Webm Thread

1:10 onward is really telling, but you should watch it all.
"You'll be wanting to put the all seeing eye on our banknotes next!"

I think Alan Watt is right. The British crown started the American revolution intentionally to control it. It was not just about taxes. Parliament nullified Colonial Scrip, and impoverished many American overnight.

Last thread:

Attached: Freemason Royal Ritual.webm (720x404, 15.36M)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/details/fottr2/Forces Occultes (Occult Forces) 1943.mp4

Here's a breakdown of Colonial Scrip, and Ben Franklin talking about it's destruction being the prime cause of the revolution.

Attached: The Money Masters Full Documentary- The rise of the bankers.webm (640x480, 11.22M)

Alan Watt on the conditioning of society for obedience to the crown, and the NWO.

Attached: Alan Watt - A Globalist Agenda For a Dumbed Down Domesticated Society - A Prison Planet special.webm (426x240, 11.36M)

Attached: AlanWattNeverWatchTelevision.mp4 (426x240, 7.04M)

Attached: What's an Elite Education - John Taylor Gatto.webm (954x706, 15.16M)

Attached: The Six Purposes of Schooling - John Taylor Gatto.webm (640x360, 10.92M)

Attached: Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World.webm (320x240, 10.85M)

Attached: Charlotte Iserbyt - The Secret History of Western Education (Full Documentary).webm (852x480, 11.48M)

Attached: RoyalFamilyBritishPedophiliaKidnapping Egyptian & Hebrew Hyksos Bloodlines Origins Of Blue Blood Britain Queens Throne & Jacobs.webm (640x360, 11.56M)

Attached: FROM PRUSSIA WITH BLOOD - Thomas Sheridan.webm (642x360, 11.2M)

Attached: Frederick the Great Vision Hessian Guard FROM PRUSSIA WITH BLOOD - Thomas Sheridan.webm (854x480, 15.62M)

That must have smelled like the very bowels of satan in that place, that night, which was 31st Oct, pure cohencidence goy.

It's actually one of the scariest videos I've ever come across.

Attached: VolksschulenPublicSchoolPrussianEducation The Prussian Connection - UNDERGROUND HISTORY - John Taylor Gatto.webm (1280x720, 11.35M)

Fuck off to temple, yid.

Mason mods getting triggered.

Attached: Bill Cooper - How The Elite Control Men.webm (662x474, 15.09M)

OP you'll definitely want this important work


Sorry for this FTP format; it's 56.9mb and so much bigger than the 16mb PDF limit for this site.

Attached: Oekaki.png (500x250, 2.7K)

Let's try this again…


Attached: masons.JPG (610x743, 85.03K)

Attached: Bill Cooper on the Holohoax.mp4 (854x480, 11.77M)

Thanks, that looks really good.

Attached: Dr. William L. Pierce - Will Jews regret their Open Immigration policies (HD).webm (426x240, 10.93M)

Attached: An Empire of Their Own How the Jews Invented Hollywood.webm (320x240, 15.99M)

charade of moral filth conveniently placed inside of a giant toilet.

This is the heart of the evil cabal of pedophiles and dope pushers that rules the British Empire.

Attached: 1429764227598.webm (1280x720, 6.28M)

Attached: before Detroit got destroyed.webm (640x360, 6.85M)

Attached: civilization is a product of culture, not system.webm (640x360, 10.92M)

Attached: corruption is legal.webm (960x540, 7.99M)

Attached: The Decay of Western Civilization-xBXoXB3QvyI.webm (640x360, 7.6M)

Attached: don't call it a grave.webm (480x270, 3.74M)

Attached: Can You Believe Your Government Supports This Low, 360p.webm (640x480, 7.69M)

Attached: d3c14ad04a659ede5d42976f85d78d65a58a4ceb2468d25bbccc2e51b8a9f03c.mp4 (640x360 650.85 KB, 5.35M)

Attached: immigration wow.webm (320x240 7.94 MB, 3.37M)


Attached: JOBS.webm (640x360 3.58 MB, 7.76M)

Attached: refugees1.webm (640x360 7.74 MB, 3.83M)

Attached: israeli children tv show.mp4 (480x360 5.27 MB, 3.97M)

Anyone have the old ass video like this but for Africa's Uganda dictatorship under Idi Amin??

