stupid faggot shitskin lover
He's a cuck that would rather be trucked. Fuck him.
Good. Kike slave.
Unfortunately the entire so called jew-wise movement have had a collective bout of amnesia and completely forgotten every single thing learnt over the prior 20 years
Why, because (((Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon))) is controlled opposition?
Smart move, Nige.
Oi mate! fuck this tommy robinson guy! Nigel wants more based pakis and more based indians in the UK!
Tommy Stephen Yaxley Lennon (himself a militant pro-IRA anti-English paddy) only wants jews and blacks to tell the English what to do
Good. Now Sarg'n can take the reigns and lead us into a superior future at last.
And how is this a problem? Fuck off of Ulster, Anglo scum.
If he was trying to represent militant Irish then that would be fair dues, only he's striving to represent the English, that he and his jewish bosses despise.
Good point.
how appropriate
UKIP is full of kikes like (((Stephen Yaxley-Lennon))) and Anglos aren’t even white. I would sage, but I want to see Britcuck salt.
I thought he left in 2015?
From what I have seen and heard Gerard Batten (the new UKIP leader) is incredibly based. Whilst I do not like Yaxley-Lennon in the slightest, Gerard Batten when-ever interviewed brings up the fact that islam and the koran are all about violence, child-rape, sex-slaves and that muslims consider a pedophilic warlord to be their 'perfect man'. He quotes the koran to idiotic BBC/sky presenters and they end up looking like absolute idiots every time.
The stunt with Yaxley-Lennon also seems like a message to the wider populace that 'THIS PARTY IS NOT JUST ABOUT BREXIT - WE ARE ALSO AGAINST THE TAKE-OVER OF BRITAIN BY FOREIGNERS'; which is great. As said I still don't trust that fake-named kike, but he's not actually getting any power or say in the party. It seems more of a signal to your regular Brit that UKIP is still on their side, because a lot of people were really beginning to hate them after all the idiotic controversy since Farage's exit.
And as others have said Farage always came off as only caring about immigration because it was economically retarded, and not because it was cultural and racial suicide.
TL;DR: Gerard Batten good! If anyone has any information to suggest otherwise please dump it.
Insightful as always Fat Sister.
Kill yourself, Anglo nigger.
Farage left ukip 2 years ago and is a civpatriot sellout cuck
You're as jewish as the amerimutt poster or the trumpshills.
Bringing in Yaxley Lennon says publicly "isreal inside" whereas before there was more effort to hide its jewish ownership
Whiter than you, Muhammad.
I'm not an Anglo but go on with your anti-White shilling. You'll get what's coming to you Fat Sister. Filtered.
GCHQ/MI6 shills are here derailing thread with amerimutt posting
He bragged about undermining nationalists and right-wing extremists, something Trump is doing too, although Trump wouldn't dare be caught saying that.
Ukike was fucked from the get go.
Are you though? I mean what ethnicity are you that is so buttblasted about the superior English peoples that rule over you?
British National Party. BNP.
Come do something then, kike faggot. 1900 County Lane Carthage, Missouri.
I’m a Dutch e-thot.
so he throws fellow whites under the buss while still not being able to dodge kike criticism via association. How anlgo.
Not sure about that. All I know is that I have not seen ANYONE speak about islam the way Gerard Batten does in public. Trump, Farage, Orban even Salvini pussy foot around islam. Gerard Batten just straight out calls the religion murderous, against the west, and calls their prophet a child-molesting warlord. Pretty much full on Zig Forums-tier on islam.
Admittedly the Yaxley-Lennon thing is concerning, but if you were in his position and you needed to rebuild UKIP; how would you go about it? The party had become known for infighting, failure and too much tolerance. Yaxley-Lennon is, unfortunately, seen by most working class Brits as the only man who is actually on their side (idiotic I know); its also a 'Trump-tier' publicity stunt. No one was talking about UKIP outside of their occasional infighting prior to this; Batten picked something that he knew the media would be unable to resist, and which simultaneously is seen as a positive thing to a lot of the country. It's classic Trump bait; you say/do something that will make liberals sperg out, they proceed to sperg out; and all the conservatives/decent people see it and think; "He's not so bad afterall, and these lefties are unhinged and hate us."
