Didn’t follow this. Was he actually guilty?
But best goy Trump interferred with the election. Essentially jury intimidation and jury tampering.
The (((MSM))) are guilty of the above too.
His lawyers were clearly in on it. The opening statement by Hills was that Fields did it.
No, see video.
This whole trial is either 100% fake or jewed.
I think the theory was out back then anyways that this was a false-flag by the cia-niggers
Talk about a mistrial, video proves he didn't touch the tub of lard.
Guilty on all counts. Threw out "self defense" …er, defense.
30 to life.
Ofc not. Just goes to show you that if you meet up, be willing to escalate all the way.
Whats the penalty for killing policemen, judges or just mass murdering leftists?
I'll bet they give him death, they want to send a message after all.
Remember the helicopter that crashed and killed two people on that's same day in the same place for no reason that they tried to downplay? It was flying weird patterns at the time too.
Well, now it's time to do the honorable thing.
No they won't. NC hasn't executed someone in 12 years, the death penalty isn't even something he could be facing.
Always maximize damage to the system.
ok, I'm not basing what I said on any facts anyway, just a feeling. but i hope you're right.
Billy Roper said he was pleaing manslaughter yesterday despite having a strong case. This is absolutely fucking outrageous. Peaceful solution my ass, race war is the only option for these fucks.
It doesnt matter what he gets. The time for talk is over.
There is only one language that the (((elites))) understand.
-t the press
-t the judge
-t the prosecutor and james fields defense
-t the jury
-t donald trump
-t every non-white and jew in the country
Poor kid never stood a chance.
I hope you lads have been training. Find your friends, start organizing even further. Bring the system down.
Checked and keked.
That video made me smile.
These mindless vermin only understand one language. That will discourage others from destroying their nest.
Eh be honest user. A good number of (((over medicated))) whites say he's guilty too.
Apparently Heyer WAS hit by the car. But that's beside the point. There is enough evidence to show that the driver did not intentionally hit that crowd but was intimidated and hit the gas for that reason. Also Heyer was morbidly obese and had health problems.
I dont want to believe
It sucks but you kinda have to.
kill a pharmacist near you
This is why you never let them take you alive, it's the cucks own fault for thinking there's any justice left in this shithole country. I saw this verdict a mile away
Added to the martyr list.
Not surprising. His own fucking defense attorney told the jury to find him guity in (((her))) closing statement.
Of course it's fake
Of course it was a CIAnigger operation. Fatboy Fields aka James (((BLOOM))) didn't even drive the fucking car.
She was not. We have 100% proof that she was not even near the car. The evidence was falsified.
The public already decided he was guilty. Did anyone here honestly believe he'd have a fair trial?
This fat cunt should have been dead years before any of this ever happened.
Only delusional retards
Ok my bad. I thought I had heard one of the main researchers say that.
I assumed the white people on the jury might see the myriad of facts introducing extreme doubt as to his intent. The law says he walks, this is the opposite of jury nullification, its just charging people with crimes they obviously didnt commit.
Can we stop having this conversation. If you take an action that causes something to happen, even indirectly, you are also guilty of that other thing as well.
If you drive a car, someone gets out of your car and shoots someone, and then you drive away, the driver is also guilty of the shooting, even though he did not pull the trigger.
But how can this be? How could the CIA agent have killed this fat old woman with his heart attack gun as he drove near her if I, the nazi terrorist wizard, am the one who psychically killed her from afar in the first place? The CIA is clearly just jealous of my ability to kill people without touching them, and throwing a psyop show trial temper tantrum to pretend they can kill people psychically too.
This is a farce. Fields was merely several feet away from her, I'm several miles away from her and he gets all the credit? Fake news mockingbirds up to their usual tricks. I'm going to psychically kill a jew at random right now in response. Boom. Heart attack. Mossad can confirm. Suck on that, kikes.
Dude the white people in charlottesville where all old liberals, even old boomer conservacucks would find him guilty.
A white jury is no guarantee of anything in a liberal town, thats why he didnt get a change of venue, for an entire year the press had been howling about racist murderer james fields.
aka communism, just wait until the trials for disarming bad goyim for not seeking treatment for their bigotry
Surprised they didn't convict him of the helicopter cops' deaths too.
