How do you do it?

How do you continue living life normally once you've realized everything you were ever taught was a lie or propaganda?

The past couple years, I've gone through a very noticeable mental change. I've lost numerous friends, I barely speak to my family, I don't watch movies or television anymore, I don't listen to music anymore, I don't enjoy video games anymore, I don't seek out women anymore, I don't engage new people anymore unless I'm forced to, I keep every conversation as quick and short as possible and dip out at every chance I get.

I don't particularly see a way out of whatever this is. I don't even feel sad or depressed. I just feel nothing. Numb.
I'll get frustrated or angry sometimes, but I tend to just push those feelings down as well.
I quit smoking pot and cigs, I stopped drinking 3 months ago to see if maybe that would make me feel better or maybe I'd snap back to my old self, but in all honesty, I feel worse.

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Other urls found in this thread: of Bilbao&source=bl&ots=a9CiRIs9cC&sig=KnHob2WYavJ82PwcELE51c_x2z0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjCitzA74rfAhUHxlQKHSFaDNsQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Ordinances of Bilbao&f=false

You need purpose, something to give your life meaning. Most of us here went through this phase, it is a part of the awakening process. Don't assume you are finished, now learn the truth, study history, philosophy, even the occult. Know thyself and know thy enemy.

There are forces beyond our control at play, accept it. Only a fool would self destruct in the name of principles forced upon them, this is largely what the modern Republican party is as an ideology. Improve yourself, and learn to enjoy a nice quiet life of virtue. If you see opportunity in the direction of growth, take it. Considering that we are in a great period of sterility, the Kali Yuga, we are lucky to even have this board.

Reported for a) not relating to politics, b) blogposting and c) demoralization propaganda

You should lift and play Deus Ex, works for me.

Look before you leap.

Try an MAOI?

reed sseeg

You're not wrong but….don't be a dick. I feel OP.

Kill yourself jew.

Need to focus on living your own life.
Get in good physical shape and live in the real world. Limit your screen time to about 20 minutes to an hour per day. Don't worry about big picture stuff like the fate of the world, concentrate on the stuff going on right around you in your own community and on making your own life better.
After you spend a few years doing that, the big picture stuff won't bother you much because you know it's all a lie and propaganda anyway. Just like you don't care about who Kim Kardashian is dating or what the latest celebrity gossip is or the cricket scores from Indonesia. It doesn't matter to you.

Kill yourself cum-chugger.

I don't see how this doesn't relate?
A lot of the reason I am where I am is because of this board and others like it. A lot of people are in the same boat as me, so I think it would be the opposite of demoralizing for people to realize they aren't the only ones feeling this way.

Maybe just don't be a fucking loser? Lol.

This is what happens when you wrap yourself in all of this political shit. Especially the conspiracy shit. My dad neglected me for the second half of my life just because of this shit, and he ruined his whole family life along with it. Not that I was affected - I had a good step-dad. Regardless, you might feel like you're the one who 'knows', but in reality, all you do is just bite off pieces of your humanity and spit it away.

Have fun. Make an effort. Ignore all of this shit, because at the end of the day, it hardly even matters to you.

Let's list purposes that we obtained or achieved after becoming redpilled.

you don’t have to do anything. nobody listens to others. the just watch the news for their daily programming. we live in a risk free environment, but one also with no opportunities for politics of any kind - no ability for the opinions of the populace to reach an ear of power, that power being idiots perfectly ensared by their brainwash machines - tv, fb, conglomerate (political brainwashing injecting) blogs.

you just know, and know they are fools, but you also recall being a fool, and therefore have compassion on them.

screw optics, don’t, nothing changes.

state your mind, nobody will even care. nobody ever listens.

cognitive dissonance means “get mad at the messenger if reasoning or facts make me obviously wrong”



ADL. i can tell keeeeeek


myself, the resolve to learn Hebrew.

Maybe you need to pick up the Bible. I think that many of us have gone through a similar transformation. I myself have quit tobacco, alcohol, weed, pornography, and kratom. I'm probably not the best to give advice because my situation is a bit different from yours. I have a pregnant wife, and a deeply primal understanding of my purpose in life has awoken within me.

