White nationalist keep supporting jewish capitalism...

White nationalist keep supporting jewish capitalism, the system that erased western traditions and is currently slowly exterminating white people.

Before capitalism, european whites lived literally in white ethno-states a 100% whites, where tradition, religion and race were sacred. Christianity and tradition were the core tenets of the everyday life.

Capitalism is the real threat to white people. Never before in our history we were so close to real extermination. Capitalism doesn't care about ethnicity, about our communities and our traditions. Capitalism is destroying the western patriarchal family unit. Capitalism has given birth to feminism and race mixing. If you study economics, you will study things like the Heckscher-Ohlin model, which says that in a truly capitalist free market world, factors (and labor, i.e. people is among them) must be completely mobile across nations to be optimally allocated. Hence capitalism shall promote massive immigration (which in the long turn means race mixing and the disappearance of white people) from underdeveloped countries with negro population, to white european and north american countries. Capitalism needs and promotes factors mobility to better suit the supply to the demand when needed, and generate optimal results. While it's achievements are outstanding, it is destroying our race and our traditions. Feminism is also a capitalist phenomena.

If white nationalist want to get serious, they must long for the fall of capitalism. Hitler correctly understood this, and he slowly started to undermine capitalism with state intervention and state owned enterprises. You people are still being fooled by the austrian school kikes. Don't be stupid. Look at all the intellectuals of capitalism: milton friedman, von mises, david ricardo with free trade, and most of the economics nobel prizes; all jewish.

Humanity shall return to the simpler and better days before capitalism, when white people lived proudfully in their white ethno-states. We must long for the fall of capitalism, our only hope to avoid this demographic change which is killing us.

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Good luck. You're going to have to undo the brainwashing of every single fortnite dancing zoomer in the nation first. They're being fed into the kike machine from the very beginning while their parents waste away on their iphones and opioids.

You're preaching to the choir mate, Zig Forums is a fascist/nat-soc board.

I've still seen a lot of people around here talking about the need for a white nationalist party with a free market economic platform. Or talking about the great prosperity that capitalism brought us.

Anyway, the main idea is as simple as this: demographic change is fueled by capitalism. If we don't destroy the latter, we are going to disappear very soon.

We may be capitalist in the Marxist (yet more of that Jewish bullshit you mentioned) sense but we're vehemently socialist in the NSDAP sense.

I agree, although capitalism has given us good things like private property and private ownership. To convince the brainlet conservatives who are pro "muh free-market," I think WNs should take the GLR approach.
"We believe in free enterprise, but we still look after the little guy." I think this approach is the best, especially since you don't have to be overtly anti-capitalist which can scare away potential right wing supporters


That is right, many white people right wingers are still largely capitalist. However, I think we should relax the free enterprise approach. State owned enterprises respond only to their state directors, and they in turn can be guided by moral or racial principles. Private enterprise only understands profit, and profit needs cheap labor, i.e. negros and mixed and non white hispanics. The global capitalist and jewish (also conformed by white cuckolds, we know it) elite will always promote migration. We need a strong state, and in the long turn, we need to replace this system. But I think it would be a good start if WN's turned to state intervention, instead of free market. We can crush the left if we have a better economic platform.

At least be consistent and apply your own rule to religion as well.

We don't need state owned enterprises for everything. We can have regulation of private enterprises instead of nationalization. For example, create regulations that promote the emplacement of native-born whites over cheap foreign labour

The fascism has happened in the form that Mussolini characterized; but the government and corporate marriage is fully kike'd, and there is zero self-determination for the White man. He's wedged between the lower socioeconomic class weaponized against him and an emerging Liberal Fascist state (Corporate and Government marriage) operated as a financial bloc (1 of 7 globally) for the state of Israel

the "capitalism" phase is over fait accompli. The middle-class is a corpse, the greatest wealth rests in the hands of less people than you have fingers, and not allowing Whites employment in their own lands giving preferential treatment to all things not White is the death knell. We're watching history being made

Nice try schlomo. Communists are the only retards who think ideas are corporeal beings with Sovereign own agendas. Any kind of "boogy man" artificial construct to blame but themselves, since humans are the ONLY actors.

