Zig Forums on some real levels what the fuck is wrong with Scottish people?
Zig Forums on some real levels what the fuck is wrong with Scottish people?
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Not very convincing. However, frankly I am disgusted with Scottish people. These arrogant twats prance around all day talking about their nationalism and how proud they are to be Scotts and how they hate "muh Anglash" for invading Scottland. Yet these same "nationalists" by en large vote for MORE immigration and MORE Hollywood immorality and MORE surrendering freedoms and sovereignity to Brussels. What the fucking hell is wrong with these people? They resent being rulled by London and I agree, fuck London but then turn around and demand to be rulled by Brussels?
But mind you, I love my Scottish brothers. I merely wish they would take their heads out of their asses and look at reality for a few fucking minutes. And yes, I support my Scottish brothers who are aware of the genocidal policies that the EU and London government together are forcing upon our two noble peoples.
Hail Scottland.
This. I have no problems with the Scottish beyond this. Otherwise they're an absolute delight with a rich history - that they're dead set on handing over to Ahmed, Abdul and Habibi but at least it wasn't anyone named Richard, Harper or John.
deep fried mars bars
cold weather
general misery
they cannot even speak and write their own language because they got genocided by the english. same with the irish and welsh.
Celts have that infamous Nordicuck blood in them.
checked for crimes of eternal anglo
look up scottish dawn alloa demonstration video
they're not all cucked
Global report.
I don't understand this, why are Scots so cucked? Highlanders are supposed to be proud warlike people that will fight to the death to preserve their way of life, just look at Chechens or Afghans.
I´ts the jews, with their degeneracy and kikery, managed to cuck everybody who is against them.The eternal anglos are just Jewish larpers
Identity Realignment
Not another shitty D&C thread.
we will never know for sure
Scottish independence is just as stupid as Catalan independence
Scotland wasn't even conquered, the Scottish king became king of England too and moved to London, hence Great Britain. and it's mostly Scots that benefit from being the UK 'cause they have all these programs paid for mostly by England and they get their own parliament whereas England doesn't
I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes…
Too much time under British rule. Institutionalized.
>The Glasgow effect refers to the low life expectancy and poor health of residents of Glasgow, Scotland, compared to the rest of the United Kingdom and Europe.[1][2] Defined as "[e]xcess mortality in the West of Scotland (Glasgow) after controlling for deprivation",[3] the Glasgow effect is part of the "Scottish effect"; the country as a whole has health disparities compared to the rest of Europe, and indeed it has been called "the sick man of Europe". The disparities are greatest in Glasgow.[4]
Absolutely nothing. Their language also has some really old Germanic words in it.
They are to be protected and relieved of all jewish parasites.
This. As an Englishman I actually rather like the historic Scot. As with every single other nation on the entire planet, there's some historical conflict between our peoples; but by and large the English and Scots have got on fairly well with joint-political systems, monarchs and a successful attempt at conquering vast swathes of our planet as a united front.
Everyone hates Westminster. 99% of England hates Westminster and resents being ruled from there. As far as my knowledge goes, that is really the only legitimate reason they have to dislike the English; and 99% of the English would stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them in this shared hatred.
A consequence of terrible life-styles coupled with very low funds. Vast portions of Europe and America see people unable to get sustainable jobs, and so they end up on welfare. With nothing in their lives and the whole of the media informing them that they are failures when compared to X celebrity, and that they should be happy all the time, that they should party all the time, and that all those Christian moralisers are evil anti-humanists; the people then turn to drugs, alcohol, clubbing, whoring, petty-crime and other degenerate acts. Sadly much of Scotland is very poor now, and this - coupled with alcohol consumption always being a large part of their culture; and the fact that they are the inventors of such health-foods as the 'deep-fried mars bar' - basically means the average Scot is going to die far earlier than it should. A shame really, but there's not some magical health deficiency that is genetic in Scots; it's purely environmental, and we see the same in the poorest regions of many other nations.
Because brexit is just as much of a kiked deal as the eu.
anglo retards chest thumped with ww2 talking points to reach brexit and now they are getting fucked just like after the war.
