Men's penises are half-an-inch SMALLER if they are exposed to high levels of chemicals in non-stick frying pans and fast food packaging while in the womb, study finds
Men's penises are half-an-inch SMALLER if they are exposed to high levels of chemicals in non-stick frying pans and...
Jfc, everything is poisoned. At this point it's safer to move off-grid and go primitive.
We have to make it illegal to use plastic to store or handle food and water.
Go back to half, faggot.
all white women deserved to be beaten and raped
actual autism
Paid jewish shill confirmed. Reported.
Why am I supposed to believe this? It's impossible to determine how big a person's penis would be, so how the fuck can you conclude it's half an inch smaller than it would have been?
Trips is right. But do you really WANT to, considering what's been inside them prior?
the chemicals are xenoestrogens which kill testosterone and ruin the development of boys. every masculine characteristic from personality to jaw structure to penis size will be adversely affected. white cunts are constantly dousing themselves with phythalate plastics and paraben perfumes (to be pwetty when they cheat on their hard-working husband with chad) and soy chinese food reheated in PFC pans (to satisfy their gluttonous cravings for MSG and sugar) while pregnant and then they give soy baby formula (breastfeeding is too hard, muh he bites my boobie) and put plastic retainers in their son's mouth ('cause his teeth are crooked 'cause he only eats soft food so he never learns correct oral posture for proper facial development)
You sound like some poop-skinned nigger.
and they have their infant son's penis destroyed by a pedo kike with plastibell so he'll never experience sexuality or be comfortable in his pants and they give him fluoridated water and genetically modified frozen and processed foods with tons of pesticides (more endocrine disruption, sperm count disruption) and no nutrients so it stunts their growth
Kill yourself goat-fucker.
half an inch is an extreme difference considering the normal range for penis length is 5-7 inches (only a two inch range for like 90% of men). I'm honestly skeptical about the .5" claim but I don't doubt that there's significant harm
Go away you sissy porn watching tranny faggot. Circumcision doesn't make it so you can't experience "sexuality," and it certainly doesn't make you uncomfortable. You're just a tranny sub-human.
what are the chances forgen can regrow my foreskin (and it;s fully functioning) in the near future?
Meanwhile rural white Americans, whoa re nearly all circumcised, have one of the highest birthrates among all people, and the healthiest families. Western European, who are largely uncircumcised, have horrid family units, loads of casual sex, and terrible below replacement birthrates.
All white people
infant male genital mutilation not only destroys over 20,000 nerve endings where the cut is performed but the trauma of the event (with or without anesthetics) causes irreparable brain damage, stunts testosterone production, leaves the person feeling anxious for life, that's of course if the procedure went well otherwise an even more terrible life is ahead of them because of a barbaric act that marks people as slaves.
That doesn't give the sensitivity back
Nerve endings in your foreskin have zero to do with orgasms. Orgasms are the release of dopamine in your brain, retard.
Are you seriously implying the only pleasure to be had is in the couple seconds during the orgasm?
Then how do you explain Northwestern Euros being a bunch of sissified pussies?
Higher birthrates and more stable family units?
Apparently you don't comprehend the purpose of sex.
What the fuck are you talking about. You know your pee pee feels good when you stick it in and out right?
The end-goal of sex is an orgasm, which produces semen, which impregnates a woman. Sissy Eurofags wouldn't know this though. They're too busy blowing Ahmed to have replacement birthrates. So much for higher testosterone.
Literally a copy-paste slide thread from cuckchan.
Cya, low IQ monkey. Enjoy your plummeting birthrates. Don't worry, your foreskin will save you!
they're the best hope there is, I think the chances are pretty good but they need shekels to fund their research. they're operating on a very low budget and still making progress
foregen's procedure isn't going to be skin stretching, it's medical regeneration
you say that as if the future of the USA is brighter than European countries. neither are looking good, but European countries are still ~30% whiter than the US in total population %
Non-stick shit is for pussies. Anything that sticks to the pan should be deglazed and turned into a sauce.
