Of all the lies that the jews have ingrained in the public's consciousness, the most pervasive is that circumcision is an inherently jewish practice. This blatantly untrue, yet even the anons here on Zig Forums believe it. Circumcision is a white tradition that was appropriated from us by the jews. In Herodotus' Histories he mentions that Palestine Syrians, which is what the Greeks called the jews back then, learned the practice of circumcision from the Egyptians and as we all know the ancient Egyptians were white(remember that DNA test done on King Tut's mummified corpse that said he was Western European?) Here's the exact passage from Herodotus's Histories, book two, paragraph 103:
Circumcision is one of the most ancient customs of the white race. Do not believe the jewish lie that it belongs to them.
Of all the lies that the jews have ingrained in the public's consciousness...
Other urls found in this thread:
The Egyptians believed in the "Circumcision" of the "Vital Organ". For the Egyptians, it was the HEART, and to CIRCUMCISE it, you must trim away the thorny branches that bind it in order for its purification. This fleshed itself out in various other esoteric desert religions.
What did the Jews do? They believed the "vital organ" to be the Penis. It was a way for them to not only please God, but to enslave and mark other men as property. They, never before entering Egypt, cut pieces off their babies dicks.
What have we learned here today? The Jews, like thousands of times in history, profaned esoteric knowledge only to bring about more suffering and chaos into this world.
God would not give you a foreskin if he didn't want you to have it.
hang yourself kikestein
saged and reported for pedophilia
Circumcise your throat and bleed out, subhuman mutilator.
This. Die, OP.
Zig Forums - national socialism and esoterica
Neat op,
In Hebrew, the verb meaning to seal a covenant translates literally as "to cut". Its all blood magic with these circles.
I hope you report better than you sage
Go back to 4chan, nu/pol/ mod.
Hitler never gassed any jews
You burgers are disgusting philo semities
We "burgers" got our (((Christianity))) from Europe.
How can we be both for and against them?
Vedic yogis and Buddhists overcome lustful desire without circumcision just fine. New Testament also says circumcision is not important. Maybe you should stop trying to cheat your way to God, shlomo.
holy shit jew, fuck off. it was used by slavers to mark their people, jews adopted it as a sign of respect since they couldn't do anything about it.
Genital Mutilation of little girls by Islamic tradition = Bad
Genital Mutilation of little boys by jewish tradition = Good
OP, you're a faggit if you believe that in 2018 every kike'd institution that is calling circumcision "a healthy choice" is somehow magically NOT a desire of the kike to mark their slaves
So all the baby yids getting their dicks cut and sucked are their slaves?
They are marked as jews, not to be confused with the goyim; differentiated by the "when" as in "at birth" v. "at Barmitzvah". You see, there are cells contained within the foreskin which are used to mature the male mind into a fully matured male mind. The goyim being circumcised at birth has no choice, no voice; in waiting until his male brain has fully matured
Hourly Reminder
Kike's will not type the word 'God'. Nor will they program their Al Gore rhythms to type the word 'God' into a comment
Oh God it's this faggot again.
God you're a faggot.
Eat a dick, rabbi
I don’t think OP is Jewish. I just think his penis was mutilated and he’s trying to rationalize it.
how’s it feel knowing most niggers have more intact penises then you, bruh?
Not bad since it's still bigger with a third missing.
How does it feel that in 2018, your only achievement in 40k+ years is 'muh dick'?
I heard if you kill 999 jews your foreskin grows back. I don't know the science behind it, but it's worth a try.
King Tut was a deformed inbred retard who died very young. Cheers for the fact that he was western European.
Rot in Hell.
Assuming you aren't just a kike, which is a hell of an assumption.
Wait, so the Jews really were enslaved by the Egyptians?
Wait! Are you saying that the Kangz owe the jewz reparations?
OP is a faggot.
Reminder that holiday means holyday.
Fuck off Moshe.
The Pharaohs and Queens were white Europeans. The plebs were niggers. Over 3000 years the DNA of the Pharaohs and Queens spread to lighten the skin of the niggers to the now lighter niggers.
Yes you can. Sand niggers most are semites. kikes are not semites by rule, there may be some incidental jewish semites but not because they're jewish.
Paedocircumcision results in a massive network of neurons being eliminated from the brain, and increased development of neurons elsewhere, resulting in an increased abstract thinking capacity. Basically its a partial sexual lobotomy, but grants some mental superpowers along with it (must be performed at infant stage).
However, the New Testament clearly bans the practice; we are to rely on the atonement of Jesus Christ rather than de-carnalize ourselves to get closer to God in thought.
that's why muslims and africans are so mentally superior.
Pure bullshit. Abstract your thinking capacity outside of your skull by blowing your fucking brains out.
So what you are saying is,
If you cut the foreskin, the nose grows bigger ?
Gay. And probably fake.
It doesn't matter who started it, it's wrong and unnecessary and wrong.
This low hanging hebrew larping bait isn't enough to get me going.
You're assuming Tut was circumcised. Circumcision among Egyptians was due to Hebrew Pharaohs practicing it on themselves and their slaves. Hebrew Pharaohs whom were cast out of Egypt.
You're also ignoring the fact that ancient Egypt had classes based out of blood and race, and these different classes practiced different customs. Just as India was once classed by race, as well as Persia. Race mixing destroyed the sanctimony of ancient civilizations, as miscegenation destroys civilization more than a natural disaster, plague and or warfare. Race mixing leads absolute fucking retards like yourself into believing that one practice in an ancient civilization represented all classes within that civilization. Retarded poor mongoloids have been doing retarded poor mongoloid activities from the creation of retarded mongoloids like yourself.