I don't care much about anything besides God and my immediate family (mainly my wife and coming child; everyone else is insane politically or ideologically). My co-workers are fucking brainwashed, but they think they are smart (I work in academia; fuck my shit up now, anons). I am saving up to move to Alaska on 14 acres. Will build a few cabins on the property with wood stoves and bring my family including my brother-in-law with me.

You need a spiritual connection, it seems. I am not here to push the Bible down your throat because you may have different spiritual proclivities, but there are forces beyond our control, and my answers are in the book, and my faith is in God and in my family. Godspeed, user. May the fire in your belly burn again.

But then why are you here reading this? Why aren’t you taking your own advice? Oh you’re jidf, always about the shekels with you guys.

I carry the KJV in my bag every day telling myself I'll start reading, but it's been two months and I've been hesitant to crack it open.
I was catholic when I was younger, became an atheist like every other millennial, agnostic now but I'm teetering over to God every day.

I'll read it.
Best wishes to you and your future family, man.

way to be a nigger

I think everyone here has been where you are. I was never a real religious person as an adult but raised in a religious household. The feelings you are talking about remind me of
Matthew 24:12  And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
We see and know all the iniquity and it’s made us cold. I know personally I have only a fraction of the compassion I used to have. I’m more cynical as well. Only advice I can give is to seek out the good when you find it, pursue it. Focus on improving what you can, starting with yourself. Mind, body and spirit. Happiness is out there.

Ask Robert Bowers.

I am in the same boat user, just keep trekking.

You too, buddy.

OP, I know exactly what you mean because that's been my struggle for several years. I don't have an answer for you. What keeps me going is just to be able to sit back and watch this fucking world burn itself to the ground. The day the true happening starts will be the happiest day of my life, and that's what I look forward to.

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Little bits at a time.
Thanks for the advice.

I wish I could let go and just enjoy the insanity of it all, but I hold on to hope that the world will get better. We'll see how long that lasts lol.

just start learning the law and real history. read supreme court decisions and books from the earliest you can find until about 1940, but not history books. see pic related

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From the movie 2012, most people think the guy on the right (Charlie Frost) is insane. I can tell you right now, that moment he saw the supervolcano go off was the happiest moment of his life. He went out like a boss.

Attached: happening volcano.jpg (1920x1080, 212.05K)

I replaced loneliness, sadness, and defeatism with anger user. Anger is your greatest friend and ally if you want to change the world around you. Spain was pretty mad about those Aztec niggers desecrating the world with their autistic human sacrificing.

Start with Nietzsche. Everything will become clear.

If you struggle start with Plato and Socrates, and move towards Nietzsche. Philosophy will guide you toward truth, which is the greatest virtue. All else is nothing. Without truth, you can not know what direction to move in. Question everything and pursue absolute truth. All will be revealed.

The shit came down on my head when I was seven, and my father died in a work accident. Almost immediately my widowed mother was laid seige to by all sorts of horrible people trying to exploit and even terrorize us to exploit us. Childhood was bad, a dark ugly place full of fear and nihilism and illness. I devoted my late adolescence and early manhood to becoming strong, stronger than my father ever was. Fuck with me I rip your eyes out, I put you in a wheelchair with a severed spinal cord. But of course one must be educated, civil, polite and I am. I don't look for quarrels, but drunks stay away. I hate drunks. But not as much as cocaine users.

I don't live with almost any white people. The best I can do is give to the odd white homeless guy.

Why don't you live with other whites? Move, man.

Did you see that news of a big mafia bust? Progress is real, bulls and gulls! It's not hard at all to carry on.

This would be a great time for activists against organized crime to renew/expand their stands against the payment of protection money. Power vacuums are infamous, but what do you think powers the vacuum? It's not a magical mystical process, nor is it wholly physics; power vacuums run on money!

Take away the money, the pressure to fill the vacuum weakens. Take away enough money, the vacuum loses all its suck. It's gonna happen anyways in the long run - people prefer an honest life with greater autonomy, not living bound to one dangerous necessity after another like impoverished types and criminals.

By doing something about it.

