We have to find out what he knew and why he was """""suicided"""".
so whoever wrote this is in cahoots with kikes and arabs
We have to find out what he knew and why he was """""suicided"""".
so whoever wrote this is in cahoots with kikes and arabs
Other urls found in this thread:
I would believe it some crazy sandnigger shot him but suicide? Really? Come on.
not even done investigating yet they're quick to tell us there was no foul play. which suggests they themselves or their friends are the perpetrators.
Probably discovered something he shouldn't have… and tried to pull a Patton. Or just fucked the sheiks daughter.
Good luck finding unkike'd information on any English-speaking digital news rags. All of the articles read like NPC-drone statements from the (((AP)))
Looks like a porta potty fuckfest went terribly wrong. Can't say I have much love for ZOGbots.
Admiral dead of apparent suicide. Navy lists his bio as being alive and his command ending on his date of death. AP removed the reference to suicide. All other sources omit a cause of death, refute foul play, and talk about his family.
He relieved Christopher Rankin.
Who is now a professor at the Navy War college.
I wonder ( ( (who) ) ) would've done this
Damn he got navy wings the same year Top Gun came out.
Not even sure where to dig on this one? Navy internal boards? I'm sure there's some scuttlebutt that would lead to something worth digging on. Where has the 5th fleet been the past few weeks?
Also navy.mil is down (pic related)
Okay, here's a fun tidbit of info. The US navy has been getting intelligence from (((sources))) which says that Iran is attacking US ships. This is in connection to the yemeni conflict. Maybe he dared to question the narrative. I wont be posting again.
Good. One less ZOGbot.
Is she hot?
Sure thing, Fat Sister.
*Sheik's son
Which is it?
Some people suck at ip hopping.
he clearly forgot to add the links
Not fat sister, I just use that script some user wrote to rehash my uploads. Believe what you want. navy.mil has been down all day.
good riddance zogmutt
your life was worth less than the thread that died for this
Likely just another retarded millennial intern going by the 60's red book.
jabba the slut wrote that script to obfuscate her posting.
fuck off
that makes no sense. She'd be doing the opposite which is giving clear IDs to her OP to track propagation. I'll post the same image as last time to show what it's doing.
Makes perfect sense when you're called out on it every fucking time. Hard to get datas when Zig Forums just disregards you. I know what it's doing, you aren't impressing anyone joan.
Literally fucking who? I don't need a smoking gun to know all wars are banker wars and the war on terror is a military operation to establish greater Israel. We don't need a need article every day about how the world is burning. Yes, we are aware of this.
I remember reading something that he had opposed a false-flag operation against Iran, and (((powers that be))) decided he needed to be removed.
You obviously don't get what it's doing or you wouldn't make such a retarded claim. I'll try to lay it out for you like a fucking child.
Say you have image A and its content hash is "1234". Every time you post image A anywhere it has the same content hash "1234" because the content doesn't change, just where you're putting it. If other anons download A and use it elsewhere it still hashes to "1234" because nobody changed the content. You can rename the file, but that doesn't change it, so even if some user calls it image B, it still hashes to "1234". Now someone wanting to map the spread of such a thing may start indexing these hashes to see when they first spring up and how far they spread over time.
Now if you have an upload script that every time you post image A it slightly changes the binary content to cause a new hash you are making this indexing game more difficult. So every time I post image A it generates a new hash, say "9542", then "2351" etc…
Please tell me how this is something fat sister would want?
You don't remember shit.
Of course I don't. Shit is a mundane part of existence, and because it is a mundane thing, it is something not always worth remembering, unless accompanied by events of more memorable magnitude. I appreciate your input though, Mr. Glow-in-the-Dark.
Bumping, then
My guess?
He was an unreliable link in the chain as-goes revelation of falsehoods in the upcoming staged event to trigger war with Iran.
Basically, he got Patton'd.
Remember, israel is greatest ally for all the (((intelligence))) they so kindly give us.
Polte sage for double post.
Big if true.
Trump can't hold the presidency in 2020 without a war. I know it might seem counter-intuitive, but I don't think any president since the turn of the 20th has lost an election mid-war.
Iran is the most likely target given this and other circumstances, but intervention in Yemen would make a good backdrop, given most Americans can't spell Yemen let alone tell you anything more about it.
Other than the image posted I cant really find anything that’s reliable about him other than news of his suicide and replacement. I did find this site that had some information on him archive.fo
This sounds extremely useful actually
What does the inside scoop tell us? Is this a hit from S.A. as a message to Trump?
