This is quickly becoming an international protest. No reason we shouldn't bring it to the US and use it for our benefit. We could protest Soros, CIA, FBI, Rothschilds, etc. Who is interested?
Why don't we start yellow jackets protests in the US?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off.
We can start with whoever is paying your salary.
What you need is a threat or reality of economic hardship on average people to the point that they are willing to walk outside and protest. Once they are there, the leadership of that mass of discontent can then guide it into other efforts, but that comes after the economic hardship. Since this economic hardship does not currently exist in the US, there cannot be a yellow-jacket protest. It's really that simple.
if that habbened it would be called a civil war and i for one would be wearing cammies not yellow vests
Cause burgers have guns.
Not enough impetus, needs a catalyst based on shared interests. Standard of living is still too high and significant resource shortages will forestall any action in the USA
And they are coward jerking their guns and mutilated cocks fantasizing that they are manlier than the Frenchmen burning the system down.
Why can't we find a catalyst?
Standard of living still too high. Nobody truly wants for anything in the USA and everyone just pops antidepressants to deal with their life problems. Also I meant to say "because there are no significant resource shortages" in the usa
People were out in the streets for Occupy a few years ago with fairly abstract complaints. No reason we can't use this to weaponize the maga base into doing something useful.
Occupy was against (((wall street))) through, which really does effect us all, and that was rapidly derailed by retarded leftists who made it all about themselves and their political issues. After that the establishment rolled out the social justice psy OP shit and we've been divided over since
Because we only care about weed and Netflix and Tinder
("we" meaning Americans, not pol per se)
>Occupy was against (((wall street))) through, which really does effect us all, and that was rapidly derailed by retarded leftists who made it all about themselves and their political issues.
They got pissed and hijacked the movement with their (((professors))) and got everyone to question their gender instead. Luckily, some anons saw through the BS and got red-pilled instead.
tfw no one knew it was the kikes until they punish us and everyone starts to suspect them because they pushed too hard and now have a new generation of pissed young boys to worry about. The 90s tactics they used on us won't work because intersectional feminism absolutely destroyed sex and racial relations and everyone is sick and tired of porn and know all about the subversive sick minds that spawned this abomination to existence.
Sorry kikes, can't use sex, drugs, and rock n' roll this time, lol!!!!
OP owns a company that manufacturers yellow vests.
Okay, you first, FBI.
The US is way too (((medicated))) for anything to set something like this off.
Late-Stage Capitalism
Hahahahahahahaha wow really dude.
You have no fucking idea what the difference is? Do you know the difference between a country and a nation? The US is currently little more than a tax jurisdiction and military recruitment base. When shit pops off here, it's not going to be color coordinated vests and billy clubs. It's going to be media and gov't assassinations, unbridled civil war, ending in a reorganization of the country to more closely align with whatever nations are left.
In the mean time, does anyone want to do a nonviolent protest?
Okay but you first FBISIS and perhaps light yourself on fire to convince me.
this is going to happen everywhere anyway, when it does start happening just make sure the angry mobs knows who the real enemy is. anons, you don't need to do anything right now. just wait until you see the angry mobs then drop the mob some red pills.
Yeah and don't leave out the spraying that they're sucking in that is shriveling their brains to the size of a raisin.
I think it's more the fact that the internet exists. Back in the old days, they probably held full practical control over what people thought because they had full control over the media and the press, therefore they could control the narrative.
If the internet had existed in the days of Hitler, I think things would've been a lot different. Hitler red-pilled the entire nation because he took (((them))) out of the picture of Germany. To anyone outside of germany, the (((media narrative))) showed that hitler was an insane madman that just had to be stopped! Nowadays, I would hope that the seeds to fuel the fires of WW3 are simmered thanks to the fact that those who would wage the wars, the men on the ground, would hopefully know better than to just stroll in front of bullets in the name of kikedom.
Oh you definitely do, the redpill is a seed, nurtured by dystopian reality coming into contact with the normie that blossoms into a beautiful natsoc warrior. Lay the ground-work pre-emptively and you're not just some conspiracy theorist in their eyes anymore when they experience the harsh reality, you're practically the arbiter of truth.
>can't get a gun if you're ever been force medicated on any number of (((medications))) for (((mental health)))
>force medicated poison at age 6 because of (((ADHD))) because schools have to lower curriculum standards to fit niggers, spics, jews, mudshits etc. in thus not challenging white students who get predictably antsy
Tbh, france is more of a country then a nation at this point as well.
Their demographics are fucking horrible.
Stop smoking crack raisin brain.
it would happen if there was actual unity in the usa. the entire left in the usa only stands for the opposition to everything on the right. there's no compromise since they want a completely different form of government than what we are. it's not going to get better as they keep flooding the usa with indios who are also racially opposed and politically do whatever the fuck gets them gibs
Seeing that fuel prices have dropped tremendously in the past week, that is not going to happen anytime soon. Once some climate-change-globalist ideologue gets into office, then there will be some bullshit pulled like what Macron did, and perhaps the US will rise up united. I wouldn't hold my breath though. The US has perfected the art of divide and conquer with the two-party system, the propaganda machine that is the mainstream media and education system. The leftist cuckolds would suck the govt. off for a fuel tax like this and declare progression.