That's the plan. I'm only 19 and was born and raised in this shit hole. I'm working at walmart (with not a single other white in my department aside from my manager) and hoping to move away once I have enough cash.

It's expensive to live in white areas either due to the housing market or automotive maintenance and commute time.

You are at war. Got your jimmies rustled, your almonds activated, your nuggets neutered etc. You need to look and plan long term, not short term as you have been doing, but you've got to plan for entertainment during wartime. You need to plan for more than one scenario where you don't actively participate in the final happening, but enjoying the quiet moments and sharing those with others, even if it is here.

I'm going rural. Very cheap, white and the perfect environment to do all the things I've dreamed of doing my whole life (hunting, fishing, off roading, growing food, raising animals, etc. Ya know, white people stuff)

How does one overcome being a misanthrope?

Coming here to ask that is like going to skid road to ask how to quit shooting heroin.

Try to find another job if you can user. Several family members worked there, my kid still does. He’s in management and he’s fucking miserable. I’ve seen a change for the worse in him, and he’s in an upper class store. He doesn’t deal with nigger customers but employees and that’s even worse. Since he is a white man he was told anytime he deals with an employee he needs to have a black female manager with him. Just get out the money isn’t worth it.

If you’re stuck in retail try to get on at Costco but getting an interview with Walmart on your app is hard. They avoid people coming from Walmart because of the moral they bring with them.
If you can find a trade or votech school there’s good money in that and doesn’t take long to learn. If nothing else learning a trade is good for side money. I have a small shop I do auto repairs in the evenings and weekends. Just word of mouth no advertising and most weekends I make more than my full time job salary for the week. A trade will help you reach your goals faster since everything takes money. And there is a satisfaction that comes with fixing or building something.

I think you just have to realize that people are a product of their environment.
Most people are children regardless of their age, it isn't their fault if they're being herded and lied to.
Everyone has the potential to be good.
They just need guidance.

Not hard, goal to destroy everything jews have ever built is a good start.

Realize you hate humanity for what it is now, because it is not what it could be, and begin to do the work that will guide us all along that true path to greatness.

Management is also my hell. Why do I hear so many good things about Costco?

no do not start with nietzsche, thats fine if u want more propaganda. all his works are basically Freemason allegory and eugenics. dont read anything near contemporary so then you can see what built up to now and how the lines of propaganda begin.
good start would be actual history:
the war of the roses aka the battles between the House of York and the House of Lancaster. many old Houses are still active today and own cities and states in the USA. New Orleans is such a city and Louisiana is such a state.

philosophy is needed for an understanding of WHY events happened as they did, the human instigation at least. All things done by the rules of the world are done in law. the law is based on Divine Right and on the traditions of ageless guilds and the most dominant traditions. every business deal, treaty, boarder, truce, invasion ect was done in a way lawful and documented. even in the accounts of rome while it was taking form the people who joined "Rome" would send a war party and declare war, come back later and throw a spear in the territory to declare it official after the response time had passed and then come back and invade.

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I have no answer for that either.

That's total bullshit. Not everyone has the capacity for good because not everyone has the IQ to even have the realization of what is good. I would argue MOST humans are total pieces of shit wholly incapable of self-realization, let alone understanding of the environments in which they exist. They aren't really that far from animals.

Well that's why I'm looking forward to the true happening, the world reset. I believe the potential for the future can only be realized after this existing world is obliterated as it is now.

One must survive the happening to help shape the future.

theres plenty of work just move to a different city, not the big ones because theyre gay but a moderate sized one. there are tons of communist assistance programs u can use, just use them because you are actually doing it properly - not like the fat black lady with a 800$ wig or the russians with 1200$ watches bitching over food stamps.

plenty of ways out, just look for assistance programs and even job placement in a new city is possible. they want you to use these programs and if you dont ever want to discard your U.S. citizenship then you should use them

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Those are bold claims. You want to back them up with some links or something or are you just going to make them like a jew and leave it at that?

Also what's wrong with Eugenics? Do you know where you are?

