Welp, protcucks confirmed cucks once again
Is there anything missing from your cult to be an utter cuck shed?
You got these as well…
Welp, protcucks confirmed cucks once again
Other urls found in this thread:
nice formatting
ELCA are not real Lutherans and go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200
good job
protcucks btfo
being protestant is absolutely heretical
Yeah and what have the "real" Lutherans said about these stories? Post links to their criticisms, please.
What matters here is no christcuck will choose a white atheist (or non-Christian) over a holy nigger for their daughter to marry. It's a sad state of affairs where religion comes before race. Praise Yahweh, shalom goyim
The absolute fucking state of Christianity in America…
It's not Christianity, it's (((christianity))).
stopped reading there
Oh my fucking god
>>>Zig Forums
Go the fuck back to your board, this has nothing to do with fucking Zig Forums.
Incorrect. The iron links between Zig Forums and Zig Forums are, of course, Christian Identity and Positive Christianity. You don't have to like them, but exist they do.
Yes, you and the 8 other "only real christians" in the entire world, who exist only on this board and are outcasts in the real christian community, who worships jews. Neato
Designed to wean people of the Bible and its Jewish fables.
Global report.
>It's not Christianity, it's (((christianity))).
I was ahead you user.
Zig Forums is not Zig Forums. Kill yourself semite loving astroturfer.
wean people off*
Checked. There are nine of us actually.
There are actually 10 of us, brother.
Eleven of us now.
I don't argue against or in favor of Christian Identity or Positive Christianity, my knowledge regarding Biblical anthropology is much too thin for that. You'd need at least working knowledge of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic to authoritatively draw a conclusion from a Zig Forums point of view, which obviously applies to you as well.
All I'm saying is that
1) CI exists and
2) it's a fast growing group, judging by readership of the main sites
Besides, it's more than a little suspicious to see you railing against CI, which is the most hardcore WN variant of Christianity in existence - don't we want more Christians becoming racially aware, after all? I won't call you a shill yet, but it surely reeks of D&C.
And lo, their number did increase yet one.
Twelve were they according to the number thereof.
Admittedly a far cry from the billions of Christians and other Abrahamics.
Just as Christ died for the sins of man inherited from Adam and Eve by being fooled by Satan, all the faux "Christians" in the world who have rejected Christ and support those who have rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah (the jews and israel), and have been fooled by Satan and his Synagogue by ignoring the multitude of warnings of Christ throughout the Bible will not be saved a second time.
Christ only forgives such a grievous Satanic crime once, as was foretold in revelations.
>a sect that has been the butt of closet fag and pedo jokes for a millenium and a halffor good reason
Repent now.
The numbers have spoken to everybody to see.
To be frank, you don't exactly come across as very educated or even rational, and I'm not even Catholic.
So, you also found the truth that there is no archaeological evidence to support any claims made in the OT or NT?
What about the bible borrowing the majority of its tales and gables from greek culture and slapping new names on it?
The theft of heathen holidays for the express purpose of subversion?
Please englighten me, Mr. Totally-not-a-catholic who posts a catholic meme
Fuck off kike.
It doesn't matter user.
Just know that evil must be destroyed.
The synagogue of Satan must fall.
Divide and conquer is a know kikes' trick.
Blasphemy is not welcome.
I got as far as the hyphenated name.
Nobody fucking cares. This isn't a Zig Forums topic. It has nothing to do with politics. It's you same cuckstain niggers spamming the board over and over trying to shill and spread your semite religion while your headquarters Zig Forums's BO hands out permabans like candy if someone so much as goes over there and tells you niggers to stop spamming this board.
Fine Japanese Mino style pottery.
The glazework is exquisite, showing signs of a true craftsman.
You're baiting, right?
mfw Jesus inb4'd this 2,000 years ago
Number 14 checking in.
Also lies.
credit for the following text goes to the other poster(s) that wrote it:
This is an astroturfing thread. The main issue here is that the conflict is white versus jew, not christian versus jew. OP intentionally is identifying the opposition to the jews as christians, thereby implying that the racial element is not the issue and that since Zig Forums is aligned against the jews then Zig Forums is made up of christians.
Be wary of how christian shills word threads. And by christian shills I mean the JIDF. They're the ones who want to turn this into a christian versus jew conflict even though christians view jews as allies and brethren and bible makes it clear that all christians are jews because they worship the same lord.
Hi, paid jewish shill.
Got any evidence to prove that the kingdom of Pissrael existed in those times?
Any evidence or tomes describing the "City of Jerusalem," that was supposed to be massive according to the bibble?
Any proof of Mt. Sinai ever being used by humans during the time described in the bibble?
Any hard evidence of the "forty years' desert trip?"
Go read Rev2:9 reddit nigger.
Who do you think did most of the pogroms throughout history?
Newsflash, every denomination is cucked.
>>>Zig Forums
No, my reading-impaired friend, I said exactly the opposite:
Hilariously false. I don't have the slightest problem with you being anti-Christian, but realize that statements like those make you appear like a complete ass to any lurker even slightly familiar with history.
Of course.
Are you really saying that you are not aware of the deep connection between religion and politics? I'll just assume I misread you; nobody on Zig Forums could possibly be this ignorant.
Look, I don't mean to be rude, but it seems you don't even know that this very debate (literalism vs. allegorism) is as old a Christian theology itself. You are in way over your head.
Christian Identity in no way, shape or form can be described as "cucked", even by the most hostile anti-Christian observer. But you know that, of course; that's why you're pushing your D&C here, after all.
CI is batshit crazy "WE WUZ JEWS" nonsense. It's basically Nation of Islam for whites.
That's not much of a metric.
Our goal is and always has been National Socialism, not some muddled flavor of racially aware Christianity. If anything, Christianity gets in the way of National Socialism.
Why do Christians always insist that people who attack Christianity are shills when they literally coined a word because of how many NSDAP officials were leaving Christianity?
If you're going to brag about persecuting Jews then riddle me this: why were they given preferential treatment? Christians spent ~1100 years forcibly converting Europe and stamping out whatever traces of pre-Christian religion they could get away with, but the Jews never received anything more than a slap on the wrist in comparison. An expulsion here, some mob violence there, yaddda yadda yadda the tl;dr is that the Jews not only survived in the Christian west but thrived to an extent paralleled nowhere else. When heathen places of worship were being torn down and their priests tortured to death, Jews were being allowed to build synagogues. When a group of over-zealous crusaders put a population of Jews to the sword, the Church responded with a papal bull protecting Jews. For thousands of years it has been the same philosemetic story over and over again.
15 dudes in buttfuck Idaho doesn't make up for the millions upon millions of multiculti mainstream Christians.
Your sect is also considered heretical by almost all of them, including by the fags over at Zig Forums
Tldr- >>>Zig Forums
Look, fag, I get it.
You're probably 19-23, got caught up with the 2016 election, and found your way here. You grew up in a prot household, amd drifted away in high school. Just like every other youngfag, you are emotionally weak and easily manipulated, and sought comfort when the President stopped fulfilling promises.
You found >>>Zig Forums and never looked back. You autism has turned into a zeal that will be your downfall.
When you make it to the other side, and you aren't in some made up paradise, but instead in the abyss, don't get angry.
I am not here to force you one way or the other, but seeing white men throw their lives and souls away for no reason other than ego comfort is disheartening.
This. ELCA would have been burned at the stake by Martin Luther.
idiot catholics would rather slander protestantism than fix their own church. sad