Is it necessary to give up human rights to fight degeneracy/protect the race? NatSoc fights degeneracy/protects the race, but you were liable to be put in prison or even killed by the government if you pissed it off. No the holohoax didnt happen but you can't deny NatSoc killed and imprisoned its opponents. Is there a way to fight degeneracy/protect the race while still protecting the right to a fair trial and the right to live without threats from government?
Is it necessary to give up human rights to fight degeneracy/protect the race...
Human rights only apply to humans. Shitskins, niggers and chinks need not apply.
National socialism is against animal abuse though.
They're invasive species, so it's okay.
National Socialism, or any form of Socialism in that sense, only applies to the people within that nation. And the people within our nation will not be Africans, Middle-Easterns, or Asians.
If immigration is sane, and the only people from other nations that come over are those that truly value our traditions and people, then that should be fine. It is good to very slowly allow races to intermingle slightly, so that we get fresh blood and fresh genetics into our nation. But this is the sort of thing that should be one immigrant per 10,000 of our own people.
As for human rights? It is the same with gay people. If there is no pro-homosexual propaganda, then there will be very few gay people or transgender people. They will simply live their life, and if left alone, they will never need to go on a protest or parade, and they can live quietly and then die without breeding, to be ended naturally forever. This means there will be no violence or oppression.
We are intelligent, so we think in terms of 100+ year periods. That means that a few gays or immigrants every now and then will not cause any actual problems. Same with drugs even. Alcohol, cannabis, psychedelics, all of that should be fine: In extremely low numbers, and if never made into propaganda. They should be unpopular things that only people who actually seek it out should do. It should never be offered, never be in popular stores, and should always be kept away from children.
Anything that we consider bad is likely perfectly fine and good, and can lead to wisdom and new perspectives, if kept at a low level.
But if these things that we consider bad become popular or made into propaganda meant to tempt people away from a benevolent, good lifestyle, then our nation will surely fall and we as a people will die forever.
That is the difference between a strong nation guarded by a proper father, or fuhrer, and a nation that is ruled by a tyrant, even if they are trying to be benevolent, and of course, a nation that is ruled by a tyrant trying to corrupt its people and destroy its very blood.
One is good, one is neutral, and one is simply bad.
I prefer the good one, so that our people can have our freedom, but never be unaware of what the more proper and popular path is.
As morbid as it may be for you to realize this, but that is why they used gas. There are more efficient ways of killing people.
human rights are a meme invented by kikes
they don't exist
Will to power, bitch
Epic bluepill, fellow Reddipede.
t. filthy kike
If this is the only place we can talk about NS seriously, and this is the quality of our discourse, it's no wonder we are going nowhere