>(((Ben Shapiro)))), editor in chief of the right-wing Daily Wire, suggested that President Trump host the Oscars.
>(((Ben Shapiro)))), editor in chief of the right-wing Daily Wire, suggested that President Trump host the Oscars.
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nah let David Duke host the Oscars
Petition to rename Zig Forums to /celebritynews/
He should just call everyone racist.
>and absolutely don't keep tabs on the poundmetoo witchunt and how it's that (((Weinstein))) and (((Polanski))) are still walking around while Cosby is in the klink
Did you ever wonder if the 'release of the faggots' into heteroculture without any constraints was a plan to have hetero people massacre the FAGGOTS once they were all 'out in the open' and practicing their lifestyle openly? I DO. The more people see fag degeneracy the more they HATE THEM.
So reddit… what does your last line have anything to do with your first two? Non sequitur much?
In the oppression olympics nobody's position is ever secure. Except for muslim men, they're too dangerous.
It's the 'give an inch, take a mile' phenomenon.
First they said no gay bashing, and I was okay with that.
Then they said that (((studies))) show that gays aren't really pedos, so I was okay with adoption.
Then I thought, what with all the (((divorce))) around, gay marriage is fine with me.
Then I came to Zig Forums and discovered Yuri and that I was being lied to.
They guy isnt even funny or relevant yet its going to be these retards that resurrect his career. There are people just toiling through old twitter posts of everyone just to find that odd post that mentions something negative about being gay or uses the word faggot. I think no one is paying attention to them anymore so they are tyring to drum up publicity by making people think that there is so much "phobia" out there still. This wll get out of hand fast and soon you will see a good majority of stars nuke their twitter pages.
Daily reminder that opposing faggotry is opposing kikery directly
Shabbat ramp-up. Report and filter.
Let Dylann Roof host the Olympics, you get more bang for your bucks then.
Its worked literally every other time, I dont see why not.
Nuh uh, see I asked a mentally ill tranny faggot named Greg and he said intolerance of faggotry is Jewish. So thats settled now.
Which is odd because negros have the highest rate of faggotry IIRC.
Though I'm not convinced it's not just nigger-retardedness + nigger-muh-dik.
Niggers will rape anything and they love to dominate physically weaker people, your prison rape type ape like dominance rape. Theyre also dumb, impulsive and generally naturally violent. Yes, science supports that.
I have no reason to be posting this here
This is consistent with Jones's thesis in Libido Dominandi, that the left's admiration for the negro was a means to an end (sexual liberation) rather than an end in itself. The left came to admire the negro as a symbol of wild uninhibited sexuality and the wandering, no-worries life. The civil rights movement was a proxy for continued sexual liberation and globo-homo.
I wonder if he recognizes that all three are jews.
Cannon knows Sanger invented Planned Parenthood to exterminate his race. He's not an idiot.
I remember a time when we used to just laugh at niggers when they did this, because they always cried racist.
Hope we return to that.
Now if we can just get niggers to start policing themselves like white people do
Lol they created it to keep niggers from overpopulating and destroying the country before they could turn whites into cuckolds
What’s the current power scaling in oppression Olympics Z?
What a time to be alive.
I'm not sure how they rank them in between, but I know that we are the scum of the earth and that a retarded faggot jew tranny on welfare in a wheelchair with AIDS is the closest to God
In fairness we kind of started that looking back at the Rick and Morty's faggot baby rape jokes and Steve-O having a tattoo of fucking a baby covered up. As usual jews step in and direct it as they want.
Been here all of a year, have "we"?
Nick Cannon of all people has defended Hart by showing that famous female comedians Chelsea Handler, Sarah Silverman and Amy Shumer has used gay slurs in the past. Not really news because I doubt any comedian has never used gay or faggot in their act in the past but it's there to show the hypocrisy of the twitter outrage. Snoop Dogg also had a perfect response with "suck a dick".
It actually doesn't have shit to do with faggots. This is really all about Hart being sensible enough not to jump whole-hog on the "anti-Trump/anti-White" celebrity train. That nigger knows he makes money off of White people going to see him, so he made a conscious choice to avoid those types of political statements, which is why he's being blackballed by the "woke" crowd.
Seriously just compare him to the other niggers who have made (and retracted and apologized for) various antifag comments, and you'll see that all of the ones who have come out anti-Trump have been cleared to continue their careers
Trump should get together with OP and commit sudoku.
Really nigger?
Shits being going on for far longer than your chem addled memory can recall.
I'm jewish and I face far more oppressive centralised antisemitism and ethnically discriminative derogations than the Noggers and Fags do.
Why does this board hate Ben Shapiro, again? Do you guys just automatically hate all Jews, even if they are right wing?
considering the kikes CORE BELIEF is that everyone other than themselves is a subhuman who is destined to be their slave when the finally establish solomon's temple part three: global government edition, yes, Zig Forums automatically hates all jews, even if they are "right wing" (as if Zig Forumsacks give a flying fuck about your kike left vs right bullshit)
no you don't, you are more coddled than any other group including faggots and niggers
So, how does the oppression olympics scoring looks now? Kikes > trannies > women > faggots > niggers > muslims?
i think it's in this order
and it's based on how many oppressed boxes you check and ranked in descending importance from race being the most valuable to class being the least
so a straight white woman is close to the bottom with us, below all non-whites but just above white faggots
The Progressive Stack is real and it's how OWS fell down.
CIS is latin for "on this side of". CIS means faggot and could be seen as trannyfaggot if you try hard enough. It in no way could be logically or linguistically used to describe heterosexuals.
(((jewlge)))'s definitiong is based on trans meaning on the other side of and therefore cis means straight. Which is wrong because trans isn't a sexual orientation fuck this kiked term. It's a mental disease. Whereas heterosexual ["cis"] is a sexual orientation. It's a false equivalency to compare them as equivalent.
sage for further explanation because REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It's [trans] a (((gender))) as it is.
Lies. Stats are biased and exist only to make other Jewish people look good. We're just as similar as Europeans, if not for the fact that we got it worse because of the inherited diseased. -which is a handicap on its own.
Fellow, not only am I poor but I'm constantly threatened by other white people who want to hurt me out of jealousy and no other reason at all.
No wonder the elites hate you that much. You make life worse even for the little jew out there, fella'.
pick only ONE
Funny you mention this.
Too bad the jews beleted the 'Reclaiming Language' thread outright without slide, it had many such clarifications.