Of course the scots would be wise to distance themselves from insane anglo retardation. EU migration is still between Europeans most of the time. Brexit will be pajeets and chang import while singing praise about churchill and bomber harris.
I thought the same thing about the Irish. I think people like that are mislead or maybe missing the forest for the trees, I don’t think it’s stupidity or spite. To us it seems obvious and ridiculous but think back before you were aware of how the world really is, don’t a lot of things you took for granted back then seem obvious and ridiculous to you now? I think people will those sorts of sentiments will change their minds in the future when the racial aspect of everything becomes too painfully obvious to ignore.
Lurk for 2 years. In the mean time look up the 'Kalergi plan'. The EU is the vehicle by which the kikes are waging demographic warfare, and it was created for this very reason as admitted by its founders.
I said the EU is kiked to shit, idiot.
Objectively, the EU is the "normal" system now and all the economical stablity that comes with normalcy. When one looks at brexit and how may went to Pooland and China to beg the chinks and Pajeets to save the anglo economy, it would be impossible for a 90 IQ not anglo not to look at it and say "What is this going to accomplish?"
Even more shitskin import, as much as the EU forces on member countries.
But the economy will be isolated, and due to anglo being obnoxious crooked teeth subhuman retards who can't stop sucking churchill cock, their inflammatory remarks causes BOTH genuine Nationalists in mainland Europe AND the ruling globalists to hate them. More shitskin and now economic isolation from Europe proper.
But frankly, I prefer this outcome. Death to all fucking anglos. Maybe if a few of you fucks try to repent or become Houston Stewart Chamberlain, there might be redemption.
But for now, good riddance and go to hell, scum.
And of course I know who that hapa kike was. He was on your side after all.
Wow, how insanely twisted and warped does a person's mind have to get to think that Churchill was the one responsible for Europe's WW2 casualties? Brain damage or disorder MUST be involved. No joke.
The Irish have a new identity with a new foundation myth, and it is actually very similar to that of the Jew and the Holocaust. Basically the English play the roles of the Germans, Cromwell plays the role of Hitler, genuine history is replaced with source-less, baseless propaganda that actually goes directly against the recorded version of events on both sides - and the English are portrayed as inhuman monsters who were murdering civilians and trying to genocide their entire nation.
I certainly have my reservations about Cromwell due to him making deals with the Dutch to fund the war, and one of these deals was to allow the jews to resettle England in exchange for funds. A terrible, terrible idea; although one that can quite likely be put down to naivety (not that its an excuse). What is near certain is that the man was moral to a fault, did not want to be a ruler, enforced strict discipline into his troops and was very religious. We have records of him executing his own soldiers who looted or raped after battle, and that after the first time it never happened again. We have records saying how he tried to give rule to others, we have evidence of his desire to do 'Gods will' by being incredibly inactive whilst in power (which was supposed to be him waiting for Revelation before he acted). Basically what the sources of history tell us go completely against the narrative that the Irish have.
The Irish say he was a tyrant (despite him not wanting to rule. Despite their being evidence of prolonged inaction as he waited for divine command - something you would never see in a genuine power-hungry tyrant). They claim he murdered their innocents (despite the records of execution of his own soldiers, despite the fact the records of Continental Europe fearing that his 'most disciplined military on the planet' could join the Protestant-Catholic wars and cause a massive upset - which indicates that his military WAS very disciplined). I could go on but I'm bored of typing now.
To sum up: The Irish issue with the English is very different to that of the Scottish. The Irish have their very identity wrapped up in hatred of the English, and of being the oppressed victims of a inhuman and monstrous England. It's about as true as the holohoax, but its been allowed to build up over at least a century and it'll be no easier to open paddy's eyes to the truth of what went down than it is to open a normalfag's eyes to the truth of WW2.
Enjoy your new 'normal' life of being a jew's bitch then you disgusting faggot. Brexit is an important step in showing that we can dismantle this vile status quo, and gives opportunity to actually make positive steps in the future.
You however have outted yourself as an enemy of the English, who wishes for me and my people to be dead. You are no different to a jew. It is you who should be repent.
Essentially the Scots want the opposite of what the English people want.