It's dead. We've got 'For Britain' and Gerard Batten trying to make UKIP more nationalist. Farage actually recently bragged about one of his proudest achievements being that he killed the BNP; so having Farage be against Batten is probably a good thing.
Trump's already made plenty of statements like that, albeit somewhat vague and generalized.
NOW HEAR THIS: "Germans, Irish, Belgians and Italians are the problem."
These were the comments made by Nigel last week, in his own words, as he tours the United States spreading propaganda to American children. Is this what was voted for in 2016? Who were the characters that promoted Nigel Farage? The British "crowd". Those bizarre individuals that came out of nowhere, like "Black Pigeon Speaks"; a canadian queer. Along with a host of other dubious entities all bent on interference and disruption into the American political system.
Really makes you think.
Trips. he's a City banker, so this is no surprise at all. I tell people the same thing. "Oi, don't get all upset, I'm fucking with the stupid nazis' heads! Now pass the lox."
Good, UKIP was already compromised since they invited some tories into their party, hoping to win seats.
Nigger Farage is an obvious shill, he loves Yidsrael, sucks Jewish cock, and rapes kids of course, he's an average actor, and he should be inflicted with the pain he has inflicted upon others.
Show me then, it's not that I don't believe you just that I've been looking around for them myself.
So you're a faggot then?
Fuck you
honestly, brits had been the great unablers of a lot of the shit we are dealing with.
i hope them the best, but what goes around comes around.
Fuck off yid.
I get that you're probably an American, but if you knew anything about the EU you would know that it is actually the Brits who have consistently frustrated the EU's plans, constantly voting down more federalisation, joint militaries and all that sort of thing. Certainly there were/are a lot of disgusting traitorous Brits, but in the post WW2 world they've actually slowed our collective suicide, at least relative to the actions of the French, Germans, Belgians, etc.
It's no more a shit thread then the rest of the catalog.
Which side will you pick goy? You're not a LEFTIST are ya?
i'm a non native speaker and kind of tipsy.
that's not an excuse. thank you.
when i talk about the damage done by the brits, i mean the stuff they did long before the EU was even just a trade deal.
you can trace back a lot of our issues to the british empire's foreign policy. and making israel possible is just one among many things.
That point I do not dispute. Reap what you sow and what not. Same reasoning as to why I don't get mad at Euros for Burger hate. We haven't been very good kin to them.
Some piss-drunk frog?
You're going to bring that up fucking why?
He still thinks playing nice will mean they treat him well, either that or the glowniggers have been threatening him again.
He left UKIP ages age you zerohedge faggots
Let's be honest here, Britain's efforts in that regard aren't borne out of some altruistic and benevolent outlook towards the native people of Europe. It all stems from their Mackinderian approach to the continent and their own brown-skinned extent delusions of empire.
Maybe if you came here and posted your D&C daily someone would listen to it. Oh wait.
While I certainly agree that Queen Vicky was a filthy kraut whore who consisted with pakis and gave great gifts to kikes; she wasn't particularly different to any of the other leaders of Europe at the time. The Imperial age was rife with great and noble European adventurers, missionaries and architects of civilisations; yet it was also filled with yids abusing the entire planet and using our people's efforts as the means of doing so.
Certainly giving the jews Palestine was a disgusting act, but when you consider that even Hitler was working towards filling Palestine with yids; its not really something you can aim solely at the British. The British are guilty of more only in-so-far as their Empire was more successful than any other, and thus allowed the jew to do the most damage; make no mistake however, the jews were well entrenched in every European empire, even going back to the very dawn of the Imperial era with a perverse presence in both the Spanish and Portuguese spheres.
No doubt, I personally think we should lynch the whole lot of them. The fact does however remain, and I am also rather tired of Anglos being solely reviled for shit that just about every European nation was involved in.
