The quality of this board has dropped since around 2016 due not in small part to an influx of centrist leaning cultists - supported by massive censorship and bans from the mods. I call these people electionniggers.
What are Electionniggers you may ask.
Electionniggers are part of a Votingnigger Cult. They attempt to shut down any discussion of violence or revolution, or any kind of street activism. They have an agenda of targeting and deradicalizing young people who hold geniuine right wing sympathies. After subverting a community their energy is then diverted to supporting the republican party. These are the same faggots concern trolling about "optics" all the fucking time, while defending Kike Enoch who looks like an ugly Jew, and having their site run by Weev who looks like an even uglier Jew.
These faggots will make outrageous claims like they can subvert the republican party. Their own followers can't be stupid enough to believe this but 90% of those people are just weekend racists looking for an internet safespace to blow off steam.
There are many different types of votingniggers, I'll go through some of them here.
Defeatist Shills:
Defeatist shilling goes something like this: "You can't start a revolution so don't even bother trying, goyim." Aside from it's flawed logic, these people are demotivational, whiny, born losers. This tactic is most pravelent among BurgerNats.
BurgerNats or American "Nationalists":
These idiots claim the founding fathers were white supremacists and America wasn't founded on liberal values but some kind of neo-nazi state. Delusional, LARPy retards who pretend to be NS so they can earn more shekels.
We Wuz Founding Fathers
We Wuz Constitution n sheeit
Muh Bible
Votingniggers conveniently ignore the fact that America was founded by revolutionaries, if these same lunatics were alive back then they would be shilling against their heros. After getting BTFO'd on gab these retards went to the TRS forum to shill over there. Their views don't hold up to scrutiny so they have to hide in their safe space behind forum bans.
Newfags and Alt-Rightists:
These are the worst, they were probably liberals last year and thought the alt-kike would be a good place to meet friends. They're involved in nationalism for purely selfish, materialistic reasons. Expect all of the above and more. The 2016 maganiggers on Zig Forums fall into this category as well.
I want to end this post with a relevant quote:
"The movement’s leaders will preach lies, use scare tactics, while pretending to be truthful."
This is referring to the movementarians that are currently weighing us down. Anglin is a proven fed snitch and the Daily Informers still on here are embarrassing themselves. Any eceleb whose not Alex Linder, Sacco Vandal, Cesar Torte, James Mason, or William Pierce is only in it for themselves and only in it to make a profit. Ignore all reactionary and christcuck orders.