Premarital sex is degenerate. Where did the idea that people NEED sex come from? People don’t NEED sex. You won’t fucking starve to death from having sex. Having unplanned children is degenerate, too. Most people shouldn’t breed anyways, let alone hedonists.
Premarital sex is degenerate. Where did the idea that people NEED sex come from? People don’t NEED sex...
This puritan bullshit is killing society.
American, stop it.
Lower the AOC and have more sex instead of talking about having sex.
Be a healthy pagan, not a disgusting masochist christian.
Turn on the fucking TVand you’ll have your answer. Growing up in the 90s listening to the only debate in the country being whether or not the president of your country had extramarital sex.
I think Europeans should be having a lot more sex and breeding children. If I was single I wouldn't be looking to have OP tell me if I could have sex or not.
Modern Western culture is hedonism and consumerism incarnate. This is because we abandoned traditional arranged marriage for the faulty love marriage model. Bring back traditional marriage, and you won't see women perpetuating consumerism through hypergamy and hedonism through premarital sex.
gee, don't you wonder (((why))) it is meaningless, hedonistic sex has only relatively recently became accepted by the vast majority of society
i mean, its not like they have the intention to reproduce even 3% of the time
Modern society is having LESS sex than before.
Tell me, compared to what time period before love marriage is society having less premarital sex?
Any times actually.
It is now common for men to remain virgin until 30.
This has never happened before.
Because those same men would have been in a traditional arranged marriage and not at the whims of hypergamy per the current zionist love marriage model.
It is true, so society is having less sex, less children.
The death of sexual energy is the death of society.
… The problem, and the reason this is actually an issue people talk about, is because the left has taken it to a MASSIVE extreme to the point of extreme degeneracy. To many of them, everything in life is about sex in one way or another. Why do you think they're so focused on identifying themselves by what kind of person they want to fuck, or what they want to do with their genitals, and so on? Going to parties to fuck random people, bragging about how many men have penetrated them on blog posts, parading around like tramps ALL the time, etc.
Its all just, to much, they focus their entire lives around sex in one way or another, and people are repulsed by it, so the natural backlash against THAT is going to be pushing or puritan ideals of the opposite extreme. To shun sex for anything other than its biological purpose of reproduction.
Its basically two extremes reacting to each other at this point, and theres going to be no real common ground found on this issue I'm afraid to say.
Logically the sensible answer is in the middle. Should you be able to have sex outside marriage? Sure. But society should also have a negative view of you overall for doing that, and mates should consider you a port of last resort if they cant find a better mate. Should you be able to engage in kinky shit and talk about it? Sure. Should society also find it disgusting and civilized people not WANT to discuss your piss fetish and thus avoid you? Absolutely.
People should be able to do as they wish. But as a culture we should reject the "main-streamification" of rampant degeneracy, because truth is, it isnt healthy… just look at the left to see how unhealthy it is to focus on sex to much and to be to open about.
you should qualify, less sex but not fewer sexual acts. Most people are engaging in masturbation at an insane rate these days. You cant look at the existence of a site like myfreecams and tell me people are less concerned with sex or something because they "arent having as much sex," no, the opposite is true. People are MORE concerned with it, but they're also supplanting it with masturbation.
Make the distinction. Love marriages are not as fertile as traditional arranged marriages, and out of wedlock births have increased since the zionist love marriage model was very successfully pushed by (((them))). Sex before marriage is not lower now than it was during the long white era of traditional arranged marriage.
You can have your hwhite children, just marry the person you want to make carbon copies with before having sex with them and have intentions for having children before you actually conceive and not after. Otherwise you’re a degenerate, and we don’t need you.
Because humans used to be an endangered species with high infant mortality rates. But we’re not animals.
Masturbation is not sex, it is a way to relieve yourself without sex.
Sex is a need which need to be fulfilled by men and women.
When men do not have sex, they must find other energies to sustain themselves or their spirit will be lost and it affects physical and mental health.
Humans are animals, just highly evoled ones.
Animals who have no sex and thus no procreation tend to be evolutionary deadends.
"We"? Who's "we"?
We do not support this puritan bullshit which is a ploy to destroy fertility.
Lowering the age of consent could be a solution, but it might actually be better to raise the age of consent to 20.
Make the idea of teenagers completely forbidden. When it comes to purity and health of females, expecting them to be healthy and pure at age 20 will be such a high age, that they will actually fully learn and embrace the steps it will take to remain healthy and pure until they are old enough to find a husband. Being pure will become a habit.
The point of the age of consent is to prevent females from making foolish decisions spoken to them by degenerate perverts who want sex, but not the responsibility of a family.
The age of consent is meaningless if the men who approach younger women are actually planning on having a proper, respectable family. But as it is, women are not able to control their own minds enough to make good decisions. They turn into fat, disgusting, dishonorable whores who are tricked by mere charisma from dishonorable, disgusting men.