Attached: brazil.webm (640x352, 7.7M)

my favorite retro game

Attached: Remove kebab 8 bit.mp4 (1280x684, 6.04M)

Good thing you never posted the source, otherwise we might be able to scare ourselves.

Brazil has one of the most tragic histories in the world with regard to lost potential.

I've only ever seen that webm. I'd like one with Idi Amin too.

Attached: conan.webm (480x360 4.03 MB, 5.02M)



Attached: The Story of Your Enslavement.webm (640x360, 11.38M)

I'd like to learn more are their books or something on Brazil's history and its fall and transformation into Africa II?


I'm going to be a bit crude, but based on the median age here, I'm going to low-ball incontinence at 25%. Best case scenario 1/4 of their adult diapers have feces in them.

At any rate, thanks for keeping your thumb on the common man while simultaneously refusing to die, you globalist coffin-dodgers.

The founders' principles quickly turned into We The 1%. (((Hoarding wealth.))) Not putting the health and welfare of The People and national sovereignty first.

Thank you user.
Here's a 720p version at a smaller file size

Attached: FreemasonRoyalRitual31Oct2017.mp4 (1280x720, 14.95M)

480p sharper, smaller, 480p

Attached: FreemasonRoyalRitual31Oct2017-480p.mp4 (854x480, 14.97M)

Really? One of the scariest videos you've ever come across? Seems more like a desperate attempt at convincing themselves that Masons are still relevant. Everyone knows that most of the founding fathers and many presidents were Freemasons.

Attached: yellow_vest_joker.webm (640x360 962.87 KB, 2.71M)

That's got to be one of the dumbest videos I've ever seen, gold backed currency works because it's harder for people to manipulate it in their favor. Of course if a fiat currency is controlled by good people who care about the prosperity of their country and the wealth of the individual in it they can make fiat work well, but there's no chance that non kiked people who don't want to manipulate it for their own wealth and fuck over other people would ever control fiat currency anymore.

What's going on in that second video? The guy falls down, then you see what looks like a bullet or tracer round travel across the screen. Was it a second shot? If someone really got shot, there's no way they would be able to cover it up with all the witnesses. And what would he have been shot for?

Also what's the story of the second video, what happened to his mouth?

Attached: pacificRimUprisingDegenerate.webm (480x270 2.76 MB, 2.42M)

Gold can be monopolized, and manipulated just the same. Roosevelt used his legal powers to physically confiscate everyone's gold. Then all the Fort Knox gold was sold off to Europe. They lie about Fort Knox's contents to this day, and refuse to audit it. The Federal Reserve now owns all of America's gold. It's physical nature makes it hard to protect from legal abuse.

The Money Masters is a historical documentary that traces the origins of the political deception behind the creation of promissory notes that the peoples blindly call money.

Attached: Great Depression, Fort Knox Gold Theft by Federal Reserve-The Money Masters 1996 FULL DOCUMENTARY.webm (360x270, 15.54M)

Attached: thequestion.webm (640x360 2.86 MB, 1.98M)

original with sound

Attached: GefiraMigrantSmuggleRescuepeople trafficking - YouTube.webm (854x480, 5.61M)

Sure, but it's certainly harder to manipulate a gold-backed currency. To say that fiat currency is easier to manipulate than gold back currency is just foolish.

lmfao niggers cant even make music without needing help from a jew or a white

sauce on song used?

Attached: dangerous_to_our_democracy.webm (1280x720, 12.11M)

I always thought the narrative that Cooper got run off the road for muh ayylmao was stupid. So I assumed it was really just an accident.

Now I truly see.


Jews gonna jew.

Attached: trumpBTFOforever.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

Attached: DG5DUtMwwpF0isxb.mp4 (400x400 4.17 MB, 4.07M)

Attached: picaru teiri.mp4 (480x480 10.1 MB, 3.7M)

when you have a billion people its not like the bottom 10% wont be slaves … you realize that 10% is 1/3 of the US population.

Do you think that there are not 300,000 being abused in the US.

