we (the allies) were offered utopia but we foolishly refused
What could have been
Fictional shit. Germany didn't want world domination. The "world domination" crap was another Jewish lie
I wasn't entirely ready for these feels user. Thanks for the map.
Now stop making shit threads.
Let's be honest it would probably be better if they did dominate the world
one line OP posters need to neck themselves
Bullshit map.
You know, the more I look into this sort of thing I've come to realise that Hitler may have known something we don't. The Jews (being all rich and powerful) have the means to manipulate history and brainwash the west into believing whatever they want. They literally control every aspect of our lives now.
Fucking Awful
Germans ought to rule Germans
French ought to rule French
British ought to rule British
Globalist scum.
Internationalism in all forms is disgusting, even fascist.
Wew lad
Empires are by definition multicultural/racial. They're nothing to feel nostalgic about.
Go away.
Racial but not multicultural. If you weren't Roman you were subhuman.
Let's avoid that kind of thing.
Europeans deserve nation-states. One people, one nation.
What about if all euros stood united against the kikes? Keeping cultures intact, but united. No more brother wars. Allied, housed under one roof, but with their individual traditions and values if not kiked or obscene kept sacred? Like a formal faction, over an empire
Ha, no.
Avoid what, reality? Looking at the map I'm reminded of how empires in history were controlled and it wasn't by letting Tibetan monks tell you what to do.
That, I would support. In fact, I strive for this.
Let our empires be in lands outside of Europe. Let us renounce oppressing our brothers and taking each others land.
Our Brotherhood is our Empire. Our Race is our Nation. Our Cause is our Emperor. The Truth is our God.
Let's avoid oppressing each other. We have racial enemies that need removing.
I'm just saying in Roman times anyone could be a Roman, you just had to act Roman. How can that be offensive it's how it happen?! Anyway nation states are good too…
Well said, and I'm truly glad it's not just some vain hope in my mind's eye!
That's civic nationalism. "Just believe that you're roman and embrace our values and POOF! You're an Amer… Roman."
It didn't work then and doesn't work now.
Nationalism is not a new phenomena. It's just a new word.
Vid related
Why would Japan rule over Australia and half the white states?
Why would the reich let the nips have historic aryan lands like india?
Why was Constantinople not given back to the country formally know as Rome?
Why are turkshits even permitted to exist?
That map is ok, how about this one? Credit to user, thanks.
Also this map from another user depicts an ideal demographic layout.
Fuck off moshe.
This. My dad told me that Nazi Germany wanted world domination, and that Hitler himself had said "Today Germany, Tomorrow, THE WORLD."
But when I told him the context of the quote was that National Socialism was what he was talking about, in that "Today, National Socialism is a reality in Germany, and that in the future, it will be a global affair, of each nation following the same ideals as the Nazi's, but still being independent nations." He just got mad at me, because I didn't think the Nazi's were enough of The Bad Guys.
But also, that The Man in the High Tower map is bad, also because no one could wage an effective war against an industrialized United States. The German-American bond probably would have resulted in a Nazi America, in that they would adopt the national ideals, and reform the country through electoral means like the Germans had.
Go back to Zig Forums and take that "utopia" shit with you, you delusional nigger. There's no such thing as a utopia.
You want me to be a fucking gook?
Always accuse your enemy what you are doing.
The JewSA and the JewSSR did split the world between them.
You will be either way if you don't stop chink immigration.
Oof. That one hit too close to home.
Dear Amerifrens, please stop making such horrid maps.
Thank you.
If they had won WW2 the world would've turned into 1984. Not talking about the repression and constant monitoring of the population (that already exists.) Germany never could have invaded the UK, let alone anyone landing troops in America. But if the USSR and China are defeated, then you end up with a tripolar world of Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, and the anglosphere, (read, Eastasia, Eurasia, and Oceania) none of whom are in a good position to defeat the others. So you either end up with a simmering low intensity war between those 3 powers, or nuclear apocalypse.