Niggers don’t shop at Costco. They stick to sams and walmart. Costco treats their employees better and the work environment is just better. You get raises after x amount of hours, their benefits are insanely good. Health insurance is like $25 a check. One of my family members was a co manager at Walmart had been there 19 years. They laid off all but diversity hires in co manager positions. I think it was like 8k lay offs nationwide, Walmart announced it the day after they raised their min wage so no press. He ended up getting on at Costco at a huge pay cut but the man is happy for the first time since I’ve known him.

Unfortunately the powers that be also think the same thing and have been pushing us towards that event you're describing. They'll fund both sides as always of course.

I'm not saying to take no action, but rather to be an actor of your own accord and join no other man's group. Start your own tribe as ascribed by the faggot Jack Donovan.

I don't live normally. I am a member of the technocratic nomads.

Don't try to make it sound fancy. Nigga you live in a fucking van and own a laptop.

They're rolling the dice that they will succeed. I don't think they will. I think after the reset happens, they'll be purged.

I've already planned and learning about vehicles and auto repair. Very useful when living in a rural area. I'm in part time studies at a college right now. Just general education.

That's the best part, country driving. I've decided to get a license to drive semis.

I'm Canadian, and as I said in another post, cities are no bueno for me, I like the country.

I would have to argue that. I genuinely don't think the majority of people are truly terrible or evil.
We live in a very nihilistic, meaningless time and people are slaves to their temptations.
If people weren't being influenced to cave into their temptations at every single turn, I do believe most would at least try to do the RIGHT thing.
I'm talking about the sheeple in the world, the ones walking around with their hands over their eyes. Obviously there is always going to be evil, terrible people, that's obvious. If that influence were to be drained and people knew the truth of it all, I do think good would prevail.

I'll bite, though I think we're all different, and we each can use our skills/interests to give ourselves purpose. I also want to say that while what this purpose is should be constructive or to preserve our people and our world, our society probably won't recognise its importance. It'll be a hobby, not a job.

I help to find and preserve the history of my local area.
I read scientific reports, make hypotheses, and test the findings of those reports and my own hypotheses. ( This has been going on longer than people want to admit)
Also, the absolute basic purpose we all have: Serve your community in whatever way you can. Help the people around you to be their strongest self, because when they get stronger, so do you.

Which is why you should always be weary of anyone who is in a position of power. Everyone needs vetted. Too many traitors.

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I was 13 when I got my first redpill and have been WOKE since!

Kill yourself nigger, funny pills are for the likes of Jordan Peterson.

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'In response to a communication, Mencken sent Aldous
his translation of Friedrich Nietzsche's Ver Antichrist. According
to Bradshaw, "from his earliest writings to his last,
Nietzsche was adamant that culture could flourish only where
the many have been subjugated to the few …. Nietzsche's
emphasis on caste is stressed by Mencken in his The Philosophy
of Friedrich Nietzsche (1908) and in his compilation of
The Gist of Nietzsche (1910), and it is significant that in both
books, Mencken identifies a passage from The Antichrist
(1895) as the kernel of Nietzsche's philosophy. . . . Christian
dogma and humanitarian ethics were anathema to Nietzsche."
The Nietzschean influence in much of Aldous Huxley's
own social writings is clear."

At the end of the excellent BBC documentary,”Genius of the Modern World – Friedrich Nietzsche” (posted below), you will understand why Nietzsche’s philosophical ideas are so important in today’s world and in Freemasonry. Please watch the short video below and then let’s examine Friedrich Nietzsche’s idea of the Übermensch or superman and how it aligns with being a Master Mason.

"I will investigate the opinions of two fin-de-siecle thinkers, Max Müller and Friedrich Nietzsche, who encapsulate the contradictory nature of the period, especially in their relationship to Theosophy. The two share some obvious parallels—namely as contemporaneous German philologists interested in Indian texts and the philosophy of science. However, they had very different ideas about what kind of claims they’re scientific training allowed them to make. Müller was an Orientalist who longed to make the study of Eastern Religions scientific, while Nietzsche, a critic of organized religion, also railed against scientific positivism. Müller fiercely criticized the Theosophical Society, while Theosophists were heavily influenced by Nietzsche’s works. It’s within this intellectual debate that I will contextualize Theosophists’ efforts to create an Indian Theosophical university specializing in science, hopefully demonstrating the extent to which the new scientific culture of the academy advanced and solidified imperial power."