Ok ur right , we are better than that and china is a dumpster. If you buy from walmart you support cucks

Now it's dark

Attached: frank-booth.jpg (618x681, 44.99K)

I don't know of any book that can lay it out, but maybe a Brazilian user could chime in with that.

Depending on how much reading you want to do I'd suggest just reading about the Brazilian leaders in order starting with Dom Pedro I on wikipedia.


and so on

Generally it's a story of Monarchs and a few good Dictators fixing everything while a few bad dictators and weak Democratic heads of state fuck everything up.

Eventually (((democracy))) takes it's toll until finally




Just read the first two paragraphs. I know it's >BBC, but just do it.

Know you know how many (arse)holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall

What did I just check?
This seems like bad acting by a benegesserit heeb witch

Charlotte Iserbyt has written extensively on how Reagan was a sham. He merged our education system with the soviets using the 1985 General Agreements. In one of her articles she says the soviets were supplying "Quantum" magazines to america's Gifted and Talented(GATE) students. Her books and documentaries go into great detail of the history of American education. If you want to learn why K-12 is so fucked, read Charlotte Iserbyt and John Gatto.


Charlotte Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms.

Attached: The Secret History Of Western Education - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt.webm (1280x720, 15.33M)

Attached: The Underground History of American Education, John Gatto, Prussian Connection.jpg (1196x6800 1.8 MB, 2.55M)

Attached: Boston legal rise up and shine.mp4 (1280x720, 7.89M)

Attached: Collectivization, USSR Children turned Against Families, Pioneers Searching or the Truth.webm (640x480, 15.18M)

anyone have more of this talk? Christmas is coming up and I want to brush up on the fed scam.

We need more Americans like Father Coughlin. END THE FED
Also love the mass immigration argument. Never heard it myself but I know how to beat it because of this video

I don't buy this. There are many animals who are self aware and hence afraid of death…

I think the masons are OG larpers

wait how do I know those are from the same news story.I believe it but I can imagine sharing it and being questioned.

Charlotte Iserbyt talks about us importing the soviet polytechnic education system. I found a UNESCO document detailing it's doctrines.

Attached: How Hindu Schooling Came To America, Caste System Imported into England and Anglo Colonies.png (640x360 622.4 KB, 2.06M)

dude, ive been dumping iserbyt here for over a year. it should be common knowledge but no one here wants actual information, they just jew memes.

World Peace through World Law
Two Alternative Plans, Third edition

Principal Publications of Louis B. Sohn
The International Lawyer
Vol. 24, No. 3 (Fall 1990), pp. 735-752

Attached: 13LibriVox2.jpg (480x425 1.16 MB, 53.82K)

archive.org/details/fottr2/Forces Occultes (Occult Forces) 1943.mp4

Attached: Forces Occultes (Occult Forces) 1943.jpg (700x1000, 503.65K)

neat slide thread OP.

>Its the (((BRITS)))

Attached: 1543734964018.webm (540x304, 3.26M)

Attached: video-1533335623.mp4 (320x320, 2.58M)

Attached: Japanworking.webm (640x360 3.79 MB, 3.88M)

Attached: 2016_DNC_national_convention.webm (640x360, 7.96M)

Attached: Reich Dream.webm (640x360 2.64 MB, 889.61K)

Attached: 1544279922010.webm (480x272, 3.15M)

go away

the overarching script that all those are using to combat so called fake news is pretty telling about how news-media is conducting business. the hope that it would go on unnoticed might have worked pre-internet since compiling that would have taken an even greater effort. the word-for-word same reporting across numerous stations and networks is haunting IMO.

Attached: actor_sandy_hook.webm (640x360 3.94 MB, 3.73M)

7:10 cremation of care

Freemason symbolism in TV advertisements.

Attached: Secret Freemason Agenda on TV Exposed! (R$E).webm (720x404, 15.01M)

Attached: bongo cat invades china.webm (852x480, 3.26M)

Gee, that sure doesn't seem like complete cultish fuckery.
I should just listen to these ring wearing individuals that say it's an innocent carpentry guild.

