Speaking in London in 2007, Finnish pan-Aryan nationalist and revolutionary theorist Kai Murros delivered inspiring remarks which, if overly optimistic, are nonetheless strikingly prescient and still capable of uplifting morale:
Kai Murros Predicted the Rise of the Alt-Right Ten Years Ago
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Reminder to just filter trash like this without dragging the thread down. Filter anyone else who consistently engages the poster. Derailments work in teams.
The Left has a greater capacity to profit from Chaos.
The Right has no infrastructure whatever to co-opt social revolution and discontent.
A man can only dream.
I think the chapter in Michael Collins Piper's 2006 book The Judas Goats about Jared Taylor and "zionist-friendly nationalism" was a better prediction of the aut-kike.
regardless, anyone who was following the NrX/accelerationist/Dark Enlightenment blogosphere at the time probably had some inkling of what was to come, we just didn't know what kind of e-celeb cringefest it was going to devolve into.
One of the best pieces of propaganda I've seen.
If the left are so good at profiting from chaos why are they and the likes running scared from the yellow vests while more and more are blaming Jewish bankers for everything bad?
Literally nobody in MSM is blaming 'jewish bankers'.
Anyone considered 'far right' has been sent home from the protests.
There is almost a complete media blackout on the riots.
They won't be covered until the Left has a grip on the direction of them.
That is an example of the Left's almost total control of chaos