Autism. No, seriously. The best tactic is just asking the difference between autism and sexual dysmorphia or whatever they're calling it. If someone is mentally challenged, they're told, taught, and are brought up to think 'you need to meld into society, because society can't and won't meld to fit you.' Transgendered people are taught that society needs to allow them to do what they want without consequence. Besides that, the enemy SJW's hate more than republicans, conservatives or Christians, is high functioning autistic people, because more often than not they don't think about things based on sympathy or how other people feel. However, because they are seen as disabled, to insult them would be horrible, because it's verbal assault against someone who is mentally/neurologically challenged and can't think the way most other people can. It's the same logic as arguing with a black man who swings the confederate flag, in that SJW's can't cry racism, but they don't want him waving a flag that he takes pride in.
You want to know the best tool to shut down transgenderism?
Other urls found in this thread:
Have a bump
Key points aren't that it's mental but the genetic aspect. Chromosomes; bone structure; even brain chemistry will fuck them up. You don't want them, they're broken. You want to anger them and cause them to lash out and admit or claim something so atrocious you can use it against them at large.
Neither autism nor trannyism would exist in a healthy society that shames its members and beats its kids when appropriate.
Sorry, the bible doesnt mention anything good or bad about transgenderism. I can't make a statement on it.
kek you npc you…
Oh you sweet, naive child…as long as humans get paid to believe in something they will do it. And as long as the JQ isn't answered humans will suffer mercilessly under lies and their own stupidity to question the narrative.
Funny, seeing as I'm (diagnosed, anyway) on the spectrum and I always get in arguments with people about transgenderism, but when I bring up the fact that they're mentally ill and get physical medical treatment for it and all I get for being autistic is 'you're annoying shut up' they don't like to discuss it. They try to change it around to it being a miscommunication between the brain and the body or something, but the retort is always 'so you're mentally ill and want to fix it with physical surgery instead of seeing a mental health specialist.' Usually they just say I'm not autistic and I say 'well you're not a woman/man either.'
Lord knows I feel that way about myself some days.
Child abuse is certainly healthy. I wish your family beat you to the point where you didn't post your terrible opinion online where I can see it. Violence! Glorious violence! The true and proper language of Humanity, glorious, barbaric violence.
user, do not lose hope. Yes, you're on the spectrum but are self aware enough to know about it and to discuss it. You're more likely intelligent than most if not all trannies. Do not get depressed but rejoice that knowing even if you're a literal autist at least you're not a transfag and that you're intelligent enough to know the simplistic fact that man can't be woman and vice versa. The Left can't figure this out but you can. So cheer up, user… we're all autists when it comes to the internet. A plethora of anonymous assholes who're autistic about one thing or another, even if not diagnosed, is what strikes fear into the hearts of those that are in power now. It's fucking hysterical when you think about it. So don't see it as a curse but a gift. You're better at some things other aren't, and your issues are most likely social. You can practice at being social and learn to adjust to society, but a tranny can't. Everyone knows sooner or later how fucked up you are if you're a tranny. :D
So, please, shut the fuck up and man the fuck up. Dig when needed, improve yourself by getting /fit/ and studying, and don't be a fucking degenerate.
Hello [literally any left group].
Good goyim, don't fight back. Educate the ogaa booga to not be violent with word. You have no right of violence. What are you, inhumane?
35% of transgender kids are autistic. They're easy to confuse and brainwash into thinking they're another gender.
If kids are not given puberty blockers, theres an 80-95% chance that simply going through puberty will cure their gender dysphoria.
Kids given puberty blockers are 90-95% likely to transition.
This shit is fucking sick and it needs to stop. They're experimenting on fuckint kids.
Less than 20% of the population int he west believes that "Transgender women are women". How the fuck did we let the trans movement convince everyone that this is what we have to believe. Look at what is happening to women who speak out about this shit.
Autistic people have a saying: Nothing about us without us.
That means one should not discuss the fate of the socially awkward, but intellectually gifted, without them.
And it's the same with transgender people. SO HERE I AM AGAIN. Your local transgender girl who rose from the pit of SJW hell to give you top secret juicy information on the true motives of feminists, SJWs, and those damned merchants.
Here's the scoop on this glorious day: I knew a guy who was suffering with transgender thoughts. It's well known among every feminist, SJW, and transgender girl to encourage it.
