Other urls found in this thread:
Learn what happenings are.
fuck he's really gonna lock her up huh lmao, the fucking madman
i saw some shit about sessions being an Army Officer meaning he's subject to recall for life, and was recalled for the coming military tribunals
Wake me when habbening
stop advertising your blog nigger
Let me redirect you to your board:
get a better source, then we'll believe you
The sheer number of kike shills ITT already makes me think its actually fucking happening.
They're scared about something
slide program enganged
Shouldn't you be celebrating Hanukkah?
Here's to something good happening for once !
slow day in moscow
How is this connected to the Clinton Foundation?
.1 shekels have been deposited into your account.
CF connected to many many persons who donated to them and used Mossack Fonseca's services to hide money
All of those donations and their assets in total are now subject to DOJ scrutiny
These are links from 2016 stating the Mossack Fonsecca tie with the Clintons.
only russians still use this stale meme in current year.
tell your handler to retrain you.
digits confirm Russian collusion is real
Trump colluding with Russians to gas jews that is, ayy lmao
Good Job OP
These are links with the Mossack Fonseca charges that are happening now. Of course no mention of the Clintons.
And these are links from 2016 explaining why this is related with Clintons.
Shills are going full force on this one.
I heard that Sarah Sanders is secretly a ninja who is going to decapitate all reporters during the military arrest!
You realize that even if Hillary personally slaughtered children, fucked their corpses, and then ate them, Trump will still be indicted, arrested, and thrown in prison. Hillary doing bad things doesn't make Trump's violation of numerous congressional acts acceptable.
When do you predict Hillary will be behind bars?
I'll screencap your answer for the next time you post a HAPPENING thread
I am not even OP you fucking newfag cunt.
You stupid faggots think that just because Hillary has done bad shit, it means we can't say anything about the bad shit Trump is doing. You're like a nigger on trial for robbing a liquor store and using as your defense, "B-but Tyreese dun robbed it lass week!"
where did anyone say that? This thread isn't about trump you dumb fuck
Oh aren't you just the most blatant little buttfucker?
Well this is an interesting turn of events, I imagine if 4D chess is real then this is the election stealer. Obviously it's unlikely the Night of The Long Knives 2: Electric Jewgaloo will occur since nothing so nice has happened to us yet but this is still an interesting event never the less.
guess what bud, even if Trump did bad shit, Hillary going to prison is gonna eat the whole press cycle.
DNC should've let Bernie win the nom instead of rig it.
bed made, lie.
This is what honestly confuses me the most with their whole script, bernie was clearly the puppet they should have utilized but instead they propped up that dusty old warmonger that can barely keep her own racism in check in this SJW-infested country of ours, what in the flying fuck were they thinking? I can only conclude their power structure and plans allow for some room for them to stake claims to certain roles/power plays and the goddamn clinton dynasty just shit the bed.
Let me know when the Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, and 90% of congress are swinging from oak trees in Washington.
too easy, not fun. incarceration for life or bust. i want them to watch paint dry and flake off the walls from age off of an 8x10 cell
We really need some sort of seal of disapproval for OP's who abuse the "happening" term…it's getting old.
Get over yourself faggot
This and
It's not habbening until it actually happens.
It appears the AIDS virus has combined with nigger DNA to create an entirely new faggot disease
Finally now.
How is this not fucking important?
Yes, doctor. I thought that as well. It could be treated with copious amounts of delousing powder in a heated environment, if I'm not mistaken.
Because literally nothing will ever come of it. Because no one is going to be punished in any capacity. Because they are literally fucking untouchable in every single way.
Look at that.
There is nothing to gain by pointing out how the guys tied to Clinton are criminaly charged?Are you fucking serious?
No one said that. Reply only to what was written next time.
No, that is exactly what you said. But you did not understand the importance until I explained it to you like you were a 3 year old .
Okay, kill yourself. Please post where Clinton is being arrested, questioned, or punished in any way as a result of this.
Go back to the_donald, yid.
When nothing happens, I want you Q-tards to promise to kill yourselves.
people that are needlessly anti-trump are liberal victims of trump derangment syndrome. thats why theyre reeeeing over nothing. you can always tell it's them because they are irate and unable to be reasoned with. they refuse to make logical arguments.
theyre unable to be smug, collected, or cool about anything. they act like angry newfags instead of actual members of this board
hahahaha your kosher salty tears are SOOOO fucking yummy
two amigos carrying the hopes of all sane men on their mighty shoulders.
mfw; the legs on that fucking horse must be like doric columns.
