Tucker Carlson says Trump is ‘not capable’ and hasn’t kept his promises
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Quick, someone send tucker carlson the trump bingo
Pissed his wife got riled up by antifa.
Coupled with his failure to classify antifa as a domestic terror group, I'd bet that played a big part in it. Also, checked.
We all deserve better than that about-faced shabbos.
Kill yourself yid.
It's true though, what has Trump followed through with? What has he done for whites, and don't give me speculations, give me specific incidents?
I'll give him the recent border incidents and the butthurt he's caused among glomo jew fags, but that's it. So far all he's done is go back and forth on immigration bans, moved the Israeli embassy, and banned bump stocks. He's beginning to seem like a one term president, not god emperor.
Fuck off beaner. No speaka da spic.
Reminder gents, this is a shill. It's done nothing but try and place fault lines in the discussion at an early stage of the thread's life. Filter, report, and ignore. not that the vols care
What does it matter what people Trump surrounds himself with when Judges and fags in congress just keeps opposing him?
Tucker putting trumpshits feet to tye fire
Even if you're a die hard Trump fanatic you still have to have a place for constructive criticism because short of q-boomer trust the plan tier retardation, it is hard to call this last 2 years successful.
It matters because he has surrounded himself with jews, shabbos goyim, zionists, traitors, "never trumpers" and "the swamp" he said he was going to drain.
Please tell me he called out trump pardoning a kike who smuggled illegals into the country.
Tucker Carlson is still a kike loving Zionist. Impolite sage, fuck OP and fuck the Tucker shills in this thread.
Tucker Carlson is less cucked than daily stormer or TRS at this point
Forgot the sage.
Fuck off Tucker shill, you’ll be game ended along with all the other MAGApedos soon enough.
Internet Tough Guy
I’m a hardened nationalist who’s been involved for several years. You’re probably some Hasbara spook, fuck off.
You mean WHITE voters Tucker, WHITE voters.
That you won't say as much is exactly why they're never going to do so, why they'll let the Republican party die along with the demographic that supports it, and you know it.
You're a rich man Tucker, rich of material, rich of family, you are very wealthy. There is no reason for you to be on (((Fox News))) shilling for Israel and appealing to Boomers with dog-whistling.
If you actually genuinely give a shit about your children and the future they face, you would get off the kosher platform, get on the internet, and start talking without the code words.
You are White.
The Republican base is White.
The only true United States of American People is White.
So why did you say "middle class"?
I know the answer, and so do you, and until you're prepared to ACTUALLY face off against the enemy, instead of taking his money to shill a message that is half truth and half lies, you are nothing but a shabbos goyim to me.
Hilarious butthurt ITG posting is hilarious. Keep going.
Go. Back.
Fuck off nigger. You don’t even know who I am.
No, I think he might. :^)
The nigger who kept making and deleting the thot audit threads did nothing wrong. Then a (((mod))) changed the settings so now even comments can’t be removed. This board is dead.
good for him, gained some points.
What? It's been posted here a few times, I'm not familiar with that board, and let's see you try finding a better response to your brony friend 8930bb.
It's less that Trump is not capable [this might be the case, additionally], but more that Trump was a lying con and his campaign is the creation of the israeli mossad, expressly designed and activated to usurp nationalist sentiment and try to re-channel it back into a "do-over" of PNAC.
Tucker's march on Washington win?
The real problem here is White voters who refuse to critically look at what the Republican party is: a den of radical anti-White abolitionists and Trotsky's permanent revolutionaries. That's what the Republican party is and always has been.
Fuck Tucker
The pedes are going to turn on Tucker so fast
fuck off with the anti-trump bullshit ahmed, you can't think for shit even if a kike stabs you in the front
but, like, women wound have done all that stuff, if not for oppression.
So, we are about to find out which force is more powerful: the Trump curse, or getting Tucked.
He almost had it.
They already are in this thread.
Trumpniggers btfo
fuck you user … this is good thread bait … i want MEMES NOA
can you show me 1 thing that is not?
(with pics)
Tuck is still a cuck.
He's not wrong. Trumps strongman act is old and tired he's not doing anything. I've checked out did the caravan make it or did he SHUT DOWN the border like he said?
Did he actually say this? Fuck him he's a retard bipolar, schizo that uses buzzwords and acts tough.
So why doesn't he run for office? Obviously, America is willing to elect a loud-mouthed TV personality as President.
If he's not willing to do the job himself, he should STFU
In case faggots are interested in what was actually said, rather than 2nd hand reporting from MSN journalists trying to drive a wedge between Carlson and Trump.
Cucker Carlson defended male genital mutilation on television.
Now that's bullshit.
What actually matters is our race and our country being handed on a silver fucking platter to the literally-god-damned kikes and their pet minority groups, including invaders, who actively work to destroy our country from within and who admit this openly.
What matters is our racial demographic vanishing
What matters is our wealth being siphoned away to kike "multinationals"
What matters is our blood being spilled for kike wars
What matters is our land being given away to muds
What matters is our daughters being brainwashed by media to crave nigger dick
What matters is our sons being brainwashed by media to want to cut their dicks off
What matters is all of these things, and so much more, being championed by the left, their kike masters, their political puppets, and upheld by the very government OUR ancestors created to protect US, it being perverted to destroy us instead
THOSE things matter. Your fucking foreskin is of over god damned importance.
… rage typo
He kept us out of war.
Pat Little 2020
He did, look it up. Not sure why thats srprising
He sanctioned Russia, kept our troops in the middle east and bombed Syria just like Clinton would have done, stop lying.
