Lets assume that's the case: You aren't doing that.
Neither is Tucker Carlson, neither is Trump.
Notice how neither Trump nor Tucker EVER says anything about White people directly? Not how they never REALLY talk about the demographic issue? Notice how they never REALLY address immigration directly?
Christ, Tucker is CONSTANTLY shilling for legal immigration and the status quo - 90% of his complains begin with "I agree with you, but" followed by some ZOG propaganda bullshit focused only on some segment of the issues in play in modern America.
You want Whites "politically aware"? Well, newflash nigger, to be meaningfully "politically aware" is to understand that Trump and Tucker are not YOUR allies, are not the allies, nor servants, of their political base, but are servants of THE ENEMIES OF THEIR POLITICAL BASE.
If Tucker gave a shit, he wouldn't be limiting himself to ZOG propaganda on Faux Jews - he'd be on the internet dropping REAL 'redpills' on the masses on a daily basis. Instead, he's huddling at the Faux Jews studios in Jew York, shilling about how ILLEGAL immigration is bad while repeating that the US is a nation of immigrants and such shit.
These people do not address the real problems, they address some tiny, safe portion of the problem, while promoting the status quo as though its wonderful.
I agree that such is the point; however, I obviously disagree entirely with the notion that Trump/Tucker are ACTUALLY making Whites "politically aware" in a way that matters.
Take the wall for instance.
The wall will, AT BEST, halt 1 in 3 illegals coming into the US. AT BEST.
The other 2 in 3 illegals are the product of visa overstays - that is, they are the product of LEGAL immigration.
Illegal spics are only a minor problem relative to LEGAL spics, and yet, none of these supposed "political awareness" promoters ever meaningfully address it. The best you might get is some shit like the RAISE Act Trump tried to shill, which would have just limited influx to outlier mudfolk, which is a STATIC FUCKING MECHANISM that only winds up in furthering the demographic disintegration, and everyone with a brain knows as much.
So why don't they speak out against LEGAL immigration? Why all this focus on this big stupid fucking wall that's only ever as useful as the men guarding it, meaning it can be completely invalidated by a Democrat being in power (or even 99% of Republicans!)?
Because the people you're shilling for are not actually your allies, they are not actually making anyone "politically aware" - they aim to elucidate JUUUUUUUUST enough to keep you assmad, but still on-board with support for the status quo - but the status quo is the demographic demise of the US White population, which means being assmad about a few illegal beaners is just a distraction from the a great scene which those supposed 'allies' you're shilling for deny outright and do everything in their power to avoid YOU being aware of.
So, yeah, getting Whites to be politically aware? That'd be great, and that's something we need.
But the point is that Trump and Tucker, who you're shilling for on the basis of them contributing to that, are not meaningfully contributing to that, in that their job is to get you to dip your toes - AND ONLY YOUR TOES - into the waters of political awareness. The moment you start going deeper, their job is likewise to decry you and scream about how you're a bad goy.
Because those they actually serve, their true (((masters))), desire you to only wet your toes, to never go any deeper - and so they wheel out controlled opposition, they wheel out the pressure release valves, and cuckold that you are, you shill on their behalf.
Good goy.