They must be reformed, or else we will go extinct.
The age of consent in Nazi Germany was 14, just as Prussia before it. It still remains at 14.
This obsession with having less sex and at an older age is absolutely damaging to society and americans should drop that shit altogether.
I think you mean outlets. Regardless though, I literally hit wizard status and maintained it for two and a half years before I had sex for the first time. It did not impact my physical or mental health in any meaningful way, only my "caring" about it did, and only insofar as the fact society puts so much fucking emphasis on it that, not having it, made me feel like I was in incomplete or failure person who did not belong in this world.
It had nothing to do with the ACTUAL effects of not having sex, it had entirely to do with society and the constant in-your-face "sex sex sex all the time sex everyones having sex like literally every second, you arent though, you're a looossseerrr, even fat men get fucked, you cant find anyone, god what a failure." If that hadn't been a constant presence in society, I dont think I would have even cared one way or the other. By my mid 20s I stopped caring anyway, by late 20s I lost 60lbs, had a degree, a stable job, solid friends, I was educated and informed on what we would call Zig Forums topics and concerns.
Did I throw myself into those things? No, I dabbled in and enjoyed all of them (except work, work always sucks, it still sucks even now), but I didnt think of them as some-how "replacing" sex the way you explain it. I just viewed them as enjoyable things… and work… that were a normal part of life for everyone in general.
So… no… you are honestly wrong here. You dont "need" sex, and you dont "need" to replace it with anything else, you only THINK that because we live in a hyper-sexualized society that puts so god damned much emphasis on sex that it pervades just about every aspect of our lives, and people start judging themselves BASED on that, rather than on any other kind of merit or metric.
Stop focusing on sex so much both as an individual and as a society, and a shit load of problems would go away over night
This is a coping method and it is not heathly.
It is natural to think about sex & wanting sex, your body needs it.
The fact your mind is forced to ignore that urge is why society is shit nowadays.
Premarital marriage is even worse
sexual energy is already an energy, and a very powerful one in itself.
containing it by being free of masturbation induced orgasms (you can build up more sexual energy
faster by masturbating and keeping the semen in, or orgasming to your blood [it's a special method that involves a certain position]) is like fasting.
you truly become powerful by stopping masturbation induced orgasms.
masturbate to the things you really love, never to (((degenerate))) (((porn))).
(((porn))) is low vibrational while true love and truly loved things are high vibrational.
This is bullshit. It is natural to think about and want sex. as reproduction is a biological instinct, but this does not make sex an actual biological need.
Ignoring that urge? Forced to by fucking whom? What world do you live in? The exact opposite is happening today. One is constnatly bombarded by sex and encouraged to slut it up to satisfy it. If people ignored that urge, the degeneracy of fucking around all the time would not be as rampant as it is.
Even masturbation is more common and harmful than it used to be. More men than ever before use (((porn))) to get off and are pacified like the Palestinians.
This would be a valid proposal if we already had stigmas or laws against sex before marriage.
I do not see any reasons or justifications for what you say.
I would be willing to read and understand, but you have stated things without proper justification.
Why does it matter what age a woman is married or had sex with? I can understand that it is more likely that a woman is pure and healthy at a younger age, and will have healthier children, but what about predators and fiends that trick younger women?
The solution might be to reverse the punishments: Punish the woman who has underage sex willingly. They must remain pure by force of law. It is more important to stop women from becoming degenerate whores than it is to stop men from trying to have families.
Only degenerate men who are rapists or charismatic fiends who just want cheap, worthless sex are deserving of punishment. People who trick young women, but who are not willing to commit to a family, are absolutely insane, and must be punished, and this act must be prevented.
Men who want pure, healthy girls for families are doing the right thing. The solution could be a lower AoC, or a higher AoC. It is not about morality or crime, it is about which will bring about proper, stable families.
Fuck off pedoposter. Stop pushing your disgusting fetish here.
I don't wanna piss on your parade here, but reproduction is a natural urge. Problem is the idea of reproduction was corrupted into hedonism.
It's okay user, we were all newfags once.
Sex is a biological need which refreshes your body and your mental health. It goes along with reproduction.
And as said millions or billlions of people are forced to ignore the urge to have sex because they fear the laws and they fear the responsibilities that come with it.
Make no more mistake, the world is having ever less than before.
Masturbation is bad, and is a coping method. What you should have is sex.
Returning to traditional arranged marriage instead of (((love marriage))) will fix this problem. The Hebrews have had massive success with pushing the love marriage meme in the West. Only be returning to ubiquitously arranged marriage between fathers can we return to white tradition.
Women who marry younger and get into family earlier get trained in household work and raising children. The older and the more independent women, the lesser healthy society due to breakdown of tradition.
How? Nazi Germany AoC was 14, stop with the masochistic puritan bullshit, it helps no one.
