No kidding. All you have to do is call them out and then what happens? The kikes want you to think the stakes are higher than they really are. They want you to think you are going to lose to nuclear warfare.
All that needs to happen is people tell Jews to leave on a domestic level and they will. Just look at Germany Pre-WW2 when they tried to boycott Germany. The Germans boycotted the fucking kikes! And it got so fucking bad that the Jews had to ease up because it totally backfired.
The Jews are not in complete control, and the folley of Syria is proof of that. They have literally lost their attempt to destabilize the Middle East. Already, guys, that has happened.
What we need to do is continue to raise awareness of Jews. We literally need business cards with facts on them linking the Jews to "Slavery, Pornography, Central Banking extortion, Communism, Genocide,Immigration, Feminism, Iraq War, hell , even 9/11 at this point."
The cat is out of the bag and the internet has increased awareness far faster than they can shut it down. Exposing the kikes we were able to get the "never trumpers" to back down. They are revealing themselves to counter the alt-right, and in doing so we need to be ready to shine the spot light on them.
Once their nature is revealed to the common man, we can start to counter their agenda. And once the public awareness of Jews becomes the mainstream, then they have no option but to flee into exile. And with that will come our will to resist Islam.
There is not a second to waste, guys. We need the phrase "The Goyim Know" plastered all over every city. We need to get norming wanting to know what a "goyim" is, and we also want the Jews to be intimidated in that their genocidal plan is being understood more and more each day.
Never lose hope, or take the black pill. We are on the cusp of a truly great Renaissance for humanity and your actions today will yield the bounty your offspring will feast on for generations to come.
Never give up the fight. Bring up the idea of a Jew as a separate people to everyone you know without revealing your power level. I never even contemplated Jews as a race, not once. And I remember redpilling a friend and him giving big pause when I informed him that Jews consider themselves a separate and distinct RACE. I saw him grab his chin and accept a fact that he probably always knew but never thought of. The propaganda machine that has been working on society is only strong because it goes unopposed. It is a rule by consensus and the consensus is that big ideas, or ideas that can offend are not "polite conversation". Well, let's shed ourselves of that notion that we have to accept Trannys in the bathroom because we don't want to have an awkward conversation.\ with our neighbor.
One last idea. We all need to start putting $1 down on the lottery each week. If one of us wins, we can load up/start a huge political machine that can rival all kinds of established entities. Someone has to win, and we can literally have one of us bag multi millions of dollars for the white race at literal NO effort at all.