Because in the USA the cops would be getting lit up in a riot like this. Remember Nigger Rambo in Dallas?
You still don't get it. There is no unifying theme to rally the people. A protest would not be met with agents of the state, it would be met with counter-protesters. It's a waste; balkanization is painful and necessary, and the best individual advice is to get your family ready for it.
No, the question is why should we? As in what specific, measurable goals would we hope to achieve? And don't you fucking say awareness you mongoloid
In the future - you don't think of an action to take and then explain how it would help. That's backwards. You decide what you want to achieve, and then you figure out the things you can do to make that happen.
This. A nationwide US movement spurred by something like what triggered the yellow vests would quickly escalate to armed citizens lobbing IEDs at humvees.
Because Americans are genetically prone to cowardice and treason, due to the artificial selection. Only criminals, traitors, and profiteers came to the USA, so the population is genetically selected to be scum (generally).
not an argument
Yes goy, remember you must never even say what you think let alone start marching in a non-zogged protest for your ideals! Just think about the optics!
Because unlike the third world shit-hole France, we have a good economy, so there's no motivation.
I think it's an argument, (((they))) would never allow a movement to get this large in the USA.
I'm not into Asians
It's the opposite, actually, as proven by history. It's the French who are genetically prone to cowardice. Same with Scandinavians.
What is being divided? Have you seen voting tendencies by demographics? The only thing that's largely divided by the vote is races. Whites vote largely for more right-wing policies, while all other races vote left. Any division is between races at this point, which is good division.
Is that the BLM guy who got blown up by a robot?
It will not work because the only people convinced that things are going to shit are the commies and other form of leftists. The MIGA people are in a state of constant autofellatio thinking that anything important is actually being done other than providing bread and circus. People believe everything important in this world is to be a good ant. Raising green arrows in Wall street must mean everything is fine, right? Trump making everyone believe like they're doing great which is very poisonous to any people who are trying to push concerns through this false satisfaction. All the fucking crashes happen like this. Nobody cared about concerns that they are driving eveything into the ground then they're all anrgy. Everyone is like a fucking rat. I am so fucking done with the west.
because while we are in the streets protesting, niggers would be in our homes stealing shit
Here's the (you) that (((you))) so crave.
Happy Hanukkah.
Lol, Americans are the most cowardly people alive. It's why all of their zogbot soldiers get PTSD and kill themselves and why America has never won a real war. Also why they have been getting raped and killed by niggers for centuries without ever doing anything about it. Because they only people who chose to come to America were outcasts, criminals, and those who could not make it back in Europe.
Lol, the French have one of the best military records in history.
Not even reading past that. You're clearly not from around here, shill. Filtered.
Global report.
IF it's going to happen outside of France, it has to happen naturally to be effective. Every Western nation has its own individual set of triggers which will ignite total civil unrest, at least in cities with high populations
You'd best try your luck with having that kind of protest spread to Sweden.
If I want to waste time and can do time wasters that are enjoyable.
Because we are already winning.
No one is unified in disagreement. We all just hate the other side instead of hating the entire government. The only thing you’ll see in the USA is a tit for tat until it escalates into full blown civil war. Hopefully sooner than later. However if orange man loses the next election and some democrat wins I don’t think it will continue and I don’t think orange man is going to win next time so he better shake things up soon.
Also, if any war is declared against a real country that can fight back it will lead to full on revolt.
Because fuel prices are fairly cheap in the US compared to anywhere else.
The real flaw in your plan is normalfags won't go out and buy yellow jackets - the euros just happened to have them onhand because they're required in vehicles.
Low iq detected, this is what 8/pol/ has become.
Yellow jacket is symbolic dumbass.
Someone needs to post that graph of "social justice" related search term frequency that went from zero to through the roof right at the start of the Zucotti park protest
OP, I approve of your idea and personally wish that Americans would rise up and start tearing down this evil monstrosity that is the US government. In fact, I believe that violence is the only thing that these disgusting politicians will ever listen to.
However, not only is this not feasible, but with Trump in the Whitehouse, it would be impossible to mobilize White conservatives against the government. In fact, it would turn into an Antifa riot.
And while I would love for Antifa to start burning down hotels and starbucks, such a thing would not benefit us in the long term
I think…
Maybe a leftist revolt would… nah, nevermind. The conservatives would just rally around the System.
This is the most kvetching ass, kiked response I've ever seen through a thread, how many excuses these kikes will come up with for you goyim slaves. There is no excuse. There's a bunch of kikes and there's you, more beta and cuckolded than the french. tl;dr - no excuse, just a bunch of kike rats telling you not to
This. Nothing is going to change in the United States until people can't feed their kids. We're irritated but generally fat and happy.
fuck you jew, you are not the voice of reason here, don't tell anons what to do you fucking gay tay sachs faggot, let's get this going.
this, the car has made burgers fat and lazy. Ever see an obese person ever bike or walk outside? Me neither, Most normalfags only get their exercise go to the gym for cardio maybe ever other month and say they are doing something worse they have a gym member but don't ever use.