It was the direct result of not wanting more arabs in their country due to EU policies. Native Brits told self-suiciding "native people of Europe" to go fuck themselves. Nice revisionism though.
more like a slightly intoxicated dago.
i brought that up because i think despite being a huge fault, i also think that making up countries by drawing lines on the map and constantly pitting up everyone against each other, call it "balance of powers" or whatever like it, hasn't done the world much good. turns out it did the UK even less good, in the long run.
honestly, i seriously hope you brits can fix your issues and live happily ever after, but don't say you didn't have it coming.
Spoken like a true enemy of whites.
why? did i tell you to import shitloads, a word never used more aptly, of pakis?
did i tell you to let them rape your daughters?
did i tell you to join the EU?
what's your point?
You straight up sound like a progressive liberal.
He's a (((freemason))) doing a dumb little performance with (((robinstein)))
No one will ever acknowledge the attempts on his life. There were simply too many enemies for his dream to come true. What can he do?
Checked. Jewkip was created to screw over the BNP by offering plebs an easy opt-out anti-racist faux-nationalist patriotard alternative.
you know that every european country has it's own issues, right? no hands to spare.
i don't even think you have a posting loisense.
and assuming i was hellbent on helping you, what could i actually do?
do you think you're the only one who's paying for the bad deeds of your ancestors?
this seems realistic tbh, but I would expect Nigel to just vanish, not comeback and poison the well
Fuck off faggot. Muslims are the gun but not the ones (((who pull the trigger))).
Nigel Farage single handedly got you the Brexit vote and if he left it means the party is now pozzed. Are you seriously siding with Sargoy and an antagonistic jew over Nigel Fucking Farage?!
Neck yourself you shills nobody is buying the narrative.
I wish we had someone who named the jew. As it stands we have a choice between a whole load of people who want us to remain in the EU and for our people to be replaced; or we have For Britain and UKIP. I actually do not know much about For Britain, so I cannot comment too extensively on them.
Support for Farage and UKIP was always based on the fact that they were the least bad choice. Farage was always involve in finance, was always against anti-semitism, and rarely if ever mentioned islam or brown people as the negatives of immigration. Is anti-immigrant platform was restricted to the slavs, and whilst many of us thought it was just because it was okay to talk bad about them; more recent statements from the man himself have pretty much shown that he is a-okay with having shitskins in the nation, he refuses to say anything negative about islam; all he has going for him is that he wants us out of the EU which lets us potentially deal with the other issues at some stage.
Batten wants us out of the EU, talks about British culture being important and is vehemently against islam. Do some simple math in your head. Neither of them are freaking Hitler, but Batten is significantly better than Farage.
The other thing is that Farage no longer stands for anything and this entire stunt on his part just damages UKIP. If he was trying to keep them more 'nationalist' then it might be a good thing, but its because he wants to stop them from becoming more nationalist. Thus we oppose Farage.
Logic nigger. Get some.
You sound like a pathetic, angst filled loser.
He was and always will be a pajeet loving kike puppet
You've got two hands on the keyboard that you're using to talk shit though.
While you sound like another faggot plebbitor.
Why is Farage so hated?
I'm no WN and from whatever little I've seen of Farage, he did not seem racist to me. Did I miss some dog whistles?
I's because he's not right wing enough, Tor poster.
that CIAnigger girl was so hot
because he's an anti-racist freemason faggot who loves shitskins and hates the EU because he's a capitalist piece of shit who wants more filthy cheap shitskin labor
I did too. So what the hell happened? And why is he loving pajeets more than his fellow countrymen?
Room Conversation – July 4, 1972, New York:
Bhakti-devī dāsī: After we die, what happens to our spirit?
Prabhupāda: You get another body.
Bhakti-devī dāsī: Immediately?
Prabhupāda: Yes. After your, just like you change your apartment, you fix up your apartment first, then you leave this and go there.
Bhakti-devī dāsī: But we won't, we won't know it.
Prabhupāda: Huh?
Bhakti-devī dāsī: We wouldn't know it.
