Macron Folds: France Suspends Fuel Tax Hike After "Yellow Vest" Riots
Call me black pilled, but my take is that this is going to be enough to calm down the boomer 'yellow vest' protesters and effectively diffuse the situation.
Macron Folds: France Suspends Fuel Tax Hike After "Yellow Vest" Riots
Call me black pilled, but my take is that this is going to be enough to calm down the boomer 'yellow vest' protesters and effectively diffuse the situation.
take note everyone, rioting like niggers works. This is the secret the Jew does not want you to know. THEY ARE AFRAID.
When will America try this again, like the red sox lost? Never?
But the six months "suspension" is bullshit and will not stop the French rage.
I hope this just galvanizes the yellow vests more
now kill macron french bros, make sure you kill his handler, his wife
So they've managed to riot over some petty tax, yet their country remains unrecognizable.
Don't stop fighting cousins, keep pushing until you take back your homeland from the niggers and kikes.
Protests should still continue until this fag leaves office.
are the riots really just about the carbon tax? I know two months ago thats what started the yellow vest thing but isn't there more to it now?
don't worry, it will continue. people received this proposal as an insult and mockery
t. protesting frog
Apparently the yellow jackets will continue their revolt. The movement is surprise surprise not about the fuel taxes.
It seems that more radical and younger french people are taking over, they smell blood.
If we combine that with the fact that the police forces are tired and pissed too (they have a low pay and have been working 14h a day for each of the protests).
Macron even made them the "gift" of a special bonus. The police unions want to meet the governement.
Keep in mind that last year there was a massive protest from the police forces.
there is nothing substantial in Macron offer. he just wants truce for specific period of time. there is no advantage to /ourguys to give him that.
He didn't cuck, it's only a fucking six months suspension of the taxes, not getting rid of it. Only idiots would believe him.
I'm really hoping this protest will continue until the kike gets kicked out of office. Vive la France!
Also this
frankly thats an insult, it would have been enough to weaken the dissent if they totally cancelled it and threw a bone out to the french cucks in the form of a subsidy for fuel for truck drivers or some reduction in state tax on fuel, but that'd be something smart people would do, and the corrupt, if left to rule for too long, become really fucking stupid and lazy.
How is Macron "cucking" by giving in to the French people's will and demands they made?
That is the role of every leader, it's when they serve isreal's interests against their own that is defined as "cucking" according to the aut-right lexicon rules.
Whereas the fashy based NeoCon kikes the board has been forced to suck off lately hands over the country to isreal, which is the literal definition of the fashy based jewish alt-right, yet that is called "based" by retarded NeoCohen spastics.
Fuck that shit. In less then two weeks they gonna sign a deal in Morocco to flood the world with over 200 million more invaders. If these riots are not starting to target jewish usury, than there won't be a France left to tax. Or Europe, or Canada, or Australia, or Japan or the fucking USA.
Hello nu/pol/.
"Cucking" would be not giving in to the protestors demands and serving the jewish establishments will against the people's demands.
I apologise for writing in English.
Perhaps you can get a colleague to translate my English to your native hebrew to understand.
if true…shit is goin' down
#GiletsJaunes: The 80-year-old woman who was killed by French Police in Marseille was the Algerian Zineb Zerari. Witnesses have stated that the Police engaged her directly when she was looking out her window to see what was going on in the streets. Rest in peace.
==Reports r emerging that 1000s of Moroccan, Algerian & Tunisian youths r gathering in the French city of Marseille ready to engage French Police & Gendarmes. They want to avenge the death of the 80-year-old Algerian woman who was murdered by the police.==
You obviously have no idea what the word means, to "cuck" is to back down, and to make yourself appear weak. Get the fuck out newfaggot >>>/plebbit/
How can we? Our major cities are all dens of niggers and beaners. Are we supposed to travel an hour by car to the nearest city and riot, then travel back home? Also cost of living isn't bad in most whiter areas of the country, so there's no reason to riot. Gas is going down in price and food is pretty cheap. We're not some Eurofag socialist dump where they tax random foods or necessities every once in a while and make it almost unattainable.
