France is a meme
France riots
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Thanks for killing a thread to make this one, OP. You're a valuable human being.
At this rate the US democrat party will all be burned alive by the populace.
lets be more accurate
Not a single bourgeois is suffering in these riots. Hardly are they mentioned either. All eyes on Rothschild boytoy macron and the socialists in parliament.
IDK but I speak french pretty well as it is my first language and from what I have heard in interviews, a lot of bourgeois are part of this riot.
And I disagree, in these interviews you have a lot of young commies shilling against the bourgeoisie
If they're apart of it, they're not suffering, they're astroturfing. And what interviews? Show them. As for the commies they are not taken seriously and keep getting beat up by everyone. People hate them because it will mean higher taxes even if they shill true communism it will still mean higher taxes in their socialist phase. It is over.
The riots are over non-white immigration, not gas prices. The "gas prices" line is bullshit spread by kike Western media to demoralize people. Look at the yellow vests, they're all white even though France is over 20% non-white.
This is a white nationalist revolution against the kikes, niggers and other subhuman non-white filth in France.
Lads pls.
That's how commies try to be right, they always fuck shit up themselves under a different brand and then promise they have the answer to it, to take full control.
Show 1 piece of evidence of the yellow vests calling for deportation of non-whites.
Actually it's "organized anarchy" with the purpose of bringing in new laws on public assembly and intended to weaken the power of unions.
It is definitly linked to immigration, everybody here says that prices and taxes are so high because they need money to give to all those immigrants. When your country is already full with blacks and arabs who do nothing else than trouble but are untouchable because "muh racism", and you see hundreds of thousand s of new ones coming and getting everything for free while you work and have a shitty life because of very high prices and taxes, you don't wonder for long on where does all this money comes from, the only answer is : from your own pocket. Whether it is true or false, that is what people think. Newspapers won't talk about it because they want people to think that only crazy Hitler fans are against immigration.
Also, Macron was NOT elected, those who pull his strings cheated and stole votes and we know that.
If only there was a higher authority than the French government these poor frogs could appeal to.
you dumb. Raising the price of Oil is demolishing the bourgeoisie for christ sake. You know nothing of suffering. FFS the "lower" bourgeoisie is on welfare.
Being a lazy bastard is not an argument. The internet is open and you can find them yourself. If it is a language issue, J-F Gariepy did a video on this and he goes through a bunch og interviews and he even translate for the Aglophone audience.
Well no they are taken seriously, in fact they are used to crack down on the whole thing, but from what I've seen they are suprised that most people complaining are not lower class divercity groups. They even go there way to find them so they point them out in front of camera`s
It just so happens that whites are the onew who are actually mostly directly affected by rising gas prices.
We have a long way to go to name diversity as the issue
Just part and parcel
This has been designed. Public transportation is literally a communist program built from the ground up to support poor migrants that hate you and your nation.
>Yellow Jackets attacking the (((media)))
kek because the working class can survive without fuel. The bourgeois can buy as much as they want, flee on their petrol guzzling jets anywhere on earth, and the fuel is all technically state owned by either Russians or Saudis.
And you are the one being lazy. You cannot even provide evidence for your bullshit you stupid communist. And I'm not an anglo so I don't need your shitty translation. Get the fuck out.
So then we need to have better eyes on these yellow vests and maybe a quiet implanting of redpill seedings. These people need to know more, even if they do not understand that fact at this point in time. We need french attuned memetics, because as the election taught us all. Anglosphere anons have little to no penetration into french culture and language.
It is not as if we do not remember
Commies are natural failures like macron and we should not forget this in France.
They failed with their Paris Commune circa 1871
They failed with their Restoration Revolution circa 1918
They failed with their everything from May in France to around the world circa 1968 (68er)
They fail here too. They can only fail and no matter how hard they re-strategise even with Cultural Marxism because the proletariat won't buy their shit we'll be wise to their shit again.
Americans are slaves and will never do anything no matter how much they cry about having guns.
Macron had plans for a European army…
Didn't work out so well.
Apparently a bunch of the police that is deployed is actually sympathetic to the yellow vests.
Trying to blindly apply foreign philosophies to a people is futile at worst and damaging to all parties involved at worst, especially in the case of France which has some pretty unique sociopolitical dynamics as far as the West is concerned. You've got lots of people who identify with de Gaulle, lots that might roughly identify with Zizek, then plenty of communists, "laissez faire" liberals and various other intersections of thought, all of which is randomly dipped in either unionism or just anti-managerialism. This is not your fight. Stay back, cheer on and enjoy the show.
Apparently some of the French who aren’t currently rioting think they’re being overtaxed and underrepresented. Some even believe water is wet.
Trying to blindly apply foreign philosophies to a people is futile at worst best and damaging to all parties involved at worst
agreed but those who know and understand the French do have way to inflence them. French people are actually pretty easy to understand. French = good, no french=not french. knowing this a person could easily shill for "Lassez-faire" quoting the lower bourgeoisie asking elites to leave them do what they do best etc.
Yes it affects us the most the problem is stupid leftists never fucking learn even though they know. That is, taxes will never hurt the bourgeois even if you raise them and we know that under François Hollande. Why? They just move. It is like nothing for them. The taxation only hurts every other class in France and it is ironic that the leftists push for taxation and globalism has destroyed any chance they the proles have ever winning because unlike a century ago where revolutions had greater chance of success thanks to the difficulty of travel it is now a span of hours for them where not even world revolution they dream of will save them. These idiots fell for the trap of their own making.
top wew fellow whitey
being expulsed, from your country on pain of seizing more then 50% of what you make is not suffering? You think leaving your country and having to cut most of your social ties with people you know and love is not suffering? You think that all of this shit is free of cost and consequences?
Normally I would be considered bourgeois where I live, Quebec. If taxes are raised, specially in oil, like France had to deal with, Ill have to sell my car because I would cost me too much to opperate it. That would mean that getting to work would be quite difficult as it is a 2 hours bus run if I am lucky that the bus arrives on time. My salary went up by 10% this year but since I went up tax braquet I have less disposable income. If I have children and I have to spend 4 hours a day using the bus, how am I supposed to bring them to school? right now I have to outsource this to some stranger who manages a bus filled with fucked up children being raised by other fucked up children. Not only would I see my children in a healthy way, I would only be able to socialise with my child in a productive and healthy way for maybe 3 to 4 hours school work included. meaning that raising taxes would force me to give up my children to the State. But you know, that's not suffering, that just bourgeois issues any person of anyother class would never complain about if put in this particular situation.
wtf is wrong with you?