Spiritually diseased coalburning kike faggot has money woes; possibly GRIDS
A piggybacking homosexican who tried to co-opt us two years ago (kids, ask your parents), but who kept calling us alt-right and selling T-shirts with our fucking OC on them, claims to be not only broke, but $4 million in debt.
Milo Yiannopolous, who rose to prominence among normalfags trying and failing to understand the politics of the last three years, claims to be entirely broke as a result of getting banned from Twitter for calling Leslie Jones an ape. Even funnier, the sleazy faggot says he’s $4 million in debt because of how effective “the left” has been in deplatforming him. No word on how much of that money was borrowed from his fellow Jews to cover his amyl nitrate addiction, but it has to be a lot.
This story comes from Vox, which I’m not even going to bother archiving because who gives a fuck.
Progressive media are apparently crowing about how awesome this is, just as they crowed a few months ago about how much John McCain deserved to die of that brain tumor. . . so there’s two things we can agree on. If this keeps up, we might not get to have the civil war we’ve been looking forward to. Just kidding, war is coming
Yiannopolous initially earned fame as (((Breitbart)))’s token in-house over-the-top blousy faggot, hired by the big man himself to prove that the straightlaced kikes at his shitty rag weren’t conservative like Pat Robertson, but more like Richard Spencer and that cool faggots like Freddie Mercury were okay by them. At the peak of Milo’s ill-begotten fame, which was itself a bellweather of the decline and fall of the West, the twisted fuck was making a fortune off of loyal Kekistanis by swotting about and triggering the libs like a boss. Always careful to live the role he’s acting out, the hellbound queer maintained an oppressive social media presence, where he bored the public to tears with elaborately staged photographs of all the insane shit he was buying at upscale boutiques, thus proving that faggotry is genetic and irreparable.
When Yiannopolous took his get-a-load-of-me living stereotype routine over the edge – happily confessing how much fun he had getting raped by a fag priest – the world reacted negatively. Despite having done his duty to Israel by partially mainstreaming gay pedophilia, Milo quickly found himself with a canceled book contract and no platform where he could soak up attention from his fellow edgy degenerates.
Sources say he’s still “married” to a nigger, but that he’s unlikely to pay the toll because of the general lack of available guns and knives in England, which he insists on shitting up with his existence.
Press F to shit on the meme thief who tried to bareback the “alt-right” into unearned wealth. Press A to meme him gay bowel disease.