It's the entirety of their identity.
If the Englishman wants everyone to live the Scot wants everyone to die.
Cromwell was a crazy cunt and not in a good way.
He fucked everyone and was king in all but name.
Right, but actually look into the historical sources instead of what they taught you in Ireland/America; because that does not actually align with the truth in the slightest. This is a problem with a lot of history, but it is especially important when it comes to Ireland as their 'foundation myth' revolves around it.
You don't have to believe what I have said as my shit above is just as unsourced as those text-books or documentaries that you've read/watched that came out of Irish or Irish-American propagandists. So go do some actual study for yourself. From my own study Cromwell is more or less the exact opposite of what modernity has painted him as.
I'm from Cymru.
He was a cunt to us too.
Gallipoli rings a bell? But you are right. churchill was just another anglo dogs in from the large uk dog house serving the kikes.
By importing shitskins and kowtowing to chinks and pajeets.
By having poo and chink managers and their entire extended families in the country.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that the EU is a kiked entity. Which if you weren't a dumbshit anglo cocksucker you would admit already.
I'm just enjoying you subhumans getting fucked for ww2 chest thumping again. Wonder what muh bomber harris thinks about the next shitskin import? Probably with cheers. He killed Germans and gnatzees so you can be raped by muds.
Who wouldn't? You subhumans had more than one last chance to redeem yourselves last century, and Im not talking Germany. Rhodesia, South Africa.
The anglo is the enemy of Europe.
t.anglo shit
Forgot to link up the angloscum.
A lot od idiots here worship churchill as a nationalist hero not really understanding the realities of how he seized power. Because he was never elected. Not even as tory leader.
Nor do people really understand or acknowledge that after WW1 the army and navy both wanted him to hang for treason. And that the interwar coalition had his exclusion from it as a stated written requirement for its continuation.
And they excluded it's fat ass again like a cumrag right after 1945. Which is the most fucked up part.
They put in a warmonger to intimidate Hitler and showed the world that they were still a real empire.
The war was "won". Lost the empire and booted out the war monger the second time.
Why are anglos so retarded and schizo?
The "uk" should just split up back along the ethnic lines at this point. What a fucking shitshow.
Let me clarify then. I am not disputing that he did damage to Monarchist sympathisers or Catholics, although I would be quick to point out that he was at war and that the other side was attempting to do much the same.
What I am disputing is the common Irish accusations of: tyrant, murderer, genocider. Sure lots of people died, but it was war. The actual accounts of what went down outside of battle show that he tried to deal fairly with those he defeated. Sources in Ireland describe how he refused to let his army sack or do any damage to their nearby towns after he had his victories. This obviously does not apply to settles that stood against him and were besieged. The accounts show he gave up rule several times and never wanted it, but that he saw others as corrupting England and working against the interest of the overall nation in favour of themselves. The actual accounts basically show that he was about as far from a tyrant as you can get, that he tried very hard not to cause any damage to civilians or their property; and that there was absolutely no plan for genocide or anything of the sort. Bad things happened, sure. Bad things happened under Hitler too. Many white people died, individual instances of barbarism no doubt took place without official sanction; but overall Hitler is clearly the good guy and his men, largely, acted in good conscience. People see him as a warmonger despite his peace-plan. People see him as a murderer despite the fact that the records show that Germans dealt with prisoners (outside of commandos) very well, far more decently than pretty much any other nation in the war. So basically all the commonly held beliefs about Hitler are the complete opposite of reality, but he did still do some horrible stuff and lots of people died; so too with Cromwell (except Cromwell let the jews in, and really that has fucked England massively - but again, we are not really talking about that - we are talking about him in reference to the 'Irish foundation myth')
If you actually aren't a jew then you should be well aware that it is morons like you who make garner support for characters like Bomber Harris or Churchill. If all we hear is how the Continent hates us and wants our people to die; then why should you be surprised when we glorify the fact that we annihilated countless of your people?
I truly hope you are a jew, because if not you are a fucking retard. You are worse than a golem because you think you are opposing their will whilst doing exactly what they want you to. Fool.