Fuck off back to reddit.
Recently a nigger judge in the US is claiming that restricting the right of niggers and arabs of cutting off the clits of girls in unconstitutional. They're moving the goal posts again.
Or by trepannation. Though I agree it's bullshit.
ok thats it boys, just tell the kikes they can have all the foreskins they want, but only because some ancient not-kangs did it. Thatll show em!
OP, are you saying…
that our ancestors were royalty and such?
gas yourself you mutilated coping mongrel
fuck you snipdick. You're either a kike or rationalizing your mutilation.
Fuck you and doesnt matter. Banning circumcision will cause jewish flight from the country.
You accidentally put the ((())) around the fifth word instead of the first in your post.
But, no, seriously, the world is sick of chutzpah. It's enough.
Boy do I love me a cup of Freudo-Marxist psychobabble in the morning. There are demonstrable psychological effects of circumcision, notwithstanding the attempts to do away with pesky research that might undermine the continuation of the practice, but 'mental superpowers' granted as result of a partial sexual lobotomy are not among them. It is clear that one of the most marked effects is a sever of the bond between parent and child. Infants tend to have problems nursing with their mother and respond less enthusiastically to their parents' faces, but because many Americans are circumcised the day of or a day after birth, the parents rarely notice. The Jewish rite occurs on the eighth day after birth, which is known as the first puberty on account of the rapid hormonal changes. A Jewish dissenter by the name of Menasce Polacco claims that the Jewish rite maximizes the effects of circumcision by disrupting this first puberty.
My working theory is that the weakened parent-child bond served the Yahwist priestly caste by redirecting the yearning for a father figure towards the relationship with a harsh and demanding god. There's a question between the cause and effect here—whether genital cutting came about for some other reason such as substitution for child sacrifice and only later was found to have the effect of alienation; or whether the priests spread the practice to serve their own need for control—but there's an obvious relation between infant circumcision and the cultural and social practices of Israelite society. Another major implication is that males have trouble bonding with women and with fellow men as a result of diminished empathy. This might be an advantage in wartime, in the sense that men would be less apprehensive to slaughtering others, but at the cost of alienation within society, leading to problems of generalized sociopathy. I have anecdotally found that American men tend to have this trouble bonding with each other that I haven't sensed in my experience in Europe and NZ, but I'd really like more research on the topic before I make more sweeping claims, although they remain latent in my mind. Sites like these are a step in the right direction, but obviously over-influenced by Jewish religious and secular trends, and so flawed beyond use.
I heard Egyptians circumcised jews to be able to tell they didn't belong/were property. Fucking hilarious if so, any truth to that?
egyptians weren't white. some of their higher castes/nobility had the same haplogroups and possibly other genetics that many europeans do bu that doesnt make them "white". still to this day there are people all over those areas with the same genes, just much rarer.
its like saying blonde blue eyed iranians or afghanis are "white"
many in india's higher caste also have haplogroups with indoeuropean ties, doesnt make India white.
Egyptians were just caucasoids like they are now in the middle east, just with less arabic and negroid admixture then, but not even *that* different. the royalty changed according to wars, conquests and other things so its possible some of them before the greek conquest were related to some aryan invaders who roamed the region or to other groups that had said genes.
now this is interesting, user, too bad you didnt post more info about it. if true this could be key to many ills that plague the USA
Absolutely wrong don't spread misinfo.
The English are 90% similar to the pharaohs. Today's Egyptians have a 4% similarity.
In contrast look at Greek statues and compare them to the stocky grizzled men of Greece today. They look nothing alike, yet there they are, being Greeks.
The Browning and mongrelising of a people is a thing user. Read The Myth by Rosenberg.
Ancient Egyptian royalty was mixed Persian and Celtic dna.
Ancient Egyptian citizens were not mixed but were very diverse. With the exception of the 200yr Kushite rule, Africans came later.
Ancient Egyptian Mummy Genomes Suggest an Increase of Sub-Saharan African Ancestry in Post-Roman Periods
Here is an article on the subject:
Push female genital mutilation as a means of gender equality.
BONUS: Get the Femistasi's to take sides on the issue carving a line down the middle of their numbers in a good 'ole fashioned d&c trick learned from the chief subverters
Push yourself in front of a train.
To be fair, Greeks never were uniformly or even primarily white, from the very beginning it was a relatively small Doric/Aryan group ruling a much larger Pelasgic substratum. IIRC Herodotus even said that the Persians were on average lighter and fairer than the Greeks.
That was long before the arab conquest and not surprising given persians are an indo-european people. Syrians used to be white as northern europeans by the records and ancient egyptian/greek/roman including their own art.
Funny how Plutarch said Herodotus had a bad hearing,ergo anything he listened is what he wrote down. That's how we ended up believing the Phoenicians gave the Greeks their alphabet when in reality it was the Greeks who were copied by the Phoenicians . The first Pharaohs were apparently Greek too (coming from Crete and other places as well) .
So why would the Greeks pass down something as VILE as DEVIOUS as butchering their own children if not from the betterment of society (see Spartans) ?
Go fuck yourself you pilpulling yid, without jews the term wouldn't exist.
No, he's saying you cut it and the autism sets in.
How is this thread alive? BTW that seashell photo was absolute gold