It’s only a 6 month suspension. He didn’t cancel it; he’s just trying to destroy the momentum and restore peace (= continuation of the abhorrent status quo). I hope the French do not fall for literal Rothschild banking scion Macron. CO2 is good for nature and does not cause global warming (yes, I know the protests are about much more, but still).
If anything this probably helped the drift toward communism. They won't rally against their nigger replacements, but they'll rally alongside niggers against "muh ebil capitalists." Some of them even hate the fucking commie symbols on their clothing, and no one did anything to them. They could have literally killed the commies and the law couldn't do anything, and probably wouldn't even try to solve the case. They'd have just chalked it up to the riots and written it off.
even had*
"Cucking" as defined as the aut-right's websites lexicon was NeoConservative politicians "cucking" out to isreal.
Which is what the orange kike has done since getting electing only pausing for breath to insert Bibi's next mate's mutilated cock.
Macron giving in to his own people's demands is serving their interests.
"Cucking" in the retarded aut-right MAGApede's context would be to continue with the jewish establishment's desires to tax the people to fuckery
You're a fucking moron.
The only morons here are those still using terms like "cuck" made popular among the retarded jew-controlled aut-righters in the incorrect context, doubly so when the object of their worship, has cucked out to isreal every step of every way every single day since he took office.
Dumb-fuck, the word cuck has been around for a lot longer than the alt-right. You're the only fucking one here who's stupid enough to bow down to the assertions and and redefining of language by these groups. I bet you also see gender as fluid because bunch of marxists redefined what it meant. You're a real independent thinker, 82 IQ!
Is it too much to ask for these frogs to use the guillotine already? If anyone deserves a French Revolution ending, it's Macron.
Trump or Macron, same kike puppet.
Too late for macaroni to cuck out. The protests have already left a casualty toll, many injured or/and arrested and that shit seems to be spiraling out of control.
I'm hoping they'll demand an end to the migrant invasion, and then deportations.
After all, where is Faggot Macron going to get the money to fund his nigger invaders, if he can't raise taxes?
Now is the time to double down, not quit.
Viva la France.
That's how you out yourself as a shill.
True, but how many of these modern Eurofags are even open to the concept of normalcy and identity? Remember, this group has commies infiltrating, and no one stomped them into the ground. Yet if you go in there spouting the opposite to them, given precedent, I don't think they'll be inclined to accept it. Maybe someone can sell it in a not so "uh racist" way that won't scare all the little faggots off. Who knows.
muh racist*
And their definitions are false, and are not used by anyone, not even them.
President Trump has ignored Israel's demands more than any president I can remember, he just ignored Net&yahoo's demand that we sanction Lebanon for some phony gun-running charge, which caused Israel to break international law and illegally invade Lebanon…very possibly a bad move for Israel.
Trump is not 1488, but he's definitely far better than any of the alternatives, and we need to keep pushing for more and more ZOG-ignoring politicians to get into office, both in the presidency and the congress.
We'll see.
At the moment, it's not our fight, all we can do is support their cause, if that cause be in favor of native Europeans.
The next move is theirs, I pray they'll be strong, and not fizzle out.
Absolutely god's truth here.
Underrated post.
Global report for supporting Trump. This is not reddit. Your ZOG emperor has done absolutely nothing for whites and everything for jews.
Global report?
Go be a nigger on some board that cares.
The kikes need the extra taxes to fund EU army and/or more invaders from africa. They won't back down on this. Macron is just following orders.
Stop lying.
He is the most pro-semite president since FDR.
Meant for ((( )))
This isn't reddit, kikeshill. Insert yourself into the nearest possible oven.
Go away, redit.
Filtered for stupidity, contradictions, shilling, and derailing.
This thread isn't about Trump. Stop derailing, shills. Filtered.
The actual yellow jacket protesters are almost entirely whites. That's a big redpill for anyone involved.
Filter is not a downvote. Cry harder.
Too bad.