Why can’t you answer the question?
Why can’t you answer the question?
did you hear about the IDF plane and 4 IDF missiles shot down by upgraded S300s in Russia just a couple days ago lol?
that's why Israel don't wanna play with Syria no more now they wanna play with Lebanon LMAO
they forgot the ATGM effects on Merkava from 2014 LMAO
Yeah. Like, at least WANT it to habben, before doubting it to oblivion. They want to usurp belief, the want to usurp doubt, the want to usurp everything, both inside and out.
No. State facts and only facts. Answer the question.
Reported for Q-LARP spam. Go back to your containment board, paid jewish shill.
Do I get to testify finally? A year plus of this bullshit.
Truly an inevitability.
All this fucking "it's nothing" shill posts. Is correct the record back?
you might not be OP but you still post HAPPENING threads so gfy
nah these guys are well funded, they are honestly more effective
Look at what they do in most of the threads on the first page. Derail, slide, attack 24/7
Fuck shills brother! These nazi SCUMBAGS are trying to alienate Trump's base aka the downtrodden black and brown man! America was fucking made off the backs of slaves and hispanic immigrants. Fuck white supremacist nationalists fuck EM! We taking back our Republican party brothers! FUCK ANTI-TRUMPERS!
shareblue is printing articles again so if i had to guess i would say yes
How's the weather in tel aviv? dress cool today. it's gonna be a scorcher out there. like an oven
quite a few people got killed because of that leaks
OP gave a shit source, which is his blog, and everyone has the full right to call him out on it. Anyway, here's an actual source for you fucking idiots
Stop shilling your crap here. Either provide real sources or GTFO.
Wow quite a lot of Clintons donors are really dodgy people.
You forget that onigger utterly bankrupted the DNC and killary was the only one with enough cash and backers to fund that little shitfest. Otherwise the democucks wouldn't even had had the money to run the primaries. In exchange cunton obvioulsy demanded the nomination and even though sanders got millions from gullible idiots, by the time he was big it was far too late. The pact was already sealed and no way would the she-beast accept no for an answer. Hell, I think she still hasn't.
Look what just literally happened in Ukraine:
Salome Zurabishvili is now President of Ukraine. These happenings reveal that the parasite has probed too deeply into the goyim skull to be ever removed, I'm afraid.
They have been ramping it up with exactly the same shit for the last few months non-stop, they think they have full narrative control of the board at this point, they don't realize we all just filter them out.
Their only arguments are:
they appropriate BACK TO REDDIT and assume because r/thedonald existed that meant anyone who supported him here actually uses that PC shithole.
Shareblue, leftypol, correct the record etc, there are probably a few more, or they are just quite dedicated with VPN's. They contribute nothing but nihilism to every thread to try to blackpill. Just ignore and move on, the only replies they normally get are themselves on VPN's going "THIS". The rest of us know to ignore them by now.
Wikileaks had nothing to do with Panama Papers and they never leaked any of it. "John Doe", who was the one who brutally hacked MossFon, as well as Appleby, said on his twitter account that he had uploaded the dox he stole from Mossfon to Wikileaks and that he had told Wikileaks that if they didn't publish them by a certain date, that he was giving the dox to ICIJ instead.
isn't is peculiar that Assange didn't dump the Panama Papers, given that he had them in WL possession? IMHO i think ICIJ totally botched the Panama Papers. not a single elite went to prison. hundreds of billions and trillions of Shadow Economy cash was never siezed by any govt. of course it is now obvious that ICIJ is controlled opposition whi's job is stall and run interference to give a soft landing to the criminal elites who are plundering our economies. ICIJ is in part funded by Soros, which is all the proof of their collusion you need.
Nah. We need to bring back crucifixion.
If I'm not mistaken, the dump explicitly omitted people from the US, Israel, and Germany. Wikileaks wanted the whole thing or none of it.
Panama paper was a limited hangout
Assange is not Wikileaks,he is the frontman.
better than hanging i'll give you that
if it can be very slow and painful like over 3 days or more, im down.
the only thing that can be verified is that no one is getting a tax write-off by giving money to Hillary as much as they used to.