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Best of luck to you user. I’ll give you a little more advice before I go to bed. After you learn auto repair stash any money you make and use it to buy tools as needed. Stay away from the extremes snap on and harbor freight. Buy mid grade stuff. Lowe’s kobalt brand have lifetime warranty on hand tools. Open a commercial account at a parts store like Autozone. They have a free loaner tool program. Also if you buy their Tools they will warranty them out for you. Spend the couple hours and get your cert to buy Freon. It’s $22 for a can or $100 for 30lbs but you have to be certified to buy the 30lb. Costs like $10 online never expires.

Last but not least timing is everything. My slowest time is Halloween till late January. People just don’t have much money. After thanksgiving I start looking online, Craigslist and kike book marketplace for non running cars. People need money for holidays and sell their broken vehicles. What to buy. Avoid trucks those are for working people not your target. Your buyer is gonna be the coal burner or thot with 5 kids whose getting thousands back at tax time. They want SUV’s and family 4 door cars. So get something you can have ready for mid January. It needs to look good on the outside. Interior isn’t nearly as important (nigger thing don’t know why)

By buying cars in November and selling in January you are basically creating your own work for your slow winter months.

All this time and you still haven't gotten any more subtle. Kind of pathetic actually.

I dropped out of college in 2009ish within a semester of graduating and went full on, “living in my mother's Unfinished basement” making YouTube videos, blogging and going balls to the wall “activist mode”. Then I went to a trade school a few years later and I’m “doing life” again. I still feel somewhat isolated and lonely from npc normies but I did manage to knock up a chick and have a beautiful Jewish baby!…kidding, the baby isn’t Jewish. You’ll find a way to balance it all.

Based on what you've shown me, Nietz isn't freemason allegory dude. freemasons are crypto-satanists and dig his philosphy because it's in line with the core tenants of Satanism.

Your logic is busted unless you have some kind of proof that Nietz was masonic in some way, which I don't believe is possible given the time lines.

Are you Christian?

Why aren't you connecting with other people?
Why can't you spend some hours of the 100+ waking hours you have a week on entertainment?

do you even read what you write? do you even wipe?

he based his philosophy off the same eastern basis as the german theosophical society which was masonic in nature and where the Scottish Rite was invented

Have you ever tried to stack things? It's why pyramids are found all over the world. Each successive stage is smaller than the last. Naturally, hierarchies form and the society will be led by the few. This isn't false or wrong, but it can be perverted, where the masses are exploited for the gain of the few. Read The Republic, Plato dealt with this 24 centuries ago.

I didn't even know that existed. When i open one door, thousands more behind it are revealed. There is too much to know.

Can you make your claims more "googleable" so I can verify them more quickly? I don't know your axioms.

yea you never read it. thats not what it says. he said to raise a specific group of people that would be chosen from the general populace and then those chosen children would be raised in a tiered system represented by different metals. and so with the consent of the people they would be led by the most able among them and they would be certain of that by the selection process.

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Sorry to hear it user. You sound depressed.

I'd suggest just trying to find a purpose in something. Go to school, learn a useful skill, start waking up fellow whites. There's plenty you can do that will help you feel some semblance of meaning in life. Just try it all, all the time, until you find something that really matters to you.

I guess my question wasn't specific enough.

What the fuck does this even mean. Eastern basis? What do you mean by that?


Western Culture is meaningless, it was just a vessel to deliver us to the consumerist era.

Christianity is the slave morality which Nietzsche correctly identified. If you make people believe in an afterlife it will pacify them in their actual life – the only one they will ever have.

White genetics are not vital for the consumerist escalation. If they were; Indians in Silicon Valley wouldn't be a thing. Eventually genetic engineering will eclipse all of your concerns over phenotype aesthetic.

There is no great family model to return to where you can be a patriarch. Any children you have will be absorbed into the consumerist mass. Parental influence is meaningless in an age of hypercommunication.

Your wife will have social media. I don't think I need to go into any more detail on this.

There is no super intriguing clandestine force which controls the world – only consumerism and capital.