If he was killed I highly doubt it would be as a message to trump. I find it more likely it would be due to him not willing to go along with something.
Because really there are only 2 scenarios that I think are realistic
1.he actually committed suicide
2.he was actually murdered
Option 2 is interesting because The Who and the Why determine the response. If it were from the saudis or someone sending a message then they’d be investigating this as a possible murder and we’d be hearing more rhetoric against Saudi Arabia or Iran.
But since we’re not hearing any new rhetoric and this was ruled a suicide pretty quickly I’m willing to bet it was to remove a troublesome piece from the board. That’s if he was actually murdered.
If it’s option 1 then we’re just wasting our time feeding every suspicious high ranking death into a delusion.
On balance; there would be no 'Conspiracy Theory' community nor an influx of 'Citizen Journalists' had they not been repeatedly lied to, manipulated or deceived.
That is where the trouble lies. Even if they’re being completely honest here, nobody believes them. I guess we’ll find out in a few months one way or another
It is. I wish more people took the few minutes to understand it. Original thread is here… archive.is
arab royalty have been fucking slavic sex slaves since late antiquity. Would you stick it in the average sand negress if you had the money for something better? Centuries of this have led the royal families of arab countries getting bleached pretty hard.
I found a quote from him.
"Listen, the people who own the media, the corporations, who print our money, who do you think they are? I don't want to name names or mention any groups, but let's think hard about this, okay? I don't think we should be supporting Israel so much."
Trump doesn't need any messages. He is 200% team nigger jew. The only people thinking otherwise are delusional Qtards who have bought the Mossad/RenTech psyop.
Who is this vixen?
Good. Glad this faggot zogbot is dead.
If he was (((suicided))), it probably means the programing was wearing off.
It's even better if he was killed by the kikes he served. It's a fitting end for garbage. May he burn in hell.
i was in Bahrain a few years ago, on det from a MEU. witnessed some shiite vs sunni strife, namely a molotov attack on police in the middle of the road a few cars back. anywhere they flew a black flag was off limits, the DoD said. there are elements on that island very unfriendly to the US still.
The UN has taken down their page outlining the plans to flood Europe and America with hundreds of millions of immigrants. Luckily I archived the pages, so save the links, save the pdf's, make screenshots and make sure word gets out.
The documents outline wanting to replace at least a quarter of the native European population with immigrants, flooding at minimum over a million immigrants in Europe each year, and three quarters of a million into America each year.
front page
replacement migration
Literature overview
European Union
Make a thread for it fucktard.
The largest story to drop prior to this (((apparent suicide))) is DLA defrauding related to Awan/Wasserman/Clinton.
Why not investigate any known links between VADM Stearnay and DLA contracts/all of the defendants?
Maybe he knew too much and would have testified so was emergency suicided like so many others by She-Who-Has-Kuru.
Dude it was the freemasons and the Jesuits and the reptilians #infowars
What a shocker! Who could have foreseen this?
And? It's not surprising because suicide rates in military and prior military members is relatively high.
This is true.
Turks aren't Arabs though, they were the ones with the Slavs. Arab royalty were mostly just Arab. In-fact, most "white-looking" Arab royalty like the Jordanians got it from recent admixture. Assad is part-French.
Meant to be for this:
If you want a girl from the Middle East that badly, go for a Persian, Kurd, or a Syrian girl, user. Most of them are still Aryan, even with all the Arab and T*rk racemixing.
best gif since
The average Turk today is basically still the same as ancient Anatolians. The Turk conquerors who took over were so small number that they just got bred out.
I didn't imply any of that. I merely stated a fact.
I'll say it again. He was assassinated so that the 2nd in command, (((Schlise))) could get promoted, and make sure that the upcoming attack on a US ship by (((Iran))), leading to (((WW3))), happens as expected.
If you want some proof just check that nose. Also check that bio, then compare it to Stearney's.
The business majoring kike
The Top Gun instructor Admiral Stearney
Exactly what I did the other day
One has a varied career in service of his country. The other has been in a series of (((operations))) mostly in the Middle East, in service to…?
There is the general benefit for them to have one of theirs in charge of the regional forces. Is this freak's ear lobe even not attached? He's clearly a "Devil" type, like Chertoff.
Hi Izzoh. How's your brother doing with his legal studies?
Interesting digits m8
but yeah, I know I'm late for this one, but could anyone explain to me what it means to have attached earlobes, I hear that thrown a lot around here without much explanation. Thanks.
Typically Jewish trait
This was what, the same day or the day after that Fat Leonard thing wrapped up? How come nobody's talking about this?