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That's a good start (I would say that in the long turn that would make our exports more expensive, and we would fall behind competition, also provoking capital flights: though that could be offset with other measures, our only hope in the long turn is the fall of this system). The problem in the US is that the GOP will never abandon free trade and free market capitalism. I have more faith in Europe. Maybe there the new populist right wing parties can enact correct economic measure.

Capitalism and liberty are both contextually acceptable. You need a moral, nation-minded people to practice these without error. Otherwise you get women fucking dogs on webcam for bitcoins.

Institutions also have a real objective existence, that's why they can endure over time. Human action is always constrained by these institutions that exist before we are born as individuals. This is not a jewish idea. On the very contrary, it borrows on the western scientific tradition: Comte and Durkheim (they argued against your individualist notion) were both inspired by the great achievements of western science: physics and biology respectively.

So like China?

Its just as much Democracy, (((Democracy Makers))) have been using "voting" to drive any policy they want for centuries.

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I know one figure you're talking about: George Lincoln Rockwell. One must realize that Rockwellian "National Socialism" and Hitlerian National Socialism are two completely separate entities altogether. For one thing, Rockwellian National Socialists believe in free enterprise.

GLR is the one man who inspired the entire postwar white nationalist movement, not Hitler. In fact, if you read his book "White Power", it shows you this.

The way I see it capitalism works fine when its contained within a nation and the nation was strong regulations regarding importing labour.
Also the nation needs strong tariffs to protect its industries.
But once capitalism is bounded in a strong nation with clear lines why wouldn't it be the most effective engine?
The only thing I am unsure of is whether freetrade between regions within the nation screws over some of the regions the same way international free trade does. At some point you have to call how far in you are going to zoom and accept that the north side of a town could be working over the south side.
I would say though that internal free trade could cause some regions to form their own nationalistic identity and seek to leave whatever nation they feel is screwing them over.

That's false. There would be no evolution only static existence of an "ageless" society in that case. Humans are the only actors and they act on their own interests. No set of words in a paper ever got up and acted physically.
You mean communists.

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Someone who finally gets it

The issue is corporatism, but good luck explaining that to braindead faggots who do not understand the difference.

What about E. Michael Jones’ Barren Metal? Wouldn’t his thesis suggest you’re making a No True Scottsman?

Well it doesn't help that they are all convinced corporatism is capitalism.
Can't give up though, have to attempt to convince the lemmings before they run us off a cliff.


I’m surprised no one’s arguing that they are both equally “bad” is all.

Because NS is easily subverted. Even Hitler had issues.

It's mostly just wordism. Some anons just have a religious connection to the word capitalism. Mostly because it triggers leftists.
However, when you start talking to these "free market" fascists, you quickly discover that they're not actually interested in a "free market"

Me, I don't care about capitalism or socialism. I just want a White nation that takes care of its people and culture. If we want to call that capitalism, that's fine with me. Private property is important and natural for White people. However, gigantic corporations that destroy small towns and villages are not to be tolerated as that is globalism. And it is important for the health of a nation that private corporations do not control healthcare or the police system. These things must be owned and funded collectively by the people. This is fair and just.
Frankly, we need to exterminate the jews.

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The principle of Capitalism existed as far back as white society has. Communism and nu-socialism are jewish invetions started a few hundred years ago as a way to destroy society

the absolute state of (((Capitalist))) shills

We should do more history threads because the idea that capitalism is as old as X is pretty much pilpul.

Actually, the principles that defined European tribes and kingdoms since time immemorial have been National Socialist in nature.
Respect for the deeds, property, and achievements of the individual, and care for the needs of the community as a whole.

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Did you know that kikes drink water and breathe air?
Don't want to be a kike now, do you?

No. The idea of free markets, private property, voluntary exchange was core values of all successful societies in antiquity, it has nothing to do with (((profit trading))), and has all to do with the idea that by being useful and serving your own people/society you serve yourself. See for yourself, now after the last resistance to international Jewry/communism was destroyed after the wrong side won WW2 that base idea of naturally serving the people that our nations were always founded on has been almost completely exterminated by Jews and forcibly replaced by individualism and such destructive rootless ideas of "profit margins" spawning horrors like usury, consumerism, debt slavery, fractional reserve banking.

