I'm debating a qt 3.14 feminist girl, i'm trying to explain her why race matters but i lost my sources
Does anyone have the image titled "the truth about race"? Any infographics will be useful
I'm debating a qt 3.14 feminist girl, i'm trying to explain her why race matters but i lost my sources
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Just bullshit her until you get into bed, and make her says she loves your oppressive white cock while she cums.
No matter how she tries, she can’t destroy human nature. She’ll come round
Feed her the brownpill until such time as the redpill seems a blessing. Bring your estranged rib to heel.
Reprogram her with your cock. Women only want to be popular.
On the surface, these look like shitposts, but they're actually touching on the truth - that the most efficient route to a woman's mind is through her vagina. It's true, women will adopt the philosophical strong horse - if not that of a man plowing her in bed, then the dominant philosophy of society. Ergo, single cat women are feminists.
Just agree with her and make her even more blue pilled, that will fuck her life up something righteous. Sooner or later reality is going to shatter her delusions anyway, so it's better help them get as high as possible so the impact of the fall will be so much sweeter.
Enjoy OP
thinking about it, if you debate her somewhat, put up a fake resistance then concede she's right, she won, she convinced you, that should inflate her delusion even more than just agreeing with her. You might be able to fuck her in every way imaginable.
Don't debate her, just "show her interesting things in passing."
Women are incapable of logic, but you might be able to fuck her if you show her a good time with these discussions you are having. Stay cocky, and above all things have fun.
You can only change her mind with your dick. Logic never applies.
I thought i was going to summarize some of these, find the important ones and break links.. turns out they are all important
pastebin com/V8xTnxRe
women are dumb, bro
women are not swayed by logic, you can't "redpill" a woman as you could a man. either you can appeal to emotion, which is beta and will cause her to become less attractive to you, or you can just explain to her the non-negotiable aspects of what you believe and that she must respect them, which will work if she respects you. will she actually believe in white nationalism? probably not, only an extreme minority of (often genuinely autistic) women would ever genuinely adopt fringe political beliefs. women in politics are almost always progressives because that's the most socially acceptable political ideology to have; other than that, they're mostly pro-life christcucks virtue signalling over muh niglet souls
has the right idea- just fuck her. don't water down your relationship with politics. all you require of her is that she'll bear your babies and not cheat on you with a nigger, what does it matter if she's a Hitler LARPer that hates jews and blacks? women aren't like that, they're just stupid vaginas
Tell her if there were no white people, she literally wouldnt be her.
and this too. best you can do with a woman really is gaslight her into preferring traditional gender roles and masculine men by gradually proving to her that it's in her best interest. good luck getting a woman to care about race (beyond strongly preferring white men, which she probably already does and which you probably can't do anything about if she doesn't, nor should you care to 'cause she's lost at that point)
Something something superior IQ related to health and well being as well as security and superior skills in bed. (only applicable if you have superior skills in bed. Protip: get her off first with a finger bang. It's hard work but the sex feels better for both of you.)
This is holy inner truth
Ask her if she has ever burned coal?
Why do i keep asking Zig Forums for help
Thank you based chadposters
Not only are you not going to get your dick wet, but you are also going to piss off some worthless broad and waste hours of your time for no reason. You are a failure on all levels.
Go on then, learn the hard way just like I did.
whoa bro speak for yourself
hide your powerlevel. Part of being alpha IS using your words, and that does not mean being good at anyone else's rhetoric. If you are posting here, you should not need anyone to explain this in more specific terms.
She's going to cuck you off she's a feminist. Why would you ever fuck around with a brain-damaged diseased creature? Oh:
Are you 16?
Global report.
I hope somebody brands the Reddit alien into your skull so in a thousand years somebody can know to spit on your corpse. Qt 3.14? That's almost as bad as lol. Fucking faggot.
They're right, you idiot.
You're gay.
You have to heavily romanticize everything about it. I suggest reading to her parts from miguel serranos 'Book of Magic Love'.
You got answers to your question, you faggot. What, did you think we were going to tell you to grovel to women?
user those 3 are right. Giving zero fucks despite how contrarian you are compared to the avg normie or far lefty is a powerful tool for attraction but a good fucking is really all she needs to mold herself to your ideas. Women ARE like clay, they take the shape you decide to give them.
My gf of 4 years was pretty normie though I eventually got her to go full 14/88 through a good dicking. I've molded her to my ideals and ways of life, she thanks me often and has told me several times that she believes I've helped her develop incredibly due to my words and actions but I know this is also because of my dick. When she throws a typical woman shitshow do you think I employ logic and reasoning to calm her down? Absolutely not. I tell her to enjoy her shitty attitude and come talk to me when she gets over it, I then go on Zig Forums, play vidya or meet up with a friend for a bit until later. Once she's calmed down, she apologizes and I give her the D as a reward, she over time has made less and less shitshows to the point where her pretending to bitch is a joke we have since it's so rare for her to do so.
There is no logical way you can convince a woman to not bitch and moan to get her way, it's only through emotion and dick that I forced that behavior into her and she's thankful for it. When your girl brings up feminism, fuck it right out of her. "Dirty talk" about how you've forced her to submit to your dick while you're fucking her gets her off and sticks it in her head that submission = joy for her.
Stop pretending women are like men, they're not, and frankly that's whats good about them. You don't need her to agree with you on everything or discuss politics in great detail, that's what male friends and Zig Forums are for user. If you want to give her some intro to race realism, show her Alternative hypothesis and JFGariepy (or The Public Space) on youtube. Alt hype is especially good.
Another thing I forgot too mention is why the fuck are you dating a feminist? Odds are she's slept around and has no ability to pairbond besides having some form of emotional issues. Most women are feminist but reject the label, to openly embrace it tells me she's damaged in some way and likely will not be good for you.
My rec is always to find a qt mormon gf if in the states because they're fairly traditional and raise big families (they're at like 3 kids per couple if I remember correctly).
Just rape the bitch you faggot.
Politics is for the public square. Don't debate with your friends and loved ones.
OP Specifically states,
>I'm debating a qt 3.14 feminist girl
Take your boomer ass back to reddit faggot
if she's a feminist,
Show her this video
Jokingly ask he why only white countries have feminism. The only way to redpill women is by asking them questions. By caring about her opinions you make her feel important and give her the validation she craves. If you ever absolutely have to give a girl any kind of information, always ask "I heard X the other day, is that true?" Or find some way to get them to look for the info. Let them bring you some bullshit and then pretend to care and only then can you present information. Remember, it has to be about her for her to care. She doesn't give a shit about feminism because she likes it on an intellectual level, she likes feminism because it makes her feel important. That is what you have to understand. Right wing women are right wing for the same reason, there is no logic, only emotional validation and status within a group.
This. A good plowing will make them agree no matter what. They all a want man that knows what he wants.
Just say being part of a race is like one gigantic family something easy she'll understand.
And I'm telling him to stop, dipshit. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Kill yourself faggot
The key, after laying down the facts, is that they also align with your logical beliefs, and that you won't set aside logic just to appease someone else emotionally.