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I can't read this shit but have a bump.
i dont speak frog but have a bump
feels retarded clicking these and for some reason expecting to know french lmao, I wanna see these plans. this quickly of a leak must be a statement on the condition of the law enforcement's position in all of this, this is very telling.
Can't understand but bump for Frogs to see.
Did the honk honk who started mixtape realise he would assist in saving liberty?
The optic for Jupiter is going to be horrible no matter what happen tomorrow.
Time to demand his official resignation.
Have a bump, someone translate this moonspeak pls
It seems to be about how they plan on prosecuting and processing them.
Going by machine translation anyways.
And no shock for a civil code society, they're planning to arrest, prosecute and sentence them all on the same day. Setting up special courts with people on the ground to gather evidence and act as witnesses.
How do you say, OP's a faggot in french?
do you say "i'd agree if you had a point" in faggot?
Fuck. Man I hope the police turn on the leaders this Saturday. The end of the (((fifth republic))) would be a glorious thing.
Threadly reminder any;
posts, tweets, what have you are demoralization of the intended goal kike posts.
Ok so I do speak frog and basically that's the tactical unit deployment plan for mobile units saturday.
They don't go into details but that basically tells you in which sector how many mobile units will be there and what approximate size they are and who is the commander.
Anyway this shit need to be posted in all french feeds.
It also give radio indicators so pirate radios w/police scanners could fuck with them.
So was I right about the other part? Wherein they seem to be describing how they're planning on processing/prosecuting them?
Based as fuck police showing up in riot gear totally our guys and not a common tactic to deceive your enemies into believing you are their double agent
That isn't what I'm posting about.
What I'm posting about are the dozen+ posts by (((people))) saying that the police are anti-state pro-yellow-vest. Which they clearly aren't.
This needs to spread like wildfire. We need to get Frog Anons whose job is to run among the Protesters, monitor twitter and warn them as leaks come in of upcoming mobilization. Stay one step ahead.
To think there are people who actually believe that kek left us.
f = 6
r = 18
o = 15
g = 7
-6 + 18 - 15 + 7 = 4
(-6 + -15) + (18 + 7) = 4
Frogs = 4th Reich
Yeah there is mention of special measures but it's about how to handle massive arrests administratively I guess you could target those as weak point but "the depot of ex-TGI" is in the 1st borough on the island with the main police precinct, etc… they always lock down by shutting off the bridges.
Don't you remember how your Fathers were slaughtered for the Jewish ideal of this Republic ?
Don't you see you're falling into the same trap ?
You have good will frogs but you're lacking a German direction.
Back to reddit.
no u
Slightly unrelated but was pic related confirmed for LARP? Thread was quickly deleted once anons called for sauce/bullshit
This was quoted from a chan site;
"I work at media city (BBC) North of Manchester. I can absolutely confirm that the British media has been handed a D-Notice (legal gagging order to prevent reporting on 'inflammatory' incidents such as injured/killed protestors, not allowed to even mention the word 'France' or 'Frenche' on the main page of the BBC news website) against reporting on the Yellow Jackets for 'national security' reasons. It's not fully legally binding but the director general has enforced the D-Notice.
The government is treating this as a security threat to all European governments and are trying to prevent a 'European Spring' type situation and preparing multiple pre-written stories incase a major incident forces them to break the D-Notice and it involves framing it as far right, portraying the violence as perpetrated by FN-supporters, Russian fake news fueling it etc.
A big spider-web diagram brief on a projector is in the world politics writers room pre-empting what type of incident might occur and what pre-written articles will follow. 'Large unarmed civilian deaths' is on a red diamond occur it lights up the lines narratives in green circles, if the mass police defections diamond lights up it goes to a different circuit of narratives. They've assigned a social media team to update the projector board in realtime. This level of pressuring is fucking unprecedented even compared to 2014 and 2015."
Would be nice if someone with links to the media could confirm or deny said statement?
Imagine being in france and spamming their radio with good ol sanic
lel. no cuckchan fag.
If you were here more than a few weeks you'd recognize the image theme.
Your reddit meme has no place here no matter how much you spammed it during your invasion during the election.
Sounds like the exact kind of self righteous flatulance they would use to pontificate to us about how their sham democracy needs to be protected from the voters. Hard to tell.
Point out this "reddit meme" you speak of faggot.
this gunna bgud :^)
pepe, shadilay and all the other assortments of r/the_donald alt-kike memes
PJeW of InfoWarz was saying something similar about bongistan media self-censoring reality (like Germafghanistan & Swecuckistan are well known for)
Memes, and kek, are great morale boosters. This isn't your Lebanese metal-working forum anyway, cunt.
They are cringy RP shit. There is no moral boost, just annoying faggy cartoons of a frog that looks like a nigger.
Military already prepared to mutiny. Man if they thought 68 and past revolutions were bad kek
take it back you fucking mong
double nigger
I think it's, "kill yourself."
Nigger, you really don't belong here.
can we have DOX on this people from document ?
'''The device is under my authority and that of the Deputy Director, Philippe PRUNIER,
assisted by Pascal LE BORGNE, Serge QUILICHINI, Jean-Luc MERCIER, Nicolas
DUQUESNEL and Virginie BRUNNER.'''
we should deliver them pizza….also, where is command post ? we should deliver pizza there also
Must be the first time out of the coffin in 3 years? I hadn't heard that argument for years.
They were useful for /bmw/ and powerful enough to get the opponents triggered.
I want cuckchan to leave.
Mask up.
Read a book nigger. or ask a nice white man to read it to you
Quit playing tiddly winks with the zogbots and go directly after the jew orchestrators.