So I thought: What if I don't encourage it? Wow, genius epiphany, right? Well, yes. Instead of the two default lines of "kill urself bible bible bible oven hitler!!!" or "Of course sweetie hon, be urself and be brave ur so pretty."
I just said this simple piece:
You are undertaking the ultimate challenge of being a man. There are animals, there are children, there are women, and then there are men.
Children will have a pet animal, and be able to outsmart it and control it. The woman will take command of the children, as it is the motherly thing to do. And the man will be able to lead the mother, as that is an excellent way for families to function.
So it is no secret that the man has the toughest job. If he falters, the entire chain will break. A man without his honor upheld, his duties done, his responsibilities taken care of, and his endeavors fulfilled, will not be able to lead his wife, the mother. The mother will then veer off course, and fail to raise the child correctly. And the child will begin to sacrifice animals to Moloch, and turn into a degenerate fool.
The man is the toughest job, so as a male, your next step is to move upwards, not downwards. You are not to become a woman. You are to become a man, and if you think that it is difficult, it is. But it is a challenge you must not fail, and a challenge you must never give up on. That is the simple truth, my brother.
So that's just my opinion. But I have gone too far myself. Each day I struggle with redemption, so that I can truly become a man again. To disgrace yourself and go as far as I have requires more than just changing the label from transgender girl to man. I must earn back Manhood.
Each day is suffering. But I will prevail.
No you won't, and that's a good thing. Nature fixing its own mistakes.
I assure you, there is no legitimate transgender movement.
It is entirely feminist/SJW in its nature. Transgender people do not have any political or societal power whatsoever, other than the CoC in the software community. It is reviled by all, however.
If there is any sort of entity pushing transgender propaganda, it is not transgender people themselves. It is from another source. Something that links LGBT with Feminism with Social Justice teenagers. There's something way worse than just these groups doing it. Beware, and ensure that you know your enemy.
LGBT fags are small potatoes. There's some seriously bad propaganda out there that targets teenagers and children, not just for LGBT recruiting, but for mental illness as a whole. They want everyone to have a mental illness.
beat the shit out of the teacher and sue her for a broken hand.
Thanks annon.. I know the best place to get legal advice.
D&C demoralization shill
This is a demoralization attempt. Beware the monsters that lurk among you.
They have a name, user. JEWS. They did this for thousands of years, but thanks to the internet our generation has the delight so see all their nefarious schemes come together at the same time instead of slowly throughout the years.
the funny thing is, the internet was likely released to better control us.
the internet was built to be a decentralized computer network that could survive nuclear attack. it's straight DARPA military tech.
The key?
Remind the guys that they were destined to be good fathers, and the jews delight in corrupting and turning them into depraved fuck toys.
Remind them that being a tranny means being a victim of the jews, and that they'll just be laughed at the rest of their miserable existence.
Trannyism is irrevocably connected to Leftism, you won't convince an even more mentally ill than usual leftist with "family" and "jew" arguments.
Which it totally did and then some. That's why you see those massive quality drops in entertainment…they just don't need it anymore. One of them with a laptop can push any and all lie and the rest just copy + pastes it everywhere. It doesn't even matter how absurd it is, because there will always be enough suckers to believe anything and even worse…they can disarm any mentioning of the truth with the comment "conspiracy". It just works, decades of indoctrination somehow stopped the recipient from asking any more questions, as soon as he hears (reads) that it might be made up.
Here here, good thing I never became trans.
That's funny, how come i've never heard it before?
i thought fire and bullets were the best tools, was i wrong?
What the fuck is wrong with that dog?
get a load of this faggot
No they are not. They are told that it is normal and fine and being "differently abled" is a good thing and that society must bend over backwards for them because they are poor oppressed victims. This isn't the 1950s, kikes are way ahead of you.
i dont know, nor have i ever met anyone that believes any level of the transgender shit. most people see it as overwhelmingly negative, or roll their eyes about it. even the most liberal people i know just like to parrot "statistically insignificant" or "doesnt matter" but they dont believe it, nor do they defend it; they see it as an extremist thing that embarrasses their side..
and before people start telling me i live in some sort of fantasy world. i live in liberal as fuck NYC and work for an overwhelmingly democrat-run municipality.
cheers to the argument method, but i've literally never ran into a scenario where i would be able to use it. have a bump.