In an age where there is no great struggle; there is no need for anything aside from intellect unfortunately. There is no need for valor or fidelity anymore.

There is no great war or impending happening that will bring meaning to your life. There is only the slow assimilation into the global consumerist mass.

There will be hiccups, like terrorism and mass shootings for instance, but humanity has not produced a creed capable of contending with the awesome power of consumerism. It will devour you all.

There is no great cause to live or die for my brothers.





Why does it mean to try to be free? From what chains specifically or generally even?

what does it mean*

he has a new book out apparently

A More Complete Beast is men's writer Jack Donovan's third book in a series that started with the runaway cult hit, The Way of Men. The second book, Becoming a Barbarian, showed disconnected modern men - men born into the anti-identity "Empire of Nothing" - how to think tribally. In A More Complete Beast, Donovan picks up Friedrich Nietzsche's thoughts on nobility and master morality and uses them to guide men through an "upside-down" modern world, avoid the trap of hateful ressentiment, and overcome adversity through creativity. In Donovan's hands, Nietzsche's words are rasps and chisels to help men refine a strength-based ethos, reveal their highest and noblest selves and become more complete men. And, as Nietzsche reminded us, man is a beast - so to become a more complete man is always to become a more complete beast.

OP said

He wants to be happy instead of being free. He is already free but he does not want to be free by trying to be happy.

I'm reading it now, which might be why I'm so into Nietzsche at the moment. It really breaks things down into laymens terms which is nice because Nietzsche's actual words are kind of mad in their organisation.

I consider all of Donovan's work a living sequel to the movie fight club. So it's pure entertainment fodder for me.

I didn't mean in the context of this thread. I meant in the context of truth. What does it mean to be truly free in this age? Is it even possible? Preferable? Why?

Oh no, I want to know the truth.

I just want to learn how to cope/live with it instead of letting it eat away at me.

So, you find yourself drawn toward this perfect, unreachable
star — because you recognize a dull and imperfect reflection of
its light inside you. You have given value to strength, not
because it is necessary or demanded of you, but because you
believe that strength has value in and of itself. You have given
value to strength because you love your life and love yourself
and you believe that making yourself stronger also makes you
more completely what you are. You have answered a call to a
form, and resigned yourself to slog toward that form through
an endless morass of self-imposed pain and strife.
In another age, one imagines, this striving would be expected
— or widely admired at the very least.

But not this age. Today you will be called a fool and a faker.
You will be lectured about the toxicity of your pursuit by
partisan “experts” and you will be told, with smug and haughty
snark, that your desire to become more of what you already
are is a product of your “insecurity.” Parroting these experts,
there will be celebrities, popular writers, educators and
corporate media mouthpieces who will insist that you are
behind the times, and that you must “evolve” — which in every
instance means to become less like a man and more like a
woman. Your efforts to realize your own masculine potential will
be dismissed with an affected amusement in an attempt to
disarm and discourage you, and in the very next breath, the
same people will say that what you are doing is a threat to
women, to “progress,” to equality and to whatever they call

Yes. To be free = nihilism

If you delve into Nietzsche you'll learn a way to use your frustration as fuel to achieve mastery of a subject or skill which will aid you greatly in your journey. It is a self affirming philosophy of LIFE in a world that celebrates weakness and death. Not only that but advocates the struggle against impossible odds.

Jack please stop quoting your own book through TOR.

False. Nihilism was meant to be overcome. Watch the videos, last man.

In your case it might be a hormone problem, cortisol. Reading all this red pill thing secretes cortisol and in some cases even after you are done taking the red pill, your body will make excessive cortisol because you are in a red pill mode and everything around is seen through red pill lenses.

Think of cortisol as nature’s built-in alarm system. It’s your body’s main stress hormone. It works with certain parts of your brain to control your mood, motivation, and fear.

Your adrenal glands – triangle-shaped organs at the top of your kidneys – make cortisol.

It’s best known for helping fuel your body’s “fight-or-flight” instinct in a crisis, but cortisol plays an important role in a number of things your body does. For example, it:

Manages how your body uses carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
Keeps inflammation down
Regulates your blood pressure
Increases your blood sugar (glucose)
Controls your sleep/wake cycle
Boosts energy so you can handle stress and restores balance afterward

How Does It Work?