The driver is innocent, he din du nuffin!
The absolute state of the Jewdicial System.
Bike lock bandit went free, no charges.
James Fields gets life in prison, possibly death sentence if they really want to twist the knife.
Obese people should be holocausted for existing tbh
60 years for one fat whale, clown world.
Checked for psychic warfare
no, jew
being charged for indirect happenings is pure kikery
meanwhile a cop shoots a white man 14 times for no reason and get's off scott free
i hate to agree with niggers but the justice system is broken
If he had good lawyers who weren't in on him being guilty: yes.
That isn't the case. He had useless lawyers who didn't do shit for him.
What the fuck is wrong with you retards that you keep bumping the penalty of James Fields the actual kike? Two jews down. Small victory. Fuck off.
you were on the same planet as me while i raped an infant and you did nothing. so its your fault.
go watch the unibomber series on netflix. (((lawyers)))
based wheelchair bomber
Just a note to every 'conservative' out there, even your pet niggers and mexicans are forced to submit to globohomo, and you will be too busy being murdered by shitskins to 'ally' against the coming Satanic kikes neutering your kids.
Just so you could feel a little less uncomfortable, not even being honest while on the internet where you could look outside (((the box))).
Majority of boomers say they are selfish, openly, in politics - that they consider no one but themselves "i won't be around to care"; but then get confused when they're resented
Female lawyers, not even once. This poor guy never had a fucking chance.
Unless it can be proven that the driver knew the second party was going to shoot, then 100% false.
If I drove my brother to the bank, and he robbed the bank while I had no fucking knowledge of it what am I guilty of? It's not accomplice to bank robbery, it's not accessory before or accessory after the fact.
Had I drove him away I would be guilty of accessory after the fact. But (((you))) didn't say anything about driving away to escape with the shooter; (((you))) just said drive away.
So in other words yet another confirmation justice no longer exists. Wish I was a coder so I could build a naughty list separated by state, county, city with all the doxes over the years. Would make things really point, click, and print if someone wanted to One Man Army the shit.
RAM guys are going to get fucked over just as bad as Fields and the other Charlottesville guys a year ago. You're almost better off getting out and showing up to your court appointment late and just going to town on the entire building IMO. Fuck that shit. Getting life for showing up at a rally while your enemies with support of the State and Police allow you to be assaulted to death if need be?
People need to get their shit figured out already. We're in the big leagues at this point where every action is going to cause a domino effect and chain reaction. Don't play stupid when it comes to any IRL shit. Next it'll be the "It's OK to be White" flyerboys facing this kind of "justice". Be careful or be ready to throw your life away one way or the other.
i always sage clickbait titles:
The US is too (((medicated))).
Not even taxation like is happening in France would set off any sort of rebellion, let alone revolution.
The ironic part is what caused the revolution that started the US.
sad irony
Not demoralizing here but I honestly can't think of what will kick off any uprising. Best goy Trump is way too good of a release valve - for both sides.
Is it clickbait? It says "Guilty of all charges" and that's an accurate description of what was found in the court hearing.
If anyone identifies themselves as "Conservative" at this point they're just telling the world how big of a fuckhead they are oblivious to everything going on socially, culturally, and politically at this point being lead around by people with power who are guiding you from Point A to Point B without even being aware of it.
I'd bet at the very least 50% of conservatives are cheering this on and 90% don't even have a fucking clue about the case or the evidence just assuming the details MSM has told them are correct. It's the same thing these fuckhead conspiracy theorists do with WW2. Everything the media says is lies until it comes to WW2. Selective bias and confirmation bias is their true feelings toward MSM, not distrust of it in general.
Not to imply there are ONLY two sides. I just wanted to be succinct.
sage for explanation post
The antifa medics were the one's doing the chest compressions not the EMTs.
There is video of it.
user you need to distinguish Conservative from Republican and separate the two.
Republicans are not Conservative and Conservatives are not Republicans.
Everybody involved in the railroading of that poor kid deserves to be shot on their doorsteps.
probably the ones who caused her to die. she drank soda all the time and smoked, her bones were probably as fragile as split bark
good one. now what is the difference between manslaughter and 1st degree murder?