Good stuff. Britain as a whole was actually very close to going full on Fascist just prior to the advent of the war. In fact I would not be surprised if the war wasn't a last-ditch effort to stop Britain from going Fascist - because history has shown us that there is no better distraction than a war. (As an aside this is also why they are trying to get Britain and America to go to war with Russia right now; they are terrified about our people waking up).
Things that never happened, tommy "i love mudslime cock" harris.
Hitler begged for peace.
Frankly, he should have pushed all the Panzer in front of Dunkirk to move in until they break down. Should have gunned down every anglo dog there from the mini pillboxes made from the tanks. Those early panzers were cheap as shit.
He was a fool for trying to play Bismarck for the subhuman anglos who want Germans dead out of jealousy.
YOU subhumans stirred shit in the continent.
They want me to expose the holohoax and call out the crimes of the anglo subhumans? Maybe your kike elite got infected with the same retardation and inferiority endemic to your blood.
You have 7 posts in this thread and every one of them is saying how you hate the English, how you consider us subhumans and how you want us dead. You are almost certainly a jew because this is a very good tactic in causing D&C, English people might well see this and think: "You know what? To hell with those European bastards, they all hate us and want us dead so why should we not hate them and want them dead?"
Again I am 99% sure you are a jew, but if not then maybe think about time-scales a bit? You conveniently choose WW2 as the starting point of history (just like a jew); but if you went back a few years you would see how Russians attempted to take over the entire Continent, how the French tried to take over the entire Continent, how the Spanish tried to, and so on. "Hurr I hate the English for their warmonger." Well guess what? Near enough every other country in Europe had serial war-mongers too. I am not defending Churchill, I am fundamentally against WW2 and see it as one of the more horrific events of history. What about Napoleon though? Something ridiculous like 60% of all French men died under him. That's a lot of good white men killed, and that's not counting the good white men they killed from other countries. But I'm not holding that against the French today; just as you are not.
We are all being undermined and attacked by the jews. We should be united now, not hating on one-another. Yet that seems to be what you desire. You want us to hate each other, and according to your earlier statements you want me and all my people dead. To me you are no different to a jew.
Not quite. Churchill seized power.
He did so on behalf of numerous special interest groups who wanted war. He promised them war in exchange for their backing to take power.
He had the banks who obviously feared the spread of fascism due to how it would restrict their profit seeking.
He had the capitalists who rejected the idea of being held responsible for their misdeeds.
And quite famously he had a signed letter from the leader of the Labour party promising absolute loyalty and obedience so long as there was a war. Since Labour were committed to international socialism, with Germanys socialism in one country being a profound ideological threat.
On top of all this the media had suddenly started hyping him out of nowhere. Because their owners told them to.
With all this the tory leadership weren't inclined to say no to him.
But never forget. He was never elected. Not by the people and not as leader of the tory party. In no context of our system of law was his being prime minister in any way legitimate.
He was a prime minister whose term was illegitimate and existed solely to serve the interests of capitalists, bankers and jews. All of whom were threatened by the success of fascism in Germany.
Napoleon was fundementally a monarchist
Also monarchist before they turned red. Hitler attempted to cure the red menace and the subhuman anglos stopped him.
And I didn't just pick out WW2. Are you ignoring the crimean wars too, bastard? Let's face it, the anglo is such a vile and disgusting subhuman that both continental nationalists and the ruling globablists hate it now.
And I repeat again, ALL POLITICAL SPECTRUMS hate YOU!. You are FUCKED economically, demographically and politically.
And I'm glad for this. Justice served.
You are absolutely correct. I should have worded it better and read more.
anglos are still retarded dogs. Even mosley told his men to go die in the war, wtf? Keeping a low profile, sending a few in to gain PR, yeah. But not going to the meat grinder.
What do I expect from the crooked teeth rat though. The last anglo worth a damn went to Bayern and became Hitler's idol.
Mosley was in many ways misguided. Remember how he was on the jewish question before the war.
But same time he was still a bong and a bong can never accept the continent being united under any single power.
Wales and Ireland literally still speak and write their language, as well as English.
