Two Mountain Vista High school students brawled in the schoolyard after one of them who was wearing Nazi regalia struck a pose symbolic of the Ku Klux Klan. The incident unfolded during lunch period in August but has regained national attention after video of the fight went viral this week. African-American student saw the white student doing the pose and walked over to confront him - the pair then spat at each other. As the Black student appeared to walk away, he suddenly spun back around and punched the white student in the face, sending him tumbling to the ground. The white student managed to get up and throw a landscaping rock at him.
The Black student was then seen chasing after the teen in the military jacket and repeatedly kicking him as the student curls up into a ball on the ground. Security arrived to break up the fight - both students were suspended.
Here is some nigger on Youtube glorifying the attack. Feel free to enter the comments section and let all of the anti-white niggers know how you feel.
Asher Cox
Why are you capitalizing black and not white?
Brody Ortiz
Why wasn't he immediately ready to fight the nigger? More unserious morons. The entire country and society is GEARED TO EXTERMINATE YOU. Wake the fuck up. Only kill. Every time you step out of your house, be ready to kill every last nigger you see and every last cop and teacher whose job it is to mold and coerce you into this system. Otherwise don't bother.
Josiah Taylor
Also His parents are fuck ups. To any poltard reading this, if you even consider putting your children in public schools, kill yourself before you have any. The kid also seems like an autist to go full powerlevel.
Eli Bell
The article didn't capitalize black but the OP did.
Get lost, nigger.
Camden Parker
Copy and paste from Daily Mail. They love minimizing Whites. I think most of their staff are Londonistan Somali Hijabis.
Luis Nelson
Check the second image.
Chase Walker
It is copy and pasted from the subheading bullet points below the main title. Sorry, I didn't notice it.
William Morris
Hate to say, but he had it coming….
Brody Hall
Had it coming, no, should have expected it to come, yes.
Ryan Morales
This. He's a LARPing faggot. All he managed to do was instill fear in all the other white students there, by showing them what happens when whitey dares rebel. Big bad tough nigger will beat you down! On top of that he provided the media with propaganda to instill fear in other whites who lean right. Fuck him. Little LARPing fuck better redeem himself by walking into that school and shooting a bunch of niggers.
Dylan Hill
cure black skin disease already
Caleb Ward
Is it really that hard to grab someone's arm when they're throwing a punch at you, pull them to you with the help of their own momentum, tripping their legs, and crashing them further forward?
Why can't anyone fight with logic these days? I've been through shit like that and I've never balled myself up. But that's le ebin based Generation iZombie phone addicts for you.
I'm not seeing any Nazi regalia in this video. Speaking of which, why don't we have an official uniform yet?
Jose Hughes
Ethan Perez
Who the fuck is this WE, nigger?
Alexander Diaz
apparently not you
Leo Turner
It's not too late for him to redeem himself.
Jayden Howard
At that point, the white kid had nothing to lose, just pick up something like a baseball bat and hammer the black kid. It really looked like the black kid was out to inflict damage.
Lincoln Myers
I just see a nigger doing what niggers do
Jeremiah Nguyen
Wow this truly is /ourguy/ in the flesh. I hope he bombs a synagogue next, that'll show 'em.
Asher Watson
Good, stop serving the Jews with your Nadzee shit.
Ikr. At some point you gotta say fuck it, and just kill and maim the motherfucker. Instead of throwing a rock, he should've pulled out a knife and stabbed the dude. No mercy if you are going to put yourself in this position.
Alexander Hernandez
guessing that's nigger speak for dressing like a normal person
Grayson Ortiz
It's called fetal position you dumb faggot. If I began beating you to a pulp, you'd take the same position. That's instinct to protect the vital organs.
Luke Gonzalez
See the articles in the second post.
Cameron Gray
Haha fucking weenie
White kid has no excuse. Sucker punch was weak, and he recovered quick. Could have tackled that nigger and had him on the ground no problem. White kid was hunched over after the blow. Actually puts him in ideal position to bum rush nigger, grab him at the waist, lift him and drop him. Proceed to pin and beat his nose in.
The field jacket he's wearing is a repro of a the standard Heer field jacket of WWII. The nigger didn't know what it was, and the kid didn't start it with a racist comment. The article says the white kid pissed the nigger off by T-posing him. This is just a general diss in gen-Z culture. It's not a KKK symbol, and there are no racial connotations. White kid was giving shit to the nigger, and the nigger chimped.
It would, kike. We've tried the political route for 70 years with no results.
Isaiah James
That's damn good style
Owen Morgan
100% right mein nigger. my child is home schooled, practically a phd. going to take the lsat and get a councilorship for a local city and start taking over trump style. thats what we need, no a bunch of SS larping homos.
the only unfortunate part is that most /pol faggots are just that, faggots. they dont actually read or anything they just come to pol and larp in the gay esoteric thread and talk about bullshit they have no idea what it symbolizes ect and then they get mad when you talk about laws "because words dont matter you must be a jew" fuck all these retards let them put their kids in school with faggots and niggers and cunts and trannies and then let them fail and their families fail. the Illuminati are right, you are faggots and resist all knowledge unless it fits ur bias. no wonder the jews are your masters, they are smarter than you and dont act like ignorant faggots.
kid didnt even fall, instantly regained composure and retaliated while the nigger ran away when his nigger sneak attack didnt work
David Davis
Jesus fuck you cunts are anti-white. You may as well take the niggers side with the way you lot speak. You fucks haven’t done dick. Fuckin nigger loving kikes, this whole thread is filled with em.
Ryan Gray
Sucker punch was just part of the fight. After nigger walks away the white kids chucks a rock at him, then the nigger gives chase and knocks him down.
