Poland promotes coalburning
Kikes want to destroy yet another Polish industry to make the goyim even less self-sufficient and dependent.
EU heebs want the control of polands coal industry and if they cant do that they will force poland to shut it down.
They are spinning up the media right now, its all over the western- owned "polish media" like TVN kikes and Polsat semi-kikes. COAL BAD, SHUT DOWN THE MINES, SAVE LIVES
If these niggers are so concerned about carbon emissions, why don't they just do like Hitler did and invest in catalytic coal gassification infrastructure?
I think I need to take a week off Zig Forums, my head is not working properly.
They're literally losing their country before their very eyes, as they do irrelevant, meaningless gestures like holding a little parade. In 30 years when today's children are moving into positions of influence, it's all over. Poland will be the same as every other country. Meanwhile they'll be talking about how they had their little so-called "nationalist" parades. Cool. Changed a lot.
Coal MUST be burned in many industries. There is simply no other form of energy as condensed. Making western nations "reduce their carbon footprint" just means the same level of industry will be moved to the global south.
Laying waste to every continent, with Jews at the top of the hellscape is the plan.
They really are devils.
Way to read past the title you stupid nigger.
How long will you continue to pretend that nuclear power doesn't exist?
Polish Youth is even more nationalistic than the current government, what are you talking about?
>t. Illiterate 56%er or turkroach but THE OP really is clickbait
Kek op got me good…
Doesn't coal release particulates that would actually cool the earth? Like a mini-volcano?
Two observations:
1. OP is a sneaky cunt, and I had a good kek at this.
2. Not only does a large fraction of posters not read the thread before posting, they don't even read past the title.
The Poles are for coal. The cucks writing the article are not. This was a pro-coal conference.
What a relief, pic related is what i imagined
The subtitle is deceptive, though. "Burn the coal, pay the toll" implies Poland will be punished for supporting coal. The article does not imply that at all. Funny for a joke I guess, but it really doesn't make sense in that context.
The toll is having to endure leftist and (((competitor))) whining.
Fuck off kike (((OP)))
Carbon IN the atmosphere makes plants grow.
Seeing we are approaching a GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM for the next 32 years, it'll get fucking colder.
Their women fanatically believe every word their priests say, and their priests say marrying a non-Pole is worse than Hitler and Jews together.
Basically a woman can get beaten up for marrying a German, too, but at least they get beaten up for considering to marry a non-Europoid.
there is nothing wrong with a black man being with a white women. get over it you virgin white boys
no girl wants to be with you and you can't make us be attracted to you
you are literally weak pathetic weasel. always trying to push he bottom further down
your inferiority complex is always projected onto minorities
magnificent! but not possible. But it's true that simple burning coal for heating houses or for electricity is terrible waste of resources.
t: blast furnace operator/specialist
Niggers have a low IQ and are mentally inferior.
They are also ugly and smell.
can you fuck me with your IQ? i didn't think so
you think intelligence is all there is to a relationship lmao
your the type of manlet cuck that gets in an argument with their "waifu" and bitches like a pussy when they don't agree with them
more to life than being right
Niggers have no social intelligence or charisma as well.
Only stupid and vulgar people obsess about sex.
and the autistic Zig Forums user is socially intelligent and charismatic
like we want you
likewise, hope your family disowns you
post tits as proof or gtfo bitch
:>$0.02 has been deposited to your account
Agreed, very easy to fake.
coal burning is fucking terrible, not because of co2. it's very toxic though, it should be phased out as soon as possible
Lol just picturing the image of a Jew larping as a white woman right now. Happy Hanukkah!
How is coal toxic? And modren scrubbers remove literally all sulfur dioxide.
This nigger was so fucking dumb he wasn't even able to read the OP.
Are they subtly making fun of coalburning?
>>>Zig Forums
coal is brilliant. My tomatoes and fruit trees love it when people burn the stuff. More air for them
Now this is the kind of coalburning I can stand behind. Well played. Where's the toll, though?
NPCs must leave.
Don't worry, the EU will try and enforce one.
i agree with you, roastie. you richly deserve each other. it's no surprise that black man / white woman have the highest divorce rates once he finds out his "high status" white girl is a shrill harpy who is a dead lay in bed.
the based pairing is actually a black woman with a white man. i know Zig Forums doesn't approve of that, but at least those marriages almost never end in divorce. there must be good reasons why these white guys stick with their black wives but black guys dump their white wives as soon as possible.