In 5 years the breeding age population of Germany dropped to 1/3 non-whites. German birthrates are well below replacement, while non-white birthrates are well above. One generation and children born in Germans will be over half non-white. In two generations, the generation born in places like Germany will be less white than the same generation born in the US.
quit derailing this into usa vs europe shit. usa is probably already minority white, or less than a decade away at the most optimistic possible projection. Europe is bad but not nearly as bad
in two generations, every white country will be past the point of no return, save for perhaps eastern europe
Global report.
Eat healthy. Exercise. Be productive and maintain a positive attitude.
I have never missed a single opportunity in life based on +/1 1/2 inch of dick size. (There was that one girl when I was 19 who broke up with me, saying her last boyfriend had a 12" cock, but she ended up being a stripper.) I assume she's either dead… or worse, still alive, at this point.
I've been married for over 20 years. Still enjoying it… dick size 6". In case any of you fags are interested.
It's OK to be average, physically. It's even better to be white. Try using high-temperature plastic spatulas on your non-stick pans. It doesn't scratch off the coating.
Replace your old cookware.
In the meantime, try and relax. Enjoy life.
Exposure to endocrine disruptors is an important topic. More should become aware of it.
Yeah, it's worse. The imported shit-skins over the last decade are now permanent residents. They're never going back. There's zero historic precedent to show otherwise. When regarding population statistics, older people are irrelevant. In one generation Germans will be near or at a minority. The same is likely true with Swedes and the English. I haven't looked into those number specifically, but I know their non-white populations are a much larger percentage of the population, and much younger, and thus an even larger percentage of the breeding age population, which is the only one that matters. The number of middle-age to old people is irrelevant. Facts about the US: Non-white birthrates plummet with each consecutive generation. Rural white birthrates remain stable above replacement. The only reason the non-white population gets bigger here is due to immigration. If places like Germany don't take in one more shit-skin for the rest of eternity, children born there will still be minority white in two generations due to birthrates alone. At the pace demographic are shifting in places like Germany and Sweden, in the generations that matter, they will be less white than the US in a shorter period of time. And again, there's zero precedent to show there's any reason to believe they'll be removed. Zero.
pict 2
That is a pretty penis…all bubblegum pink and delicious looking.
Or just buy ceramic non-stick instead…
I like the way you think.
Don't use non-stick/"Teflon" pans, for fuck's sake. At a certain temperature, which normal people are going to accidentally reach while cooking because they're not Bobby Flay, it leeches xenoestrogenic poison into the food. Use seasoned cast iron (doesn't stick) or stainless steel (sticks but that doesn't always matter). I don't know if copper pans are safe or not, but they don't stick much either.
You have a good dad, user. Give him something thoughtful for Christmas.
Why should I not use ceramic coated non-stick?
I can laugh because mom used cast iron.
Cast iron is amazingly non-stick if it's seasoned properly.
Same stupid question your mom said about Teflon before you were born, Shorty.
Because it's toxic, you fucking moron. Has the whole premise of this thread flown over your head?
What is toxic about ceramic?
Meh. Half an inch ain't going to get me anywhere special.
Thanks for cooking with cast iron, mama
Small penises are apart of white identity, only small brain niggers want big dicks
My girth is 6.5" at the base and 6" mid. 6.5" to 7" length (hard to tell since I'm fat).
But they're the ones most exposed to plastic wrapped food and cheap cookware.
Well I cook a lot of ground beef and the stuff that would stick in a cast iron pan is usually just totally burnt black matter. The same with eggs. Making those things in iron pans usually makes me go apeshit because half of the stuff I'm supposed to eat is ending up stuck to the pan, burnt.
Am I using too much heat?
But this thread is making rethink the teflon jew even though I already have a fully developed member, obviously.
ground beef is fine to cook in stainless steel in my experience. just use plenty of fat and keep it moving
Ceramic is not teflon you fucking retard, it is literally dirt.