The wall was an esoteric metaphor for how wide our families can be if we spread wide enough.
If Clinton is POTUS, we would be in war with Syria right now.
Yeah no you have no proof this would happen because the dumb cunt lost
It's an educated guess but considering we were bombing Syria non stop when Obama was in power, it's a VERY educated guess.
Bombing a country for kikes is 1488D chess. I mean it's not like he said we'd be in the middle east for israels sake or anything, right?
We are at war in Syria right now. The media just shuts the fuck up about it and keeps it out of the news.
Which is why Assad remains silent about it?
inb4 Assad is cuck too
Telegraphing your moves and limiting the damages are 4D chess moves actually.
He doesn't.
You can look his statements up for yourself.
So no proof?
He does, so far.
There is all the proof in the world. Look it up yourself – that way you'll believe it.. You're filtered, by the way.
Dude. We know Santa Claus isn't real. Stop. Its EMBARASSING.
I take that as a no to no proof.
No he doesn't you fucking dumb ass motherfucker, what the fuck do think is going on the middle east. Dumb shits like you are part of the problem.
Yes he does, Middle east involvement is the lowest since YEARS.
That's why you aren't a successful media pundit like Tucker, you're a complete retard if you believe that Nehlen's and Little's tactics worked.
Fucking retard.
I see Tucker's argument as reasonable and compelling, though I believe he may underestimate the scope of the problem (placating the right whilst co-opting it to muh based black based Jew Zionist neocohen bullshit)
You two weeks ago.
You now that he said something in tune with your "blumpf" shilling
Flip-flopping shills are niggers. Anyone who ever called Carlson an e-celeb zog puppet, don't fucking say anything otherwise now. Stick with your fucking claims.
The caravan rushed the border after milling around for a week or so and when they did that the BP shut down the border for most of the day and used tear gas. People in Tijuana were fucking livid about this (apart from what's basically a freight terminal the nearest border crossings are one and three hours away) and so the city of Tijuana moved the caravan to a tent city almost 10 miles away from the border crossing where the Hondurans can't do something stupid again and the citizens of Tijuana won't lynch them.
He's not wrong. Tweeting at Congress to pass something does nothing, he had a majority in both houses and passed milquetoast tax cuts and SCOTUS justices, meanwhile a wall and any plan for reversing the demographic decline is dead in the water.
If you can't even be assed to fucking back up your own fucking argument then fuck off you lazy nigger, you lose
He's not wrong about Trump, but this part is pretty damning
So basically he's cucking out.
But of course kikes ITT will suck his dick because he said something negative about "le evil drumblpfh" and "totally le btfoed those stupid magapedocuckbuzzwordjewshills"
If Clinton was POTUS we'd all be dead from World War 3 with the Russians.
Kikes desperately want you to forget that she wanted a no-fly zone over Syria, on her first day in office.
Putin explicitly stated that this would mean war between the US and Russia. World War 3. Millions of whites dying for Israel on both sides. Trump will have to continue fucking up for 8 years, and do so MASSIVELY, to equal the potential damage of a Hillary Clinton Presidency. This is why the kikes hate it when you vote.
I can be done, it's just now for certain going to be the hard way.
It's posted in a manner that seems to cast AOC in a good light, but what I think was meant to be construed is that conservativism is declining and that AOC and progressivism is the future. Not that he promotes it, because he doesn't. But he's saying that's the track we're on.
Whats the implications of a no fly zone anyways? Signalling a military OP?
If you want to be on TV you have to tread a narrow line. If he did all you wanted he'd vanish from the national stage and be replaced by someone like Don Lemon Squeezer.
I think for me teh biggest disappointment was the way Trump rode into office. He didn't come in there with two lists of names; 6000 names to fire and 5000 names to hire. This should have all been well researched with a detailed database years in the making.
And VP…should have been Dave Brat as Ann Coulter said; the man who took on the neocons and kicked their asses.
So sad too bad.
Ann Coulter should be America's first female president.
He did though. He fired everyone right wing and hired a list of Jews given to him by netanyahu.
The US says "Nobody flies here or we have the right to shoot them down", and the last time Russia/Assad trusted the US to follow through, they bombed pro-Assad forces and opened up some city for ISIS.
Basically, if Russia flew anything in Syria, America would have a reason to shoot them down, and vice versa, but enforcing it would've started WW3 because neither country would take that laying down.
Oh look its the based nigger magapede squad here to defend Trump against pro-white criticism. Quick, throw Tucker under the bus, he doesnt like how illegal immigration is higher under Trump than under Obama! Gulag him!
This ones JIDF.
Are you for real that he hired even more kikes?
How do you not know this? I'm not even 'murrican and I know that.
He got rid of his entire transition team and has subsequently filled it the positions with people like Kushner and friends.
Despite all the shilling on this site, most of this information is common knowledge.
This isn’t for us, guys. We all knew damned well exactly what Trump was going to be. Not Hilary. That’s what mattered then and it’s what matters now. We hoped for the wall ect. but we all knew not to get too optimistic for it. Did you forget where we are? We don’t put our hope on men like Trump, we put our hope on each other, on ourselves and on our posterity as racially aware white men. You all know better than to be blackpilled on anything where Trump is concerned. We avoided Hilary, we bought some time. But let’s not pretend that it was some kind of a major victory now after the fact and he’s somehow letting us or something. He was never FOR us. Not once.
He’s not wrong.