Your hypothalamus and pituitary gland – both located in your brain – can sense if your blood contains the right level of cortisol. If the level is too low, your brain adjusts the amount of hormones it makes. Your adrenal glands pick up on these signals. Then, they fine-tune the amount of cortisol they release.

Cortisol receptors – which are in most cells in your body – receive and use the hormone in different ways. Your needs will differ from day to day. For instance, when your body is on high alert, cortisol can alter or shut down functions that get in the way. These might include your digestive or reproductive systems, your immune system, or even your growth processes.

Sometimes, your cortisole levels can get out of whack.

Too Much Stress

After the pressure or danger has passed, your cortisol level should calm down. Your heart, blood pressure, and other body systems will get back to normal.

But what if you’re under constant stress and the alarm button stays on?

It can derail your body’s most important functions. It can also lead to a number of health problems, including:

Anxiety and depression
Heart disease
Memory and concentration problems
Problems with digestion
Trouble sleeping
Weight gain

Remember when I said demoralization propaganda? They're pretty lazy too, I ran over to halfchan to take a gander at their catalog and what do I find?

A little lesson for you. Demoralization propaganda is fairly subtle and generally taps into common insecurities and concerns (i.e. the blackpill).

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How did cavemen get shit done eventually and we have all the knowledge and tools we need and we can't do a fucking thing?

Oh wait , monopolies, taxes, no land , we are surrounded by zombies.

I was redpilled at a young age, I never really believed the propaganda. By 9 I'd already had the federal reserve explained to me and made aware of the fact that all of the central banks were running the same racket and since they owned the money they owned the governments and major companies.
Everyone is telling you what they believe to be true or what they want you to believe to be true. None of it has anything to do with actual truth which has to be observed and affirmed on your own.
You no longer believe what is said to you and no longer think that society has these truths.

This is because you are only half redpilled. You still equate the culture and words of the controllers with society, hence the disconnection. Society isn't them though but all of us, and they are the disconnected parasites imposing centralized orders in a decentralized system. You live normally by realizing that there are humans like you behind the posts here. By realizing that society isn't what they say it is or what they tell you but the sum total of all human interaction and experience. That you cannot be separate from society because you are a node within the larger category.
It sounds to me like a defensive measure due to feeling in hostile territory. You aren't in hostile territory, you are home, you just really don't like the decor in the front hall, so don't read in the front hall.

The anons who were talking about meaning were right.
State your truths, sustain yourself, improve yourself, tend your soul, and morality, and try to make the people around you happier and healthier and honoured. If the war grates on you rest, it isn't worth saving the west to break ourselves, and end up just as degenerate and hurt as those we oppose.

Go out in nature and go jump is some big ass lakes. Also keep a journal, don't just chronicle your life either but dump your mind into it.

Finally you get out of society what you put into it. Half of what you experience is reality reacting to the front you've put on. So aim decency at people and work on building up personal bonds. Talk to your family, family is the point to most of this.
Hopefully that makes sense.
PS: The globalists and jews want a static system of central control. Change is one of the only constants; they are in conflict with a fundamental property of the universe and cannot possibly succeed. At some undefined point their shit will collapse because it is inferior and something more effective will replace it. So We cannot even lose, the game is already set and done.

The thread still speaks to people who are choking on the black pill. It is a legitimate concern that we should answer to help the sanity and well being of our brothers and by extension the whole movement.

great post

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Engage in physical activity involving both group effort and if possible, physical impact. Open water sports are an excellent option for those living close to a body of water. Crossfit might be a good option for those in climates that require indoor confinement.

I’ve gained personal strength in learning the truth. It’s elevated me above people who are too incompetent to learn. I feel pity and disgust for people brainwashed by ((())). You better learn to like yourself user.