The destructive and undermining influence coming form Britain to every country in europe that rose to relevance cannot be denied. Even now the old policy of *we should make sure noone in europe is strong* remains.
Wo and behold you chose to import indians over poles, because all foreigners bad but my subhuman former colonies are ok !
The british mind may be a mystery, but the deeds are there, clear as day.
Isn't it hilarious how right after the war Churchill lost reelection? He even ran on keeping Britain White. What would become of his legacy the moment people learn he saw mudslimes, chinks, pajeets to the point of genociding them, and niggers as subhumans? That Sir Winston Churchill was a White Supremacist? His survivors, relatives, and descendants would be hanged by both right and left remembered as a traitor or bigot, rightfully so.
In the end, he was fat drunk with massive gambling and decadence debt and he was a loser. His only redeeming matter beyond Churchill's White Supremacy is him telling the truth of the motivation and backing of the war in his own book, (((global finance))).
>"Germany's unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the (((world trade system))) and to build up an own exchange system from which the (((world-finance))) couldn't profit anymore. …We butchered the wrong pig."
- Winston Churchill, The Second World War (Bern, 1960)
We even force the english to pay to have everything translated into Cymraeg.
Though please don't use Wales, it's a saxon word.
Should we use the proper name of every country? Germany is not Germany but Deutschland.
When your brother is mistaken and on a wayward path he is still family. We just need to be there for them when they see the light.
Churchill was a glory seeker. But he did so exclusively with the lives of others. He wanted to build this great historic legacy for himself in war but without actually going to war himself.
This is why the navy demanded he be removed as first lord of the admiralty.
This is why the army sent him back to Britain after he got dumped on them.
This is why both wanted him to hang for treason.
The only reason he didn't hang then and there is because he had the most important qualification for a British politician at the time: He was sodomised at the right public schools.
fuck off back to krautkike you subhuman vermin
Firstly the Germans supported the Bolshevik revolution in Russia whilst the British supported the Tsar, which sort of turns your argument upside down.
Secondly, the Crimean war was a joint effort between the British, French and Italians (and some shitskins) to stop Russia.
Lastly you are clearly a jew as evidenced by your half-arguments and your constant desire to cause hatred whilst wishing death upon whites. May you burn in hell.
Oh yes, it was just the British who didn't want the entirety of Europe to be conquered by a single nation. It's not like to actually achieve this 'noble goal' that at least half the nations in Europe had to be brutally and mercilessly slaughtered because as it turns out people do not want to just surrender to some one else.
Perhaps its just my Anglo-mind, but the demonisation of the 'balance of powers' thing seems really freaking strange to me. I can fully see how an ascendant power would hate it because it actively opposes them; but then you have every other country. Surely every other country wants to remain independent and free? Surely that is why they were actually fighting against these ascendant powers in the first place?
All I can think is that its a select few autists who believe in a 'united white world' despite the obvious fact that no white person in history has ever wanted this. Every one wants to rule their own nation, and some want to rule everyone else's nations; but no one wants to be ruled by another's nation.
Next time I'll be sure to just filter the anti-anglo kike. Another thread derailed by that piece of shit. Sorry to everyone for my part in actually answering that kike and giving it something to feed off.
Don't even dare to link me, coward?
Here is more 1945 celebration.
*balance of power* is not the same as: let's ally the muslims and have them do whatever they want in southern and eastern europe.
I don't believe a single brit exists that can really call himself a white supermacist with a straight face, when the vast majority of your policies have involved fucking over anything that is remotely white.
Hey, shitbrain, Germans tried to fix it in the end.
You have never fixed anything.
The rats are now scared and will latch onto whatever retarded buzzword to save their asses. "White". What a meaningless word.
The anglo dog cries and support interventionism at the same time.
Oh yes, I'm the only one here callling your horseshit out.
The anglos are notorious liars, just like kikes. They even defended their retarded action in the Crimean War, which gave the shitskins power over the Balkans and fucked Russia bad leading to the reds taking over.
"Stop Russia"
From WHAT? Expanding south? You subhumans complain about Europeans taking more lands when YOU have most of the globe for yourself.
But this is muh balance of power.
