holy shit… the prophecy…
All America has to do is stay out and that'll fail. As you know, jews don't make good soldiers.
I think it's written in Israel's constitution that they legally have to invade Lebanon every 10 years.
Does this mean we get comfy live footage of pissraeli soldiers shitting themselves while running away?
Again? You would think they would learn from last time.
It puts a smile on my face every time I see someone recognize how utterly shit jewish soldiers are. My boomer dad never stops sucking them off for the 6 day war.
I wish I saved the footage of the burning Merkavas from the 2008 incursion into the Golan Heights when the entire IDF got it's armored division's shit pushed in by a bunch of inbred arabs with russian ATGMs. At least it put a permanent halt to the Merkava shilling threads on full Zig Forums.
Well then
You know how to get them
shill in favor of Merkavas
Rolling for WWIII
Because you suck at redpilling. Didn't take long for a few bible quotes and showing what a shitty 'ally' kikes are when they never fight with US to show every boomer I've come across the truth of the synagogue of satan.
Here, have a free redpill pack
ditto my guy. fuck 'em both.
You say that but you have no idea. I literally made a presentation of redpill material I've collected over the years and showed it to him. He still sucks off the kikes, after admitting I have good info. I talked about kikes views on the goyim, The USS Liberty and the Lavon affair, The Balfour Declaration, kikes in our government, kikes in our media, kikes in banks. All with sources. He still sucks off the kikes.
I left bible quotes out because he's not religious. But I've mentioned the synagogue of satan line before and he brushed it off. He says that it's disingenuous to take one line out of the bible as truth when there's many other lines that should not apply today or are contradictory.
Kikes can't even make up good lies about the holohoax. They aren't good at anything
They even announce it on Twitter kek
just looking for a lost wallet on the beach
good bot >>12505824
Fuck off kikefaggot.
stats bot did nothing wrong
What law? Gay (((international law)))? Those with the most guns make the rules, user. Stop whining like a bitch, GRUnigger.
Trash magatard site full of fake jew news
This is a golden opportunity to highlight a jew M.O.; taking over communication(s):
Sound familiar at all?
thats where you tell boomers that palestine has a significant christian population and they are treated arguably worse.
when boomers start to understand that jews/israel despise them, their country, and their people, they tend to shut down and not defend israel in fear of feeling like a cuck (even if they dont know what that is)
the programming is deeply ingrained in them.
i like to bring up how israel put landmines around the site where jesus was baptized to discourage christian tourism. they put chainlink fence and razorwire around it too so even the pictures are ruined.
Better yet, just call him a traitor and that you have no father.
And the war he circlejerks over? Well known they couldn't do shit without America, they got their shit pushed in and more before nuclear blackmailing and pariah parasiting off Uncle Sam
Google "Sampson Option" to discover how, in the late 1970s, Israel not only stole reconnaissance intelligence from our most secret of satellites, the KH-11, but used that data to help target the Soviet Union;
• How Jonathan Pollard, the American spy now serving a life sentence in jail, was a key figure in Israel's nuclear program (and how some of Pollard's intelligence was turned over to the Soviet Union at the express direction of Yitzhak Shamir, the Israeli prime minister);
• How Israel created a false control room at the nuclear reactor at Dimona to give U.S. inspectors the false impression that the facility was solely for research;
• How the Eisenhower administration made a concerted last-ditch effort in December 1960 to force Israel to acknowledge its nuclear ambitions - and failed;
• How Israel threatened Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon with the use of nuclear weapons on the third day of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, successfully blackmailing the White House to airlift much needed supplies;
• How South Africa cooperated with Israel to create a mysterious 1979 "flash" in the South Atlantic, actually a test of an Israeli-South African nuclear artillery shell;
• How Israel used a top London newspaper editor to help catch Mordecai Vanunu, its nuclear traitor;
• How a prominent American Jewish Democratic party fund-raiser also raised money for the Israeli bomb - and was able to intervene repeatedly at the White House; and
• How the American intelligence community was finally able to learn what Israel was doing at Dimona - though it was understood that no one's career would be enhanced by providing such intelligence to the White House.
>What law? Gay (((international law)))? Those with the most guns make the rules
the arabs would squash israel if their white guard dogs weren't protecting them. the guard dogs protect them on behalf of that same (((international law))). it's ultimately up to them whether they should honor the law they claim they abide by to justify protecting israel.
we'll see what happens.
you will never convince him. he has to either see it for himself or die in his stupidity.
Nice photo there shlomo. Always add nadzees to any Israel thread.