You're right. It's not blackpilling to admit the obvious. When I got redpilled a couple decades ago I thought people would have done something by now. I really don't get what the fuck is wrong with this country. That same burning hatred for my enemies who've wrong us, that same fire that filled me back then has never left me this entire time. Only the sheep that choose to close their eyes could restrict the oxygen that feed those flames, but never can extinguish it.
Long before we were a medicated society I think the fire has just burned out of a good 80% of this country, at least among whites. They really don't seem to have a fight in them because they don't know what to even fight. They just see problems and symptoms not who is causing the disease. The disease is the people they defend the most. They themselves have become parasitical jews and like the jews aren't aware of their own parasitism.
Really exemplifies the state of the system doesn't it.
Clayton gets nothing for attempted murder, or even assault. As well as most antifa getting off of everything.
Fields gets run through the court in a couple days.
also, posting tweets should be a bannable offense imo
If we're all going to jail in the future because we posted a meme in our past, I'd rather die with a rifle in my hand than a ballot. You Trumpniggers better wake the fuck up.
No, kike
*Clanton, not clayton
You're right in a way, but it's really become Conservative Inc. at this point and its one and the same with Republicanism unfortunately within the culture. One of the problems I've always had with Conservatism is that its an economic model devoid of actual politics that masquerades itself under a false umbrella of what people assume is "Traditionalism" and Traditional values when its always been anything but other. Perhaps the idea of Conservative meant something akin to Traditionalism back in the 1940's, but if that was truly the case they wouldn't have proved themselves to be the same failures in 2018 as they were in 1940.
Look up pricetagging.
It works for Jews.
You dipshits really need to pick better heroes. This loser was a hotheaded immature LARPer - the ultimate hot pocket.
He literally ranted at his mother for "siding with liberals". He's a loose cannon with no sense of strategy. He needed to be taken out.
Scum like you will be taken out. Soon.
This is a martyr denial shill. James Fields is a PoW and its beyond dispute that he did nothing wrong.
You're getting a wire rope, kike. No nylon for you.
A reminder that no Jury in a liberal area is going to acquit you of your accused crimes if it's right wing related.
Nobody compared him to a hero dumbass. He's a political prisoner plain and simple by all definitions of the word.
Where do you even get the assumption of larping from to begin with. Guy was just some middle of the road likely Alt-Lite kinda guy. Eat shit and go back to DailyStormer.
And now he's another casualty of ZOG just like hundreds of millions of slavs, germans, chinks, and palestinian before him. God will bring retribution one day fields. Maybe not in your lifetime or our lifetime but one day they will pay for what they've done.
Not surpised. CIAniggers downed a fucking heli and killed the two on board in broad daylight to cover the extraction route for the operative.
I cannot imagine what the families of the downed heli pilots have gone through. If they weren't immediately black bagged and unpersoned, that is.
there is no Justice with kikes in control.
Society is too (((medicated))) at this point. I honestly can't think of a thing that will set it off in the US.
The drugs people are forced on are strong as fuck.
Never forget this. Don't let anybody you know forget this.
For the foreseeable future the justice system cannot be trusted to impart a fair and just ruling. From here on out every user considering physical action should be fully prepared to be run through the kangaroo court. Know that Antifa has the freedom to do almost anything to you and your family. So, if you are forced into a situation where you must defend your life, DON'T HOLD BACK. It's life in prison no matter what, so make the fuckers bleed.
May God have mercy on this sick and twisted planet.
jej fuck off CIA, we know you niggers drive the dodge charger
Hitler is our hero, not some fat cryptojew neet patsy
America is now Palestine.
They won't bother with a trial in that case.
Some guy in Maryland was executed by a ZOG death squad for not turning in his guns.
You are a retard using any excuse he can to derail the thread.
Its literally enough to just be white.
Some drunk white guy got sentenced to 15 years for stopping a train and the judge said he was a white supremacist as the reason for the long sentence.
While niggers that murder whites get 10 years sentences, if any at all.
Nice wording you fed cocksucker.
It's pretty clear he punched the gas and rammed the crowd. What's your version of events?