Well guess what, the next balance of power is after brexit, and not just the "white world" will be shitting on you. Pajeets and Chong will have their fun too.
Death to subhuman anglos.
Nah I’m pretty sure it’s Jarmalka.
we don't want reddit : the imageboard users coming here ruining our website, I would address your retarded points (like the one about Crimera, Brits were the ones to dismantle the Ottoman Empire, mongo) but I don't want to waste my time or get butthurt on a rapefugee vermin
Scotland is fucked, the same friends I had who voted Yes to independence were ardent pro-EU wankers. How the fuck do you wrap your head around that one?
There's a culture of shame here, not shame from not doing well enough, rather shame from doing better than everyone else. If you work hard here and push yourself to a better standard of living you'll quickly be accused of thinking you're better than everyone. This mentality pervades all aspects of society here, you'll be ostracised if you try and break out of that mould, I once got accused of being a "posh cunt" for having an English flatmate who went to Oxford.
Scotland and England are brothers wether we like it or not, independence wouldn't have changed that we need a true union not a master slave relationship. I'm still pro-independence but not if it drags us back into the kiked EU.
I am ashamed to have that traitor Nicola Sturgeon as our leader. People should rightly laugh at Scotland for throwing away our rich history so we don't dare be accused of being a racist or a "transphobe".
Fuck the SNP.
Do it then. But you know you can't. Like the other faggot, you defends the outcome of the Crimean Wars just like you defend ww1 and ww2 outcome.
Subhuman scum.
Said the anglo garbage.
Right, and now I want my people to try to fix problems they caused historically too. And my people have made some efforts with things like Brexit; but how do you respond? You call us subhumans, vermin and wish death upon us all. Burn in hell you kike.
I'm just going to throw out that I wish the Turks were fully annihilated, but let's not pretend like it was a pro-muslim policy or that the British wanted anything positive for any mudshit or Turk. It was about containing the threat of Russia. Whether justified or not I cannot really say, but history is history and we cannot change it now. We can however work to make the future better; and that's what I am advocating.
You are aware that the Germans outright allied with the Turks as well, right? Again it's the double-standards that piss me off. All of Europe has done some bad shit in the past; yet it seems that only the Anglos are ever blamed for it. How about we blame EVERYONE, including the Anglos, for the bad shit they did - and urge EVERYONE, including the Anglos, to work together to oppose the existential threat that the jews and their mud servants are posing to all of us?
It is pretty much just you. A few people have disagreed with stuff I've said and there's been a little back and forth, but only you are wishing death upon my people. That's the real problem. Everyone is always going to disagree to some extent, but when we have supposed nationalists wishing death on their cousins; then we have a problem.
But that's not actually what has happened, is it? Because you are not my cousin. You are a filthy hook-nosed servant of satan. Burn in hell.
All you achieved with it is nigel faggot going to america crying about "German Villainy" again.
This is why you are scum.
You were so sure just last post, you slimey fuck.
And never did we offer the turks a piece of Europe. All of our temporal alliance with non Europeans involved them going home. Guess who gave the kikes a homeland and communism a rescue from extermination?
Because you are loud mouthed subhumans. That is what muh churchill muh harris gets. You can't help yourselves. It is in your nature.
It is just an immune response from being fucked by the symtomps of the anglo bacteria.
doesn't take a Brit to spot a subhuman, your idiocy is not at all surprising knowing you come from a place that thinks acting like retards and making retarded pepe edits is the highest form of comedy
A lot of projection there, subhuman.
Come on now, do churchill and harris things. I know you are holding back. Do it, crooked teeth fuck. Say something about fucking krauts over to preserve muh balance of power.
Subhuman scum.
Plenty accurate.
Couple of points.
1) European jewry started in Germany, in Frankfurt. It started at a time when jews were not allowed to live in Britain. Germany was ground zero for the parasite.
2)Russia gave jews Poland before the British gave them Palestine. Hitler was sending them to Palestine before WW2. Germany (and Russia) can be blamed for the success of communism in Russia due to their support of the Bolsheviks in the early stages of the revolution.