Capitalism as a policy is alien to us, it's absurdity and abhorrent to any white society, as it doesn't promote achievements or progress, it doesn't promote the people of a nation. It focuses on capital for capital alone, wealth just for the sake of wealth instead of advancement. It's a rootless idea of wholly Jewish in nature. And since Jews don't know how to invent, they only know how to profit/exploit/steal/plunder/subvert it's their perfect brand-name of mass exploitation.

If everything in society were operated for profit margins alone, we would never have had any significant achievements. We would been still living in the dark ages hamstrung to these petty Jewish ideas of favoring base material gain instead of giant leaps in technology for the greater good, like these rotten kikes are forcing us into now. If everything was operated for profit under this alien Jewish idea of "capitalism", were fully adopted and race wasn't a factor there would be no white innovations and inventions like airplanes, there would be no such things as computers, there would be no transistors/electricity/modern medicine/hospitals/schools/highways/space programs etc because these visionary ideas and inventions would have been destroyed on the basis of not being immediately beneficial for a few (((profiteers))) instead of being beneficial for literally everyone.

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In other words, usury, especially state-sponsored usury in the form of oligarchy, is the defining characteristic of capitalist ideology.

Curious, no?

ah, I see you too are a pragmatist.

National Socialism is what you're looking for, bud.

>Socialism means: “The common good before the individual good.”
>Socialism means: “Think not of yourself, but of the whole, of the people and the state.”
>Socialism means: “Not the same for everyone, but to each his own.”

That pretty much eliminated any socialism right there. Have you even read the history of the lands you are taking about? It really doesn't seem like you have any idea at all about system of "government" the "white races" on Europe had our even the laws they used.

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Here's the full statement I made.
Respect for the deeds, property, and achievements of the individual, and care for the needs of the community as a whole.

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Fuck off alt-sodomite

As opposed to the even more Jewish Socialism or one of its many variants? Hitler liberalized the German economy compared to the previous Prussian style socialism. Neck yourself, shlomo.

This everyone knows the natsocs were the true natcaps

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This is soooooooo transparent.
Typical Zig Forums incompetent shit to shift the narrative and hope the anons move to the left.
Commie, you are hopeless.

No that's not national socialism is you own things and have to respect the deeds of other individuals u mega nigger

"Raquel Greene, an associate professor of Russian at Grinnell College, has written extensively on how Soviet children's books depicted African children in blackface and Africa as an uncivilized continent. Robert Robinson a black U.S. resident, who lived in USSR for more than four decades, was regularly used as a propaganda tool. And when he realized that Russians were just as racist as Americans, Robinson wasn't allowed to leave and had to escape the country with the help of Ugandan diplomats."


who, specifically, keeps supporting as you claim?

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Also look at this cold cold hot hot communist shit, trying to use "WORDISM" as an insult.
That commie is a dumb nigger, part of the double think neuroticism retardation mind virus is narrowing vocabulary. Without being about to express your thoughts precisely you are not evolving or communicating intelligently -literal regression

Start reading what matters, learn the law

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The faggot known as OP needs to return to /leftypol. Not everyone is a broke, retarded faggot like him. Stupid jew.

A lot of neetsoc posters are gratified by an anti-intellectual strain in NS because it gives them dignity in their low iq state of being. But anti-intellectualism means philosophical relativism, pilpul, intellectual dishonesty. It doesn’t mean it’s good to shun all that book learnin’. Germany was the world capitol for science and technology before it was destroyed, for gods’ sake.

And care for the needs of the community as a whole, you jew.

The ancient world managed in many cases to effectively consider both the ramifications upon individual condition AND the ramifications upon community circumstance and reconcile the two, without going into the extremes of Bolshevik Communism ("Only the Community matters!") or Hyper-Capitalism ("Only my own butthole matters!").

Will you stop void-posting bait you doublenigger? It contributes nothing and leads to unnecessary antagonism further contributing nothing and in fact draining value.

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This is mostly gay fanfiction. Typical socialist garbage. None of the examples or scenarios are relevant, law isn't argued against mountains. Purposely retarded. Not even scholarly, practically an article from npr.

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You mean just you?

Funny, this is exactly what communists say in reverse.
This is what happens when you obsess over a pointless wordism.

Wordism originates from the great Bob Whitaker, friend of Dr. Pierce. You wouldn't know because you're a hopeless newfaggot.

And what do you propose to replace it, user-stein Shekelberg?

