Ron Paul Trashes Trump Foreign Policy: Doing The Same Thing And Expecting Different Results

After a week of insisting that a meeting with Putin on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Argentina was going to happen, President Trump at the last minute sent out a Tweet explaining that due to a Russia/Ukraine dispute in the Sea of Azov he would no longer be willing to meet his Russian counterpart.

According to Trump, the meeting had to be cancelled because the Russians seized three Ukrainian naval vessels in Russian waters that refused to follow instructions from the Russian military. But as Pat Buchanan wrote in a recent column: how is this little dispute thousands of miles away any of our business?

Unfortunately it is “our business” because of President Obama’s foolish idea to overthrow a democratically-elected, pro-Russia government in Ukraine in favor of what his Administration believed would be a “pro-Western” and “pro-NATO” replacement. In short, the Obama Administration did openly to Ukraine what his Democratic Party claims without proof the Russians did to the United States: meddled in a vote.

US interventionism in Ukraine led to the 2014 coup and many dead Ukrainians. Crimea’s majority-Russian population held a referendum and decided to re-join Russia rather than remain in a “pro-West” Ukraine that immediately began discriminating against them. Why would anyone object to people opting out of abusive relationships?

What is most disappointing about President Trump’s foreign policy is that it didn’t have to be this way. He ran on a platform of America first, ending foreign wars, NATO skepticism, and better relations with Russia. Americans voted for this policy. He had a mandate, a rejection of Obama’s destructive interventionism.

But he lost his nerve.

Instead of being the president who ships lethal weapons to the Ukrainian regime, instead of being the president who insists that Crimea remain in Ukraine, instead of being the president who continues policies the American people clearly rejected at the ballot box, Trump could have blamed the Ukraine/Russia mess on the failed Obama foreign policy and charted a very different course. What flag flies over Crimea is none of our business. We are not the policemen of the world and candidate Trump seemed to have understood that.

But now Trump’s in a trap.

He was foolish enough to believe that Beltway foreign policy “experts” have a clue about what really is American national interest. Just this week he told the Washington Post, in response to three US soldiers being killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, that he has to keep US troops fighting in the longest war in US history because the “experts” tell him there is no alternative.

He said, “virtually every expert that I have and speak to say if we don’t go there, they’re going to be fighting over here. And I’ve heard it over and over again.”

That is the same bunkum the neocons sold us as they lied us into Iraq! We’ve got to fight Saddam over there or he’d soon be in our streets. These “experts” are worthless, yet for some reason President Trump cannot break free of them.

Well here’s some unsolicited advice to the president: Listen to the people who elected you, who are tired of the US as the world’s police force. Let Ukraine and Russia work out their own problems. Give all your “experts” a pink slip and start over with a real pro-American foreign policy: non-interventionism.

And whatever else you do Donald, don't let poor Ivanka cry.

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One of the things that's going on here, if you analyze it from the vantage point of the demands of the banker elite of London and NY City is that the Silk Road project must be stopped. Thus the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, the threats against Iran and the blocking of it's route through Kiev by staging a coup there. There's also all these $1.5 billion dollar air bases throughout central asia that can block it at any time.

It all has to do with propping up the petrodollar.

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B..BUT its 4d chess, Q told me so.

Fucking share blue and their demoralizing threads!


Ron Paul is a jew supporting gold hoarder, hes in the front row of criminals on rope day

Trump's tweet was an excuse to do what his Jewish friends want.

Stop depending on Trump or the GOP. March through the institutions or campaign for public office.

Too bad Rand projects himself as such a low T faggot. Trump already gave out the recipe ; deportation , gun rights , blocking immigration , no war. It’s that fucking easy. That’s what we as the broad right want. Someone needs to pick up the baton and carry where Trump left off. Someone needs to come along and be even more outrageous than Trump. These lolbergs will never do that though because they’re too big of pussies and they only care about muh dude weed and muh legal immigration because diversity is our strength.

So, who's behind the AIIB? The usual suspects?