Rolling for nukes
Q predicted this
He's not dumb, he's just opposed to jewish discussion. He's logical about every other political topic but the JQ triggers him. Not sure why. My guess is he's read so much (((history))) over the years that he can't conceive in any reality that Hitler was right and the Germans were the good guys in both world wars
70 years of non stop multi faceted mainstream media brainwashing is why.
To understand this you need to look at America's last election where all the so called jew-wise red-pilled section of America installed ZOG and claimed it was a victory for ourside.
Full spectrum mind control
Implying israelis aren't sand niggers
We need a nice visit from Nuke-chan to get the party started!
israel = antéchrist
accept jesus as the messiah or die
We firstly need to slaughter every kike and smug loli anime JPG spamming Imkampfy bot from Zig Forums
> I think it's written in Israel's constitution that they legally have to invade Lebanon every 10 years
That's not exactly true. I read Israel's constitution. What it really says is that every ten years Israel must illegally invade Lebanon.
evangelical christians are the original useful idiots
The poo and pee will flow when bullets begin to fly
Eat shit kikeshill. Trump was the best possible outcome and he already helped whites tremendously.
Is that why he signed over another $30 billion for Israel?
What's the matter kikeshill? Too stupid to understand that he can't 1488 within 2 years or do you think IP hopping while bringing up old news will convince anyone?
Cry harder. It makes my dick diamonds.
Just filter all magapedos. Don't talk to them, they don't want to talk to you. They want to berate you for not trusting the plan enough.
He couldn't build the wall in two years, he's not starting the next holocaust in the next two you genuine autist.
No, he's not doing any of the things he talked about because he's Zaphod Beblebrox.
That would definitely explain this two-faced snakeoil salesman
Trump cares nothing for whites. He has proven this by giving his daughter over to a kike, and by allowing millions of non-whites to enter the US "legally" daily.
Trump has no appreciation for Hitler. If he did we would have been kike free by now.
6 million more
You're not even remotely trying to blend in.
No one ever said he would start the holocaust you little shityid.
As for the border, well ironically and unsurprisingly it got sealed pretty tight thanks to the caravan and Trump has been going all through the country hyping people up to build the wall, a process that has already started.
A fence is more than enough at this point in time and far far better than anything we would've gotten under Clinton.
Isn't that what you wanted to say? How we should've voted for killary? Or maybe you're a little berniebro?
Please enlighten us to what we should, user-kun. Who should we vote for and if we shouldn't, please show us the way by sniping niggers and kikes. We're all right behind you.
Deportation increase, defunding of CIAniggerdry, tax cuts for middle americans, resurgance of millions of jobs and a tremendous shift in the overtone window as can be seen in the last mp4 I posted.
Try to keep up, shillfaggot.
Anyone taking bets on it being run by kikes considering the recent shill campaign?
Wanna know how I know you don't belong here?
Cry moar. Cry harder. Cry until there nothing left. Cry until we throw you and your family into the ovens, kikeshill.
>The magatards are calling it now a "political marriage"
A marriage between a shabbos goy and a kike's dynasty is still selling out. You never hear of Hitler selling her niece to international jewery as part of his 4538D Chess move.
How much does Kushner pay you
But hey, he gave the Koch brothers a tax cut so MAGA bros! Jesus Christ, it's no wonder they think gentiles are mindless cattle.
You are so cute when you try to tie Zig Forums to any person. But that won't work. It never has.
I am shitting on you for free and I thoroughly enjoy it.
White House and trump unsurprisingly cuck out:
Except the user never said Trump was going to 1488 in the first place. He was responding sarcastically to the one above him. Try again faggot.
No he wasn't, he's never been more serious about anything else in his life
Strap in, boys
This implies that he thinks Trump wants to 1488 but "can't" for some reason. It wasn't sarcasm, you niggers are fucking braindead and think someone that is up to his neck in foreskin collecting kikes is somehow against the foreskin collecting kikes
Fuck off Kampfy you irritant
And there it is. You frame the argument as saying Trump is Hitler, when no one who actually voted for him here even believed that. The fact that you can't equate him to anyone BUT Hitler when anyone who paid ANY attention to the man over the duration of his rather public career, knew he wasn't anything but a step in the right direction. YOU are the one setting the unrealistic standard that he was gonna make the holocaust real. This is how anons know you're nothing but a kike shill.
No kike. You are the one implying that's what the user even meant.
Funny how you insist it's sarcasm but the (((user))) that originally said "Trump can't 1488" hasn't chimed in to say whether it was or not. Maybe because you're on his side and mocking his narrative.