Attached: The City Of Lost Children.webm (1920x1040, 15.13M)

SEGA is owned by Freemasons. Sonic is blue; Freemason primary color, and symbol for immortality. He has three spikes. The ground is usually checkerboard patterned. The original art features freestanding columns over checkerboard floors, and in game tree trunks are poles. SEGA's A looks like the pedo spiral.

I think all the Japanese media is controlled by them. Nintendo games, and anime are full of Freemason stuff as well.


‘Nintendo was selling playing cards when they got the idea to make game machines by the Japanese version of the Magnavox Odyssey II game console developed by a Jewish big-time technician. This was all facilitated by the founder of Atari, Nolan Bushnell. The name “Atari” is derived from the Japanese word meaning ‘to hit a target.’ It’s actually a faction organized by the secret society of the Freemasons with the ‘target’ of controlling the Japanese people. The way to do this was to rekindle the Space Invaders boom that was started earlier by the Jews. Since that time, dignitaries of the Masonic Order have been behind the Japanese game industry and Nintendo, continuing to keep the people of Japan lazy and stupid. However, President Iwata tried to resist this.’


Attached: Checkerboard Floor, Cartoon-Network-logo-1992.png (720x404 30.47 KB, 12.65M)

Freemason symbolism in Mario 64.

Attached: Super Mario 64 Nintendo(Video Game)all illuminati Freemason occult symbolism Exposed.webm (720x404, 15.2M)

Why are there so many niggers in the audience?

That's kinda a stretch. They probably used checkered floors because its easy to impliment, stands out, and its basically a game house.
The keys where shaped after bowser the evil turtle.
A few levels had lava, consistent with older mario games.
The eye ball thing is a huge stretch.
The hand thing is a stretch as well.

The sega one actually spikes interest.

Zelda is full of Freemason symbols as well. I think Majora's Mask is a retelling of the masonic opera, "The Magic Flute."

Look up "Robotnick's Pyramid Scheme" episode of the Sonic cartoon. It's full of Freemason symbolism, and Sonic's ancestor is named "Masonic the bricklayer."

Attached: Occult symbols in Super Mario 64.webm (1280x720, 15.5M)

Attached: blacklivesdontmatter.webm (640x360 2.02 MB, 2.92M)

What a creepy cult.

Attached: Super Mario 64 - Illuminati Alien Agenda.webm (852x480, 15.08M)

That's Mike Maloney, a silver advocate and seller: youtube.com/watch?v=uzef43gdupk

His prediction of a future crash didn't pan out, at all. He correctly describes the fractional banking and fed scam, and it is true gold and silver are completely manipulated, admittedly so, and nothing is happening to the jew culprits, right out in the open admitting it, and haven't stopped, so instead of going to tens of thousand per ounce, silver is under $15 today. Meanwhile, like a game of musical chairs, all the jew bankers, Russia, China, India, other countries are all hoarding gold and silver for when the big crash comes, which everyone is betting or insuring themselves as if it's going to happen, when that is.. either things spiral out of control and the crash comes that way or jews gorged themselves enough they feel on gold & silver with their ducks in a row to control the crash(for everyone else but themselves.) That's where we're at. Prudence would suggest collecting at least a reasonable amount of gold and silver for that event.

This one really upsets me. If there is no legal recourse and the SOCIALIST state has no employees to handle it then a good old lynching of this bastard is what is needed. I really have no fucking sympathy for such rats. Kill them in excruciating ways. Make them suffer. Fuck your rule of law, I'm going in type of attitude.

you cant even tie a tie around your neck user

Everyone has been domesticated to hold out for a legal recourse that will never come. Half of homicides go unsolved, lots of those convicted are turning up innocent with DNA testing, but since everyone is cowed this doesn't register, authorities aren't doing it, aren't going to, and even when they do something is for show sending innocents up the river, going to take getting your hands dirty to get things done but with the odds in your favor of pulling it off.

just read the law for yourself, its really easy. they have definitions for the words in the chapters, there are law dictionaries ect. you dont have to LEARN EVERY FUCKING LAW IN THE WORLD just what is relative to your situation - read this example of a real law for washington state, this is how you get free medical leave and why rich people are rich and you are not

Attached: conundrum - answer is 0.PNG (816x339, 26.85K)