So no. Not Anglos. In this case it would be more fair to say Germans than Anglos, with some Russians too. But you know what? It wasn't most Germans, or most Russians. It was a handful who were either traitors or else deceived by yids. I am not going to blame the entirety of Germany or Russia for such things, and I would never dream of wishing death upon them. But if you are going to make accusations; learn your history.
Here's what I said: " the Crimean war was a joint effort between the British, French and Italians (and some shitskins) to stop Russia."
Where was I 'sure' that it was justified? I was simply informing you that the Crimean war was not some Anglo-only endeavour; it featured the French and the Italians - yet you only blame the Anglos? I wonder why..
It has already done serious damage to the EU. Whether or not Britain actually gets out with the kikes in Westminster I do not know; but it has inspired and given hope to Nationalists the world over. Even Trump over in the US made reference to it in his campaign to show that the 'little people can win over the institutions'. It was a HUGE victory for our morale, even if it does not actually achieve anything. But it does have the potential for achieving many things, not only encouraging nations like Italy and Hungary to consider leaving the EU, but it also gives the British the ability to stem the tide of immigrants as well as take back control of the nation. It may not happen, and with all the kikes in government I dare say it probably will not happen; but it gives a 1% chance where previously there was a 0% chance.
And Germans attempted to fix it.
Not German problem.
Both of them tried to fix it later.
Hey cocksucker, fact remains that you officially saved communism from destruction.
You never did try to root out communism with guns and men like Germans and Russians did. None of what you cocksuckers said can justify your entry into both WW. You are greedy subhumans who got what they deseved.
They is why you limey fucks are hated. Slithering worms you all are.
anglos dragged Italians and French into it, you fuck.
So jack fucking shit. And you get to go around the world and talk about German Villainy again, rats.
Enjoy economic isolation.
Nothing changed. But I like said. This pleases me. Subhuman anglos crying about evil Germans again, get flooded by muds.
This is divinve providence.
Not really. Scotland would collapse because its economy is unable to sustain its current spending.
9% of UK expenditure is on Scotland, but Scotland accounts for 8% of revenue.
Brits never even gave the jews Palestine, although you guaranteed it after the Balfour Decleration, Britain never made an effort forward realizing the promise, Germany was the one who de facto founded Israel after the Haavara Agreement as they spent and send money for settlements, founding as many as one hundred
Even after WW2, Brits didn't care for fulfilling the promise, it's why jews bombed the King David hotel in "retaliation" forcing Britain to recognize it
also, the guy who coined "gott straffe England" was a jew, really makes me think
I'm Scottish on my dads side and French on my moms side (my mom still hasn't told me in detail where her side is from). should i just end it all for being a mutt?
Not if Scottland kept out the shitskins and England keeps letting them in.
anglo dogs got whipped in place again by the kike masters after killing Germans.
How unsurprising.
Fascinating stuff. Thanks user.
Wew. Your unravelling has greatly amused me, and it almost makes it feel like it was worth wasting all this time responding to you. I'm off now. Have a good day old chap and I wish Germany all the best in the future.
Which is the key word. Germans fixed things and the anglos fucked it.
Like what? Deporting kikes without firing a shot? Thanks to the subhuman anglos there is nothing but bloodshed ahead now.
While sending nigel faggots around the world to talk about German Villainy. Funny how you subhumans keep ignoring this while nigel faggot was all the rage just last year.
Scumfuck subhuman anglo liars.
Pic related.
But the Scottish government keeps saying the UK government isn't letting in enough shitskins.
To be fair here. The Scots get a lot of shit for free and that money is coming from somewhere.
Free prescriptions, free university, various subsidies that the rest of the UK doesn't get.
Celts never melt.
Blame your Robert the Bruce and Lochlan et al bunch of fags abandoned your one great hope of liberation. William Wallace's courage was wasted on you and should hae been born elsewhere. Hell, this whole world is trash. The peasants and knights should have had the guts to follow Wallace over their own nobility, hell should have killed their cowardly evil asses on the spot and followed their true leader. This dynamic was lost due to corruption, and was the norm in the days of Clovis.
Sage and report.
Oh look its another euro self hate d/c kike thread