That's nice, Chaim. This only ends one way. You might even live to enjoy it.
Q bredicted this???
unironically yes
the post i replied to wasnt a question you illiterate nigger shill.
Thanks. Like anything else, I look at new info, research, AND THEN DECIDE. Shills, immediately jump to full anti-Drumpf mode, like the imbeciles they are.
I'm keen on any legitimate bread exposing government corruption. Thanks to all anons who help dig. More fair and honest than the MSM, that's why I lurk here.
Won't see any of them lifting a finger or even contemplating a better future for sovereign nations.
Shills aren't intellectually curious, they're just talking-point recycling assholes. Getting easier to spot.
It was. And it’s still not happening.
no, Zig Forums called it over a year ago, and (((q))) read that thread
Full support and special request:
I hadn't heard that piece of news, I've been avoiding anything to do with israel or ghwbush for the last week or so. I read Zig Forums every day, so my brains are badly scrambled, but I've found it necessary to be selective in what I read so I don't run out the door and start killing jews/non-whites.
miniblog: I'm early Gen X, as one wise younger user pointed out recently, the jews have had a long time to push their propaganda onto my generation and the boomers before me, so it is very difficult to maintain a white heat toward the fuckers because I can immediately think of numerous jews I've enjoyed reading/watching over the course of my life. Even now, knowing what I know, I still enjoy watching at least one jewish commentator because his kvetching amuses me, he supports Trump and I can agree with much of what he says except for when israel or fucking jews are being talked about, in fact the mention of israel or jews is the cutoff point for my viewing enjoyment now, I bail before the gorge rises too far and I do a Linda Blair.
I'd be tempted to wipe them out to the last man simply because, given the option of doing good or evil they chose the wrong path. Having said that, I also don't believe they are all in on `it' because my own kind have been up to shenanigans for millenia and no-one kept me in the fucking loop either. Should I condemn every last one of them to the rope for the sins of their own leaders knowing that the default reaction for most of humanity is to keep one's head down and avoid unnecessary antagonism?
I also hate niggers but that doesn't mean I think badly of all blacks, nor would I automatically think every black in the vicinity was a nigger just because I had a nigger in my face pissing me off.
But I fear the lower group IQ means we can't appeal to reason to explain our thinking. I am 100% guilty of altruism and gullibility and have been all my life but I'm quickly developing callouses to put an end to this weakness.
learned last night one should avoid walking toward the light when one dies because the light is reincarnation back into a body, and slavery of a sorts, on Earth. If you keep your wits about you and avoid reincarnating there is true freedom and the multiverse containing billions and billions of places to visit for the rest of eternity. My head is a fucking mess. And a new ice age is kicking off that might last 30 or 40 years or 350 to 400 years. Woolly mammoths with undigested daisies in their stomach from getting flash frozen? Do I need to worry about an icy bastard's finger reaching down from the troposphere if I absentmindedly nibble a cannabis leaf?
the jews are both the greatest, and the least, of my concerns.
i don't know. "John Doe" aka @Deuszu aka @ZuThadeus was such an obviously huge faggot that he may well have only given Wikileaks the NATO approved selections from his Panama Papers hack.
Deuszu is certainly guilty of drip drip drip and leaking only slivers of truth that serve the purposes of NATO and (((glow niggers))) rather than taking the approach i would have taken which is Fuck The World, Pull It, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, deal with it, up against the wall motherfuckers, let God sort it out.
i am half convinced John Doe/DeusZu was NSA itself, in the form of some covert CACI subcontractor psyop infowar which hacked MossFon and so many other in order to send a message. what that message is, i don't know, and who that message is intended for, i don't know.
all i do know is im madder than hell about being constantly tricked into waiting and led to believe It's Happening, meanwhile TPTB win again amd again and consolidate their power and true Justice doesnt exist and all Law Enforcement are just ZOGbots and the only way shit will ever change is when i throw my hat into the ring and bring down the temple like Samson.
Not an argument lol
Not a happening.
Also use a real reference if you expect anyone to pay attention.
Daily reminder that Terry Davis was a schizo who wanted to fuck little kids and worshiped a dead rabbi
Daily reminder that if you admire that freak, you will be executed on the DOTR for degeneracy and subhuman genes.
Reported for Q-LARP spam.
There is a special place in hell for you glow-nigger. And you'll be sent there soon
polite sage for offtopic