Atomwaffen Autism
So I noticed someone posted in a thread discussing how the National Socialists in Germany during world war 2 used meth, speculating that this could have been a leading cause in the holocaust. Naturally this was totally and completely debunked in the first post.
However, a random user posted a link to a youtube channel that was totally non-sequitur. I was intrigued and realized I had found an atomwaffen members autistic Youtube channel. Not just this, but a lot of commenters had similar avatars that lead me to believe that I had found an austistic atomwaffen members personal Youtube channel. Meaning that members were likely going to comment without realizing that they were under outside viewing.
Earlier I had also found an equally autistic Facebook page called Gang Siege. I'm not sure what the fuck Atomwaffen plans to do when it comes to attracting such stupid recruits with this type of advertising, but I figured you guys would find it entertaining.
For those that don't know, Atomwaffen is a National Socialist Satanic Death cult. Originally I and many others thought that they had some scary connections with the Order of the Nine Angels. To some extent they do, however their complete stupidity leads me to believe that these pages were intentionally created as a farce to distract from their legitimate connections, or they are unbelievably incompetent.
What I'm posting now is not an attempt to doxx anyone. As a national socialist myself, I believe that even Atomwaffen can lead to something productive, but I am providing an anthropological look into an isolated cult, their behaviors and how they interact with one another.