Off-topic question: What kind of dog is that?
The mental aspect alone actually gives you a great argument to roll with:
This really works wonders because it attacks the virtue signalling that's responsible for this and it uses a fantastic comparison to show just how retarded medical consensus is with "just get mutilated bro" being considered a legitimate cure.
They try to weasel out of it with sex reversal/intersex genetic freak. They will pretend every tranny has Klinefelters or an X chromosome with an SRY gene as a result of improper crossing over (or an XY female due to deleted SRY in Y chromosome). This argument really doesn't work because they will absolutely pretend this is the case when we all know it isn't, that your avg tranny is just a mentally ill autist.
Bone structure they give zero fucks about, brain chemistry will be denounced by muh female brain in male body bullshit even though they don't find this pre-hormonal regiment. It's why I stick with mental, because there's absolutely no way to weasel out of it when framed properly. You can't pretend you're doing good when you're essentially saying "you're not mentally ill even though you are, you don't need a cure you just need to indulge your delusions, I care because I'm being nice to you instead of telling you the truth"
The majority of trannies are autistic
Trannies are mentally ill they will try to identify with anything because they are soulless and have no authentic identity since they are lacking a soul. The Earth ran out of numbered souls a while ago…yes people with a soul are still born but that is only because someone has died recently and they get that one…not enough souls to go around and too many bodies. Trans people are one of the bodies that did not receive a soul. If you told them ants were cool they would all begin to identify as 'ant people' they are at the complete whim of the (corporate inspired) mob because, again they are completely soulless. Autists still have a soul and they have nothing to do with trannies.
user a research paper came out about this, autistic people are the most likely to become trannies. It makes sense really, they cannot into social scenarios, they cannot socialize as a normal person so they wanna become a woman who has it easy in life only to find out nothing changes because no one actually buys into the delusion.
Why are you here?
That was a serious question, by the way. It wasn't a joke, or a meme, or rhetorical. I want to know the answer.
Literally every single one of the people commenting on this board on this website wants you literally, unironically, dead, and would literally, unironically, kill you given the chance. Why are you commenting on this thread on Eight-chan dot net?
Autism is a branch of human evolution, my dude.
You can't argue with a leftist. It's arguing with a kike and it is grabbing slime.
(((research paper)))
No kikes are the most likely to become trannies. This has nothing to do with autistic people. I have never met even one that wanted to become a tranny…but every single kike I see is leading the degeneracy charge to hell.
See my comment about a lack of soul/identity? It is here because it has no soul and can't tell that it doesn't belong here. It has less soul than a potted plant.
There's a huge difference between Autism and faggotry. I have Autism and have never once thought about doing anything sexual with a man that's pretending to be a woman. I am only sexually attracted to actual women. I am beyond disgusted by gender benders. I guess I get what you normalfaggots call "uncanny valley" feelings when faggots are around me pretending to be normal. It's not normal. It's way more abnormal than I am. I have never been comfortable around faggots/trannies and I never will be.
Much like niggers and chinks, faggots are abominations.
No user, no: "The study found that participants on the autism spectrum were 7.59 times more likely to “express gender variance.”"
They're the most likely group compared to any non autistic group. Kike's are the one's most likely to PUSH people to become trannies.
I've never met poor people so they don't exist
that's some kind of moray eel, not a dog
(((the atlantic)))
Jeez user, WTF…really, like anyone on this board would even glance at (((the atlantic))).
Link the actual studies not some fucking kikes lies about data. Besides, I don't need a (((kike study))) to tell me something that I can observe on my own.
Also Bryony White, the author IS A FUCKING FAGGOT…
>>>Zig Forums
Ironically the board you belong to has an autistic tranny BO.
Yeah cause personal anecdotes trump research. "There are niggers in university so I guess niggers are all intelligent because I observed them in my university, IQ studies are irrelevant now because I only observed smart niggers!" - u
You didn't provide facts just a link to some FAGGOT KIKES opinion in a kike publication.
(((They))) want gender roles reversed and done away with so there is no possibility of having a healthy culture – this is the purest form of D&C, destroy the persons nature in favor of abuse and mutilation. You can't have kids if you are no longer a woman or man, you cannot run a healthy family if you transition. The biggest wedge this provides is to make mentally ill people into normal healthy individuals per status quo. Poz parties, cutting of balls, etc, all become healthy and normal under the influence of (((their))) culture. Its always them. Always.