Suuuure. It had nothing to do with the abysmal ratings of the government during the revolt.
only after russian forces surrounded all ukrainian military bases on the peninsula and captured and occupied governmental buildings including the pairlament of then Autonomus Republic of Crimea. I bet they are happy now since Russia has designated Crimea as just a part of Rostov region.

every time, plebs.

If the US could do that in Kosovo, so can Russia in Crimea.

tfw opium production is still high in Afghanistan.
tfw the Sakler family hasn't been prosecuted.
tfw Perdue Pharma hasn't been shut down.

They are.

Exept there was actual turmoil in Cosovo even before USA got involved.

infa 100%?

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But the US controls the world shipping lanes no?
And shipping goods on water is a lot more efficient than taking them across land.
Would the Silk Road really make that big of a difference?

Neocohen retards GTFO.

No one liked the previous pro-Kremlin governments installed by Russia and no one likes the current pro-EU government installed by America.
Everyone always wants to use Ukraine as we are the borderland between two (((empires))), but I am sick of all of it and sooner or later the simple Ukrainian is going to fully awaken and strike back at these (((enemies))) of ours with the force of a thousand suns.

get back to Huff Po kike

The new silk road/Belt and Road project is mostly railroads, not automobile roads. Shipping goods by water takes less infrastructure, just two ports and a boat, as opposed to building the whole track between the two destinations, but trains, once tracks are built, are more fuel efficient than boats. Especially since the freight lines go essentially straight from china to Europe, connecting oil fields and other natural resource hubs along the way, whereas boat traffic between the two has to go either 1000s of miles out of the way to go around the horn of Africa, through the politically unstable Suez canal, or through the 1/2-the-year-frozen Arctic Ocean north of Russia.
Which is why chinks want a direct land route.

Saging because faggot OP provided no archive, link, embed, or anything to support his OP.


Ron Paul is an old ass retard that would have no insight on what goes on behind the scenes. I don't see how this geriatric idiot is even relevant after shitting on building a wall or wanting to grant amnesty to millions of squatamalons.


The only thing going on behind the scenes is Trump massaging Netanyahu's balls.

Yeah, we are witnessing their pivot towards China. They want to stop OBOR at any cost.

Personally, I am rooting for China.

That's why Assad lives and the charges facing Bibi tighten everyday.

Kill yourself.

Bibi or not Israel still gets it's fucking money.

And they'll spend it on another plane that Assad will shoot out of the sky.

American tax dollars wasted on jews.

The strategy for Syria had already shifted before Trump was even elected. USA is still in Syria and the goals have not changed, just the timetable and means of accomplishing the goal. And again, this all occurred before the election, if you were paying attention.

Better than our current Jew overlords.

The Chinese are yellow jews, lurk moar.

Syria is stable. No region change will happen, sorry to burst your bubble Chaim.

Small price to pay considering aid to other nations has been cut drastically. The kikes are being choked with hubris. Its a shame so many let rage and their low IQ blind them to this.

Not quite. As a White man, I could more easily raise a decent White family in China than I could in any western Jew-ruled country. Chinese are deceptive and materialistic like Jews, but chinks do not have the same inherent drive to destroy everything good in the world that Jews have. The simplest way to explain the difference is that chinks are merely amoral, while Jews are outright immoral and focus their full energies on destroying and humiliating the good. Similarly, chinks are neutral to Whites or see us as useful people who can work for them, while Jews are anti-White and only want to destroy us (even to the point that they risk destroying themselves in the process).

The reality of the situation is that Whites are a conquered people. Conquered people with no institutional power only have two ways of ridding themselves of hostile elite that rules over them: violent peasant rebellion or assisting a rival elite in displacing the current elite. And usually the successful peasant rebellions are also backed by a rival elite. Since there is no White elite anywhere in the world today, our only viable choice is to look to a less-hostile non-White elite. Chinese, being the only ones even approaching parity with the USA, are the only ones who fit the bill.

38 billion dollars is not a small price. That's American money wasted on jews and you're just peachy about it.