Was wondering where that thread went. Last posts are calling OP a faggot for not posting sauce. I'm inclined to believe this audacious uppity faggot would say something along these lines though so it's not much of a stretch. Maybe it's true but (((they))) just don't want to publicize it because they know it'll mean full on war against macron. Who can say I suppose.
Have you never witnessed the correlation between repeating digits and happenings? Kek is the god of chaos and repeating digits.
more names to DOX
Police Commissioner Damien VALLOT
Police Commissioner Bastien BARNABE
Police Commissioner Florian FIGUES
Police Commissioner Etienne CHURET
Police Commissioner Guillaume CATHERINE
Police Commissioner Christophe GRADEL
Police Commissioner Laëtitia VALLAR
Police Commissioner Sylvain CHARPENTIER
Police Commissioner Julien HERBAUT
Police Commissioner Romain SEMEDARD
the Divisional Commissioner Mathieu DEBATISSE
Major Philippe BENARD
Captain Pascal LE BORGNE
Cne Franck LE MAUX
divisional commissioner Fabrice CORSAUT
Commander Stéphane MINIER
Commander Sylvain HERITIER
who is sending them pizza ?
On the bright side, bookies are still offering 14/1 odds on France leaving the EU before 2025.
bump against thread sliding
hello euro stasi niggers
"uk 14/1" = 1/15 = 6% chance.
Holy shit. A black hole couldn't consume a nose that big.
That is why you should come here.
8ch has been controlled op since at least Trumps election campaign.
I doubt if they will and anyway the army has been called in. I sort of worry that tomorrow may be a disappointing defeat, like Trump's presidency. But hey something great MAY happen…
reeks of disinfo, froganons expect the complete opposite
french bros, you cannot be arrested by dead cops and dead judges cannot convict you, no worries fbi can't touch you
Stop it. You guys shit the bed with /polk/, and you failed to gain traction afterwards with megucuck/a/
Ironic mentioning "controlled op" when your site is on a CIAnigger server and you have people on payroll to post there
Shut the FUCK UP JAMAL. You can't help nut spam and shit up even this thread? Fellate a fucking shotgun you mossadnigger.
Yep, global report.
made this for you
I see you are still shilling this angle since the first thread. You're not wrong about that, but can you please stop? Zig Forums is a board of peace :^)
You mean when your mutt admin seized and spammed it with CP?
Reminder to wear sacred masks tomorrow as a humble sign of religious devotion against 'little Enlil' and his attempted Saturn Day sacrifice.
Be sure to politely inform the police that the cult of El and Cybel has waned, and that you wish to celebrate this fact while continuing to obey the law and complying with their directions on this most holy of days.
That was the work of the first BO who fled to megucuckhole. He handed the creds to the CP spammer and told him to go wild. I remember that fag going radio silent for over a day, then coming back after it was all nuked and gave a response along the lines of
Ok boys, we need to be looking for and recording and frog Livestream the second they go up. They might try to murder and crush protestors and cover it up to prevent them from being martyrs. This has the potential to spread quickly all trhoughout Europe. Look on french social media and right wing chans for info on streams.
Best post I've seen here all week.
Saturday could be an immense defeat, or a tepid disappointment.
It could also be a historic DAY OF DESTINY.
Whatever the case 8 chan can play a vital role in it.
no thanks.
we've been warned about you.
Pedo deviants deserve rope
This will stream a YouTube URL through mplayer (and you can then run an ffmpeg script to record the screen)mplayer -fs -cookies -cookies-file /tmp/cookies.txt $(youtube-dl -gf22 --cookies /tmp/cookie.txt "http'':''//livestream-URL-here")mplayer options:-fs start fullscreen-cookies use cookies-cookies-file set cookies file to /tmp/cookies.txtyoutube-dl options:-g get real video URL-f22 get best quality stream--cookies use file /tmp/cookies.txt for cookies
Have fun faggots! I'll be elsewhere so save me some good clips! :^)
How fucking arrogant and retarded do they have to be to think that will work?
We heard about the uprising in East Germany in '53, the Hungarian one in '56, the one in Czechoslovakia in '68, even from the Tienanmen Square massacre in China in '89 and those were in totalitarian states behind the iron curtain, without everyone having phone-cameras, internet access and social media.
The greatest happening. The end is nigh.
Eat shit, retard.
checked and confirmed for
Old french/pol/ OC.
merci user
Pas de problèmes.
use streamlink
save to filestreamlink best -o yourfilename.mp4send to vlcstreamlink best -p vlc
Whatre the chances this is misdirection and theyre planning to do exact opposite?
Just food for thought, I dont know shit. Godspeed, you glorious French faggots. Take your country back.
Never underestimate the arrogance and short sightedness of the Jews.
Thanks user, I'll test out the command tonight.
To what end, faggot.
Back to cuckchan you go
not very likely it would lead to loads of confusion when you are planing to deploy 95000 cops and half of them think these orders are legit (figurativly speaking)
Commit suicide.
Who says this went to any cops? How do you know any part of this is legitimate? Do you not understand how controlled opposition and misdirection work?
yeah but its plastered all over social media and given the situation in france im guessing most of those cops are following the situation closely, so tomorrow morning when they are moving to their designated areas some of them are bound you move mix up the legit orders with the fake orders and when there are as many cops as there is expected to be tomorrow then the confusion would be devestating
the filters messed up the formatting after http, but it's obvious where the URL goes.
t. user
They were afraid to check these digits.
Jupiter can’t capitulate. Doing so would mean the fall of the EU.