Ideas cannot die they merely wait in the shadows until returned back into the light. And to answer your question (((JIDF))) its so simple you've been studying it for years, and are merely on this website to see if anyone has figured it out. Confidence and pride mixed together make amazing propaganda and leadership weapons of debate, mental testing, and instillment of one's heart. Adolf Hitler writes in his book that he wrote during his time in prison for his coup, and while a free man, that he was worried he wouldn't have the voice to lead his people yet gave his speech anyway to tens of thousands of people. How did he exactly lead his people and sway their hearts from the cage of ignorance and bliss? Confidence. Confidence being that no German Mann, Frau, or Kinder in the German Reich had other than him.
You may speak up and say, "Mr.user Mr.user b-but the Communist!" These (((Communist))) were not German, nor were the Bolsheviks who killed poor Ivans entire family, or the same ones who starved millions upon millions of subhuman chinese men. All of these (((revolutionaries))) and (((politicians))) all had connects to Jewish bankers, Jewish men of power, or were in fact Jews themselves. Fun fact, before you say Hitler pushed for the extermination of das Juden research the Haavara treaty of 1933. It tells of when Hitler rose to power he signed a treaty with the Zionist leaders of Germany of promising them Palestine, free shipping over there, and to back their own currency+state of government. This idea was not invented by Hitler however due to Wilhelm the Second (may he rest in peace) including this idea earlier in history, but the outcome stayed the same. (((They))) wanted war and (((they))) planned the destruction of Europa for centuries, this treaty was instantly backhanded by the infiltrated United Kingdom and once the war had started waddya know all those peaceful (((Jewish))) subhumans happened to be ready to leave the country with their money, necessities, and a majority of them fled to the Swiss alps and or bigger countries like America and Russia. The Russian part didn't go so well however as Stalin wasn't the puppet of choice and a lot of them were slaughtered on their way.
Back on track, Hitler further used his confidence in such situations as the Sudetenland Crisis and the German-Austrian Anchluss agreement. Not only did he secure the whole "peace in our time" with Neville Chamberlin, but he persuaded ENTIRE races to join him in his fight against (((Internationale Juden))). Slovakia set up as a puppet state, Hungary returned land from unwarranted dismantlement, Austrian acceptance of annexation, in fact it seems as if Hitler more so united Europe than divided it. Anyway, you see the point, confidence instills pride, pride instills loyalty, loyalty instills dedication, dedication is manhood, and manhood is freedom. Start groups, mass organize, spread propaganda, if called a Nazi accept it, get News coverage, hell get enough so that you can display your message to the world but remember the key. Confidence. Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Charlamange, all these men had confidence and so much so that it followed down the list. Underground is no longer an option, Italy, Germany, France, Britain, America, they're all a bunch of matches waiting for the flames of a new era to blossom. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Gas the kikes race war now anons, and once the wheels of fate start turning a lot of kikes and their brainless zogbots need gunning.
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