We can only hope. But the goal still remains. The current strategy seems to be to directly weaken Iran first, and assist in the Yemen conflict. Nothing has changed regarding American grand strategy. You misunderstand what is happening because you mistake operational level for strategic level (while in reality these two levels are often contradictory from a merely superficial viewpoint).

oboma was an anti semite he funded hezbollah
go based israel and royssia
fuck drumpf nazi

BlackRock and other funds are under a massive loss, so they are pushing for war on all fronts, one of the reasons MasterCard and Visa are stepping up the censorship game. They will have a war, one way or another.

These types with Silicon Valley fags are the true enemies of liberty.

This is the part where I once again have to step in and completely humiliate MAGA kikes.

I don't even have to use the 3TB of data I have on Syria, I only have to take the latest news to clearly demonstrate the absolute stupidity and total dishonesty of your (((kind))).

>To "provide stability" in Syria, the US needs to train and equip around 40,000 local fighters, but is only 20 percent of the way to that number right now, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford said. “The presence we have in Syria right now is sustainable and can be adjusted based on conditions,” Dunford added, during the “Transformers:Defense” event hosted by the Washington Post on Thursday. Since 2014, the US has sent around two thousand special operations forces into Syria, citing the need to defeat Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists. Damascus has denounced their presence as illegal occupation. US troops in Syria officially only advise and assist the “Syrian Democratic Forces,” a proxy militia consisting mostly of Kurdish and some local Arab fighters, whose estimated troop strength is around 65-70,000. Territories liberated from IS by the SDF have not been returned to government control; instead, the US-backed fighters have set up a parallel government structure there. The SDF seems to have fared somewhat better than other forces the US has sought to cultivate in Syria previously. In 2015, it emerged that “moderate rebels” being trained and armed by the US in Turkey quickly (((surrendered to the Al-Nusra Front jihadists))) once they entered Syria.

There you go. Now, what does the keyword (((stability))) actually mean in think-tank / ZOG circles? It means occupation as long as deemed necessary/profitable by the people who control puppets like POTUS. In other words, the major Syrian oilfields (of key importance for the Syrian economy) will stay occupied. The US is not leaving the Syria, nor is it leaving all the countries in the region. France will also stay in Syria until forced to leave by the situation on the ground - there's no telling how long that will take. Special Zogbots will keep on training and actively supporting & protecting terror groups in the region.

Iran, Russia, Hezbollah, the PLA, China and most importantly, the Syrian Arab Army deserve full credit for the success of Assad. Not your irrelevant puppet. In case you're having trouble keeping up, Kelly, Dunford and Mattis and the ones in charge of handling Trump on a day-to-day basis. Pence is a backup plan.

Trust the plan goy


also checked

Trips of truth.

definitely agree on that. what we can salvage out of trump's presidency is that he has made a lot of unspeakable taboos speakable. Now someone needs to DO them.

Not even that is true. This stuff was all common on talk radio for years. If you've ever listened to Rush Limbaugh it is not too different from Trump's rhetoric. That's actually where Trump got those talking points. He had a team of (presumably Jewish) guys who listened to talk radio every day and A/B tested different talking points they heard to decide what he should say at his rallies.

He did the exact opposite, he explicitly condemned white nationalism and put up a hate crime report page on the FBI's website. He even increased legal immigration, he was never impressive, just another neocon LARPing as friendly to whites.

Hell, even fags like McCain would dog whistle about immigration to get votes. He even had a "build the wall"-style ad just a few years ago (literally "build the danged fence" in the ad).

I've said it once and I'll say it many times again; You have my condolences, you Ukies, all you wanted was independence and instead you're getting interventions and sock puppets.

find me an example of a president threatening to use lethal force against illegals before trump. before you object, yes, I'm aware they are empty threats, but again… my point is to springboard off those empty threats into making them real threats.

ron paul is what brought me to pol in the first place. His only problem is his lack of awareness of the JQ.

I can find you plenty more who have threatened legal ones at that.