Alrightie then, good luck.
Remember all you anons reading this. If you don't riot soon, like your french brothers, these kikes will replace you. They will flood your homeland with rapists. They will plot a communist takeover and stick your ass in a fema camp and murder you and your family in cold blood.
gas yourself
Thank you , now if the rest of these faggots want to wear a Yellow Vest :
•Turn in all your fucking guns ala Australia
•Vote for Progressive for a few Generations, nanny state , free med, free college, Hi-Speed rail , 7 hour workday, 2 months paid vacation
• Oh, And also have your women whore themselves out to whatever foreign soldiers you “invited” into your country because your shit tier Military can’t hold it’s own
• Finally, after the horns of cuckoldry have hit the moon put on a Yellow Vest supplied to you by your paid “organizer” propped up $$$$ by (MI-6, Mossad, CIA, some currency speculator, Santa Claus) and go to town venting your frustrations over the retirement age of your no-work Government/Subsidized-job just went up 6 months
Or, just be well-dressed, well-spoken and motivated to do gods work once you've slithered into the den of vipers. It would be the fault of everyone who fucked up and trusted you in the company of gods chosen; afterall, "they knew you were a snake when they took you in."
Sometimes the best uniform for subversion isn't a yellow jacket, but instead, a tailored suit, a crisp tie and a pair of well-shined Oxford's.
Indeed. Symbols in the US are a bit different.
This. All they need to do is fashion a bullseye on them as well.
No it isn't, kill yourself.
Douse yourself with gas on a bridge, light yourself, and jump, nigger.
Someone call an ambulance this post destroyed my sides.
Okay. You first. FBI. Prove me wrong. Go actually do something. Ever.
Rare, but I'll give the French due credit on this one… for still having some vague concept of being Frenchmen.
They are refusing to buy into the globalist narrative… despite Macron being a media sweetheart.
I've long held the belief that we're Americans first, but hey… they left thinks Trump made that talking point up to disenfranchise minorities.
Even if the people manage to elect someone outside the establishment… 90% of the media and paid shills blackpill it 24/7. Nobody can win, goy. Give up.
I'm watching the (soft) French Revolution closely. No need to manufacture a crisis.
We have several to choose from.
If I had my way, we'd track how many H1-B Visas are granted to Big Tech by our paid politicians… and riot if it's over 10K/year.
My #1 pet peeve… letting ultra-wealthy scum bags steal jobs from intelligent American college grads.
No. I don't expect Americans to work for 1/3 pay. Slavery =/= competition.
Occupy WallStreet was the attempt, but it failed miserably as the intersectionality-diversity-oppression golem was unleashed. There's screencaps floating around from guys that tried to make something useful out of it but gave up after the progressive stack was used to determine who should say what. So of course dumb niggers, dykes, and kikes shot the entire thing in the foot before anything of value could be accomplished
Because burgers are apathetic overwhelming left wing and none white in every major city and don’t have a riot culture similar to France. Any large scale protests in the US would inevitably become “woke” BLM fight the white patriarchy shit.
I sat in jail with you poop dicked goons and not a single one of them would even try fighting me alone.
The single guy that swung on me had fear in his eyes after he swung and discovered I wasn't his bitch, and my inyercept to his swing almost put him on his ass.
Ok, here's a unifying theme. Yellow vest protests demanding the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
Alright. DCfag here. I can't do tomorrow, but I can take Friday off. Get a yellow vest and show up at the Federal Reserve building Friday morning at 9. Time to cross the fucking Rubicon.
get it going and ride it out through saturday at least so the weekend warriors can get out there
Good idea. Run the protest Friday to Sunday, and see if we can create a social virus that starts spreading and killing the parasites.
it really is a brilliant strategy, a yellow vest means nothing, it doesn't commit you to a side or a party. It doesn't out you as anything but a pissed off normie protestor like anyone else. This is it anons. The greatest habbenig of our lives
No one wants that. No one is going to protest over it. If they were, they would have already.
Enjoy jail, then.
the type(s) you characterize were not the originator's of OWS; which is but a single-reason so many care about optics. The originator's were the "no-party is my party", Paulies, and Tea-baggers; as opposed to the commie-sjw-pin-cushioned-tattooed-NPC's-devoid of identity or culture.
When they were successful, before they were compromised, is where/when the "It's Happening" meme began.
Yellow jackets with the don't tread on me snake when
I think the targets should be "Sanctuary Cities" and States, in addition Technocracies. Legally we should carry firearms in states where we can. That would add a whole more effective element they don't have in France.
This is what is known as being results oriented and it is what white men practice. Just in case you redditniggers reading this didn't understand.
Depends, what will it take to get normies to try to lynch (((wallstreet)))?
Yeah, you're cointelpro trying to blackpill everyone. This is happening, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You're in DC, call off work on Friday and show up. It will be a lot better for you that way.