Dylan Miller
white boi couldn't handle the BBC. I see why white women love the Black Man because white "men" are so weak and pathetic.
Andrew Smith
prove it
Isaiah Green
Read the fucking article. Are you a nigger too? Can you read? You can read, can't you? God damn fucking moron.
Daniel Richardson
read the (((article))) spotted the kike
Zachary Hill
The only white women niggers have any hope of getting is bottom of the barrel slags with low self esteem and daddy issues. Interracial porn is the most repulsive shit. Nigger cocks look like actual pieces of shit going in and out of white pussy. Ew ew ew! White women don’t want that especially not me!
Julian Reyes
this is nigger iq levels of bait
Nathan Anderson
The video you originally replied to shows him throwing the rock. Can you go be retarded somewhere else?
No Black Man wants your tranny ass either. Only whitebois are into that shit.
Andrew Howard
Any faggot (i wont call him natsoc) that knows would have absolutely anticipated, no, hoped for an opportunity to fight someone. This kiddo did not
Gay and fake, fake and gay. If not, larping pussy the exact type Zig Forums is currently filled with. A great wake up call fornthe lad to eithe get real or get out. No sympathy
To hate niggers you need to actually be better than niggers
Brody Williams
and yes he chucks a rock at the nigger and then the nigger runs away like a coward. end of video. so prove that the white kid was beaten and kicked while on the ground
Nathaniel Cook
This. This board is just a bunch of subversive kike shills larping as whites. 4chan is unironically better.
Isaac Howard
Too bad he didn't shoot the nigger
Jacob Long
and i replied >prove it
Jayden Cooper
Well he is just a kid with a whole life ahead of him. Too many losers are waiting till old age. Too faggots think they are too smart or important because (redpilled thus unexpendable)
Kevin Bell
Anthony Jackson
Calm down a second, no reason to make two replies I'll get to you eventually. I saw no real reason to doubt the narrative, but you're right the video does not show it. The "chased down and kicked" verbiage is supposedly what police told the Denver Post. While I still don't have any reason to believe the Denver Post just made up some shit to say "hurr look how weak whitey be" I'll concede there's no concrete evidence publicly available that shows the white student was sent to the ground or kicked. Take your lap, we're on the same side here.
You guys are fucked up. Dude was being a racist prick and other dude set him straight, no pun. Get over yourselves. Head out of assholes might also help
Liam Thompson
Fucking niggers/kikes like you ruined this board. Whine about your asshurt over muh wacism while hanging from a tree.
Joshua Nguyen
Other than being a retarded attempt at an ad hominem, this is nothing interesting or new. Try another one fuckface.
P.S. I'm not black, you stupid fuck.
Jordan Phillips
And yes, you ARE a retard, in the politically incorrect sense of the word.
Sebastian Kelly
Let me guess, you're a faggy LARPer like the kid who got his ass kicked.
Jason Watson
where the fuck are you from nigger?
Sebastian Green
Some kid did a T pose meme and got punched by an angry negro I endorse this rev up those race wars, son
Adam Myers
Another retarded rejoinder from the retard. Let ME guess: Mommy never gave you love. And with the security of anonymity in spite of a limited imagination and self-esteem, you are allowed to post here. Congrats, kiddydiddler.
Joseph Rivera
get a good hard look at this anti-white optics faggot that rides ricky vaughns dick and wants to hide and vote for the GOP
you know that when we kill your kind first, we will get away with it, and the media will even have our back right?
Damn right that nigger set him straight. He showed them wyte peepo that blacks are not aggressive and violent, and don’t get a chimpy just because they get get disssrepkted. I wonder what kind of doctor that nig will grow up to be?
where the fuck are you from nigger, obviously not form around here
Camden Russell
Dominic Turner
Sure you arent, Umbongo. What time is it in the Congo?
Blah blah who cares about niggers oogabooga nonsense. The entirety of Africa should be wiped.
Nathaniel Lewis
traitors like you go first nigger. think about that
Logan Cook
From the US, deep south, you goof. Try a little argument. It might stick. Much like your libido, your local hookers tell me, everything else you say is laughable.
Cooper Scott
What kind of sick fuck would send their own flesh and blood to public school?
Colton Price
You're still LARPing faggot.
Juan Robinson
Benjamin Stewart
all optics faggots should be killed for the crime of not having a racial consciousness, and behaving exactly like the enemy.
Chase Phillips
t. 白左 blacks deserve genocide
Julian Price
You still shitting from the only mouth that works on you, retard?
Connor Morales
Niggers are openly racist towards whites. That's why white's become racist in the first place despite christian brainwashing preventing them to be.
when this goes to the streets and cowards like you finally creep out and try to act like you've been down all along, we will all know. its like how i know you are weasel and a coward.
It is idiotic to think that simply because your (anecdotal) experience of a certain race has involved abuse, that all members of this race are so. As a white man, I've had plenty of run-ins with other men who were white. Color has nothing to do with it. An asshole is the same no matter the color.
Brayden Sanders
Checked for retardation. Fucking niggers and their delusions, the white kid defended himself, and his right of free speech, goddamn, I hope that nigger gets doxed and someone nearby scares him a bit (non violent of course)
Samuel Evans
A lot of them fester on this very board, in fact.
Colton Powell
Your retardedness not "retardation," which means something else you dolt, is not race related. It's genetic. Sorry. God is just after all.
Jonathan Smith
No, black people are inferior. Stop being such a faggot.
Kevin Smith
Begging the question, you stupid fuck!
Nicholas Butler
Some "reading," novel perhaps, might help you mount *an* argument.