I think it's better for people who support trans to get a bullet in their heads.
holy fuck how disgusting
Here is what I can't figure out…some brilliant user pointed this out the other day. If someone is having 'gender confusion' (not a real thing) then RATHER than mutilating and torturing them FUCK OUT OF THEM, maybe males who feel feminine should be given large doses of testosterone and women who feel masculine should be given large doses of estrogen?
Why in fuck all would you not just give the person the hormones that would make them 'feel' like they belonged to their proper sex? These fucking degenerate (((doctors))) and (((psychologists))) need to be fucking murdered for mutilating and torturing people.
It sounds wrong, but those hormones do the opposite of what people generally think. For example "roid rage" is actually caused by too much estrogen.
Ok, well whatever, they need to be given to help them 'identify' with their own sex…rather than mutilation. This just reminds me of the 'Alien' cattle mutilation more than anything else. Mutilating creation in the reproductive organs is not something that 'is cool' much like faggottry it is an abomination.
What is faggotry other than taking the reproductive instrument and shoving it in shit until it is diseased? The alien 'trans agenda' is simply one step further with the added bonus that however long the 'cattle' manages to live after the destruction of their sexual organs they work as a slave on your plantation.
Jews user, that is the answer to the why.
A lot of "sex workers" are also autistic girls (((talked into it))) for easy money. It makes me so fucking enraged.
No, kikes like you have that saying and you assign it to whoever you feel you can infiltrate.
Hurry up and chop your balls off, invert your dick, and then kill yourself, you defective ape.
I don't know who or what you are, but you don't understand the meta-issues which inform the notions of disease labels, the socio-political motivations of clinical nosology, and you have yet to even consider the rather glaring possibility that "HFA"s are the superior brain reacting as a primal defense mechanism to not only chemical attack, but social and spiritual attack by hordes of inferiors. Fucking, INFERIORS.
People are sent to fight and die in useless depopulation/ material object wars by straight white men. Straight white men exploit straight white men and pay awful wages. Straight white men put straight white men on poison psych meds at 5 years old.
But the problem is a small group of freaks with zero political power who let you feel superior!
The problem is evil people incapable of looking at other humans like a living thing. Yes, races are different. Yes, 90% of women are poison. Yes, unfortunately collateral damage happens. No, that doesnt mean we shouldnt try to help the innocent people . There are plenty of Jews who hate Zionism. There are plenty of blacks who hate gangsters. There are plenty of women who hate scheming cheating whores. Yes, if they use their demographic as a card that excuses their actions they need stopped. Yes, any technique necessary must be employed to stop them including mean words.
No, I'm not becoming the same thing my enemy is. I am not a barbarian and value the lives of others who did nothing wrong to me. Yes, I eat meat. No, I dont want to forever because I only do it to survive and there is no reason to torture living things if we can make things in a lab.
Jew detected.
Didn't even read the rest before replying, but holy shit.
great thread, but how do i get the pet fish?
Talk about how in previous versions of the DSM even to be “gay” was a mental illness. When normies understand gay = mental illness all the rest fall too.
If it was a disorder yesterday, it is a disorder today. Good book is “making gay ok”. Qrd is that there is no scientific evidence to back up homos as “born that way” it was a con from day one.
If you think trannies are an enemy then ponder this.
The Jew sees a smart, strong, healthy European. The Jew has him in the public school.
Jewish trickery happens, and the boy cannot even tell anyone, because that would be anti-semitic.
The kid finally comes out of school, and he's wearing a dress and thinks he's a girl.
"Kill the faggot!" says everyone here.
Well, what if I told you that this faggot hates the Jew more than you? Don't reject your greatest ally.
End yourself.
The jews have several years to take essentially every European male, and brainwash them into three categories, depending on their threat level.
Leftist communism for the dullards.
Feminism for the dull females.
Social Justice Obsession for the smart girls.
Deranged mental illness for the smartest girls. Just break ém.
ADHD for the strong boys.
Autism for the smart boys.
And for boys who would be smart, strong, and benevolent?
They turn our best men into girls.