Speak for yourself lol.
Yeah what the fuck? I'm sure ceramic is a good alternative. My mom just bought one of these, they are fucking terrific. Even better non stick than teflon. If you don't watch out, the fried potatoes slip right out of the thing if you move it too fast.
Only fags and sluts care about dick size
Why is this dumb fucking bot never banned?
t. small dick
You don't have to circumcise your children, but understand that it isn't sinful to do so either. I may do it as a way of honouring God according to what he told Israel in the Old Testament and seperating my children from the hedonistic world.
Your heat is too high and you are not using enough fats to keep it from sticking, or your cast iron isn't seasoned properly.
Switch to steel. Use butter to lube up the pan. Start the heat out slow until the oil has started to gently simmer. Cook the egg, the heat will have permeated the pan by now. You're going far too fast. Ground beef sticking, deglaze the pan with a cheap red wine, reduce, throw in a pinch of dryed thyme, and use it as a red wine sauce.
SEASONED CAST IRON you dumb fags.
Yes but this isn't just about penis size, as the rest of my posts show there are a number of known impacts from these types of chemicals on male development.
But that's scientifically incorrect and being a grower is part of white identity.
half an inch shorter than what? Implying anyone knows hiw long your dick would have been otherwise.
I support this.
Would require huge changes in the supply chain though, but worth it.
Plastics in general need to be much more closely looked at then they are now, to what they are good for, what they are actually worth using in when balanced against the environmental and biological impacts that using them creates.
And certain countries that prove that they cannot handle disposing of these materials properly should be banned from using them at all .
if the father had average length the son would too
I've heard directly from adult men who have had foreskin removed that it made zero difference in pleasure. Everything these retards say about circumcision is some SJW tier emotional, unsubstantiated bullshit. Do it or don't. It makes no difference.
This is what a jewish shill looks like
And its exactly as you would expect
I remember fapping before i got circumsized
Shit was so cash
Now its less so
Im gonna try covering my glans and see if i cant protect my cockhead and regain some sensitivity
Global report for paid jewish shilling.
Same here, ground beef, eggs and lifting. I used to lose a lot of shit in the pan, you're going to fast and not using lube (lulz). Spread a thin layer of butter on the pan surface and start the heat low and slowly rise the fire, don't just turn it on full blast from the start like I used to do. It's faster but you lose a lot of edible material.
Oh man, you're good, comrade! I wonder where you got these tactics?!
kill yourself
a healthy sex life is a fundamental part of a successful relationship with a woman
plenty of others say the exact opposite. I think you are just unwilling to accept that your parents paid a jew to destroy your penis
circumcision removes all of the most sensitive parts of the penis and subjects the glans to abrasions from clothing which is uncomfortable and desensitizes it further
All I know is, my dick feels pleasure just fine. I also know that South Korea and white Americans are almost all circumcised, and we have higher birthrates than Western Eurofags, we're more socially conservative, we have better family values etc. So far as I can tell, circumcision has zero meaningful effects. Do it or don't. Doesn't matter. Your argument is emotional and unsubstantiated.
fucking hell how do you even escape
I'm fucked, but I guess my future family is good because I've started buying cast iron and enjoy seasoning it and taking care of it.
Ah I see you don't know anything about this topic at all. Furthermore, if there is 'no' meaningful difference, then why are circumcised men so damn insistent on forcing themselves upon their sons? If there is no difference, then surely there's nothing wrong with letting the boy grow up and decide for himself.
This isn't the topic of the thread however, which is the negative effects of quotidian materials and why there needs to be restrictions on the development and propagation of new technologies.
Tfw 8.5 bpel and a 6 inch girth.
Went to a Steiner school. Grew up basically on a dirt farm.
Also over 6 feet tall. Feels sooooo gud.
This, but now?
How much do they pay you?