Capitalism is more of a threat and always was more of a threat to the aryan race than communism ever was, because without capitalism, communism becomes irrelevant.

I didn't say anything about a religion I said what was being proposed is communism. You are dumb and have nothing to say.

Duuuh knowing words is like pointless man they are just sounds and stuff but my heart knows what I need to say. Fucking dumb nigger that's what we're have now with sjw trannies babeling instead of speaking, they haven't told them the new words yet but they cleared the way by making sure these trannies are illiterate

There world that trannies and sjw communists want so badly is dictated by very specific words, so it's the law and that's how the subversion is occurring, the law. Learn it and stop being gay

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U stupid dumb nigger.
Without capitalism, trading your surplus for what you want, then we would be hungry gatherers living like the aboriginals. They don't even use communism in the state run sense because it's gay and everyone knows that except for you vaccine damaged twinks

Kek'd at the absurd notion of having any excess.
Shit nigger after the mortgage and utilities and food and fuel there is less than zero left
It is untenable.
I am all done
Watch the news tomorrow afternoon I'm gonna dab on some bankers hehehe

Ridiculous. The problem is and always has been the allowance of jews in our countries. They will promote anything that is useful in acquiring power in a given situation. Jews promote socialism as well. Whatever it takes to appeal to a group they wish to infiltrate and subvert.

Self determination appeals deeply to the white man, especially those of American stock, and the ones old enough to remember what it's like to be able to carve out a life to call one's own (unlike the young who have never known ownership). The preaching of capitalism by jews is aimed specifically at white men, to lower their guard. Likewise, the preaching of socialism to non-whites (and young whites) is effective at rallying them to follow jews who will further enslave them with every ounce of support they give.

You need to focus. The jew uses anything and everything necessary to subvert and conquer. Capitalism and socialism have their places in our society, and indeed are inseparable from any functioning society. It's a jewish scheme that would see our worldviews be so small that we attack essential, unavoidable natural phenomena like the pursuit of profit, or cooperation, which is all capitalism and socialism are. One leads directly into the other.

The human state of want (capitalism) naturally takes us on the path to cooperation (socialism), because the rewards are greater for those that work together and form strong bonds of family and friendship. The jew wants us separating these ideas so that we divide, and are easier to destroy. What we need to realize is that there are appropriate actions and inappropriate actions based on what you want to achieve in any given situation. There are times to "live and let live", and times to uphold a standard. If someone is using their granted freedom in a community to the detriment of the community, then it's time to suspend the principle of "live and let live" and uphold a standard.

Human societies will never be perfectly automated such that they don't collapse after a long period of success, no matter what any ideologist of any wordism says. We can't be lazy about correcting those who misuse freedom. We have to be vigilant. Always remembering what happens when we don't draw a line not to be crossed. Neither Capitalism, nor Socialism, or any other ism will stop the degeneration of a society that starts allowing jews inside of it.

This, what you said above, doesn't even make sense. you sound like a vape god retard.

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No, WORDISM is how trannies want you to be negligent when dealing in thought concepts during negotiation. All government is law, all business is law, all monarchy is law, all religion is law. All law between men is a negotiation. You can't negotiate if you're retarded, the elites aren't going to be like you, dumb dumb, they are writing these laws and laws are what? WORDS. Their crusade against intelligence has weakened their own base.

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This thread inspired me, enjoy.

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lurk moar, newfaggot. That isn't a meme.

What are you even talking about

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Are u really that retarded, go ahead and read it again dearie😂

God damn u commies can't even read (ironic)

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Cold cold, hot hot
Those are terms trying to be instituted in the public mind. Rappers singing they got the hot hot, the phrase is being introduced before the definition. Weathermen will start using cold cold and hot hot in 2019. Description is intelligence, decrease commination you decrease resistance.

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Capitalism has been around since people used currency instead of bartering, you retard. Capitalism is just producing goods or services to sell for money which can be used to buy other goods and services. It's the best economic system and gives people economic freedom. So fuck off you commie faggot.

stolen, as of right now

No, we need nationalization. Anyone arguing otherwise is just trying to buy time until they can undo the regulations they hold their nose for and bring us right back to the point we're at now.

They had that in the Soviet Union. Capitalism, in the loosest definition possible, is the means of production [how you want to classify this is up to you, but generally: machine tools, arable land, foundries, factories, mills of all kinds, etc.] are privately owned.