Alone at the schools, where the parents can't stop anything, the Jews turn your children into brainwashed slaved. Because there are multiple types of slaves, the one who is meant to be turned into a communist can't compare he brainwashing with the one who was targeted to be turned into a girl. The ones who are left alone just aren't worth the resources, plus, Christans are already tame. Christians were the first trial on developing a contagious mind virus. It's not like you can't brainwash children to believe in any religion, anything at all. So you make them believe in communism, social justice, mental illness, and even brainwash them into being a girl.
The tranny who becomes aware of this is your ultimate ally. Their hatred is pure.
This has potential, massive hilarious potential
Especially because chris chan is both, apparently
I know you're being sarky, but this is literally what I believe.
Violence, applied in the appropriate doseage is a worker of all manner of miracles.
I punched this fat scally in the temple for littering on my street the other month, after I bought him cake and told him twice not to throw the packaging on the ground, and now my street is tidier.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Trannies were never meant to be accepted. The Jews hate them as much as we do.
My aim is for reformation and to force them to seek redemption, so that they can be men. The fools who would shun your own kin over this sort of mental illness, propaganda brainwashing warfare is a fool.
Blood over faith.
Blood over ideology.
Blood is strong and blood unites us.
If you reject your own blood, instead of trying to help them, you are a traitor. A blood traitor.
Fair post. Are you cute?
Mtf here, this.
The jews got to me when I was young, and I only became redpilled afterwards. The prospect of detransitioning and physically altering myself is scary to me and would probably shorten my lifespan more than it already has. I like being a traditional girlfriend for my white nationalist bf.
I won't pretend that the way I live isn't unnatural, and I don't think we should encourage it, but I know a lot of other mtf's who are into NatSoc and you'd be foolish to overlook them.
Degeneracy is caused by jewish subversion. Homosexuality and transsexuality happen during periods of decline, and they are not causes, but SYMPTOMS of decline. If you get angry at what your fellow whites are doing, you're not dealing with the problem. In many cases, people have been going prison gay for each other. In my case, I was frustrated at the lack of prospects for girls where I lived and wanted to make an ideal gf still exist for someone else.
Becoming a trap is an Aryan coping technique to preserve our culture under duress.
Every post. You're long-winded, but it's all you ever say.
It is irrelevant whether or not I am cute.
Find yourself a proper wife, such that you can continue your bloodline. Do not play a game of cheap sex or masturbation. Focus on building your economic empire, and on building your family. Is this not obvious?
Where do you think we are?
Like in the other transanon's image, down that dark slope of not being able to find decent women, also lies various stages of degeneracy.
But what do you think is at the bottom?
The final stage for a sad male in these times when women are unfaithful and the men are fools, is to complete the circle, complete the quest, and find true manhood. That is where I am now.
Jewish demoralization tactics are well known to me. A proper man doesn't just become a girl for no reason. It is brainwashed into us, just as it is possible to brainwash a child to zealously believe in any religion.
Manhood is at the bottom, and the quest for redemption fuels us. If you do not accept us, you are not only missing out on furious allies who would join you, but also missing out on the knowledge we have from joining leftism inner circles.
Someone edit that and add National Socialism to the bottom.
Or manhood. or something fun.
Do not imply that there is only bleakness and death waiting. Let's give trannies hope in rejoining us as men. I do not blame them. Life is bad on purpose. We all just want an answer.
You are discussing transgenderism here, then taking a break to masturbate over your favourite hollywood "babe".
Well, newsflash for those who still don't realize, ALL Hollywood "babes" are MtF trannies.
And all Hollywood "hunks" are FtM trannies.
The entire mass media is based upon satanic sexual inversion.
You can't see it, so why do you talk about something which passes under your nose and of which you are wholly unaware?
You think transgenderism is the same as the morsels the jew mass media feeds you.
Conditioning to make you believe that every MtF tranny looks butch, that every FtM looks effeminate.
You could not be farther from the truth.
You are blinded and your minds have been seared by hot iron.
Yes indeed, favourites held up as exemplars of "White females", over whom many gallons of semen are spilled into kleenex each day.
They. Are. Men.
Taylor Swift. Jennifer Lawrence. Pin-ups of teenagers and 20-somethings.
Little jew is scared that I'll leak leftist inner circle secrets.
Gas yourself.
Nobody want to listen to your kike filth or hear about your disgusting deviant lifestyle you fucking freak.
Dude that is blatantly false. Are you deranged or a shill/jew, srs question.
I agree. People become capable of being a lot more when they've lost everything. MtF's are some of the most based women of our generation.