Prabhupāda: Yes, you'll know it, provided you are qualified; otherwise nature will arrange for it. Those who know, they know what is there, but those who do not know, then nature will arrange. You do not know means you have not prepared your life, so accidentally, at the time of death, your mentality will create another body and nature will supply you.
kill yourself
Unadultrated books by Prabhupada : mega.nz
Prabhupada: So these English people [controlled by Jews], they were very expert in making propaganda. They killed Hitler by propaganda [slander]. I don’t think Hitler was so bad man.
[Prabhupada Room Conversation, June 17, 1976, Toronto]
Prabhupada: That is the way of falsehood. If once you speak something false, then to protect that falsehood you have to take to so many other falsehoods. This is the way of falsehood.
[Prabhupada Morning Walk, June 2, 1975, Honolulu]
TRANSLATION: There is nothing more sinful than untruthfulness. Because of this, mother earth once said, “I can bear any heavy thing except a person who is a liar.”
PURPORT: On the surface of the earth there are many great mountains and oceans that are very heavy, and mother earth has no difficulty carrying them. But she feels very much overburdened when she carries even one person who is a liar. It is said that in Kali-yuga lying is a common affair: mayaiva vyavaharike (Bhag. 12.2.3). Even in the most common dealings, people are accustomed to speaking so many lies. No one is free from the sinful reactions of speaking lies. Under the circumstances, one can just imagine how this has overburdened the earth, and indeed the entire universe.
[Srila Prabhupada from Srimad Bhagavatam 8th Canto Chapter 20 Text 4]
From their original falsehood of believing that they alone are the chosen people of God, destined to tyrannically rule all others, have come many other protective falsehoods from their deceitful minds. Their lying born from selfishness and hatred has snared the whole world and dragged it to their level of spiritual darkness.
Britain is so cucked that it isn't even funny anymore
Suicide is for idiots who do not have the willpower to overcome there frailties and remedy there errors.
Too edgy for me user. You really are some Jewish rapebaby if you expect people to name the jew in the city of London of all places.
Sure Nigel shittalked the EU migrants but to those who aren't brainlets read that as a non-racist get out of jail free card. And it worked. That was a genius move. Maybe he's fallen inline now it doesn't matter. Fact is Sargoy and Tommy Robenstein are in and yet you…
Muslims and not bankers is exactly the controlled op narrative and it will not succeed except get the left to shut it down. You miserable brainlet.
holy yikes
Speaking of UKIP. Didn't someone dig up Sargon and Vee's second life and other furry accounts, discovering that they did dom sub RP together a lot?
No, your dad and uncle are faggots based on the slackness of your rectum. What I was saying is that Nige being in business all his adult life surrounded by kikes know that it pays to blend in and hide your power level.
Seriously, I know that a portion of the muh Zognuld Drumpf is just brainlets not knowing that you simply cannot walk around New York City bashing kikes if you wish to stay in business, or demoralization JIDF as I always assumed. Likely both.
Batten is literally just an autistic boomer being used as a puppet by Sargoy and Tommeh
A man's soul is priceless.
This fellow failed to win the UKIP leadership and has his own party now.
The Democrats And Veterans Party
It looks ok and he's legit.
It's amazing how the people I looked up to are just as anti-white as jews. No faith left in anyone, especially not Trump.
Almost as if they control both sides. Alt-Right, Trump, Farage, UKIP, EDL etc. are all safety nets to stop right leaning whites becoming bad goyim.
Define good.
Sometimes warranted.
England is fucked, and has nothing but shit decisions for the people to choose from. There won't be any insurrections or people taking to the streets because of bread and circuses being in full fucking swing, and the esteemed 'british stiff upper lip' which actually results in more of a blessing than a curse for these (((people.))) The (((media))) controls much of the narrative here unfortunately, it's like 1984 or brave new world or something similar. Even in this thread I see it, everything seems so fucked and people even mock the entire country as they should whilst the rest of Europe fights the good fight. I used to be a patriot, but this day and age it just isn't possible without feeling extreme discomfort at doing so.
Democracy is the vehicle of our destruction.