Well the Germans, Swedes, French, Italians, Brits etc. are all racial mutts. No need to worry anymore. Your own meme posits these are are mutt nations now, and thus not even worth saving. We can finally move on, mutt!
You realize we had a simmering low intensity war between the US, EU, and USSR called the cold war and it didn't evolve into 1984 like you are picturing, right?
Don't engage with Jews, user. You both end up dirty, and besides, the Jew likes it.
You mean American puppet governments? The defining feature of the cold war was that it was bipolar, there was NATO, there was the Warsaw Pact, and there were a bunch of irrelevant shit states that both sides were trying to take over. If you want to argue that there were 3 sides to the cold war China is probably a better argument than the EU. And China even did the 1984 thing when they casually turned on the USSR during the Sino-Soviet split.
Besides, the Jew had his hand in both pots when it came to the USSR and America, both sides had a primarily economic ideology, and even communist "economists" will admit that nuclear war is bad for the economy. Both Imperial Japan and the Nazis had an ideology that held economics as secondary to the upkeep and expansion of the nation.
Where did I say that, mutt?
Are you telling me you are pure English/German/Italian etc?
But I do say subumans who do not repent for destroying the Axis really deserve to die.
No niggers to feed free up untold amount of resources.
Just look at muttmerica's welfare spending.
There's no such thing, retard. Give a German a DNA test and he'll have DNA from all over Northern/Northwestern Europe, and probably further east and south. There's no "pure." There's a reason why all Europeans share common ancestry as recently as 5000 years ago.
So you want to genocide white Americans, Brits, French, Russians etc. Oh yeah, you're the good guy here! Fucking low IQ monkey. You're too stupid to talk to. Filtered.
Pic related.
Nah, you subhumans do it yourselves.
Muttmerica? 56%
anglos? Failed Brexit and now with gratis chinks and pajeets import.
French? Never said that.
slavs? commie subhumans.
I like the French. The big players against the Axis were always the reds and the anglos (muttmerica and the uk).
Vichy France was cool as shit and daily reminder who sank the French navy when the war broke out.
I will be jerking off when all of you subhumans die. Then continental Europe can be free again.
Yockey's synthesis strikes again. Kek.
Nobody denies that we have common ancestors, the difference is that some europeans moved forward, while others moved backwards and had their bloodline pozzed by muds, indians and mongols.
Oh shit I mean this.
Funny how the amerimutts try to deny ethnicity and linage.
What a rootless scum.
It’s all true. I’m pleading with you, please end our stupidity. Even /ourguys/ (or at least what the Kikes want us to believe are /ourguys/) are fat and stupid. Washington and Jackson roll in their graves at even the best things us chucklefuck mutts do.
This. It was always just about Danzig but by the time they were locked into a war by the allies where they had been forced to conquer so much of Europe that they would set things up afterwards so that there wouldnt be any more problems.
By the time they were finished the sovereign nations of Europe would be thanking them for handling the Jew question on their behalf.
I'll admit the thought of the Japanese pillaging their way through San Francisco is fucking funny. San Fran has always been degenerate, there is just something about that place that is a magnet for filth.
Empires are shit. Fate of everyone says it pretty clear.
Wow, depression shilling with a heavy dose of lying on top, how cute.
Yeah fuck empires. It doesn't work, you have to breed into the people you conquer or in a few hundred years it collapses. If you breed into the people you conquer your people dies unless the conquered are small in number. Fuck empires.
The greatest shame!
Or you could kill them all or forcefully exile them and take their lands and make your own people settle in. Why does no one ever think of this…
Now that I think about it isn't that pretty much what the Americans did in the western frontier? they should have kept going south, all that fertile land gone to waste…
i fucking hate this map either way
Spanish Empire revival when?
Yeah, fuck that. If the japs didn't want to get nuked and occupied they shouldn't have started a way they never would've won.