There it is again. Fuck off. Trannies are not welcome.
Yes, but I'm too blackpilled and mentally defective in general to really amount to much long term. I'm really just biding my time every day, waiting for unrest to carry out some Gavrilo Princip moment, or at the very least die for some moderately noble cause.
I did not start the thread. I am only here because I know real solutions to the transgender problem. All posts are on topic, except for you.
You are the worst form of degenerate. A blood traitor.
You have not failed until you give up.
And European men are not cowards.
Have hope, brother. There are girls out there who could easily grow to adore you. The 14 words takes precedence over 88.
Life before death.
Gather your courage and your wits, and go into battle to find a well paying job, and then go deeper into the foray to find your true love, so that you can have a family.
Do not give up on love.
Don't take advice from people who are so mentally ill that they mutilate their own body parts.
good luck with that.
= wahh, wahh, I can't be gay, so what if I masturbated over MEN? No, say it ain't so.
See it or not, it's the truth. All you need to do to confirm it is learn the male vs female PHYSIOLOGY and then remove the fucking scales from your eyes.
Every Hollywood "woman" is a fucking man.
For specific, well analyzed examples, check out Mr.E on Youtube, channel name: TRANSPOCALYPSE NOW
Here, take your fucking pick from your "babes", whom you MASTURBATE over.
Better download the videos as the channel will be deleted again soon.
end yourself, anyone who becomes trans in the first place are mentally ill people who should be executed, no matter how much they redeem themselves. you either die now and die in depression, I wish you die now so Taxpayer's money won't be wasted on your kind. as usual TORfags are bunch of mentally-ill people
posting in ebin bread
IKR this is a VERY BASIC aspect of eugenics that we don't let disgusting mentally ill filth reproduce or take part in society.
i don't support this.
the #1 problem that is so big and unnoticed it's like the fucking Cosmic Radiation Background is O-V-E-R-M-E-D-I-C-A-L-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N of every goddamned human behavior. the majority of "Autism" doesn't exist. the majority of Tranny Insanity doesn't exist. there is nothing biologically wrong with most of these people in the sense of them having a physical disorder. sure, they may have a thought disorder, and they may be coerced into identifying with a collection of ideas and then dive down the flush hole of self-diagnosing themselves and exaggeration whatever is wrong with their thoughts and blowing it all up until they believe there is a major malfunction with their bodies.
if memory erasers exists, wanna bet wiping their minds to a clean slate would solve their problems?
by the way, (((who benefits))) from over-medicalization in society? the chemical kike does. buy more of our pills, goy. oh you can't afford our fair market priced $20,000 pills? well you need to enslave yourself to our System, goy, so you can get (((insurance))) to cover the massively distorted pricing system we have imposed onto medicine to fuck everyone up worse.
see this young new promising medical graduate, Dr. GoldBergFeinStein? he just invented 30 new mental illnesses that you probably have and for which you require a lifetime of drugs and shrinks until you become as big of a paranoid neurotic as the average elderly kikess Holohoax survivor.
see these new patents on these new poisons, i mean medicines? we tested them on the rats who are biologically just like you goy, so you should take them. we have no idea what the long term effects will be, since we only invented them a few years ago.
take the advice of our vast teams of Professional Expert doctors and professors. our mega kike billionaires in Tel Aviv donated enough shekels to their Universities to pay them to pump out questionable medical research and non-repeatable studies which all prove we are right and you are a sick, sick goy, and that only if you bankrupt and enslave yourself to purchase our chemicals and only if you subjugate yourself to a life of co-dependence upon our butcher-doctors, that is the only hope you have to lead a normal life, goy.
Hey, I made a discord for us to slug this out! It's called TradTraps. I think I'm going to start posting this to try and acquire a population of trad mtf's, so that Zig Forumsacks who are curious about the Mtf-Q can come and see for themselves, to try to get to know them on a more personal level, so we can make up our minds whether or not Mtf's can also be trads and we can settle this debate instead of making generalizations and shouting at each other.
Please come and shitpost a while.
Thank God, BE GONE…this degenerate filth doesn't belong in society, let alone on Zig Forums
I'll join a chat, but let's make it TOR compatible.
Let's find a nice IRC server that lets TOR users chat, and then we can have a discussion. I'll let you do the work, as I'm just a brain-in-a-jar.