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Trump never did this. You're distorting what he said because you're trumpcucked and have a low IQ. His statements were framed as safety of muh troops, which has been the standard cuckservative talking point for decades (rules of engagement etc.).

wow wtf trump wants peace thats not based
trump is supposed to be a based israeli president king like vladimir shelomova
how can i dab now

hes also friends with trump so the media and shills are just going for a lame D&C

They gain power by doing the same thing again and again
And YOU always tolerate it, regardless of how much you suffer

Why wouldn't they keep doing the same thing?

It will never stop until we take up arms and destroy their chain of command - judges, university professors, media executives, federal law enforcement officers, military intelligence officers, etc.

You have a very simple choice - get ready to do these things, and do them, or be tortured to death as your family and friends are raped and destroyed.

cue the resident israeli college student shills crying "FBI GLOW IN THE DARK XDDDDD"


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yep, israeli college students

if you're not used to typing Zig Forums automatically you're not from around here

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What did he hit him with, an old Gateway CRT monitor?

I've always liked the comparison of him to Cicero (squeamish but a staunch believer in the freedom guaranteed by the Republic), whereas Trump is more like Crassus (having bought his way into political office). What is needed now is two military generals to run for office and use their armies to duke it out on American soil, MacArthur and Patton would have been perfect to fit that role.

jesus you are stupid. I'm not a trumpcuck, but I guess I am if I say anything other than "we're absolutely fucked and there's nothing we can do to gain benefit from the situation".

Well painting a pretty picture inside your prison cell isn't a good start.

that's not at all what I'm doing, but you're a waste of time, so just continue with the meaningless crap.

Shows how Trump betrayed his base and is no different from the other kike puppets before him.

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Paul is right as usual, kikes fucking hate him and Pat Buchanan.

Trump's genuine base is jewish capital. The dumb people who vote for him are just the window dressing needed in a democracy.

Nobody cares what this kike loving lolberg thinks.


Fuck off yid.

Russia never paid for Ukraine state property it seized along with land btw even if you accept that Crimea people avoided legal due process for separation as prescribed by the Ukrainian law.


This…. In all honesty I believe trump did show up on the scene with good intentions for America. Things went south when he got inaugurated and started selecting his (((cabinet))). (((they))) took full advantage of the fact that he is a TV watching boomer and easily swayed and easily convinced by what ever lies they feed him on a daily basis. It gets worse everyday.

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Did you even watch the video you posted?

Yeah, he is, as that video illustrates. He calls for cutting off all aid to Israel. He attempts to sell this to the boomers in the audience by framing it as being a good thing for Israel because it would make them independent and sovereign. Are you opposed to cutting off aid to Israel?

He then says that America shouldn't get involved in geopolitical disputes in the middle east. He attempts to sell this to the boomers in the audience by framing it as America not telling Israel what to do. Are you opposed to the USA not getting involved in geopolitical issues in the middle east?

He is clearly supporting good policies here.


But no. He’s a kike lover like Trump. Accept it and move on.

You support aid to Israel.

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You're too dumb to function.

So because the news reports someone saying something needs to happen, it's tottaly going to happen? Because Dunford is the real president. All you kikes do read bullshit out of crystal and say drumphs a kike, death to America and then when nothing happens and you premonitions were dog shit you're no where to be found.

France is about to rip that shabbos idiot Macrons fucking head off.

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Proof of your assertions nigger. What makes you think Bibi isn't getting indicted on anything?


Ron Zig Forums was legit, unlike (((Blumpf)))

Because he isn't.

that meme is fucking retarded, everyone knows commie dipshits are infiltrating every corner of the tech sector

Trump has provided no benefit. In fact, he has caused great harm by claiming to be a nationalist and then making his "nationalism" look like a retarded form of conservativism. So now when normalfags hear the word "nationalist," they immediately will associate it with the low IQ failure Trump and his dumbass Jewish policies.

not to mention actual nationalists get thrown to the fucking wolves

Yeah, not sure why they can't figure it out either.

Every group that tries that shit ends up burning themselves to thw ground.