Checked for cowardice
Yids have been awful at combat since their inception. Why do you think they cry so much about being "oppressed" all the time? The only great jewish victory before modern-day Israel were the Maccabees, even all modern Israeli military victories were based on speed and air dominance.
Hopefully those diaper-wearing yids get brutally slaughtered, and not in a kosher way.
You keep insisting he was serious. I only suggested since the tone of his post implied as such since he was mocking the user above him, with which he was replying to. So what makes you believe he's serious? Do you know him? Do you know his viewpoints? Go on, chaim. Tell me why you believe the user is serious.
They've invaded Lebanon every five years for the last 50. This is fucking meaningless, user. No one will do anything about it. Until they OPENLY ANNEX THE LAND, nothing is happening. Even then, no one will do anything.
I'm supporting any organization that is petitioning the U.S. government to stay the hell out of this, and I'm writing my congressmen to give them my views on it.
in b4 lefty/pol/ faggots complain that you can't sway the government (even though leftyfags and their twinks have been forcing shit using the government for decades)
What makes you so certain that he meant literally the opposite of what he quite plainly said? Your 2D can't hide your tears
My dad did exactly the same thing.
But then I told him what the jews really are, and he died cursing them. We need to figure out what propaganda was used during the Six Day War to get boomers to UNIVERSALLY support it, and then counter that propaganda.
Holy fucking christ, kill yourself. What the fuck is wrong with you?
You apparently have no reading comprehension. So answer my question as I already answered yours above.
I'm going by his words. You're the one making assumptions trying to twist and spin. Typical kike behavior. And yet again, you reply for him, your buddy is too much of a coward to settle it. Tell daddy Kushner you failed at your work today.
No one said that, retard.
You're still getting reported. And you know why.
I hate to say it, but this is true.
It's time to stop being dogs for the Jews.
Let them reap all that they've sown, that would be true justice.
Answer my question. Either you or the other one. What makes you think he's serious?
Go ahead. I still won't be banned. So answer my question.
Spoiler alert: The ZOG will force white males to die for Israel until there are no white males left. No one will complain about this.
Also you have shit taste
The question's irrelevant; the entire discussion is predicated on purposeful misquotations.
Oh; sorry. I thought you were talking solely about imkikey's post just prior to yours. Remember to report that paid shill (both of them, but particularly the one who thinks that Trump isn't ZOG).
Well shit goy, you don't even need a fence! Hell, let's build a monorail all the way down to Mexico city! I mean if you're going to start moving goalposts now, lets see how far you're willing to go.
I read his post word for word, you genuine fucking autist. I'm taking him at face value. It really doesnt make sense to reply to a legitimate concern about where our tax revenue foes, and taking it to the massive hyperbole of "going full 1488". If he had been ironically MAGAposting I'd probably see why you'd think it was sarcasm or irony, but I just don't see it in the context.
Considering I'm posting out of my smug folder?
Nice reading comprehension dumbass, you sure your boss didn't tell you how to reply to my post? Out of an union of a shabbos goy family and a kikes family such as kushner's, nothing good comes for whites.
Yeah, you've been pulling this damage control for two years and counting. If he was such a "step in the right direction", why did he cuck out on every promise he made on campaign? Why does he still allow the jewish media to dominate on public opinion? Why is there no wall? And most importantly, why are whites not fighting back? Or do you think white genocide slowed down the moment he took office?
Get lost kike, stop damage controlling your orange yid.
Go fuck yourself, kike.
Many organizations have forced the hand of our government, you're just trying to torpedo anyone but faggots and commie globalists from trying it.
We stopped the assault gun ban in the 80's and 90's using grass-roots activism, and you know damn well the ZOG wants Americans disarmed.
Yes, we CAN go up against the ZOG and win, we've done it before on many issues, and we can do it now. Even the evangelicals do it, all the time.
Take your black-pills and shove them up your ass with barbed wire.
As did I. And I'm also taking at face value along with the context of what the poster he replied to said. Thus my conclusion that he's being a smartass. But you kikes can't into context, so everything is literal.
What misquotation? The nigger is right up above. So answer the question.
I think the problem here is that you legitimately don't know how humans interact socially.
I am the poster he replied to, smegma breath.
You just keep digging your shit taste hole and making bad argument after bad argument. Worst Kushner shill of the month.
Can someone post it again? How far along are we?
I used to be against Jew extermination, preferring to deport them to Israel and let them deal with their own problems.
But the shilling on this board is a fuckking assault on us all, and I'm starting to agree with those that want to genocide them all.
lol, calling your taste shit triggered you