Self-determination has nothing to do with capitalism. Capitalists don't want you to determine anything for yourself – they want you to be a permanent consumer with no avenues to do anything but consume what they provide. A lot of you guys get confused and think anyone is talking about your little plot of land or your dinky machine shop or garage.

Yes, you privately own what you sell and what you buy. Doing that isn't jewish.

An Amazon privately owns what they sell and they drive everyone else out of business, gobble up the means to create and distribute these goods, and then they are your only choice. You keep thinking that you're included in the club, you aren't. If the only thing Amazon wants to sell you is Chinese made products and ADM GMO wheat, that's all you're going to get; on account that all the privately-owned factories up and made a private decision to move to China, ADM privately bought out all the farms and only chose to grow GMO wheat, and Amazon killed off damn near all the brick and mortar in your city.

The anti-capitalist USSR took half of Europe and killed 20+ million. Your point is?

Which half is the one teetering on the brink of racial extermination?

The half that joined the EU and would have been part of the EUSSR if the Soviet Union hadn't collapsed do to the people wanting more freedom including economic freedom via capitalism. Many also joined the Euro which fucked up many of those countries' economy.

Yeah, we're done here. You can't be intellectually honest and admit what is right in front of everyone's face. It's not the secret communists running the EU. Brown people are consumers, therefore they have value to capital. They will flood and lower the price of lower end work – disrupting lower class people in their own nation that capital despises and wants to kill. It is not even debatable at this point. Living in the capitalist West is hell on earth and permanent White extinction is around the corner.

You're so fucking retarded. And none of them give a shit about money. They've got all the power. If they cared about money then YouTube and Twitter wouldn't be banning accounts that made them millions. All the companies wouldn't be pumping BILLIONS into unwanted cultural marxist propaganda. They would also be hiring people that made them the most money, using "diversity quotas". They could all make do much more money by listening and giving the people what they want rather than telling the people what they should want.

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* not using "diversity quotas".

It is unwanted by YOU – who is being made a minority. Their future customer base, which is global, wants it fine enough.
Which people? The billion people in India? The billion people in China? The billion Muslims in the world? Or the handful of millions in Finland? Are you seriously fucking retarded? Nobody shitting on capitalism on this board cares about your little tract of land or your little podunk machine shop, dipshit. If anyone cares about it, it would be the likes of Amazon and the people running the Pentagon. Self-sufficient people don't make good consumers.

You are so fucking dumb it hurts. Every square inch of every capitalist Western country is brimful of every mishmashed up nigger variety you could think of. There are just literal oceans of these people milling around.

Well that leaves 4 billion that aren't those people. And many people in those countries that you mentioned are in 3rd world poverty. And are muslims trying to create a worldwide caliphate for money? It's all about power and control. Money is given to many of those corporations to do that, rather than them doing it all themselves using honest capitalism.




When you tell someone you're filtering them, you're basically saying "You win".

Paramount naivety.

Pretty much this.

No, you aren't. It's an admission they are disingenuous.

Yes, it does. I'm not going to explain, because you didn't bother to explain your position.

I recommend reading The Corporate State. Mosely and the fascists had the capability to turn industry, economy, and free enterprise into a system that would be subservient to the total state- that is all citizens. The segmented nature of this guild system is incredibly inflexible however, you'll need an AI that analyses market trends and adjusts legislature regarding them appropriately.

Either way we will be emancipated from menial labor by the machines. And what grave societal issues can we have if we're free to work on social justice and not cranking a lever? Robots and guns are all we need.

Amazon isn't going to let you self-determine anything. Do you understand that? You can be whatever you want to be – so long as that thing is buying from us.

There's no way they can shoot you out in the open. The best they can do is deny you their services- but given their greed, why would they?

Also, do you want to be Amazon, a multi-million employee organization? Do you want to compete with Amazon? What is Amazon actually denying you?

I've bought a few things from Amazon, although even then some of those things are other sellers selling through Amazon, but most of the things I've bought are from other online shops. So Amazon hasn't affected my self-determination. I can shop where I like.

Why don't you ask the people who find themselves on the business end of the Pentagon's war machine since Amazon is going to be running their cloud and server infrastructure? The level of delusion here is insane and my guess is it isn't delusion at all. It's shills.