I'm reading the book now but at least the first chapters look like something a magapede would gain knowledge from.. for Zig Forums this is already learned knowledge

disregard all that nihilist propaganda above

the egyptian, semetic/middle eastern/Babylonian religions and chinese and indian religions are all based on a very similar story with repeating characters and metaphysical themes. the western philosophy is that of the greek/later roman and christian pantheons, the greek and roman gods were converted to christian saints ect. but the christian portion is just the eastern religions reinterpreted to suit the theme the people at the time, they followed the teaching of jesus, which is not the bible, jesus is only a short part of the bible and only his direct words are technically "Christianity" the pope has said there is a difference between the Vatican holy see and the Mystical Body of Christ, thats the people who believe in jesus but not the institute of the church and saints and divine right to rule ect. and the popes authority. the 2 philosophies are very different in that the western one puts a single god of the universe above all other god and men, unalienable rights comes from that version. the eastern philosophy is that of multiple gods and that men can be gods if they gain enough wisdom, that wisdom can create gods and ultimately power to decide what anyone does is the result of power over them.

the ubermensch/Aryan race of the national socialist party mythology was created by a perversion of the eastern Indian teachings of madame blavatsky and the german theo

wikipedia is gay but use it for further reference
La Nouvelle-Orléans (New Orleans) was founded in Spring of 1718 (May 7 has become the traditional date to mark the anniversary, but the actual day is unknown[22]) by the French Mississippi Company, under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville, on land inhabited by the Chitimacha. It was named for Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, who was Regent of the Kingdom of France at the time. His title came from the French city of Orléans.
The Mississippi Company (French: Compagnie du Mississippi; founded 1684, named the Company of the West from 1717, and the Company of the Indies from 1719[1]) was a corporation holding a business monopoly in French colonies in North America and the West Indies. When land development and speculation in the region became frenzied and detached from economic reality, the Mississippi bubble became one of the earliest examples of an economic bubble.
The legal system in Louisiana—unlike that of any other state—derives from the Civil Code established by the French emperor in 1804. Four years before Louisiana became a state in 1812, the former French and Spanish colony adopted a version of the Napoleonic Code. (Some people say it’s wrong to call Louisiana’s legal system “Napoleonic,” since the state Civil Code was also influenced by Spanish law. Historians still argue over the extent of this Spanish influence.) The resulting system of “civil law” in the state differs from the other 49 states’ “common-law” traditions in terms of methodology. Rulings in the French-influenced system derive from direct interpretation of the law; rulings in the common-law system give greater authority to legal precedent.
Despite popular belief that the Louisiana Civil Code derives from the Napoleonic Code, the similarities are because both stem from common sources, namely the 1800 Draft of the Napoleonic Code.[17] The Napoleonic Code was not enacted in France until 1804, one year after the Louisiana Purchase. Historians in 1941 and 1965 discovered original notes of the 1808 Digest drafters who stated their goal was to base Louisiana law on Spanish law and who make no mention of the Napoleonic Code.[18] The 1825 Code, however, which had the express purpose of repealing earlier Spanish law, elevated French law as the main source of Louisiana jurisprudence.[19][20] Currently, the Louisiana Civil Code consists of 3,556 individual code articles.[21] of Bilbao&source=bl&ots=a9CiRIs9cC&sig=KnHob2WYavJ82PwcELE51c_x2z0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjCitzA74rfAhUHxlQKHSFaDNsQ6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Ordinances of Bilbao&f=false
he term status quo ante bellum (often shortened to status quo ante) is a Latin phrase meaning "the state existing before the war".[1]

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This Noble Beast has rebelled against civilization in choosing
hardness over softness, in valuing what has been transvaluated,
inverted and perverted by the culture of ressentiment that
dominates the Empire. He has resigned himself to becoming a
barbarian, an outsider, a spiritual outlaw who “wears the head
of a wolf.” He owes love and loyalty only to those oathed to
him, who wander the outskirts of the Empire with him,
shoulder-to-shoulder. He owes apologies, arguments and
explanations only to his peers. He loots, plunders and pillages
the Empire when it is advantageous to do so. Knowing that
the Empire and its passive citizens will always align themselves
against him, the outsider, he feels no remorse for those beyond
the perimeter of his protection.

In this new spiritual realm, this New, Noble Barbarian — is a
creator, choosing his own values and, with his brothers, he
gives order to a new world within a world — remaking it from
the ruins of that which came before.