I rotate them. I am making certain assumptions about other molecules (prescription drugs), because I haven't taken the time to test specifically for those.
I use a standard water softener with potassium chloride salt to recharge it. This water is plumbed throughout the house for bathroom and wash use.
I use a deionizing column to remove the rest of the ions, approximately. It's 95-99%, depending on what you're targeting. My advice here is not going to involve recharging this, but use-discard-refill, because recharging it is too much hassle unless you just really want water to be your hobby. I suggest you look to the reef aquarium supply stores for a refillable DI cartridge system and bulk DI color-changing resin to mix in with bulk DI resin. I suggest a single anion resin bed to remove fluoride. I've found the aquarium supply shops to be more economical. As soon as you start calling it a drinking water filter, the price shoots up. Again, in the interest of provoking thought and innovation, I include links as examples for the types of products you're looking for.
Thanks for the help, friend. I've just been filtering with carbon filters until I can buy a reverse osmosis filter, but I think I will add the demonizing resins as a final step for now. I suppose I should get a water tester as well.
Here's why recharging the DI column is more trouble than it's worth unless you're a chemfag. It uses acid (hydrochloric or phosphoric) to recharge the cationic resin and potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide to recharge the anionic resin. Your 2D wifu won't care if you get some on the floor, but your 3D wifu will. Also, any of it will eat through clothes. The hydroxides are particularly dangerous to eyes. You need to pH balance the backwashes before you discard them. I set up my dad with the aquarium DI system and it works just fine. Checking and repacking the column gives him something to poke around with.
These are competing technologies and need not be both included unless you truly want ion free water. There are a couple of ways it can be approached. You can jump directly from carbon filtered water to RO and be done with it. This is the simpler approach. The alternate is, again, if water is your hobby and messing around with your water system provides some enjoyment. You can run the deionizing resin upstream of a RO system, removing most ions and then leaving the RO system to remove the last little bit of ions. Practically speaking you might fill your RO reservoir a little more quickly, or your RO membrane will stay a little cleaner, but it's on the border of diminishing returns. You have one additional filter column in your system which now takes maintenance.
Here's my bugout system. I have 2 x 5 gallon buckets with holes drilled in them for big berkey-type filters. The first 5 gallon bucket is the particle+carbon stage and the second 5 gallon (underneath) has another carbon filter but has a few pounds of DI resin. The first bucket drips into the second bucket. That's not even needed. I love watching the guy on youtube (invidio.us) who makes rock+sand+sediment+charcoal filter columns. I think it ranks up there as one of the 3 essential outdoor skills: Shelter, fire, water filtration.
take care, anons.
Still got to watch out for pesticides, though, don't let that give you a false sense of security.
Exactly. And what chemical in the world can you add to water that in any concentrate for any human being is good for them? Literally no control on dosage per human regardless of age or health history. For this to be the case fluoride needs to be so needed by the human body to such an extent. But they cannot prove that. Seriously please do check out Fluoride Action Network, they have a lot of shit videos but some overall basic explanations and history on how this came to be. Very eye opening. Also the reason why I now have a water tank and boil and filter.
Emanel? You sure you are an assistant or a cock gobbling faggot?
Your food, water, air, tv, education, medicines. EVERYTHING.
Its like 10 or 15 facts about fluoride is the vid.
Drink that and youll be dead. Your organism needs minerals from water. You need to remineralize the reverse osmosis water for it to be drinkable.
Thank you for agreeing with and specifying my original statement. There are many sources where you can learn more about the various differences between fluoride and fluorine. A good overview is this one: pediaa.com
Protocollary publications like Liteplo's are the final product of drawn-out and complex political negotiations between the various stakeholders (EPA, Water Councils, different medical bodies, CP etc.). They do not represent a scientific or medical consensus, and don't claim to be.
Dunning-Kruger again. Your as well as mine private musings are irrelevant, what counts is the science. PubMed is your friend.
Urban legend, no evidence for that at all.
same guy, earlier:
Nice backpedaling there. Just so everyone else here knows: Fluoride is comprised entirely of Fluorine. There is no chemical difference between the two. Fluoride is simply dissolved Fluorine.
You missed the point by the way. The point is there is fluorine in well water, ground water and sea water without man putting it there. The Fluorine from the surrounding earth is just dissolved in the ground water. It's part of our ecosystem. As I've repeated now three times, yes fluoride has ill effects at high enough doses.
Math time: according to Akiniwa, 1997 the minimum toxic dose of fluoride is 1.8mg/kg to cause nausea/headache. I weigh 90kg so I would need to ingest 162mg of F- or 360mg of NaF to induce a headache. Using the maximum well water concentration listed in Liteplo et al. of 0.8 mg/L I would need to ingest 202.5 L (162 mg / 0.8 mg/L) of water in a short time to even induce a headache. You probably only consume 4-8 L of water each day. You can distill your water if you want I don't care but stop being such an ignorant dolt.
Jokes on you your well probably has a higher concentration of fluoride than tap water.
shut the fuck up.
The short term negatives aren't the problem, this stuff causes build up in your body over a long time
I mean maybe I guess if your body was somehow not able to filter it out. The thing is fluorine chemically behaves much like chlorine and your body handles WAY more chlorine (as chloride, Cl-) from NaCl (table salt) than fluorine. Your nephrons (kidney cells) run the exact same chemical reaction to filter chlorine and fluorine as chloride and fluoride because they have the exact same charge (-1, one more electron than protons) and are nearly the same reactivity level (fluorine slightly more reactive).
However I'm open minded so if you can give me some research to read I'll have a look at it and at least consider the possibility of buildup over time.
He mis-worded what me meant to say (at least I assume so). It's not literal buildup in kidneys that's the problem, it is the long term effects of being constantly exposed to trace amounts of flouride. It is proven to have a negative impact on the potential IQ of fetuses at amounts found in almost every water supply in the US. Researchers know far too little about the human brain to know whether or not flouride has addition effects on other aspects such as memory or learning ability, and I prefer to to take the chance. In addition, by filtering water I also remove harmful hormones and other toxins.
Also flouride occurring naturally in the environment isn't evidence that even trace amounts are not harmful to us.
Those last two photos are heartbreaking.
See that is a good point and I would like to see more research into this subject. I'm sure environmental factors play a bigger role than is currently understood. Additionally, neonatal exposure effects would be much greater because of the miniscule mass of the fetus compared to an adult.
Not him, but yes, you want fluoride in your tooth enamel. Fluorapatite is more resistant to acid attack from fermented sugars, acidic soft drinks etc compared to the standard hydroxyapatite in your teeth. That being said, fluoride has no use or purpose in the rest of your body. I oppose water fluoridation because it might make retards believe they do not need to brush.
Also, for all the OWN WELL MASTER RACE or DRINK ONLY MINERAL WATER dudebros, your water has much more fluoride than fluoridated tapwater.
Water treatment is a good profession
you can either purchase a reverse osmosis filter, or a water distiller. After distilling/reverse osmosis, then add mineral drops to re-mineralize it.
water bears
loog id ub