But they don't give a fuck about nonwhites. It was ONLY about taxes.
If there's any right-wing groups in France, they need to get out there and lead. In times like this people are easily led and directed, and right now it's the government and low-life commie rats trying to lead them back into their hole to die.
That's illegal, though. They wouldn't ever do anything illegal.
Guess why the taxes are so high? And the kikes want to increase them even more to fund more welfare niggers. That shit's not gonna fly anymore. This is the breaking point.
The rioters shouldnt stop. They have them by the balls. Normally they could get mad and retaliate if they dont compromise with macaroni, but the entire globalist elite network is getting fucked by Trump and Putin. They can get his resignation and remove all of their globalist politicans.
Filtered because worthless
How does the French government work in the case of a presidential resignation? Not that it'll happen, but I'm curious.
I'm seriously considering just putting Trump into the wordfilter
You are a stupid nigger.
This. The spirit of the French is reawakening, and now it will fight against the evil forces of the Kike World Order.
Oy gevalt goys! Don't you know taxes removes pollution from the air us jews breath?!
Typical tricks.
I mean do African immigrants own cars? Why do they give a fuck about gas taxes.
Loud mouthed subhuman fucking mutts. You own to the French for your founding and you own to Europe for sticking your greasy mutt fingers in Europe for both world wars.
Shut your fucking mouth, you fucking 56% mongrel.
Not the ones straight off the boat, but some of them own cars, yeah. Cars aren't that expensive here. It's the fuel prices that are insane.
THEY DON'T CARE. They don't know AND they don't care. They're not fighting over immigration.
IT IS GOING TO FLY, because the people don't know WHY the taxes are going up AND they support their own genocide.
Hi, global report. Kill yourself, paid shill.
the shills in this thread are so fucking obvious, i thought they would at least give them some training after all these years
i'd say they were running scared, but french internal affairs aren't coordinate here
just remember kids rioting like a nigger seems to work, i hope it spreads to other neighbouring eu countries and the french will learn that they can keep going to get more concessions
Stupid subhuman amerimutts talking about protecting racial purities?
When they are armed to the teeth and don't even get out to the streets and fuck shit up like the mostly disarmed ETHNIC FRENCHMEN are doing RIGHT NOW.
Fucking subhumans.
Well if you use that meme, anti-white shill, then you must concede that Germans, French, Brits, Swedes etc. are all racially mixed, because, according to your low IQ, "DNA morphs in real time to match the demographic makeup of a country." Filtered for shilling, posting anti-white memes, D&C, and derailing.
Hi, global report. Kill yourself, paid shill.
It's a paid shill. Identical images in every single thread, every single time. Global report all posts.
Are you illiterate, mutt?
All countries listed are still 90% "hwite" at the very least. And I never said that DNA morphs with real time demographic.
It is just ironic that mutts sitting on their toilet bowls with their guns on the left hand and their cut dick on the right hand shittalking frenchmen whooping the EU asses.
Oh so scare. You must be mad kikey isn't here to censor me.
Have another mutt.
Bump bump
Global report is for pedos, you stupid subhuman mutt.
Hi, global report. Kill yourself, paid shill.
Bump, mutt.
How is any of this related to the OP?
Global report.
I don't think the frogs will take this the way Macron expects.
trumpmutts hate to see frenchmen being better than them, which is the normal thing.
Global Muttport, lel
It's funny that you think anything actually matters on Zig Forums anymore. Nothing is off topic. The owner of the website said so. This board is destroyed.
They will, yeah. They don't give a shit. The European Parliament election in France is in March. That's enough time for him to be reelected, and then the taxes are enforced at gunpoint by the European Union Army.
Global report.
Subhuman amerimutt trying to discredit the Yellow Vest movement and shill for trumpkike at the same time!
See it for yourself, folks.
CTRL F 8a0309
Disgusting mutt.
Global report.
Filter and report the D@C, derailing shill.
Yeah right. keep being a cowardly mutt.
This is what we are talking about. america is fucking pathetic. All those guns and jack fucking shit.