Don't mistake the correlation of age of marriage as the causation. The problems, including age, are attributable to fathers not arranging marriages, and society falling into the Zionist love marriage trap.
Which AoC does not help since it discourages arranged marriage.
I will beg you one thing: Stop disliking Jewish people.
I am positive that we were the original people to spit on them first. Jews were always slightly weaker and more divided, so it is much easier for us to have been cruel first.
That means that everything that they do is in response to our initial attack, in the historical record of Europe. We can end this loop, and acquire them as allies. I am positive that we can find a way to mend the hatred. My personal opinion is to go on a journey to Israel, and bring a National Socialist flag.
The deal would be simple: No more demoralization propaganda, and from your most holy book in your most sacred temple, literally cross out and destroy the word "goyim". Every instance of that word in the most holy text must be destroyed, and then we will burn the National Socialist flag, and declare the treaty of peace and friendship to have been made.
It is better to unite humanity than it is to have war in a world where flying robots can target multiple people at the same time and kill them instantly. It is better to be alive than dead. It is better to be happy than demoralized. It is better to have a family than to be alone.
That's just my rant on that, at least.
As for marriage arranged by fathers, that is possible, but how? Which father? What if the woman refuses? What if the woman speaks with complete awareness, and does not submit? If the woman is smart enough to be "feminist" upon her own volition without the need for any propaganda or brainwashing, then I would respect that.
But anyways, if we adopt, as a culture, an age of consent of age 20, but the national AoC is 18, then we can keep our children pure, and arrange the marriage when they are age 18, and tell our men to not procreate with them until age 20, for the sake of purity.
But who will do this? Who here even has a family so that we can arrange this?
Shut it yid.
The yid plan to destroy fertility.
The solution has always been with us - monogamy. Have sex all you like, with who ever you like, but make sure the one you fuck is the one you stay fucking. Simple.
Monogamy does not matter either.
Men before christkike cult have multiple wives and no problem in raising families.
What matter is being in control of yourself and your family.
Gtfo of here with your Jezebel magazine bs, you’re way out of your element
A long time ago tbh.
Men before Christianity understood the wisdom of monogamy, friend. It is objectively the best system of matrimony for a given society, and it prevents Al-Qaeda-tier terrorism from springing up because 20 women aren't getting hoarded by one man like what happens in the middle east, and instead each man has a woman and therefore a chance to procreate - and therefore a reason to contribute to society.
You need to reproduce, retard. Marriage is a spiritual experience between two partners that they'll never leave each other and become two of a soul. Modern marriage is a degenerate hopelessly bearucratic system. I don't need a paper to tell someone I love them.
Monogamy matters in THIS era, a lot.
It is better to get more men married, rather than see men hoard women to themselves. I am tired of seeing angry incels who are completely guiltless. Until the population of Europeans rise, I think monogamy is best.
I am surprised that you cannot tell that I am Aryan by my speech patterns. Anyways, I am only bringing up ideas that fit into the current legal framework.
We do not have control of the courts as it is. The law is beyond the hands of European men who are loyal to our nation and people. The only thing to do is to form our own communities outside the current corrupted law, and do things our way until our populations are high enough to fit back into the blue-pilled population, so that the danger of radical incels falls.
It is better for there to be enough women so that men can more easily find a proper wife. If you have a better idea, speak it.
But I am getting tired of this anonymous forum being filled with degenerate single-lines-of-text that convey nothing of value other than worthless profanities.
There is no other place to go where you must stand upon the merit of your words and ideas, instead of your popularity, as well as being able to freely use TOR so that you do not have to fear speaking the truth. This place must be made far more intellectual than it is.
The era of "4chan" fun and happy-go-lucky memes has ended, and now we just need a place to gather and speak intellectual truths and wise words.
These polygamy harem guys are just thinking with their dick lmao.
The fuck?
There is problem with women hoarding, but there is enough women for everyone.
In the past, people had more sexes and more wives.
There's not enough women for every man to have 20, my dude. It always happens like that, the rich man buys up all the girls he wants, and then everyone else is left in the cold. That's when people start getting the blue balls, and that leads to sharpening knives and building bombs.
I don’t need to reproduce. If you really love your partner and want to have children with them that’s fine, you don’t need a piece of paper to legitimize that. Just quit treating your body like an amusement park until biology happens.
Polygamy breeds incels like nothing else.
You sound like a control freak. I did exactly what 'society' told me to do and I am PERPETUALLY UNHAPPY…SO FUCK YOU AND YOUR CONTROL SYSTEMS…they don't mean ANYTHING. It is simply a way to prevent humanity from enjoying life and keep them 'under your control'. If anyone in the world should be strung up for interfering in the HUMAN (this doesn't include you, fuckface) EXPERIENCE it is you kikes and people like you. Pagans understood the thoughts and needs of humanity far better than you ever will.
draft them to army and have them conquer foreign lands.
Civilization made people weak and allowed subhumans to outnumber actual humans.