You don't know what it's like to be intact. It's an objective fact that the most sensitive parts of the penis are amputated during circumcision, and it's extremely vicious and cruel to force this on a defenseless baby. It's also excruciatingly painful and extremely traumatizing, causing permanent brain damage. You may get some pleasure with what's left of your penis, but it's only a fraction of what you would have if your parents didn't have the vast majority of the nerve endings on your penis sliced off for profit.
"Almost all" is not true, it's a slim majority and thankfully dropping. South Korea has absymal birthrates, AFAIK lower than North Korea.
You're implying that mutilating babies' penises increases the birthrate. This is complete nonsense, why would attacking the male reproductive organ with a blade assist the man's potential to breed? It destroys quality of life and the potential for a successful relationship. If America truly has higher birthrates, is more socially conservative, and has better family values than Western Europe, then it's because America has a larger rural population, not because of pedo kike "doctors" mutilating baby boy's penises against their consent and selling their foreskins to cosmetics companies to make wrinkle cream for old women.
full Vargmode
I just searched up the average penis length and it says 5.16 inches. I swear it was around 5.5 inches a few years ago. Does anyone else remember or is it just me?
That has to be bullshit, average in USA is 5.6". 5.16" is Asia-tier.
I guess so man. I actually just got diagnosed with testicular cancer, even though I eat healthy, exercise, etc. I don't know if it's genetic or if it's caused by modernity. World fucking sucks a bit.
Non-argument. I can show you circumcised populations that are mentally healthier than uncircumcised populations. According to the arguments here on Zig Forums, that shouldn't exist.
Most inbreeding and child abuse comes from the uncircumcised third world, actually. Now, you're an idiot and you worded that improperly, so let me address what you intended. It's done because it's cultural, like everything we do. All cultural activities and standards are "forced" on children, otherwise they wouldn't exist beyond a single generation.
You don't get to pose an argument then basically say "don't pose a rebuttal because it's off-topic," you sensitive, low-intelligence monkey. If you don't want this being discussed, then you don't comment on me. Don't comment on me and tell me not to respond. This isn't your safe space where you get to avoid confrontation.
Hi kike. The New Testaments flat out state that circumcision does nothing for you with respect to God. In fact, it warns against circumcising as a religious act as a form of vanity.
You guys are probably retarded in the medical sense. The argument that the foreskin does nothing, so you have to cut it off is nigger tier. Cutting off the foreskin to please you fake jew god is absolutely retarded. I hope none of you have kids, since they would most likely be as stupid as you.
cutting off part of your sons dick so he doesn't have wash it isn't an argument, it plain retarded
what are they frying babies and sticking them back in the mother?
It's an objective fact that it has little effect on the function of the penis as well, and the pleasure a person is able to achieve; as proven by the higher incentive for sex and higher birthrates in circumcised populations in the US vs Europe.
Leftist tier emotional argumentation. Worthless.
Wrong. See
So are you suggesting I'd be a low-intelligence sex obsessed animal, like a nigger, or a Western Eurofag, who has terrible birthrates and incredible relationship instability?
Over 80% is almost all, you dumb-fuck.
Wow, lower than a third world country. Fair comparison.
Needly emotional rhetoric. Yet again arguing like a leftist.
Again, circumcised rural white Americans have one of the highest birthrates among all white people. So much for that "attack."
Yet rural white Americans have better marriage rates and less sex partners than Western Eurofags.
So you basically admit circumcision is irrelevant and environment trumps any affect caused by it. You admit I'm right.
My argument is that it's insignificant. Do it or don't. Makes little to no difference. No one has been able to refute me yet.
Do you believe that trauma causes peoples brains to change? Cutting off one of the most sensitive parts of the male body is very painful. I had it done when I was 8. I can still remember my dick bleeding for a week straight and making me limp for a month. Most people don't remember being mutilated, but that doesn't mean that didn't impact your brain.
My mom and dad used the fire pit to do all of the cooking which explains why my penis is longer than normal. It just hangs there over all 6 of my ballz